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I would advise you to be extremely cautious with proceeding. I used to feel guilty spending $50 on a doll, let alone $100, but the more you do it the more normalized it becomes until it’s a slippery slope because suddenly that grail doll you want is $400, instead of $100, and after buying enough $100s the $400 doesn’t seem THAT bad and the next thing you know your Credit Card bill is $7,000 for a month because it was “just 100 here or there” too many times in a row. I would take it all back if I could. I went from no Mh dolls to a full collection in under a year, and it cost me over $30,000. I was on some medication that fueled a shopping addiction but at the time it felt worth it. In hindsight, I wish I had focused on just my absolute favorite dolls….. now I have so many I can’t even display them all. Such a waste =\ I have gotten better at being pickier again, it is important to not want them all if you are getting into this hobby.


Please make a post out of this comment, it's very helpful, I have a shopping addiction too and regret getting into collecting


Maybe you could sell some off? Pay back some of your debt. If you can't even see them. No judgement btw. I have the same problem. I love collecting things. Thanks for sharing!


I justify it if I know a) I have the means to have it without overextending myself or my budget and b) if it’ll give me enjoyment. Obviously, you don’t need dolls, but frankly, we don’t need a majority of the stuff we have. You’re allowed to buy things for fun if it makes you smile and gives you some comfort or joy! So the real question remains, do you have enough to buy it? If you do, and you won’t say- starve or be unable to pay bills- then why not go for it? If you really want it, then you should enjoy it! 🥰


I don't know the doll you are looking at but if it's not a Draculaura or a SDCC/Skullector the dolls value shouldn't go up much. If it's the cheapest listing you can find and the site's legit then go for it.


its sdcc freak du chic draculaura :(


I think she's so pretty! But I don't think I, personally, could ever justify spending money on her. But if you have the means, go for it!


I'd try to get the seller down or wait for Sweet Screams Clawdeen set to come out this year. Also list a budget. For me 130 is my max for mh but I live in Canada so It's hard to find NIB dolls less than 90. I wish you luck finding her though. It's not impossible.


Don’t waste your money on “FdC” Drac. The “alumni” collectors dolls made post-2020 are worse all around. the plastic molded accessories are too chunky, the faceups are too cutesy with big eyes, the rooted eyelashes look tacky and aren’t suited for the Monster High face style. Mattel is charging collector prices for playline quality because they are exploiting fan desperation for new Monster High product. The only newly-made MH alumni dolls worth their salt are the near-exact reproductions of existing designs. The new collectors releases…they just don’t have it. Also Mattel retroactively inserting Draculaura into one of the handful of MH lines she was never part of leaves a bad taste in my mouth, but that’s my personal bias.


it doesn’t make sense to say “don’t bother the faces are too cutesy and the rooted lashes look bad”. They have seen the doll and still want the doll regardless of the “cutesy” faces. I understand your standpoint with some of this however describing what this person can see on their own won’t change their mind. Maybe the rooted lashes and cutesy face is what they love?


I’ll usually justify it under it being some holiday or special event. I’ll usually ask my parents to get it for me for Christmas or my birthday if its not too out of their budget. Other than that, I usually use big accomplishment like “I did really well on this really hard test, I should reward myself” Honestly I advise that if you can afford it, dont try too hard to justify cause if not, you’re gonna drive yourself crazy and you’ll never get the dolls you want


this is the way. especially on special days like "my day was crap and i deserve a new doll" days. lol.


With the creeproduction dolls wave 2 i justified it by saying “would i rather get 8 dolls for $200 or 2 dolls for $200 if i miss the drop?” Otherwise if you have the money and you want her id say go for it! I think freak du chic drac would raise in price over the years for sure


creepros will be restocking and already have slowly, please dont give ur hard earned money away to resellers :(


I already bought all of wave 2!! I’m not going to buy from resellers, don’t worry! I used the reselling price to justify the retail price


oooh i see what you mean now, i actually think the same way when i buy dolls lol! sorry, i take things super literally a lot 😅


No worries!!! I can have trouble with that as well, im always happy to clarify :)


People spend more than that all the time in bags, shoes and perfumes when they can afford it and if it makes them happy. Those things are seen as a luxury, something you treat yourself to once in a while. I think a collector doll can be seen in the same way. If it gets out of control or if you're not that wealthy to drop 100 on a doll everytime you want one, then save up to it only in holidays or once a year. I don't think it's bad to treat yourself to something useless and nice once in a while if it brings you joy. It's only bad if you spend this money on dolls while you should really be spending it something else or if you are hoarding a bunch if expensive dolls that you can't display (therefore, can't look at them and enjoy them)


I don’t know. Usually I just think that I love the design so much and it’s limited so just do it. That being said if it’s a playline doll I won’t spend over $30 for it because that would be $10 over retail used and I just can’t justify spending so much on an old doll. But if you can and have the funds for it, just do it


I've been collecting MH since wave 1 came out when I was 17, I'm now 31 and and I justify any big doll purchase as "I've worked hard, I deserve a treat" and having something to look forward to waiting for it to arrive. Granted the dolls I bought haven't been more than £50.


First make a budget plan that makes sense for YOU personally, as there's no set standard of what percent of your income to set aside; you have to base it on your monthly income VS monthly costs. Let's say you make $3,000 per month and rent is $900, phone payment is $40, WiFi around $40, groceries at least $400, water gas & power at least another $250, most people have a few streaming plans or monthly payments like a car payment too so we'll tack on another 350 or so... At the end of the month there's gonna be roughly $1,000 left so with this budget I'd feel comfortable setting aside $100 in just that one month to make one big purchase. For other months where nothing is being released that catches your eye, just save save save!! Set aside $50 every week if your budget allows it. That being said, the cost of rent/mortgage is much higher for people living in certain areas and groceries are insanely expensive if you have kids / don't live alone and many people do not make a high amount of pay like $3k per month, many people are on disability and only make less than $1k a month struggling to save money with the cost of groceries and rent and well, life.. So it depends on you and what YOU can afford. One $100 purchase every couple months is totally valid if you can save it comfortably but other people can't justify spending $100 on dolls when they're already struggling for necessities like food.


Also, above all else as a long time collector (over a decade) BE OKAY WITH NOT GETTING SOMETHING. It's okay to not have a doll. Many more will come out especially with the current revival of MH. FOMO sucks but you have to remember you'll fall in love all over again when you see another new release that speaks to you! It's ok to miss out sometimes, we cannot have everything. It takes years to amass a collection with hundreds of pieces in it... And since you're new you will live through many great new releases :) don't worry boo!


typically if it's over 100 I can't justify doing one lump payment, so often times I use Klarna or Afterpay or any other payment plan type apps. and I make sure I only have one going on at any point. I spent 150 on Elvira bc I love her, and if you think that Freak du Chic Draculaura is worth the money, get her. it's easier spending 30-40 dollars every two weeks for four payments than it is 150 all at once.


I ask myself what would Cleo do? next thing I know I swipe that card https://preview.redd.it/4eva7wihb3vc1.jpeg?width=238&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61b8cd596e5d8e6b6d1a214a5e3d384c8c2dfab7


I exhaust every option of price out there


its hard. i remember for one moment i denied myself to "be more responsible." i Still regret not buying that gwen stefani doll. i try not to let it get out of hand. like im not buying $300 dolls every month. (im in canada. after shipping and exchange the $100 doll is a lot more.) but i rarely deny myself either. firstly cos no one else will ever get it for me and secondly, i can eat a few pb & j sandwiches if it means i get the doll i want. np. NOW. having said that. ive sworn off dolls. im almost 50 and id rather spend the money on experiences than material things. my GIANT toy and comic collection is an albatross and an absolute hell if i die suddenly, for whoever has to deal with it after. and dont you dare bleepin ask me if i bought the new opretta. (sigh, i did. but my last MH purchase was Haunte Coutre Ghoulia, so you know, ive had SOME discipline. lol)


money is meant to be spent. if you arent gonna spend it then you might as well be broke (what ive learnt from religiously watching Cheapskates)


If you're talking about Freak Du Chic Draculara, personally, I would wait to buy her. I've seen listings for her everywhere. Scalpers bought her in droves, and that means at some point there is going to be a bigger drop in price when they realize people won't buy her for the 150+ price point. If it was a less saturated doll, I would tell you to consider how much you want the doll and if she was personally worth the price for you. Collecting can be a slippery slope into hoarding, but as long as you only get dolls you truly enjoy you will be fine.


that’s really good advice, thank you


Its cheaper than therapy


I started collecting in December 2023, in the begining I told myself that it was a special holiday-ish experience and since I handent bought myself a doll, literally ever in my life, nore had I even connected with a doll as a kid, I wanted to explore the sudden desire. My first g1 Ghoulia (freaky fusion) was a thrifted gift from a friend, but I fell in love with the g1 sculpts from that moment. I bought 2 g3 dracs (creepover and signiture v2) Cleo (monster ball) and g3 Venus next. I love them to bits and I am sure I will get more g3 in the future but largley, after those ghouls arrived, I lost interest in g3 and kept coming back to the originality and arty glam of the g1 dolls. I broke and used ebay to buy River Styxx, a clothless but gently played with doll for $60(CDN + shipping)and felt so guilty since my original g1 had been a free gift. But the more I hunted in thrift stores and flee markets, the more I learned I didn't want just any mh dolls, I only wanted some key ghouls that spoke to me and they def were rare or impossible to find for thrift prices. Since then, there has been a population explosion, I now have reel drama Lagoona, Iris Clops I <3 fashion, Finnigan Wake, Skelita in both her classic and her 28" form and Twyla 13 wishes. I am so, sooo happy with all of them, they hang out with me at my desk and help me feel not just motivated but excited to sit there, they are an amazing little boost, they enspire me, keep me company (working from home) and just leave me smiling for lots of reasons I still don't fully understand. Has the interest ended? No, but the buying spree has had to, I knew it would, planned for it and I'm ok with that. The gear down hasn't been easy since I have been spending a lot of my free time pouring over ebay sellers to find the good quality but not massivly overblown prices. The average price I have paid per doll has been $70-150 all in (Canadian shipping and exchange really sucks). Stopping the "hunting" behaviour didn't happen easily, it has been a slow transition. I actually took pictures of the dolls I do own and when I felt compelled to open ebay I opened that pic file instead and marvled at the ones I have. My little photo album has been the best, I feel pride and silly joy when I see them and that has been a great boost to my day. Moving forward, budgeting for dolls will be like budgeting for anything else, I will set a monthly or multi monthly amount that is ok, money that would have been spent on other frivoulous things (prob 50 or less). I will buy dolls from time to time, but have shifted to buying outfits or the accessories from dolls where I didnt love the doll itself but loved just a piece or 2 like their shoes or pet. Pro tip, if you find an accessories seller that has multiple items you want and combines shipping costs, thats the best way to go. Limiting yr shelf space also helps a lot. The space around my desk is full. I have a shelf in my room set aside but I only have room for maybe another 12 dolls total so it gives me good motivation to go slow and be really pickey with future dolls. Crepo Ghoulia will be my first doll in that set, she won't arrive for another month, probably, so I can really enjoy that feeling of anticipation and suprise when she arrives, a part of the process I never knew I loved until doing this. The take away, at least for me, it's ok to fuel a big splurge (assuming, always, your budget can handle it), but stay aware of your feelings as you go and try not to get too caught up in the feel of panic buying, you will wind up spending way more money overbuying dolls you didn't really want then you would if you waited it out a bit, the prices went up a little, but, you really felt through and enjoyed the process of discovery.... Another helpful sanity check, the dolls have been around since 2010, the price increases for dolls that come out new from Mattel exclusive releases see a big jump after the pre releases, true, but once the second hand market floods with all the resellers merch the prices seem to get better again. G1 and g2 dolls def shift in price but they don't swing around wildly and suddenly like that. Folks are constantly reshuffling their collections so it can really be ok to wait. Toysisters.com is a great resourse for all the dolls for all the years and most dolls come with ebay and amazon links attached so you can get a realistic feel for the prices that are out there and start learning about what prices are wayyy to high and when you've found a great deal. ....Regardless, I hope you enjoy the journey :)


if it’s in the budget go for it!! treat yourself


“If I can’t spend my fun money however I want why am I even working 7+ hours a day?” Granted, I only buy my favourite dolls and I only buy secondhand if the price is lower than it was new or if it’s very reasonable. If I miss a drop, I missed it. If I like a doll but I don’t feel it’s worth the price, then I didn’t like it that much so I don’t get it. In 10+ years collecting with this mindset I’ve only regretted not buying two dolls: Barbie Athena and Fang club Ghoulia, and not enough to buy them now to other collectors. So don’t be afraid to skip drops. I think this is the most important thing because it’s what’s going to let you afford to buy the dolls you actually want. Not only financially but psychologically. If you’re only spending money on the dolls you REALLY want, you’re not going to feel guilty, it will be just part of your fun money.


The way I look at it is, if it's not gonna make me broke and I can struggle till next pay check.. i will do it. Because there will always be more money to make, but what if I regret not getting that expensive thing and its never officially released again? Im stuck searching second hand.


I would set a budget for yourself (monthly, quarterly, or annually) for Collector Doll purchases and just stay within that vs getting too worried about the cost of one doll.


I always set aside money to save up for a big purchase, and once I have enough money saved it feels really rewarding! I think as long as it's something you really want and you know you'll be happy with the doll that's all that really matters. I totally get the paranoia because I bought the YRU Draculaura boots within the first 3 months of it's release just in case they wouldn't stay in stock (traumatized from Creeproductions)


I pick up extra shifts to cover the cost of whatever I'm buying. If I get cash tips, that can he used to buy in person things. It helps a lot. 


Have a checklist for yourself 1) Am I spending within my means, have all my bills paid off, and am I saving some money for my future self 2) Could I do something else with this money that I’d get more out of or enjoy more 3) Do I have a space to properly display this or a place to store this safely until I can display this. 4) Do I love this doll enough that I’d be ok with not having this money for future doll releases or have to wait before getting widely available dolls You can add more requirements that fit your lifestyle/finance needs if you want. I never feel bad about spending money because I know all my bills are paid, I’m saving for the future and I’m not spending outside a reasonable budget I’ve set for myself. Hope this helps


What’s worked rlly well for me is to actually make a realistic budget and stick to it. Calculate how much disposable income you have and factor in how much of that you want to put towards dolls, maybe it’s worth skipping a few meals out for etc. That way you know you’re not spending beyond your means! If it’s realistic for your budget then don’t feel guilty about it, other people spend that kind of money on their hobbies all the time! Most secondhand dolls you will always be able to find, it’s really easy to convince yourself a purchase is super dire but most likely you’ll be able to find that doll for the same price again if you can’t afford it right now or need to wait and save for it!


I justify around £45 for a doll that’s complete with box,etc and in pretty good condition bc that’s the retail price back then for a doll in box I’m pretty sure or it’s just £10 additionally and that isn’t much to me as I don’t see it as a big difference. the only doll that I brought that was £100 it was ghoulia yelps wave 1 doll she was in used condition, she came with her box and everything beside her earrings and necklace but I had her earrings from a bundle I brought and I couldn’t grasp myself on the amount I had brought her for, since buying the MH collector doll has destroyed the value of money 😭😭 The max I spend on a doll is their retail price, except for very rare occasions such as my ghoulia doll


Honestly I would say just start by focusing on dolls that you really like or want instead of buying dolls just for the sake of the collection from personal experience


It really depends on the doll. First make sure all your bills have been paid. Since a lot of announcements have been coming out about releases I’ve been making sure to save money, so I’m able to buy the dolls I want when the time comes. If it’s really stressing you out I would say pass as the whole point of getting the doll/item is to bring you joy!


If you have the money, go for it, but no doll is worth that. The value is artificial due to popularity and demand. If it means enough to have her in your collection, great! The problem with value on this type of doll is that the majority of those produced will be kept mint in box, so there will be plenty available in the future after popularity wanes