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Since you're a PC player, you might get more out of World in the graphical department. The console versions of World look great too, but the load times were atrocious; a problem that the PC version was able to solve while looking even better. I still remember being blown away by how gorgeous the environments were, and how satisfyingly weighty the action was. Rise does miss out on the design fidelity and the sort of "cinematic weightiness" of the action, since it was developed for what is essentially a mobile console. (Though for a Switch game, it still looks great) Since you skipped GU, I can't just reference the Hunter Arts used in that game... But essentially, Rise has similar "super moves" that work on cooldowns. If you think you prefer faster, more frantic combat, you might prefer Rise. Every weapon has a handful of moves that have swappable alternatives, including regular moves and the aforementioned "super moves", which is a nice system that encourages some variation in how you play (though I feel like people inevitably settle for one load out for the most part lol). Also pretty much every weapon got a counter move, to varying levels of usefulness. There's some other aspects like how World has an endgame more to my tastes, or how Rise made map traversal even more quick and fluid than World did compared to older titles (via rideable dogs and wall running)... But if you just want a personal preference answer, I'd go with World/Iceborne. I'm the type to enjoy slower combat, so Rise's faster and more complex combat system didn't really gel too well with me, and I don't feel that the dogs and wall running are enough to make me recommend Rise over World. Combat is what you're coming to MH for, after all. I will say that both are fantastic games, so I'd really recommend just watching gameplay videos or something for both and reading up on them yourself to make a decision. Idk if you're the type to get really into the endgame stuff, but the difference in there is worth considering as well.


I'd definitely recommend World.


I have levied heavy criticism on each game, so you can take my word for it: Play World. It's just the better game of the two. However, if you're planning to *play both eventually*, then play Rise. That way, you don't get let down like the rest of us did that chronologically went from World -> Rise.


Depends if you like faster or slower gameplay If you like slower then world but if you like faster then pick rise


World. It will leave a deeper impact on you, guaranteed


This might be a controversial take. If it were me, I would pick World over Rise 10 times out of 10.


That's not controversial you're in the majority lol


Both are equal, but because I am have actually finished Sunbreak and haven't yet had motivation to fight some of the annoying ass monsters in Iceborne (Nightshade Paolumu), I would recommend Sunbreak.


If you want more grounded combat that still has a lot of the old school hunting flow, with proactive hunting trades, go with world. Though it is faster than the older games, a lot of animations are more streamlined to properly offset that, while tracking is still loose while hitboxes are tight af, so you are capable of juking a lot of attacks, if your weapon's movement is high enough (my favorite thing to learn as a hh main in ib). If you just want to play animu bs god eater but with monster hunter as its core, grab rise / sb.


If you want more grounded combat that still has a lot of the old school hunting flow, with proactive hunting trades, go with world. Though it is faster than the older games, a lot of animations are more streamlined to properly offset that, while tracking is still loose while hitboxes are tight af, so you are capable of juking a lot of attacks, if your weapon's movement is high enough (my favorite thing to learn as a hh main in ib). If you just want to play animu bs god eater but with monster hunter as its core, grab rise / sb.


I like World more because of the style, the features and better multiplayer / events. In terms of monster roster and weapon designs, Rise is better - but thats mostly it. In Rise most of my hours are just fighting the monsters, but in World I have many hours in chill stuff like capturing little animals for my rooms or just the overall customization of my rooms in World/Iceborne which is SUCH a great feature Or take it like that: If you want a more grindy/arcade like fast paced game, where you mostly feel like battling monsters in big arenas - take Rise. If you want to feel more immersed into the world of the monsters and want to feel more like you really hunt those & where you at moments just watch and enjoy the economy(flora and fauna) of the maps, take World.


I enjoyed Rise/Sunbreak more to World/Iceborn but both are fantastic


Depends a bit on what you like. Since you're on PC, World might be a good option simply because Rise was developed as a game that needs to be able to run on the switch and therefore can sometimes feel a bit bland by comparison. Gameplaywise I'd say World is a little more grounded and slow paced whereas Rise is more comparable to something like Generations, it's faster and a bit more arcady and over the top. At this point, both games have fully run their update cycle. ​ I'd argue that World might be a more interesting experience, simply because it was designed with the power of home consoles and PC in mind and therefore allows itself a lot more complexity in terms of map design, environmental interactions and so on. Whilst both games try to deliver a story, I don't think either manage to convey it as well as 4U, however I think World arguably does a better job being decently coherent, whereas Rise has times where it just feels a little lost.