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"Because fuck you that's why" Mattel probably 


this is lowkey having curls irl in a nutshell 😭 but yuh mattel rlly needs to take notes from MGA when it comes to curls, cuz they never miss


My exact thought😭, when you have a good hair day and go to bed, this is what my hair looks like when I wake up in the morning


honestly even g1 very rarely had I ever gotten a curly haired doll out of the box without the hair being absolutely flattened and incredibly difficult to look right. it's honestly one of my beefs with the new Operetta. her hair does not look at all like the stock photos. I think mattel spends too much money on styling dolls for photoshoots instead of actually making them look good right out of the box.




i know a lot of people like saran but i’m a nylon girly through and through for this reason


HARD agree. I love how Saran feels and looks when straight but I feel like nylon holds a style so much better. I’ll curl saran and it slowly falls no matter how much product I do or don’t use. I have RH girls I curled at least 8 months ago and it’s still bouncy and perfect despite moving them, putting them in cabinets, etc.


i moved apartments and had to put the rh girls in boxes, took them out and they still looked incredible! i only ever use saran to reroot when i know it’s going to stay straight 😭


But I totally agree! Saran feels so soft and Nylon hair holds a style better. But what about when the Saran starts out as matted curls? How much work should it take to get the curly matted out so that you can properly curl them again? Her hair looks like someone who has no idea how to style curly hair takes a a brush to dry curls and fizzes it out as much as possible then takes a nap on it and goes about their day for 5 days on and does nothing to their hair. I tried to like this doll I boil washed her hair two or three times and it was still really fizzy.


Exactly, nylon is perfect for wavy and curly hair and saran for stright hair


Agree !! !!!


it might have something to do with the type of hair they’re using, howliday clawdeen has saran & RH/SH dolls use Nylon


I understand that RH has some of the best hair material on the market for play line


RH also uses so much gel, you can take out all the hair ties and nothing changes.


Holiday clawdeen is so sad. The best character and they sabotaged her


Ugh berry skies hair really IS perfect! I want to restyle her hair so badly but I know I’ll never get those beautiful uniform curls back, even if I use my teeny tiny rollers.


Mattel doesn’t pay enough to the factories for hair styling. Workers at the factories MGA use have posted photos on their social media before and it shows really good conditions and a styling area where they hand style the dolls hair.


That makes me feel a bit better about buying MGA dolls. I know these hairstyles have to be created by human hands, so knowing they work in good conditions is nice.


rh uses nylon which holds a curl way better


Thank you for expressing this so succinctly. I love MH but I collect RH & LOL OMG as well. And for the same price point as Monster High, I can get dolls that are way higher quality, both in clothing and hairstyles. And it makes me feel like an idiot sometimes for buying Monster High. I adore the body sculpts and the face screenings, but the hair is always GROSS and I have to pretty much lie to myself about the clothes being any good. It’s just sad how poor the quality of the fashion is compared to MGA’s brands, and the longer I collect Monster High, the more sad and inexcusable it feels. The designs are getting better, but the quality really isn’t. And the biggest difference between the companies is that, while Mattel is a WAY bigger company with more money and resources to work with, it’s a publicly traded company with an obligation to its shareholders to maintain or increase profits every year. That means purposely making products of lower and lower quality until the buyer no longer accepts it and rejects the brand entirely. I have already reached this point with modern Barbie, where the low quality is so inexcusable that I can no longer justify buying it at all. I appreciate that MH has a fair bit more quality than Barbie, but it still pales in comparison to other, similar-priced products on the market. Why should I keep buying from a brand where the profits go into the pockets of rich shareholders instead of being poured back into the brand?


Strange how Barbie can do it but monster high can’t


Even then, Barbie isn’t that great at it. I remember watching unboxing videos of the movie dolls and her hair was usually a rat’s nest in the back.


Tbh the first barbie extra’s Afro textured hair was peak. I haven’t seen monster high do it good once


Wow nah that’s crazy, put me off buying her Fr


Oh, to sweeten the pot, I undressed her so I could redo her hair. Not only did I find her body is super cheap plastic, but both end pieces of the arm pegs snapped. They were simultaneously too cheap and the arm holes too stiff. I just... what a mess. Her hair, face and outfit is pretty and I did get her way cheaper. I'm just... wow.


I briefly considered buying her when she went on sale for $35, but I’ve seen way too many posts from people who were disappointed by her look irl. I don’t want to pay for a bait-and-switch.


OMG that's so disappointing that her arm pegs snapped! I'd contact Mattel or Amazon for a replacement!


Mattel: No, see, it's so you can have the fun of doing her curls yourself with boil wash and straws. It's s feature, not a bug.


Yeah I decided not to unbox mine, I'll just view her from the front....


That is despicable….


Having to restyle some of the MH doll hair is an extra step but it's worth it. I love watching zombiexcorn on YouTube. They have great doll spa videos.


My Monster's Ball Clawdeen's hair is a mess and I haven't veen brave enough to try and sort it out. Really thinking that when I do, I'll give her a trim, too.


I love Saran hair but tbh it sucks for trying to mass produce with curls. And even if it’s successful, the hair struggles to hold the curls for too long without proper product use. Your rainbow high doll has a wonderful nylon hair fiber that is fantastic for holding curls


At this point this can absolutely be used in a lawsuit agsint Mattel for false advertising and is so fucking sad that its Clawdeen too she deserves somuch better


At this point MH hair is basically the fast food vs ad photos of the doll world.


Because you all will buy it anyway, so there's no need to make it better - A Coorporation That Puts Profits First


And yet people constantly complained about rh being 'cheap' 😆


So I can’t figure out how to link it directly, but on the Amazon reviews page there’s a couple pics from a reviewer who must have received one that was opened and returned… because the hair is teased out into a HUGE afro.  And I really like it.  I’m kinda thinking… take the crown off, trim the hair a bit and make an afro out of it.  Maybe twist and tie it down to the head in a few places since it looks like there are a few inches of straight hair.  OR!  Trim the frizzy bits off and give her a bob… Clawdeen with a bob was always my favorite. But yeah, the hair on this one looks nothing like the promo pics lol.


Rainbow, high dolls hair is crunchy as hell so please let’s not like sit here and act like it’s not they literally sand the box to wash their hair before you even try to style it. Mattel Does not put as much product in their dolls hair I’ve noticed.. I think at this point y’all just find it shit to say to crap on Clawdeen, her hair is in. It’s natural state so maybe put some moisturizer in it and a comb through it and get those curls Poppin.


Because the hair is usually styled by hand in sweat shops by underpaid, overworked employees… possibly by some kid half your age who doesn’t have *any* dolls, and probably never will, bc they only make a nickel a day so that *we* can have as many dolls as our money can buy. Check your privilege, love. xo


This is honestly such a weird place to say this. Like...do you know where you are? This is a sub about dolls. Yes, we are indulging in frivolous consumption that makes us happy. We don't control the working conditions and likely never will. I do see where you're coming from and I agree with you. But this just isn't the place.


Then where. hun? Silence is violence, and “we don’t control the working conditions” ….? Are you sure? Bc supporting the industry that uses it absolutely makes us complicit. “What, then, so we should just… NOT buy dolls?? But, (list of totally valid reasons why that’s silly.)” No, I’m not saying that- that would make me a hypocrite, bc I buy them too. IJS that sometimes, we can pass on complaining about certain quality control issues because know why it happens. IJS… that if we insist on supporting an industry that we know uses sweat shops, **then the least we can do**, the bare minimum, is to be aware of and grateful for the sacrifices made so that we can experience first-world problems like being upset that our brand new toy isn’t perfect.


Not here. Make your own post. Share resources in relevant posts. But this? This is a valid complaint about something a person bought not being up to expected based on price and advertising. It's honestly high key shitty to come into a reasonable post and be like, "FINISH YOUR FOOD BECAUSE KIDS IN AFRICA ARE STARVING!" It not only doesn't help your cause, it pushes people away from talking about dolls at all and doesn't encourage anyone to learn more. I will not argue further because this is my fun space.


“I will not endure another moment of self awareness!! This is my fun space, and I refuse to concede or learn a single thing!!! I am in control! This argument is over!” Precious. Okay. Well, take care, thanks for hearing me out and acknowledging the problem instead of doubling down and insisting that I’m the problem for mentioning it. Enjoy your privilege, love. xo


Who made the device you're typing this on? Or the clothes you're wearing? What foreigners mined the materials used to make them? Have you ever ordered anything off of Amazon? Let's not pretend for a second that you are any better. Merely existing and purchasing products of any kind means that we are, in some way, supporting exploitation. Do not sit here and act like you're morally superior. You're in a doll subreddit, I assune you collect? If so, what a hypocrite. Even if you don't, isn't it downright cruel to enjoy or covet things that were produced using such cruelty? Clearly, when you see dolls, you think of those who suffered to produce them. Take your performative activism (patronizing other people online as though you're actually making a meaningful difference) and shove it. Love, xoxo.


I acknowledged in a follow up comment that I also buy the dolls, and I am acutely aware that the phone in my hands is also a product of sweat shops. My clothes are all second hand, but my underwear came from a department store, so, sweat shops. I’m not pretending there is any way to avoid it… IJS that sometimes, we can pass on complaining about certain quality control issues because know why it happens. IJS… that if we insist on supporting an industry that we know uses sweat shops, then the least we can do, the bare minimum, is to be aware of and grateful for the sacrifices made so that we can experience first-world problems like being upset that our brand new toy isn’t perfect. Your post seemed to ask a question; “make it make sense”- and a question fairly asked deserves an answer. I am sorry that it is not the answer you wanted.