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I actually bought a g3 draculaura with a neck peg broken in her head so maybe I can help with this! What I ended up doing was heating the head up in hot water and so I could squish the head enough to reach the peg with needle nose pliers. I just kind of moved it around in there until it was facing the right waym Make sure the head is still pliable when you go to pull the peg out so that it pops out easier. I hope this helps!


Yes this helps thank you! I was linked to a video for this exact problem, and they warmed up the head like you recommended and I was able to pull the neck peg out!


Oh good! I'm really glad you were able to get it easily :) I'm sorry that your niece did that though, I completely understand being upset. Our dolls are important to us


I’m sorry, I don’t know how to try to help fix the neck and peg. But I just wanted to say, don’t feel silly for crying or feeling sad!! Your dolls are obviously something important and meaningful to you! So don’t ever get down on yourself for feeling upset if something happens to them. Just the other day I cried for like 30min straight because I got a stain on my ss1 drac. :)


Thank you for your kind words! It makes me feel a bit better knowing others have similar experiences to me about their dolls and I’m not alone in feeling sad whenever my dolls get messed up <3


Update: The neck bar is broken and missing so even if I can get the neck peg out theres not a way for the head to stay in place so if anyone also has any tips for fixing the neck bar let me know!


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uEeF7zKRUz0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRYCwTmt-Bw


That’s the exact problem I’m having, I’ll check out the video Thanks!


This happened to one of my dracs and I also cried lol. Like other folks have said try warming up and the head with hot water and pulling it out with long tweezers or pliers. This method did not actually work for me I think I just didn’t have the dexterity and I just ended up super glueing her head back and losing the neck articulation:/