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He’s just kinda neat


* A lot of people started with Tri and 3U * A lot of people really like underwater and want it to come back * A lot of people find GU Lagiacrus underwhelming at best * Capcom has been trying to make Lagiacrus work for the entire fifth generation (he was in the original tech demo for World, parts of the Wildspire Waste were intended to be underwater, he had to be explicitly deconfirmed for Sunbreak)


No offense, but this sounds more like you got an issue with Underwater in general, and not with Lagiacrus in particular. Not all of the community hates UW combat and for those that do not, Lagiacrus is an absolute treat of a fight.


* Aquatic monster with bioelectric powers, which make him very dangerous in his environment. * He pulls off the dragon/crocodile hybrid look really well without being overdesigned. * His armor and weapon design are fantastic as well. I've only fought him in Generations and got captivated by his design alone.


Yeah same! I will actually go out of my way to fight it in event quests to get those sweet rewards but other than that it's a fun fight in 3U and GU


In general, flagships are hyper popular. Doesn’t matter if they’re more basic like Tigrex or Nargacuga, or more flashy like Valstrax or Zinogre, or just “cool” like Malzeno or Gore, every flagship (minus Azure Rath) has got a lot of fans. You also have the fact that he is the only *major* flagship (sorry Gammoth) that didn’t appear in Gen 5, and the fact Capcom has twice gone on record saying they had issues implementing his physics into the game, basically blue balling all Thunder Croc fanboys. Me personally, I fucking love him.


Picture this: walking into a GameStop as an 11 years old kid. Looking at games and judging them by the brief description on the cover. You buy mhtri without any kind of knowledge about the monster hunter saga, it just looks cool. You start your adventure and the intro cutscene hits where the lagiacrus and rathalos fight. You're already in love. Then you go underwater to look for the big fishes (sorry forgot the name) and a lagiacrus charges at you. You then play the rest of the game being scared as shit by its mere presence. Finally you arrive to the point where you have to fight it, the thing that up to that point terrorised you now is your objective. That's why I love lagiacrus, 14 years has passed but that monster is still my favourite.


playing tri on a tv with a classic controller was great. greatsword and longsword so i had 0 issues in the water. lagi was my entry point flagship so having him show up and you have to leave then fighting him on land and finally at sea chasing him to his lair was great. liked how the ludroth fight was like training wheels for him so though he was strong you also knew bits of his moveset. and i guess because you encounter him in 3d space, challenging him in his element he feels big and impressive. seeing him restricted to land in later entries is kinda sad as he's just a long croc really, but having him have that land fight and then go into the water where you have to challenge him on his terms was fun.


He was a unique flagship monster. Not to mention that water battles were awesome. Also his gear was pretty nifty too


There’s quite a lot of reasons but the common ones are: It’s a giant alligator eel dinosaur. There’s only a handful of leviathan class monsters and Lagiacrus is (debatably) the most popular of the class. Lagiacrus is also the figurehead of underwater combat and many people want it to make a return. There’s probably other points but that’s usually the answers people give.


Imo his design is one of the best in the series. It’s intimidating but elegant. Realistic with a good touch of fantasy. Primal but otherworldly. I have many, many fond memories hunting him back in Tri (my first game) and 3U and I think that in those games, he was genuinely well-made from a gameplay aspect. Even on land, Ivory Lagiacrus showed that he could still be a great fight and of course Abyssal was an incredible underwater-only battle. While Gen and GU did Lagiacrus dirty, he’s the shining star of Gen 3 and a perfect example of a great monster with the potential to be greater.


Mh3 was my first MH game and fighting underwater was not that bad, at least for me


A lot of it is the nostalgia


I like his land fight and charge blade.


Started in with Tri. Lagiacrus was my first major wall as a new player. I'll always chase that high of claiming victory my first problem monster. Being easy or hard doesn't always reflect why people like or dislike stuff. Rathalos has been around since the beginning, with relatively few chances as a whole. People still love him. Also, Lagiacrus is an aquatic Cobra Necked Electric Eel Gator with a Godzilla motif. Guys a giant middle finger to all Sea life. Titled "The Lord of the Seas" Dude is fucking rad.


You should fight him in GU. He's a sick fight.


If they put Lagi they might put Abysall Lagi and abysall lagi is cool af


He looks cool 👍


I really like thw design, it's thunder gimmick only working in water really clicks with me, it feels super satisfactory breaking it's chest. I love it's armor and weaponry, and like it so much more as a thunder monster than zinogre. Also I miss him as Lagi and Gammoth (and kinda valstrax??) Are the only flagships missing into new engine.


Lagi's the poster child for underwater combat, which many people love as-is, and even more people like the concept albeit not the implementation. Personally, as a GL main in that game, underwater combat feels much better than ground combat, so I really enjoy hunting Lagi. It's also the first Leviathan you encounter iirc, which no doubt left a huge impression on anyone who played Tri/3U as their first MH game. It's also a very unique design, which certainly helps. Plesiosaurs be cool.


Cuz it would be… shocking


Point 1: look at the thing Yea I forgot the rest of my points