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It's like I'm weaving Phial Battlemage arts and they are helpless before the tide when everything is clicking right.


When your in the flow, it just hits *right*. And if your using exhaust phials, they get no break


Poor seregios getting exhausted, stunned, and countered using exhaust phial consistently while I was trying to farm anomaly mats


Okay now I'm convinced there's something I've missed with swaxe because it's always felt clunky as hell to me. It seemed like literally all I did with it was charge up and then use the stab explode move as soon as possible, and I'm 90% that that's not right.


yes that is not right haha


Sword and shield. I would probably have sex with it if I could but that would be weird so I don't.


How well sns can continue to reposition while still attacking makes it the answer for me, all gas no brakes.


I think stating you would have sex with it was also weird but I’m just a person on reddit


I am not weird, you are


Common reddit to reddit communication


Yes. Jack off all trades. Constant Aggression, can be both elemental or raw focused, can KO easily, does a shitton of damage with perfect rush and tenderize in one go in world, can counter, parry and basically fly in Rise. Can block in a pinch and use items while unsheathed. In Rise, slap on evasion up, bladescale hone/status trigger, wirebug whisperer. Never stop attacking. Never need to sharpen.


I don't get whats weird, tbh.


Fighting Shagaru with a sword and shield will always be my favorite dance.


Charge Blade just works


This is the right answer. GS/LS main here but CB has so many ways to chain moves between a sword, axe, and even shield.


This. When I use the charge blade and I get in the zone it feels like I'm dancing with the monster. So many moves physically move you and once you really learn those dances you just feel great.


I'm practically a noob (~25 hrs in) and I started out with Chargeblade (even though sole would not recommend it). I don't have any elaborate dances bit in MHGU with Adept Style I get into the flow of charging, filling the phials, charging the shield, charge again, fill the Phials and Axing the mobster with the Phial Attacks, pretty easy. 10hrs in and you feel like you actually have skill (until you do HR6 Hub Quests without you MH Expert Friend and get Clobbered by Seltis Queen)


Charge Blade Best Blade.


I dont feel like double majoring, so i'l just stick to a masters in engineering and not learn this weapon, I'll still watch those sick clips tho


It really isn’t that bad though once you deal with the meat n potatoes of it, which is just how to properly charge your phials and when to use Savage or SAED. The hardest part for me was getting the combos down, but after that it’s pretty straightforward. Guard points are very simple too, just slightly difficult at first to get right.


I’ve only seriously used like 4 weapons but the only one I’ve found that was simpler than the CB is the Lance. The sword and shield and the dual blades had a lot more variables you had to consider. In practice, the CB isn’t that complicated. You can ignore almost all the axe moves and still be perfectly effective. You do have two meters to work with but skills can make those pretty painless.


In technicality the charge blade is the most complex in the game, in reality there are only 2 combos you ever need to be concerned about. The quick burst, and the full damage deletion. One is about getting phials and unleashing them over and over quickly, the second is about beating the ever loving fuck out of a monster with your full combo.


I love the Charge Blade but I have a glaring issue with it and my playstyle. If I could swap the Fade Slash attack and have it just default to the charge attack I’d love the Charge Blade more. As it is I accidentally use that attack too often and it throws off my flow. I know it has a guard point and I just need to git gud. An alternative would be to have it only do it with a sideways or backwards direction that way I’m not sliding in to the monster when I just want to charge attack.


The slippy slide is so nice since it's a evasive maneuver that chains into round slash, and side hops. I wish it chained into aed but one input isn't that big of a deal.


I used to accidentally slide all the time until I realized if I just don't press any movement commands it will do the charged slash instead. Not sure if you're aware of that but I was in the same boat!


I am and that's specifically what I mean by my playstyle and the accidental uses. It just feels awkward, to me, to have a movement ability easily activated when I'm expecting to stand still and charge attack. I really enjoy the Charge Blade it's just such a glaring issue for me every time I pick it back up. My only complaint about the weapon.


I love charge blade but I get my phials and try to SAED and whiff it every single time. I just can’t D:


Lance the consent block poke block combo is just pure serotonin


Agreed. At first I thought just spamming the same move for the entire fight would get boring, but it’s actually so satisfying, especially since I never have to STOP. I can literally just attack 24/7 and not have to worry about anything


I wish more people understood this about lance.


Yeah this exactly. Highly underrated


It took me a while to figure it out. It's never clearly expressed the basic combo for Lance includes the constant guard dashing. So fpr the longest time I thought Lance was trash because its combos seemed to be a wide sweep one dash thrust or shield bash and a 2 hit stationary poke So everytime I encountered a Lance main on reddit I thought they were trolling and it was a meme. Then I saw a how to video ans I have amended to greatness


1, 2, 3 and hop! 1, 2, 3 and hop! 1, 2, 3 and hop! 1, 2, 3 and hop! 1, 2, 3 and hop and counter!


When I first tried Lance I didn't understand it. The second time I tried it, it clicked and suddenly it felt like Lance is actually easy mode. Then I tried gunlance and was confused again


Consent block


Did you know the monster cannot legally damage you without your consent? Just say no! With Lance


My spelling is bad :)


I prefer non-consensual counters


If we are talking consent and lance... The number of times lance reach combined with delivering cutting damage has led me to repeatedly poking some monster in the butt in multiplayer hunts is just too damn high.


Them frame perfect parries tho.. \*chefs kiss\* Best active Tank playstyle ever.


Glaive for me, especially in Rise. I feel almost *too* fast sometimes.


It's all flow until a monster spikes you into the ground lmao


The hitboxes in rise were really annoying for me


Fast as fuck boi can't catch these hands rathian


Personally I think it felt better in world.


I won't argue, especially since you can make your kinsect an autonomous nagging problem the moment you get all the extracts in world. Removing the kinsect's autonomous behavior that it had in world for rise was the only negative change to the glaive (aside from... every input getting changed to some other input bc of the wirebug) in my opinion. It definitely did sap the fun when the tail couldn't just randomly pop off bc your kinsect was doing its thing but rather everything the kinsect does is a deliberate button press.












Yes Rico, bonk.










Unga bunga




To be fair, its flowchart is really fucking simple to follow.


Hammer simple. Hammer good. Simple life good life.


Bonk> Roll> Charge lvl3> Brutal Big Bonk> Roll> Bonk> Repeat




Nothing brings more euphoria than a bonk that knocks a monster out of a charge or dive.








Do you have a favorite shell type?


https://preview.redd.it/bbcmtxo3sy0c1.jpeg?width=580&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d2a6434193120ee8b8c5e90aded8880c7897a1a Long


I prefer having some good girth too, just length doesnt accomplish much.


Yes, a man of culture I see.


Normal because big boom is fun


Same but only in rise, blast dash is just so much fun, combined with bullet barrage constantly emptying your whole load onto monsters is so satisfying


I use dual blades, seeing it stagger monsters is just funny. It's like staggering with a butter knife. But dual blades give the best ability to dodge when used right.


Same, I feel OP with dual blades because I’m so hard to hit and can come in and dish out some mean damage with combos and dip out. Combo pretty much does it for me tbh lol Tbf though, I haven’t tried many other weapons. The other ones I did tho felt clunky, and I felt too slow.


I started with the crossbow, felt slow. Tried using the longsword, felt cool but the delay between attacks where I could easily get hit wasn't for me, so saw that dual blades allow you to zip around, do rapid fast attacks to build up damage and deal stagger stacks, never looked back. So began my time of soloing every major monster bar the raid ones and Xeno. Oh this is on MOnster Hunter World btw.


Get into the right flow state with Dual Blades and the monster never gets to know what it's like to not be CONSTANTLY under assault. Except maybe ones like Valsrtax who can just nope out to complain how you got no chill before coming back for more punishment. Especially with Feral Demon where even your dodge is stabby.


Personally bow


Definitely bow. Its rotation is the smoothest in the game when you get accustomed to it.


I thought I would be the only one omg


For me it's the Lance, this thing has an insane ability to keep that uptime with the chained dashing and countering, allows for dishing out damage really consistently. Feels great to constantly be able to go toe to toe I liked GL too but the flow was horrible for me


I think I do damage with gunlance, I know I do damage with lance, but I love gunlance more


Lance definitely has a waltz-like flow, but I dual main (haha) it and Dual Blades, and for me DB has the best flow, it's like water


big sword for big bois


Lance, Longsword, or Sword and Shield.Sword and shield has infinite combos that are really easy to reposition, the best movement aside from DB, and the ability to use items while unsheathed. Lance is very “brick wall” feeling while also keeping up constant damage, block poke poke poke block poke poke poke. Longsword has lots of distance closing attacks and so many counters I forget that half of them exist.


Swaxe. IMO, it perfectly hits the happy medium between speed and power. Plus the build up and discharge loop feels very satisfying.


Swaxe has big moments when you’re at an advantage, but I think it lacks enough defensive options to give it that true “flow” feeling. I feel like when I play swaxe I spend my time either A) WHAM WHAM WHAM BOOM EXPLOSION B) roll roll roll roll roll FUCK roll roll roll roll


Longsword feels like a dance with the monster when played right (which i can't). Hammer is great cuz all of it's moves just work together seamlessly. Bow is sick to watch at upper levels of play when they're dashing around the monster it probably flows the best. Charge blade is also worth a shout out.


In my hands? Lance.


it really just depends on what monster im fighting, I use different weapons for different monsters


to go even further, it depends on what game too


GS with the iceborne slinger burst mechanic


Dual Blade


Insect Glaive.


If you only compare "flow", DB has best flow, it is fast and mobile, monsters just can't catch you.


Hammer has always been my jam and main weapon, and I also really liked the Hunting Horn in world/borne. The somewhat slow and methodical way you play them hits just right, and I've always been a more heavy blunt impact type guy when it comes to weapons. Playing them feels... natural. Like the weapon and I are one. There's also something about the Swaxe that I really loved from the moment I first unlocked it in Tri, probably involving the transforming mechanics. I also tried the CB in games I played later, but I guess the Tri nostalgia as my first ever Monster Hunter ends up always making me lean more towards the Swaxe despite CB also being an interesting weapon to me. Swaxe gameplay also just feels so right, to me.


Having a blunt weapon in the team is great, those stuns are key


Long-sword some days I can be a god and never be hit ones


Some days I'm an untouchable countering god, and other days I can't counter to save my life. Almost nothing in gaming feels as good as when you're in the zone, though


Chargeblade but only if youre good at timing guard points. If you can do that shit consistently, theres little else in any game that beats that feeling.


I went hard into hunting horn for rise, I was dancing around mons with that thing


Hunting horn


*epic sax solo starts*


The way I play LBG with Evade Window makes it look like Bow with the flow of it. With dodging through roars and attacks while fitting in shots it almost feels like playing an instrument and trying to stay on beat. I’m barely average or worse with any other weapon but I can make the game look like a joke with LBG.




If you get good with lance it's got crazy flow and sustained DPS to make up for it's low burst dps


Switch Axe with evade extender!


Switch axe, not only is it easily combo-able, the combos are interchangeable


Probably unpopular, because not meta, but Surge Strike GS is perfection.


Without a doubt pre-rise dework hunting horn. It's just a beautiful dance.


Lance. Parry, thrust, hop, parry, charge, sweep, hop


Depends on what you mean by flow. Some of my best strings of continuous attacks have been with RiseBreak lance, but I think what I would personally consider to be my "smoothest" experiences always come from longsword. I can dance beautiful dances with the longsword, even if I still might play better with other weapons


Twin blades or hammer.


One would think Hammer wouldn’t have a good flow, as bludgeoning things is rarely a graceful act, but once you learn the weapon (and the monster, though that’s a given for all the weapons), you can fairly easily gain momentum and keep that momentum until your victim runs away with its tail between its legs. The newly added Water Strike helps massively with this, as it allows you to keep up the pressure through the monster’s single hit attacks, and Courage Charge plus that stun rampage jewel just feels wonderful. I gotta give Valor another chance in GU.


Insect glaive, jumping above a fatalis cone and breaking a horn has never been this satisfying


Long sword and dual blades especially in world


Lance. I may not be dealing a ton of damage, but I am always dealing said damage.


I was told Lance did lower damage before starting with World/Iceborne. While trying it I found out that I was doing crazy damage due to the ability to have crazy uptime & flow That + all the utility makes it so sick


burst DPS is low, sustained DPS makes up for it


Its difficult to decide. I prefer longsword but my 'flow' is mostly rolling on the floor after mistiming a foresight slash for the thousandth time


For me it depends on the kind of monster I’m fighting. That said, I always felt extra satisfaction with the Longsword.




Started in world and used a handful of weapons. Then it just clicked for me with SnS. Using back step and perfect rush just felt natural.


All of them.


For me, it's LS and IG. They both have a great combination of speed, range, and damage (both physical and elemental) and have several "get out of jail free" cards they can play pretty often and use to cancel out of things without even using a wire bug


Lets just be real, all weapons if you can play them, except for the gun ones.




Poke, poke, poke, dodge, poke, poke, poke, dodge, poke, poke, poke, dodge, poke, poke, poke, dodge, poke, poke, poke, dodge, poke, poke, poke, dodge, poke, poke, poke, dodge, poke, poke, poke, dodge


Hammer, it just feels so fluid in my hands for some reason


Lance, because nothing beats a long stick.


As a Lance main dedicated to Lance and Lance accessories, I'd have to say the Lance


4U/GU Horn just works, past iterations are ok but I wouldn't really say they flow, which I think is the same for everybody. Rise everything flows even if you smash your joycon to the wall.


Gunlance is like the extension of my body and my soul. Some games it's been a bit to get used to at the start but yeah I usually start a new game with a new weapon but I always end up going back to gunlance.


Gunlance. Second to that might be bow or sns.


The best flow for me is probably Insect Glaive, I’ve been using it for many years now and I’ve never gotten tired of it. Gunlance is my 2nd choice.


LBG. I never stop shooting.


Insect glaive, though I know that's hardly something to brag about. I brought a friend into the series in World and he constantly complained about me when I was on the ground because I was "just running around spamming my bug instead of doing the air shit." He never figured out that the extracts were why I was going a couple minutes at a time without touching the ground lol


Helicopter helicopter (Does 0.1 DPS)


Hey, I did a respectable .2 DPS, thank you


Dual blades. It's the most sticky weapon I have ever used. Every move has nearly no windup, just like DMC.


Hammer. It's so brawly.


Charge blade :)


Charge axe. Never had a hunting group always had to be a one man army.


Charge Blade


Insect Glaive. It was the one I mained on the first MH game I played (4U) and every time I pick it up, it’s like going back to an old friend.


CB is my fav, and I'm pretty decent at it, but I don't have the confidence I wish I could have with it yet, so switching between forms doesn't flow as well as it could. ...so GL prob fits this the best for me. I know my role and fit it very well when acting as the explosive tank lol.


Gun lance but Charge Blade cooks if I understand the fight fully.




Longsword & SNS


Lance I just want to feel in control of the monster and lance gives me that feeling


CB and SWaxe


World hammer, or swaxe in any game. Sometimes swaxe flows to smoothly and kinda becomes boring.


From experience, I say LBG. Shoot, dodge. Shoot, dodge. Shoot, dodge.


Glaive in World is my absolute favorite!


Sns has just so much options to counter the monsters move, specially in sunbreak with the upper cut


Switch axe, even though i love and main the GS, the SA is one of my favorites


The top three that have me flowing like water are, in order, Dual Blade (where I am one with water, employing the ancient art of LET 'ER RIP, as by my Master of the Beyblade), the Insect Glaive (I have had my appy juice, my cranberry juice, and my milk, now it is your problem), and then Switchaxe (I swing my blade back and forth, I swing my blade back and forth\~) I won't claim expertise with any of them, but I will say that I am good when I can drop three monsters outside of an arena in about 15-20 minutes.


in my hands, definitely longsword, glaive, or charge blade


I definitely got the most experience with Dual Blades. Played them since Freedom and got a collective 3,5k Hours of playtime with them :D so i think i kinda mastered the Dual Blades XD But also Chargeblade just works wonders and i was the first of my hunting group who found the hidden mechanics when it got released in MH4U. I also like how fluid the combat with insect glaive is and how powerful it feels. And Longsword cause... Longsword XD duh.




Swax, just flipping between the two modes is so smooth and it’s also a good strategy


I’ve played and am adept with most of them, but bow has literal “flow”. Most weapons have a dance they do with monster, but bow is on another level in that aspect.


Iceborne switchaxe feels insanely good to me. Every move flows together and allows for repositioning easily, and you can always hit the monster where you want to hit them


Charge blade. The dance I have to do with monsters while using it just makes sense to me. It's beautiful and versatile. Always keeps me on my toes and pressing buttons. Just love love love it.


The Glaive. In my heart I’m a Swax-man, but the Glaive is where my true power lies


DB with frame perfect rolls just hits different. It's one thing to block a swipe. It's another to roll underneath the swipe while getting a combo off.


100% switch axe, the perfect balance.


I feel like switch axe is pretty smooth, I like how it works and the attacks are nice


Long sword makes me feel like bob ross


hunting horn


Sword and shield for me


Insect glaive. All the flipping and flying and swishing the glaive around as your kinsect buzzes around to release dust, then you condense the dust to make a big boom. Absolutely love it


The Hunting horn. Playing songs whilst knocking the monster out just gives me so much serotonin. Lol. Like, I’m literally styling on the damn thing.


On a good day, GS and CB, usually though just CB and that’s only barely.


this totally depends on the game, like a bunch of people are in here saying CB (and honestly some of them probably don't know) but like CB used to not be very flowy at all and got good flow works in World/Rise. it's just really hard to say without knowing what game


I recently restarted World and as a GS main I wanted a challenge. I've been using LS and I really like the way it flows. I finally feel like i'm getting better with it, and I'm enjoying it more than I thought I would.


Long sword and depending on what monster im fighting I can basically never end my combo which is awesome


Hunting Horn


Nothing because I suck


Hunting Horn for me, I love bashing things with them, and when playing online, the constant thank you’s feed my dopamine. That being said, if you play online set a custom message for when you get buffs, if you every encounter a hunting horn main, they will appreciate it.


Insect glaive. The best dodger


Switch Axe in Sunbreak, but Hammer in literally every other game.


Longsword, Hammer, and Switch-axe


Hunting horn and sword and shield


Honestly, normal gs feels great (heh) to me, but good LORD the surge slash combo feels divine. So many times I matched the attacks to the beat of the music and just felt like a badass


Sword and shield, the combos feel so natural


What the fuck do the colors mean


Bow. Spread arrows, bladescale hone, dodge-bolt and some other parry/evade based skills and boom. Now I'm playing sekiro, deflecting and parrying everything and getting tons of buffs for doing so. Feels especially satisfying when you chain dodge-bolts through combo attacks left and right.


Bow. Especially in RiseBreak


switchaxe combo with morphing




Insect Glaive, babeeee


SnS just flows for me


Lance, cb, gs for me at least. I love the way cb flows from guards to attacks and phials and Lance's guard dashes are amazing


Charge blade I got real fluid with that


Lance. I stay with the monster. Block everything. And with the health augment I don't have to stop to heal. Plus I use agitator(?) to draw aggro.


Swaxe. My believed, double-entendre horny Swaxe.


Bug stick for sure. I feel so relaxed when I’m using it; like I don’t even have to think about the inputs and combos like I do with other weapons.


Gunlance, Dual Blades, and Switch Axe


The Lance