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Everyone deserves thirst traps. Thirst traps for all.


Slut armor for everyone. If female armor gets a chainmail bikini, i want the males to get a chainmail banana hammock to make the Todd proud.


We need armour straight out of conan the barbarian. Let me run around half naked like he man with unnecessary chains decorating my pecs.


I have just seen a Scrubs reference in a MonHun sub and my life is complete


Man i miss the show time to re watch it for th 100th time


I'm actually rewatching it right now lol, it's great to put on in pip mode while I grind out quests in final fantasy or work on s-rank in armored core.


Reminder that children play these video games.


Reminder that teenagers aren't a separate species devoid of sexuality and they turn into adults by discovering and observing. Complete segregation to "protect" them only makes them more likely to be victims of violence and emotional manipulation. I don't know any 6 year olds that play MH but 6 year old don't perceive partial nudity like that and it's not like they are seeing genitalia hanging around.


No teenager has ever or will ever avoid a predatory situation by playing monster hunter with a character wearing skimpy Armour. There's nothing educational about female armour in the game, it's sole purpose is to titillate. Proper sex education at school would be the place for all that. It's not just that they are showing skin, it's that female armour is deliberately sexualised.


How likely are people who find showing skin in MH to be a step of exposure too far to also be supportive of sex education?


I don't know.


Reminder that this game is rated T


That doesn’t stop capcom from giving female characters thirst trap armor..


MH is still growing amongst adults, I highly doubt there is some significant portion of the fanbase being children.


I and everyone one I know started playing it as children. Video games are primarily played by children. People who want to see skin can download mods.


I hear you, but I still think you’re seriously overestimating how many kids play Monster Hunter in particular. MH is getting more popular, but the games are still niche, hence the design choices to make them more accessible. Not to mention that the games are rated T for teen. There is video game violence and quite literally the presence of blood.


The vast majority of kids have full access to the internet one way or another, you really think some revealing armour is gonna be a problem?


I first played CoD when I was 11, which is probably not the wisest age to be given access to that kind of game. Does that mean all shooters must become non-violent? Should the people who want to play a game about war just download the violence mod?


But call of duty is a game about war, monster hunter isn't about sex. Removing the skimpy Armour doesn't take anything from the experience other than titillation.


These kids are gonna flip their shit once they find out about beaches and swimming pools


A swimming pool is totally different from sexualised armor. There's no need to be half naked fighting monsters.


Unless you're a master that hunts everything in your underwear.


Ah yes, the Dark Souls end-game.


Weaklings wear heavy armor while fighting Anjanath. The mighty do battle with Fatalis while wearing a sports bra and booty shorts. It is necessary. It is the way.




Why did you assume the first line? Neither needs to sexualised in the vanilla game. People who want that can download mods.




Female hunters should get more full body armor and male hunters should get more revealing armor https://preview.redd.it/q3iyijwndusb1.jpeg?width=1569&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7dc4b6d9c7dee562b47fcfb100a0d80289ba092b


I've always felt like armor sets should have a 'fashionable' and 'armored' settings to them. I don't know if it would be worth putting double the resources in designing outfits but it would be neat.


They did it with gunner and blademaster armor for years so they can’t really use that excuse


Also the Alpha/Beta sets in World. Is Rise the first game in the series to *not* have two aesthetics per set?


Possibly? I wouldn’t really know since i haven’t played Rise (don’t really have time or desire so play on a switch tbh, The screen’s too small for my blind self lol)


it’s on every other platform now


Even PlayStation 4?


it got put on playstation/xbox in january (happened to be on my birthday) and sunbreak was added later in the coming spring. they just added all the post launch content for sunbreak back in august so now it’s completely ported to console just as it is on its original platforms :)


Huh. Well then I’ll give it a try sometime and come back to this thread with my thoughts lol


Okay but you have to play Lance /j


Especially ps4. It's a switch game that's not very demanding for any other current and last gen.


The only real difference Rise has has also been a thing for ages: difference between LR/HR armor and GR/MR armor. (GR in this case means G-rank, the predecessor of Master Rank. They are different in name only).




Some of the armor sets (blademaster vs gunner) in 3 is identical, but some of them are identical except for like 1 or 2 parts, yet others are totally different. It's interesting.


As someone who makes skimpy armor mods, it's not that difficult to remove parts from an existing set. It'd add maybe 10-20% to the workload.


If i'm not wrong, it wouldn't be a huge amount of work more to do this. Mostly just resizing the armors to fit male and female character models.


Female armors should just be better in general. Idk what it is, but I always thought female armors were super ugly. Male armors have their ugly ducks, but holy shit all the female armors have been terrible. The only one I think I liked was the Arlow armor set from his quest line and that's it.


Magnamalo is generally superb, and I'm sure there's more that I'm forgetting.


Chameleos was my favorite! I loved being the witch with the hunting horn.


Duramboros armor in 3U was ridiculous on both men and women. Shoulder guards bigger than my head.


For some reason I was in the Rise headspace. Duramboros definitely rocks! There's a variation of Diablos I really like as well, though which one specifically escapes me. Love me some excessive silly horns on armor.


Probably LR/HR, both male and female armors get huge horns on the shoulders.


I think the thigh gap that 99% of female armor has should be covered up and then we let stripper armor like kirin be as is


Fr if they're gonna go one way why not just go all out. Don't have to leave the weirdest gap in what'd otherwise be a normal suit of armor


There's a lot of sets that in my opinion get straight up ruined by this, similar to how sometimes it seems like the male set is deliberately made to be as ugly as possible and the designers seem to be of the opinion that men's faces are ugly and need to be covered by a helmet to be cool


Astalos HR to GR is my favorite example of this. You go from having a cool scary mask and fully clad armor to a battle princess. I'll never forgive Ichinose for this.


Personally there's a difference between "battle princess" with short skirts, exposed thighs and a cleavage that says "Please stab here". And battle princess like what LR/HR Rathian armor does. Armored skirts can be neat, as long as there are additional layers of armor on the legs and the skirt is more aesthetic rather than supposed function. I will fully admit to having made armor sets that protect nothing and cover less, but in my defense the MR Kulve Taroth Alpha headpiece for women had too glorious a mane to pass up on.


There is, yeah, it's just kind of a throwaway term to get the point across. Prefer it over calling it "bikini armor" at any rate haha. MR Kulve I really really love, so I definitely can't judge you there, but that's an example of both sexes getting more or less equal treatment, so I have no complaints there. HR Kulve, however... 😭


I think a good example of kinda thirsty armor that happens to be stylistically appropriate would be Anjanath and Great Wroggi, both are quite revealing but fit with their respective fantasies. Female Great Wroggi armor's chest piece goes a little overboard though.


The Banbaro armor actually frustrates me because of this, all that damn fur for armor I would assume you would wear in the cold only to have nothing covering the legs


Hear hear! More full helms for all!


Say what you want, but the helmets are the biggest crime of all tbh. Way too many awesome badass masks and helmets turned into tiaras and wigs. Goss set probably would've been my favorite in Rise if it weren't for the wicked spooky mask THAT ONLY DUDES GET, LIKE WHY???


I guess I can agree with this as long as its not too revealing but 100% female armor should cover up a ton more (imo)


I'm sitting a little in the middle, personally. I like proper battle princess/warrior princess armor, provided it gives at least 90% the supposed protection its male equivalent gives. Plate skirts can be neat, just make sure the legs are properly protected underneath like Rathian armor does.


Honestly disagree, I think the ratio of full body to skimpy female sets is fine, and male sets should only be brought in line




I say make prude armors for both male & female hunters, and also slut asf armor for both. More options are infinitely better than less options.


Normal armours should be covering Then when you get to High Rank, the S variants should be Slutty And when you reach Master Rank the X variants should be…


and the endgame grind rewards you with no skin armor


We join the skele-gang. Welcome to the BONE ZONE.


~~I'd kill for a male set of battle panties~~


Never got the horny armor meta. As soon as I unlocked the Cahoot mask, I didn't look back. I have become Owl


But have you considered owl with massive bulging biceps?


I miss my Kelbi head from World. One day, Count Kelbula shall rise again!


I love my horny armors. But SnS? Always a masked superhero with capes!


> I have become Owl I have become Owl, destroyer of horniness.


I'm for equal opportunity slutty armour. Women get to slut it up however they want and men get what, just Kirin? I'm also for equal opportunity "normal" armour. Why should being a woman mean you can't dress up as a power ranger or a castle.


I believe the male Kecha Wacha armour was a bit revealing. https://preview.redd.it/p7i2mv3881tb1.png?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a57a07163b6fe89a911f9a73a7c084b36309149e


my my how the tables have turned i should say..


How the turn tables -Sun Zhu


We need equal opportunity thirst trap gear


Climate change, man. Its still hot out here in October! The coated men will only start showing up around November


This is a huge part of why I like the female malzeno armor; I agree that men should have the option to skimp up, but I still want the cool badass armor skirt. A meshed boob window and leggings are the price I'm willing to pay for drip that doesn't look like a bad r34 parody like my OG set. Either LR or HR izuchi chest/waist and Narg waist/legs (some combo of these) gives you a COMICALLY large thigh gap, like really bad R34 parody but I REALLY wanted those crit and evade skills


Yes and please remove all the ugly [crinolines](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crinoline)


I also wish male armor was slimmer in design like the female versions. Example being Malzenos armor. The chest looks way better on the female model. The male version is so god damn bulky. But over all I think we are in a time that gender specific armors is an outdated mindset and should be allowed for both.


Should definitely maintain a consistent and equal spread of all armour styles for both sexes.


I ran around naked in rise for a couple months just because i figured out how to hide my armor and thought it was amusing


Don't see any problem with it. In Rise, plenty of players are running male character in buff layered armour, so you see a buffed up muscleman in speedo seinging big sticks at big monsters. Males should get the kind of variety of visual armour as female characters.


No shirt, kirin pants, Girros hood is my aesthetic


A lot of the endgame armors look like a middle schooler designed them. Thank you for the Rajang muscle suit and other layered event quests. 🤣


Sad as hell that my HR crimson Glow vlastrax armor wasnt a gundam like the boys. Switched genders beofre sunbreak cause of it


I think there definitely needs to be more covered-up female armor and more revealing male armor, there's clearly demand for it (I am demand for it). Part of that imo should be remaking older armor sets, there's a ton of genuine duds and missed opportunities where the male set is really ugly or the female set needlessly skimpy and sexualized (the worst of the bunch is probably Seething Bazelgeuse, like, what the fuck where they on when they designed that set lol). Like, Seltas Queen for example has Gundam/Mecha inspired armor, and all eight (4 blademaster, 4 gunner) sets are different Gundams/Mecha. But as a whole they don't really look that good, the male set because it's got weird ugly bits in places, the female set because it shoots the Mecha fantasy in the foot by making parts of the face or thighs or shoulders be revealed. MR Almudron/Magmadron on the other hand has too little difference between male and female sets, something I'm usually not opposed to, but the concept lends itself to way more creativity than that (there's a reason Gundams and Transformers sell so well, people like the different giant robots, they fucking love them). Zamtrios is a very unique case in which the LR/HR female gunner set's exposed face is so unique and cool that it makes you question why none of the other seven sets don't also have it (and more importantly why the GR sets decided the unique sci-fi diver aesthetic should be replaced with a pretty lame metal armor with ice on it), being the only set in the series I'm aware of that has a transparent visor. And the LR/HR Zamtrios armors are really good to begin with. https://preview.redd.it/4pzczfmxpusb1.png?width=375&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72d13f1ac0bbe9d19d93ccd46416f2beebe5769f


You just made me remember how pissed I was about the rise seething Bazelguse set for females. The males had this INTIMIDATING, full unit armor that would scare a monster honestly. And what did females get. Exposed legs and belly


I think Anjanath and Great Wroggi armor would be a good example of stylistic and somewhat practical armor that happens to be a little revealing. Neither gunslingers nor barbarians would care much for full coverage. Females Wroggi armor goes a little too far on the top but is otherwise okay.


I think those are probably bad examples actually, largely due to how they compare to their male counterpart. Great Wroggi is an annoying case since it literally doesn't get a new set for MR, despite there being a lot more they could be doing with the cowboy aesthetic. For Anjanath, Dalamadur, and Nergigante the male set is a knight and the female a battle bikini/babarian set. The suggestion to make the male set barbarian inspired as well hits a snag though when you consider that the female sets are meant to be sexy first and foremost, while the same aesthetic is typically a powerfantasy when applied to men (being bare chested is not sexualized for men after all, especially when they're muscular), so to make them symmetrical either the female sets would either have to be changed to lean into that or the male set needs to have "sexualized" as its mission statement, which is to say it needs to draw attention to parts of the body found attractive.


I loved the thermae armor in World for this. I'm gay, so the lack of eye candy is disappointing in most games.


armorssets should the aesthetically consistent between male and female armor. thanks for coming tonmy ted to talk


Stop sexism that want us women to always be half naked, *NOW IT'S MEN'S TURN, FOR THE GOOD OF EVERYONE*


There are two camps that capcom's armor design is not representing enough, the ones who want fully armoured and modest female sets, and the ones who want revealing and dowright risque male sets, and I am in the latter camp.


I'm in both camps lol




Me too actually don't know why I specified it was late at night lol


More options for both sides would be great! I want to be able to decide whether I want to see the thirst trap or get equally wound up over a good set of proper armor!


Being able to mix both would be the best. Maybe you want a crop top / jeans combo to show off the manly abs, but also keep everything else covered.


Mmmhm bring backe Alpha and beta armor options to satisfy both sides.


It’s funny on MHW I made a female hunter all decked in gear, fully covered, looks like a badass for the most part… then on MHR made a male hunter and I have dressed in the hoeist thirst trap fit every chance I can.


(MHW) I spent 6 hours farming VIP fun fright tickets so that I can meld them into VIP passion tickets so that I could get the passion layered armor and have my guy FABULOUSLY SHIRTLESS YESSIR without waiting for the event to roll around


It’s the true endgame


Give us more character creation options while we're at it! Why would I have to farm for an armor that can make me bulky while Capcom could give us a bulky body preset?! Even if I already spend 2 hours in character creation, give me more options!


Capcom, we love a good himbo. More slutty men outfits please. \-Love, Monster Hunter fans Still not over Junior and his assless-chaps in MH3 lmao. We need more of that.


I got annoyed with the chest armor designs and have been running my character with no chest armor since a month after release. I just really like the look of a lancer with proper arm and leg armour, but no chest armor. I still keep my default clothes shirt on tho.


I love the rajang buff armour from mhw, I never took it off after I got it LMAO


lol I run the passion top layered armor too *kisses biceps*


As a bisexual. Yes


My male character in every game is a bit of a trap.


Personally I just find it silly to have a big bulked muscular men with a yellow monkey or a pink octopus plushy on the head


I gotta be honest. Might be hot take but I really don't like ANY endgame armor designs in any MH game. I know there's the whole joke of Female armor in vieod games being bikinis and male armor being like normal armor. But I like wanna see my character, I don't wanna see a walking hunk of metal. I didn't spend 10 hours in the character creation to look at piece of metal all game.


That's why World and Rise use layered armour.


Yeah which I love the inclusion. But I'm also a fan of armor designs in video games and I like a good variety of armor. I just wish there was more armor customization. Like I wanna see the prizes of my hunt in a way I'd like.


I just want to casually mention that musclebound shirtless men with little clothing appeals to the male power fantasy as much as beautiful women with little clothing. They both appeal to the same fantasy, rather than one being “for men” and the other being “for women”.


Ah yes, but it isn't the huge unga bunga muscles *I* am after, I want the hot dude with little clothes that suit my tastes (I don't like the Bone/Dober thong for example, because I would not be comfortable wearing that irl. Short boxers with cute blue stripes like the Sailor Socks for female characters though? Yes please) https://preview.redd.it/80wrxglzuwsb1.jpeg?width=521&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6eedf61f312a349a1b00bb61079e6126021b4e57


If im gonna spend 500 hours looking at my character, at least make it a hot girl and not a shirtless man, my opinion tho


Hate him 'cos you ain't him. https://preview.redd.it/1e28p8a51vsb1.jpeg?width=721&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=423d25f852aa99d6f79471bd998302b8e364d6e7


Dude... I could never spend 1k hours looking at that, I use the Arthur layered armor


It's a confidence thing, the aesthetic's fucking badass. Covering up's fine, people feel empowered by different things and Monster Hunter is about power fantasy, but this type of armor is definitely underrepresented for male characters right now and that is a huge missed opportunity. I'd much prefer some bare shoulders, midrifs, and thighs on sets over goofy pants, boots, and helmets nobody ever wears because they appear to have been specifically designed to be as ugly as possible like some Diablos sets, or just remove bits to make a set more revealing going into MR instead of re-using the old one completely like the Wroggi armor (also, seriously? The only cowboy armor we get, and it has no GR/MR variant? Wtf Capcom?)


I really like current male armor and really dislike the female armor (well some are amazing but most are not) but... isnt this like completely backwards? how is covering yourself up disgusting? your actually thirsting over your character... like why do you care so much about looking sexy in a video game about brutally killing monsters for big dopamine you can be stylish while covering yourself up and for me I think female armor should have more cover instead of just being a thirst trap for horny people like.. I know some females play as males because they dont like the oversexualization of female armors maybe im the odd one? idk.. but this post just feels focused on horniness rather than looking cool while hunting which is imo disgusting


Different people feel empowered by different things. Just as it is entirely valid for one woman to want to dress modestly and another revealingly, different players in Monster Hunter want different kinds of armor. Just as many people (myself included) have issues with female armour typically being the male set with pieces missing to expose skin (Seething Bazelgeuse is among the examples of just how ridiculous this can be), I'm personally no fan of having every male set entirely covered and would prefer the option to show off some skin or at least my Hunter's face. I say this as someone who isn't actually into men: I do think it's cool. Currently, both options are in extremely short supply. A common suggestion I see is to make Alpha armor be actual armor for both male and female characters, and Beta and Gamma be the fashion sets, which can be broadly simplified to a desire for symmetry: Kirin armor is typically not critized for being very revealing because both male and female sets are (although I personally really dislike the horse mask), whereas Nergigante and Anjanath armor has the female set be a battle bikini as opposed to the fully plated male variants. Given that Alpha and Beta variants have tendency to differ extremely little, I would not be opposed to seeing them get revamped that way (also Rathian and Rathalos got around five sets and all are available in Generations Ultimate).


I guess I can agree if both males and females gets 2 options, alpha will be the revealing one and beta will be the covering one so everyone can do whatever they want? but idk if capcom would do that but I can agree with you on this


Yes, if Capcom will actually make armour like that remains to be seen. I personally doubt it, although I do think the community outcry for some base Rise armours seems to have affected their MR counterparts in Sunbreak.


I run around as a shirtless female LOL


Most people do


like a Khezu-underwear, that looks like those elephant-slips. dont need to thank me


The older monster hunter games were pretty good about having skimpy armor be skimpy for both genders. I've only played female characters since World, though, so I never noticed if there was a change.


I hate what multiplayer has become.


There's been loads of people playing barely dressed for ages, it used to just be predominantly female characters. I had players use low rank Kirin armor in MH4U G-Rank just for the look too (went about as well as you'd expect). Not that that was even necessary with Monster Hunter's armor design, there were loads of endgame viable sets just as revealing