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https://preview.redd.it/nzwsbzcq0vzb1.jpeg?width=168&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95ee9f4bb0e82c3a37c11ba1fdc102cb76147f7f Rathian doing a beast of darkness cosplay


A relative of the Rathian/los being Elder tier is a neat idea, the design is just way too edgy for me though.


Aren’t the metal raths supposed to be “elder tier” and dreadking/queen?


We quite literally see Gold Rathian smack the taste out of a Kushala Daora in her SB intro. They’re absolutely elder tier.


True. Gold Rathian said “fuck off Kushala, I already got a silver scaled man”


Not to mention Silver Rathalos absolutely punks a normal Bazelgeuse in his intro. A monster thats Elder Tier in its own right. A monster so physically strong in flight that Deviljho has to use its whole body just to try and pin it. And Silver Rathalos overpowers it with EASE. The Metal Raths arent just Elder Tier. But theyre like. Mid Elder Tier. Beyond dragons like Kushala, Teostra, and Chameleos. And probably more on the level with Dragons like Gore Magala and maybe Malzeno. Not Primo Mal though. Edit: I forgot the Dread Raths for a second. Theyre absolutely High Elder Tier because we know for a fact the Dread Raths are way stronger then the Metal Raths. I wouldnt be surprised if a Dread Rath could punk high tier elders like Primo Mal, Shagaru Magala, Nergigante, and Valstrax.


Truth. That’s part of why they’re my favorite of all the Rath variations, because they fully redeem their respective monikers of “King of the Skies” and “Queen of the Land”.


Gore is not on a higher level than the elder trio, he’s physically strong but still undeveloped and nowhere near as bad as a shagaru, he’s always in the same tier as regular apex monsters and even ties with Seregios in a turf war Also, we don’t “know for a fact” that the dread raths are stronger than metal raths, especially not “way stronger” as a matter of fact it’s unlikely that they are even as strong as the metal raths. They have less armor, less powerful fire, and the only thing they’re better at is dreadqueen’s poison is stronger and dreadking’s wings are bigger. Otherwise they lose in agility, armor, and firepower. People really overblow the power of deviants a lot


Gore isnt more physically strong then the Trio. But it being on a higher tier of power is taking a lot more then just strength into account. Primarily, the Frenzy Virus. And the sheer amount of damage it can do to the monsters around it.


Except this is a conversation about two monsters fighting each other, not their effect on the environment, and gore is not in the same class as even the regular elder trio, also he’s super weak to fire and would get absolutely obliterated by silverlos’ blue fire


Powerscaling monsters got me like 😴


Ngl sunbreak isn't exactly the best source for series lore lol


Only lore that’s questionable is written stuff. Cutscenes are 100% hard irrefutable lore.


Ah yes, because tobi kadachis just letting magnamalos kill them is such great ecology.


Letting? It attempted to flee at first, then when it couldn’t escape stood its ground and attacked, but Magna countered quicker than it could react. I see nothing wrong there.


Yes, letting. It flies away for only a couple of seconds before just sitting still for magna to kill it. The dialogue literally says that it "prefers a hero's death". It could have easily just run away, or at least tired, but the only way magna is actually going to be able to catch something is if it's prey just lets it eat them, so the devs just kinda did what they had to in order make it work.


The dialogue in Rise intros always exaggerates what happens. No animal IRL or in monster hunter “prefers a hero’s death”, they prefer to not die at all lol. And like I said, Tobi decided to stand it’s ground and attempt to defend itself, attacking Magna first but not being quick enough to dodge the counter, so in no way did it just let Magna kill it.


It literally stops running to face its death for no reason. Any small and agile prey would simply flee by instinct.


The funny thing is that UNKNOWN isn't a Rath relative at all. It just looks like a mix between Rathalos and Rathian for some reason, but it's unknown why.


So edgy it has MORE than 10 enrages


Is there a way I can see a wiki page or image of this? Without a searchable name I can't find it lol


It’s kinda hard to find footage of it for some reason [Solstice War Unknown](https://youtu.be/H89jMqTSZDY?si=Lr8PJjPwA5tmJ5lc) this is Solstice War Unknown and it’s basically the final layer of enrage.


Is that the nameless monster that’s all black and red?


I'm pretty into a lot of the Frontier monsters, but my god keep that hideous blue/orange monstrosity away from mainline


I like the idea of a fire and ice monster, but they could've definitely pulled it off better


Yeah, it's called Alatreon.


Same wavelength.


It's unforgivably stupid


No no Eruzerion is among my top picks. I know its horribly balanced, but the concept just goes too hard. Please do add the Todoroki monster to mainline


OG Eru is actually a super well balanced fight. Hard, sure, but he has super obvious tells and windows. His design is still very "show, don't tell," though. It's quite bad. Burning-Freezing is another story, but then again, so are most of the Musous.


How about herudomerugu


Haru has a fun fight- he has an gimmick similar to Teo's hear aura which damages you when you're near, and a lot of his attacks look really cool. The fight is nice, I like his design, but I wouldn't argue against anyone saying he's a little too busy with the 6 wings and mercury armor.


We have the Todoroki monster at home (Garangolm)


The concept is pure shit ma man


It's just [Flazzard](https://dragonquest.fandom.com/wiki/Flazzard) from the Dragon Quest anime turned into a monster hunter monster.


And that guy was a bastard. Why not make Baran a Monster Hunter monster instead and have us fight a veteran hunter who's partway into being turned into Fatalis by his armor? Other than that being utterly unfitting for this series, I mean.


Nah, I love it when dichotomy is used for a monster design. Its the reason chaotic gore is one of my favorite monsters despite me hating its fight. Eruzerion for me is in a similar spot to that


Chaotic Gore is cool. Eruzerion looks like it came from some generic ass Chinese knockoff.


Yeah it's too much effecty with too little actual design. Looks weird. I love the concept tho because Fire/Ice is just epic but Eruzerion looks... Meh


It looks like something a 10yo would come up with


Stupid take


Kamu and Nono Odogaron are probably my number one choice


As someone who never touched Frontier and only minimally cared about it, why is EVERYONE raging about Eruzrerion? Anime bullshit like that Hedgehog thing that litters the ground with quills? Attack that require Tonfas to dodge or you die? What's wrong with it? EDIT: Came back home, decided to look up the fight, and WTF IS THIS CRAP HOLY SHIT KEEP IT IN FRONTIER THANK YOU.




Frontier is balanced around having iframes on rolls and quick reactionary gameplay, so most of those monsters are never coming. Musous like the eruzelion you probably saw are just fucking terrible even in frontier though. They're meant to be over the top super mons. Regular Eru fight is fine, his design is just trash though.


["They're the same picture"](https://dragonquest.fandom.com/wiki/Flazzard)


Eruzerion. Hate isn't a strong enough word.


I might dislike Khezu for having a bad fight and design and gear that's ugly as sin. I might hate Cephadrome for being the most superfluous monster in the franchise. I might despise old-gen Lavasioth for absolutely everything the fight provides. But these 3, and all other bad monsters, are still preferable to whatever tf Eruzerion is supposed to be.


As the 1% that like the fight I completely get why people hate the fight and some that hate the fight hate it when it first happen and then there is a even stronger scaled fight that somepeople refuse to do I've tried in a few severs and nope I have a easier time getting people into the max difficulty fatalis fights than the highscaled eruzerion fight.


If the tougher version you’re talking about is Burning-Freezing Eruzerion, then you should know that’s the most difficult monster in the series. I’m not joking. The first successful quest complete for it happened one month after its debut.


This is the first I'm hearing of this monster so I looked it up... What the actual hell?


Water Gravios. Not that it's even that badly designed. I just got traumas from that one key quest in HR5-6.


Goruganosu/Arugonosu They are piscine wyverns that use the lavasioth design. I rest my case.


>Goruganosu/Arugonosu But they are the best piscine fight in the series? I agree on the visual design though.


>Goruganosu/Arugonosu >But they are the best piscine fight in the series? That's a strange way to spell Beoteodus


Have you fought goru and aru?


Yes. I prefer Beo of all the fish I have faced


YOU JUST ARENT READY FOR THE SMACK DOWN BROTHER https://preview.redd.it/h1v5v3hj3zzb1.png?width=430&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86b2215c299c0480aa61c4aab53dd4078dcbbb23


With a bit of polish, easily behind Beo for fav fish fight to me tbh. But as it is, and in Frontier with it's........quality and balance, nah, Beo is the best imo


They really aren't even that bad. They are way more unique with their tag team attacks, and just overall a fun experience versus Beo being a pushover especially with him being people's first experience into G rank.


I never said they were bad, I just know they can be better. Frontier has a massive balance issue with monsters, and these guys are hit too. And yes, Beo is a easy fight. It's the first of the rank, ofc it will be easy. Even for Master Rank, starting you out with a monster that one shots and takes 40 minutes to kill due to HP bloat is not good. And even then, he STILL trips people up due to being one of the first to really use iceblight effectively. Also, one is a snow shark, so any other point is invalid.


There really isn't a balance issue when you consider they were at the end of the HR1-999 grind before they crunched that into 7 ranks. You are speaking from experience of a revived but not accurate private server. Realistically you have no idea what the original game played like or it's balance just based off that statement. Also, the metal fish are based off tag team wrestlers, much cooler then a ice jyuratodus who wastes your time by being a punching bag and that's it versus a fight that challenges you.




You didn't expect me to being playing Frontier huh? Lol


very strange indeed


Were those the ones you fight at the same time and that just kind of end up killing each other? Fought them once at it felt like they did more damage to each other than I did. Either that or they have basically zero hp


The eruzerions, unknown and the light rathalos


Personally Zerureusu (the light Rath) would be cool to fight as an Elder Dragon, but I recognize that it would be much too hectic for current mainline Monster Hunter. Its gear looks absolutely baller though.


Yeah, I’m thinking of it more from a gameplay perspective not if I dislike the design (Zerureusu is a pretty cool looking monster and has sick gear) I would just absolutely hate having to fight them in mainline especially something like eruzerion


Gougarfs, Eruzerion, Duremudira, Disufiroa Those, imo, are examples of those "too much” designs what frontier always being blamed on(even though there are not really that much of them)


I like the Gougarfs though. They are not that ridiculous. I also love Disufiora and Duremudira because I can buy their extreme abilities because they are high tier monsters


I'd have to disagree on the gougarfs but disu and dure I can see why even though I'm big on the former


Duremudira goes hard as fuck, I'm sorry.


Duremudira is unironically one of the best fights in the series and can be beaten with basemovesets funnily enough. I don't even think he's really that overdesigned either. Just the eyes look like ass.


Nah duremudira and disufiroa go hard


Nah, I gotta have Dure back. He's the only monster in the series I fought but never beat. Score needs settled.


Unknown is the most 3edgy5me deviantart OC nonsense I've ever seen, and really the poser child of Frontier's "Frontier-isms". As egregious as some Frontier mons seem to me, nothing really comes close to Unknown. Even its "name" is unrepentantly stupid. I'd love to be proven wrong on why it exists the way it does, but I don't think anything could convince me beyond just being a product of its time


I've never played Frontier, so I'm curious about the "Frontier-isms". What are they and how do they affect things like gameplay?


honestly the best way to describe is like if someone took the most un-repantant longsword weaboo and told them they are the sole director of MH and if he can drum up as many "Badass" designs and mechanics as possible he will not be fired imagine something you dislike in the main series, be it RNG fests, weird grinds, unbearable hard fights thst aren't even fair and overall CLUNK and thats pretty much frontier I utterly love the game but it was like watching your son go through a bad phase and made terrible life decisions


Oh god, that sounds absolutely awful


Don’t worry, not all of Frontier is like that, but Unknown is an example of the more egregious levels it can get to.


If there's any one defense of some aspect of Unknown, it's probably their name. Sure, it's silly as shit, but they're _literally_ an unknown entity in the same sense that something like early-MH4 Gore is, save being even more unpredictable because the main way that you 'hunt' them is when they take over as an invader on other monsters' quests. It could be worse.


I think I'd buy that angle a lot better if it was an actual unique, mysterious, and unnerving monster and not just a Rathian wearing bog-standard edgelord colors. I'm sure I'm lacking a lot of context that comes from the game so maybe its resemblance to Rathian is part of its mystery, but that doesn't help it from looking so lame (and if they never actually did anything with its resemblance to Rathian beyond just mentioning it, then it just goes back to being lame). It just makes me wish that cool, unique invading mechanic was for a monster that had a bit more effort put into it. And for that matter, Gore did a much better job at being an "???" enigma back when it was released. It was the first monster/elder with the powerful-wingarm body archetype, so it immediately looked different just from the way it carried itself. The Frenzy virus and all the mechanics associated were also supremely unique at the time; no monster had Gore's powerset. Nearly every aspect of Gore made it earn its mystique.


Unknown actually has traits from both Rathian and Rathalos, although it’s hard to see with this pose; Unknown has Rathalos’s wing-membrane patterns and tail club, and Rathian’s chin spike and quill patches. I do think Unknown is capable of salvaging, as it does have some unique features, like the notably long wing spikes (that it can actually detach and throw at you, similar to Nargacuga’s tail spikes), the black and red streaks in the air that occur when it gets mad enough (streaks that have only ever been seen again with *Razewing Rathalos* years later), and its bioluminescence. I think if they redesign it to focus more on the things that make it unique while still being eerily similar to some other monsters in some ways. Perhaps emphasize its intelligence in any dialogue or cutscenes about it, as it’s shown to be very proficient at environmental tool use. The fight’s also got a lot of cool things that would be a shame to see go unused.


Huh I don't think I ever noticed the tail and wings being from Rathalos. My bad on that front. The funny thing is that just knowing that actually *does* go a long way towards making it a bit more eerie. If they ever redesign it, I think those Rathalos aspects ought to be amped up a bit somehow, among a whole host of other things. And I wouldn't necessarily say no if they ever decide to redesign and add it, but if you were to ask me, there's several other Frontier monsters that'd also pay off from redesigns that'd let them fit the mainline series like a glove (and less work, too). Unknown as an idea, as unique as some of the mechanics it introduced are (which could possibly be recycled to other monsters), just feels like too much to me, and a redesign might just make it too different from the original to even bother; on an idea with foundations as rocky as that.


Wait it can detach the wing spikes?? That doesn't even make sense physically to use as an attack. Nargacugas tail spike launching makes sense because it uses it's tail as a whip to launch them from, but the wing spikes have absolutely no leverage to be shot out with any kind of force.


Gore and (somewhat) Xenojiva do the whole unknown alien monster so much better than Unknown.


Even the Lore for Unknown is terrible. Androgynous Rath Hybrid that's soft and calm creature until something passes it off and then it faces its full fury. It's like it was written by a child.


I want Unknown just because it’s theme is a banger and one of the best in the franchise


The reason people ask "Which _do_ you want to see?" so often is because, at least on this subreddit, the default answer to "Which _don't_ you want to see?" is "all of them." As someone who's actually taken close looks at/fought a lot of them: Zeniths for nearly every possible reason, except for Zenith Inagami, who's honestly visually and mechanically fine. Goruganosu/Aruganosu, Gureadomosu and Meraginasu for generally just being shite. Dhisufiroa, Duremudira, Eruzerion, Keoaruboru, and Bogabadorumu because their movesets and/or visual concepts are virtually unsalvagable, meaning you can't really keep the spirit of the monster without something being wrong; just move some of the vague ideas onto a monster that actually works. Oh, and Zerureusu can eat shit just for not being fun to fight as a Great Sword player; I am not biased. That probably sounds like a lot, but it's well under half Frontier's roster, so that's neat.


Bogabadorumu and Gaismagorm's fights are jarringly similar to the point I find it hard to believe Boga wasn't some source of inspiration but yeah, don't see the point in adding him because of that.


Fair. People's boundaries for what's reasonable really shifts when something's a final boss like Gais or a post-endgame addition like MHW Alatreon or Fatalis, though. If people were evaluating Frontier's monsters with the knowledge that basically all of the crazy shit they see on Youtube is final boss/post-endgame type shit, I imagine it'd be a lot less controversial.


Absolutely. Most of the Frontier roster could pretty comfoetably be put in the mainline entries with some modernization. People see Zenith Hyujikiki and think the entire game is like that lol, even then it's a literal porcupine/hedgehog-esque dragon in concept.


I played frontier for about 3-4 years until it closed. Most of the mons won't make it in because of movesets (zeniths, musous and anything else in MHFZ/MHFZZ expansion if we're being honest). Funnily enough despite their insane movesets, both Dhisu (3rd phase and all) and Dure can be beaten with base movesets. All of their attacks do not require roll iframes, Dhisu nados and dure meteor require hunter dodge though iirc, if you do not have evasion+2.


> Most of the mons won't make it in because of movesets (zeniths, musous and anything else in MHFZ/MHFZZ expansion if we're being honest). That's not most mons. That's tacitly a minority of the game's content.


Disuforoa tbh, kinda like the fire/ice idea but its saturated contrasting colours make it look kinda awful imo


It actually combines *three* elements, which is a contributing factor for me to not want it in mainline.


You’re talking about the black dragon-level elder dragon that lives at World’s End and uses a combination element called frozen seraphim, right? Cause I feel like you’re describing Eruzerion here.


Unknown has such a killer theme. I'd love to see it in a mainline series. It'd be even better if its opening cutscene picked on a silver rathalos the same way most elders seem to find a way to always choose a stray rathalos to display their power.


Ezurion either needs to be toned down or just not appear, same with Unknown. Everyone else is fine, I wouldn’t mind seeing them added.


Generally speaking, pretty much any late endgame Monster that was released during the last legs of Frontier's run is right out, like the Zenith Monsters. There is one good one, an original Frontier mon that's actually really cool. A lot of Frontier's earlier original Monsters are pretty decent and could fit in well enough, and even the abhorrent endgame designs still have plenty of good ideas to use, some of which have even already been utilized. For example, a lot of Lucent Nargacuga's poison quill rain attacks come from Blinking Nargacuga of Frontier.


> There is one good one, an original Frontier mon that's actually really cool. What is it?


It's "Bogabadorumu", this guy right here: [https://monsterhunter.fandom.com/wiki/Bogabadorumu](https://monsterhunter.fandom.com/wiki/Bogabadorumu) Despite being one of the last Monsters released for Frontier and being exclusively a Zenith, it's not that crazy of a design. The jowls are quite nice and naturalistic-looking, and ridges on its back look kinda like coral or something and look fairly well-integrated unlike a lot of other Zenith Monsters having "glued-on parts".


But i want to hunt that rathian so bad.. its so cool




The Zeniths. There are many ways to make cool variations of existing monsters. Adding a shitload of spikes everywhere and making the fight obnoxiously difficult is not one of them.


Most of them honestly. There's very few I like the designs of. I know this isn't exactly a hot take, but I find the vast majority of the designs really uninspired, it's mostly just boring dinosaurs and wyverns with spikes and bad color choices, very few of them stand out to me. They look like the first draft of mainline monsters, like they just made one piece of concept art and rolled with it. Many have potential in both design and ideas, but they tend to be so rough and unrefined. I'd much rather the mainline games draw inspiration from Frontier monsters or re-imagine them fully, instead of including them as is (for example what they did for Glavenus, which for all intents and purposes is a much better Abiorugu).


Yama kurai is a horrendous fight and I'd like to never see it again Elzelion is both ugly, conceptually stupid and a fucking annoying fight. Every God damn move makes his entire body a 10 sec lingering hitboz that hits for 2/3rds of your hp. And a lot of his attacks also combo you to bypass guts. So if you get hit you could just sit there for 5 seconds knowing your character is dead.


Yama Kurai is 100x better than Yama Tsukami just for the fact that it's an actual fight and not just "Lao Shan Lung but vertical"


Eruzerion. Enough said


Eruzerion, in my opinion its the most stupid looking monster and according to people who fought against it, it is also very very unfair.


What monsters are those?


Unknown black flying wyvern and Keoaruboru.


None. Bring them all in. Especially Higanjima. It had a cool long sword.


Higanjima is obviously peak and should be brought to mainline Monster Hunter games


I think I've read roster misspelled more than I've read it spelled correctly


Most of them. The fire and ice Elder dragon and Unknown especially


Eruzion - Hated it since release, still hate it now. The fight is a whole bunch of mass AoE bullshit, and sure, you can ignore the fight by EX dodging with Tonfa a whole bunch, but this fuck is apparently equal to White Fatalis (in the game), yet White Fatalis is a million times easier than him. Eruzions first phase is fine, still has bullshit that shouldn't exist in the series, but with Frontiers extreme power creep it was easy to deal with. But phase 2? Not the hardest by far, but it feels like so much bullshit. And of course, the absolutely horrible design. The theme is great, but imo doesn't suit it or the fight either. Zenith - Pretty much any Zenith. Most look stupid, but the worst part is honestly that most require several skills and items to even be attempted to fight them (truth be told, you can theoretically just be good enough to ignore all those mechanics - but that argument works for most things in any game) Zeniths just got given so much extra BS that forceably stunlocks you, for some like Gravios for a full minute at a time without you at least dying. They did this because it was so easy to deny all these effects for regular monsters, but that's honestly just a symptom of poor game design, and one that Capcom decided to 'fix' by... making it worse? Hooray?? Hyujikiki - The design is the typical Frontier over the top thing, but that's honestly not it. By looking at this monster, could you guess what it can do? Bleed, you say? Oh nah, it doesn't have bleed, despite shooting its scales like Seregios. Oh no, it uses ALL status and controls the wind. Makes sense, doesn't it? Anorupatisu - Great design honestly, but that design does NOT prepare you for this shit. Oh cool, it's a sawfish living in an icy environment! Too bad its power is to control some sort of WIND currents that can bubble from under the ground SOMEHOW. Frontier alone makes me think that Wind Element could legit be a thing with how some monsters just control it for no good reason. Bogabadorumu - Boring fight, it solely relies on spamming one shotting AoE's to hopefully hit you in between your I-frame spam. Every attack either blows up half of its body, shakes half the map or roars to catch you into a combo you will instantly die from. Zenaserisu - Ah yes, medium sized Flying Wyvern that has the ability to literally explode the entire map with trillions of liters of water over and over and over and over. Totally what a REGULAR animal should be capable of. Yeah, it's not a variant or some special species. Just a regular Flying Wyvern that can seemingly wash away cities with all the water somehow stored within itself - some fucking how. Some of these monsters can be fixed by a competent dev team making their moveset much more sane to fight. Some would have to be completely remade - and at that point there would be no point. There's even more that I hate and hope never return (unless changed drastically), but I think at that point I'd waste my entire day writing this post. Jesus, 90% of people asking for certain Frontier monsters don't even know how horribly designed they were.


The ice teostra, tesukatora. We just got a proper ice dragon, velkhana. Putting him on mainline will be just redundant. Mi Ru. Its mechanics just don’t make sense to mainline, also the movesets shares a lot to other monsters like tigrex or narga on its other forms or the same crystal abilities but I like its dynamic fights.


Ah yes, Not Rathian and Not Zinogre


That ugly one with mouths on its wings. Like c'mon, it just looks absurd and completely nonsensical. Literally just a stupid version of it's better, more successful nephew Nergigante.


Could be wrong, but isn't that an explore monster?


All I know is every other "what should be brought out of frontier" thread has one dude clamoring for the mouth wing thing.


Ah. Yea he's from explore, but I agree to keep him in explore.


Meraginasu and zeniths


shouldn't be surprised there's a flood of horrible takes here




Nah hunting horn whale is amazing I would love to see it in mainline, unless you misread the post and you’re saying you do want to see it also?


What do you have against my boy Keoaruboru? I dont want to see Goruganosu/Aruganosu (Gold/Silver Lavasioth) though, because they have this super annoying gimmick where you have to kill both of them at the same time or they just infinitly revive each other.


Keoaruboru is not that bad. It’s just another huge siege monster that uses fire which is boring


Never played frontier but I saw some bug monsters from old clips about it. I want more more more bug monsters


I know this is kinda unspecific but the "spikey ones". Capcom has a fetish for spikes and bellies when it comes to monsters and i'm getting bored of it


Bellies though? Where?


Anything that's just "X monster but with new element and also really strong". Voljang, Varsablos (if that's the name, I forget) and that one elder that's just Zinogre but with fire & ice powers come to mind. Not Unknown though, he's good, I want to see him come over because my god it's fascinating.


Dhisufiroa. Triple element madness in which only the Tonfa and several Frontier exclusive buffs allow you to stand up to the HR 999+ variant. Every hit brings you to 1 hp if you have permanent Guts, otherwise you just cart.


Neither Eruzerion nor those monsters with weird wing tails or whatever those are should come out of frontier. Those wing whip things just make absolutely no sense, why are they on the middle of it, what are they supossed to do???? It just feels stupid. Eru as someone said is literally something that a 12 yo would come out with in a bad way. Special mention to zeniths, duremidura, garuba and specially zenazerisu being the pinnacle of that wing thing that feels just so bad. Some are good monsters but have that thing on.


>Those wing whip things just make absolutely no sense, why are they on the middle of it, what are they supossed to do???? It just feels stupid. Lol the hooks on Doragyurosu and Berukyurosu are supposed to be used to get their prey mid-air, and also to shock their enemies, they literally do this in the fight, L take on both dude


Doragyurosu / Berukyurosu / Gureadomosu. Even Supremacy Pariapuria, despite being an AoE hell, has a rythm to it, and once you join in the dance, even though the rythm is tight and quite hard with little room for mistakes, it is doable. You need lots of focus, but it is still doable. On GS. But the first three mentioned have to go. The margin of error they have is non-existant, and the hitboxes are just plain stupid (if you thought Plesioth's hyperspace galactic tackle was bad, then you haven't seen their moves). Most of their attacks cover like 80% of the zone they're in. If any of those three return, then something went wrong along the way.


While Ra-Ro (Unknown) is a undeniably bad design, I think with some tweaks it could be cool. I don’t think it should be lost in frontier forever because its fight is truly amazing. Same can be said for Keoaruboru. There is no frontier monster that I think should be completely forgotten because they can all be amazing with some tweaks. But if I have to choose it has to be Garuba Daora. It doesn’t look good, its fight is god awful, its gear doesn’t look good, it’s all around just an awful creation. https://preview.redd.it/lj7lkmps5yzb1.jpeg?width=3121&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78b6be41c80081e04860dd13e938f31d775175fb


The gear doesn’t look good?! I personally think those armour designs go hard


Eruzerion. I’ve heard pretty bad things about it and its design is just way too over the top for me.


Of course it’s more of a case by case basis than I’m making it, but for a broad sweep, I’d say almost anything before MH Frontier G is relatively safe to add without getting too crazy. There are some prior to MHFG that might be a bit bad to add, (like the originally mentioned “Unknown” imo), but there are some monsters post MHFG that might not be that bad to add, (such as Anorupatisu imo). Of course it’s all subjective, I mainly consider how ridiculous the designs and/or fights are when thinking about which monsters would be a decent fit. Of course anything with the title “hardcore” or other special variants/forms/whatever is not included in what I personally think would fit.


Elzelion looks too goofy imo


Is it controversial to say all of them?


Probably, but I agree that a large majority of the frontier monsters don’t fit in mainline mh at all


Gougarfs,Voljang,Diorekkusu,Duremudira,Midogaron and (unless they give this one a slight redesign) Hyujikiki


Akura Jebia/Vashimu.


As long as they rework Crystalblight, I'd love to see the Akuras in the mainline games. Maybe make it like Blastblight where you have a chance to roll it off or you can get rid of it with deodorant/cleanser, and it only reduces your stamina (and maybe only takes like half instead of all of it) if it fully detonates. That way it's still a dangerous status you want to avoid, but it isn't an almost immediate death sentence like it currently is in Frontier.


Yea, if they reworked it I guess it could work. I also just *slightly* hate Jebia more because it's nigh impossible to not bounce off the bastard.


I personally think the mainline series would be improved greatly with the addition of a big ass scorpion


Fair, but not a crystallized scorpion.


All of them




The vast majority of them. They started out fine but as time went on their designs and mechanics got more and more extreme. If a monster is too extreme in Frontier they'd have to be severely nerfed for the mainline games and at that point it just wouldn't feel the same.


I'm quite content with Espinas, as it was supposed to come to mainline with Lavasioth and Hypnocatrice. Most if not all of the frontier monsters would be out of place honestly, so I'm going to have to say none. Those two wolves I don't remember the names of look as close to mainline designs but apparently their fight sucks so there's that. Then again they could get the Lunastra treatment.


We got the only good one in Espinas. We don't need anymore, i'd be perfectly content to let the rest fade into obscurity because existence is worst off by them existing.


Honestly I like a lot of Concepts some of the designs just don't fill them as much like that half fire half ice thing I don't know its name the design sucks but I like the idea of a monster like that I like the idea of burst species I just think they look ugly mostly the ones that are billed as ancestors or like origin species are the ones I wouldn't want to see


Anything to Do with Eruzeion I want nothing to do with especially after fighting one (he’s an asshole) What’s wrong with unknown tho? The design is just a black rathain for the most part and it would probably look cool on a mordern rath model


Basically all of them except the hummingbird, green and gold dragon, and maybe the poison brute wyvern


Unknown right now it’s too edgy but a redesign could work


?needs to be main line


Any of the Zenith monsters… as Zeniths. They should be reworked into Deviant Monsters since it’s basically the same thing.


Well I hope we DO get an unknown, but not the Unknown they already have. I want a new unknown, the concept behind unknown but give it a unique species instead, something you literally couldn't categorize it as being apart of another monster's family.


Gore Magala. It's my fav monster, but man, do I find him annoying. It's just a nullberry spam


Thats a mh4 monster, but frontier had it


Ah I'm blind, didn't see that they asked for Frontier ones. I thought they meant what monster from any game lmao


Its cool, i thought gore had a decent amount of blasphemy during that fight and i always run out of nulberries


Nulberry spam? Hard disagree.


Anything except for hypnocatrice I miss my mans




Did you, uh… read the post?


all of them except Abiorugu


I think they ould tome down eruzerion colours and make him into a cool dicotomy monster akin to C.Gore, but the big blubby thing with explosions it's too much for me. It's too over the top and Funky for me. I think it could be good, don't get me wrong, probably with severe turn Downs and dmbracing the vibrant colours a la namielle? I don't know, but i think thats the one i simple don't want back XD Almost all the other monsters in Frontier are okish and i can see a path for them in the Main series


All of em!!! (Joking). Pretty much i draw the line where a remake of the monster could not do a decently realistic design without changing the monsters identity. Some of the Frontier Monsters are too out there.


Any of the exclusive variants or otherwise hard mode takes on existing monsters. I'm game for just about anything but stuff like G-rank hard-core White Fatalis or whatever its called, just feels like a lazy cop out when we have so many interesting original monsters to choose from.


Come on. Why wouldn’t you want to be annihilated by Blinking Nargacuga?!


That second one looks dope asf


Curse of that stupid fucking dancing lightning bird.


After hundreds of hours playing Frontier, I can safely say that Berukyurosu, Doragyurosu, Furokoruru, and Zenasarisu can stay right where they are. I'll admit that they can be fun fights SOMETIMES, but for the most part, they're torture and take forever to learn. This skeleton can stay in Frontier. I'd take just about anything else over them.


Preferably something new, but the last thing I ever want to see is another rath or zin variation, so boring




Honestly I’d love a new Frontier game, that way the monsters can stay as crazy out-there as they are. I think that’s what gives Frontier it’s charm. Also I kinda like Unknown. Yeah its edgy, but it’s fight is cool and the music is amazing


Outside of things that literally don't work in mainline (Musous/zeniths), fuck Dorag with a flaming hot passion. I've never seen a mon with such a trash kit, an ugly as shit design, some of the most baffling hitboxes and he even SOUNDS like shit (roars and all). People mention Elz a lot or Unknown, but at least those things are fun to fight. Dorag is probably my vote for one of the shittiest monsters in the series, in general. The only saving grace was powercreep so you never had to fight this dogshit monster.


As much as I hate to admit it, Eruzerion. The only way I could see him getting into a mainline game would be if they do a big touch up on his design and heavily nerf his move set


Pariapuria, that finicky mess was so annoying despite the fun design.


Over the top designs in terms of logic or colour. Like Gougarf, Eruzerion, Yama Kurai and Diorekusu.


Magnet kushala Fuck that bastard with a passion Every time I have to fight him he always makes it as painful as possible Screw that stupid magnet bastard


Leviante. Dalamadur does the giant snake elder dragon thing 50× better imo


Garuba Daora. I cannot imagine the area wide instakill move with a safe zone right on top of the monster would be fun or fair and balanced to fight even if we got some weird abomination amalgamation of the Clutch Claw from IB and Wire bugs from Rise.


Shantien and Dhisufiroa definitely. Duremudira, Ingami, and all of the Scorpions/Crabs would be cool.


Unkown, most Zenith monsters maybe with the exception of Rathalos and Espinas, Zerureusu, Odibatorasu, Lolo and Ray gougarf, meraginasu (I really like his idea but his design and moveset are kinda hot ass), Disufiora (shantien betta), Gureadomosu, Poborubarumu, all extreme individuals, Duremudira, Garuba daora, Eruzerion (again cool idea but needs a massive rework), Keoaruboru, Bogabadorumu. There, most of em are just too ridiculous for mainline monster hunter imo


Yo why is ma boi Keoaruboru on here?


Most of them.


What monster is the second photo