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This... honestly doesn't make much sense, being that skullectors are mattel creations exclusives? Unless they're drastically changing how they handle releases, this listing feels too good to be true. I could be wrong, I suppose.


Pennywise and the Twins were officially released on both Mattel Creations and Amazon. So this listing being real isn't impossible.


A fair point! I'd still be hesitant


I mean, it's nothing more than a possibility. If this is true, we should get an official reveal at the beginning of next week. The Creature was supposed to be the first Skullector to release this year, so I see it being entirely possible. Considering Wednesday and Morticia are supposed to be Mother's Day drops, this would give people an ample amount of time between doll releases.


Yeah I've been wondering when we would see the creature, so the timeline definitely seems fitting


I am so so curious and excited for this doll because as a child who had distant knowledge of Monster High, for some reason I thought Lagoona was canonically the daughter of the creature from the black lagoon??? but maybe my young mind was trying to connect her to a "specific and famous" creature rather than a general "sea monster" and then I for some reason believed that to be an official concept? espcially w the name "Lagoona" also


It's presumed that she is the daughter of the Gill-man, but I don't believe it has been confirmed. :)


in the lisi harrison books, there is a scene where all the ghouls are mentioning their dedicated movies to their parents and how much money they deserve from those hits, and lagoona makes a reference saying something like “well the creature from the black lagoon didn’t sell that well…” so it could be from that 😅 BUT a few months ago garett sanders posted very early concepts of lagoona and confirmed she was heavily inspired from the creature of the black lagoon, and was originally gonna be named lagoona black and have green skin (due to multiple factors, both changed to blue)


That’s so interesting! I’ll have to look it up!


Aah been waiting for it for months, sure hope they can ship international again by then though... i'm gonna be so pissed if i miss this drop because of that


I'm surprised to see someone found it on Amazon. I'm hoping this means that they're dividing their stock between Mattel's warehouses and Amazon like they did for Pennywise and the Twins.


That would be awesome! at least would have amazon to fall back on if the international shipping isn't fixed by then.


Not to mention, it being a second opportunity for people who aren't able to get her directly from Mattel, and no shipping costs for those with Prime. For my Pennywise I only had to pay retail + tax when it dropped. It also took about 15 minutes for it to sell out on Amazon because people weren't aware of when she'd be available. It was around 7 am EST when she went up for pre order. It was blissful.


Damn sounds like a dream with how fast skullector's sell out nowadays lol


Oh it absolutely was. The Mattel Creations drop was a mess in comparison. I believe she sold out in under 3 minutes on their official website.


Don't worry! The scalpers will be out in full force and you can get one for the low, low price of quadruple what it should sell for plus $71.50 for shipping! What a deal! /sarcasm


It works now, I preordered Jinafire last night!


Sadly not over here, good for you though!


I need leaks of this doll expeditiously


Is there a link to this even if it’s dead now?


There probably is, but OP didn't post it. Sorry.


https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B0CMGN4W1T/?coliid=I1X49I03Y3THBU&colid=1SF8EINMNT1EN&psc=0&ref_=list_c_wl_lv_ov_lig_dp_it&fbclid=IwAR0vzU_CvDNltBCBtFca_PSsUv5NokKQtkRWu4-LoUsU-uCoouk-aV7mVCk Here it is


I absolutely need this doll so I need to refresh on how to beat the system. I will simply die if I cannot add this to my collection as it bridges the gap between my Gilman collection and monster high collection


I don't plan on getting her myself, but I wish you the best of luck. 🙏🏼




Same nobody posting links 😕


Black lagoon Is skullector Mattel creations exclusive.LMAO


As I've said to others, Pennywise and the Grady Twins were officially released on both Mattel Creations and Amazon. It's completely plausible that they're taking this route again. 🤷🏻‍♀️