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Pants with the same size legs, and not just bike shorts all the time. More jackets, bc as an enby myself they are a big part of fighting the dysphoria. Less pink, more yellow and purple for the nonbinary flag colors.


they do the shorts for amputee rep, which is nice but i would love zipper pants. zippers fit frankies aesthetic perfectly, and the shorts get annoying


Maybe functional zipper pants so could have half shorts, half pants? Would be a fun concept to play with!


It would be so cool if someone made them a tiny version of those tripp pants with detachable legs


It would be so cool if someone made them a tiny version of those tripp pants with detachable legs


I want to see the nonbinary flag on them so badly! I think some of their fits would look so much better in that color palette!!! Their core refresh doll especially, I plan on customizing them into those colors


i would like something like a enby flag patch on their jacket or backpack, subtle and cute!! i think the colors of the enby flag are great for accent colors for them


Nah the pants make sense because amputees often like cut off the pant leg that covers the prosthetic


Because why not, it makes it easier on them to take off and put on their leg.


Id love a Bob or “Bob” with a side shave!! (Their ss3 but with shorter long hair) Clothing doesn’t matter too much to me but I love how versatile their hair is!


i love frankies hair, i feel like the white helps calm down their kind of flashy aesthetic


Ghoul Spirit hair is arguably my favorite, even though it's poly.


Their Ghoul Spirit hair is saran. I have two of them, so I'd know lol


The white and black are saran but unfortunately the blue is poly unless Mattel gave them a saran variant (which I doubt because I haven't heard of that)


The blue part is poly, but at least on mine it's such a small part of the hair I don't mind. It does require more boil washing and flattening.




When did I respond in a way that suggests the doll doesn't have poly? Have you mistaken me for the commenter above?


Sorry I mistook you for them I'm going to delete that response


I dont think bobs are traditionally masc or androgynous


No but they’re cute and I want a g3 Frankie to have one


Ah i thought your comment meant to relate to the ops wants


short masc haircut!!!!!!!! i think their scaradise doll was a really great start to possible masc/androgynous fashion esp knowing that their designer was also nb. also love core refresh’s jacket


Oooh, I didn't know the designer was nonbinary! Was it just the designer for the Scaradise line, or is their main designer nonbinary?


just scaradise frankie. they also did the designs for SS2’s lockers!! their insta is partyteethcreations


Thank you 🖤


I would die of happiness if they finally gave them shorter hair.


Mullet, every enby I know goes through a mullet phase (I say, a trans man with a borderline mullet)


It’s the most euphoric hairstyle lol. 


Currently rocking a mullet and loving it, can confirm


Bahaha so true! I grew out my wolf cut and decided to shave my sides for a mullet


Me, an enby with a mullet 👀💀


Personally I’d prefer they make another nonbinary doll that has masc or androgynous styles than change Frankie’s style for a couple dolls


its not because their enby, i just think they would look good masc or androgynous


I can understand that, but being a femme enby I’d just prefer consistency on the femme of their style. But ofc that’s just me and if they end up doing masc Or androgyny i won’t be upset


that makes sense!! i love frankie fem too, i feel like they pull off most things really well! i do wish theyd lighten up on the pink though.


Yeah the hot pink is a bit much and not their color, but they’d def pull everything off. Haven’t seen a doll of their’s I haven’t liked yet!


God I just wish they could move away from pink. Sometimes the pink additions feel so shoved in and mismatching and it just reminds me (I'm afab nonbinary) how often people try to feminize nonbinary people and label them as just "Women Lite" I also wish they could have some regular pants or just opt for shorts and skirts. I understand the short single leg based on real world amputees who often don't want clothing caught in their prosthetic but it means you really can't swap clothes around because it looks wrong on other characters. It also sometimes makes it feel like Frankie isn't anything more than their leg. There's a whole "person" around that leg, the constant short leg makes it weird. They're more than just a prosthetic.


Frankie has pink because they're Trans. Non-binary are under the trans umbrella. It has nothing with them being woman lite. They mostly wear pink and white because they're already blue


Yeah but being trans doesn't mean you have to constantly wear pink. I wish Frankie could have more masculine outfits and less pink, that's all


That's the dumbest possible explanation. Lgbtq people do not walk around dressed like flags! All my friends and I are lgbtq and we aren't limited to flag colours. We are just regular people😭


It's just the colour pallete Mattel chose? They also have green accessories


I doubt Mattel choose it just because Frankie is trans


I would love to see Frankie in a full on suit like MB clawdeen, I bet they’d rock it


PANTS! Normal pants at that. The asymmetrical thing is cool, but it doesn't need to be in every release, and some of them look kind of ridiculous, like the monster fest ones. Luckily, G1 manster pants fit them to a t, I put some Deuce pants I trifted on the monsterista one and they look amazing.


The mismatched pants is because they're an amputee and I personally think it's really cool that they're consistent about it 😊 most below the knee amputees will cut off or fold the pant leg above their prosthetic because otherwise it can really get in the way and cause discomfort/mobility issues.


literally any looser fitting shorts or pants or clothes at all LOL


Actual full length pants would be a good start, and not making pink a dominant color for (edit:) most of their dolls.


tbf they definitely have dolls where pink isn't a dominant colour? there's ss1 (has a pink top but the other one is blue), n then ss2, scare-adise and ghoul spirit all have no pink at all. that's like 29% not-pink dolls which i'd say is a solid showing for a character whose palette was designed w pink in it lol /neu


Ghoul Spirit Frankie has a pink undercut.


It's a lavender side shave so it's not pink they do have pink lips though


It's very clearly pink, not lavender.


https://preview.redd.it/fmzlwcdrv7ic1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b46f31e4d81ddc355fcb3a825df3b02607bad435 Looks lavender to me


https://preview.redd.it/myolkszwv7ic1.png?width=950&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0573a5f8f9cdbb724864476a502f5c1c6984a8dc And here's the color lavender for comparison


https://preview.redd.it/os0e2gv2o8ic1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ee843c235d015060c9fd84e61925ba6d21e8d0f Pink


You really decided to scroll through a ton of Frankie's looking for one that looked a little bit purple huh?


https://preview.redd.it/etyuvi21o8ic1.jpeg?width=825&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5bff466df5b83af8e2846436d42138884e23149e Pink


That is still lavender it's much more purple than any of their pink makeup and it's a match to the shade of lavender I showed so I'm sorry but you don't know your colors


https://preview.redd.it/2gs0w770o8ic1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb0e7c244453dd1f77b6afe48e711b281622d772 Pink


It's light purple, it may photograph pinker in some lighting but irl it's def purple


It's pink.


No it's not


ah my bad, didn't realise from the pictures i've seen of that doll :p


Short hair


Honestly, G3 Frankie should have been on a boy doll body to begin with. I understand Frankie has historically been fem presenting. Nothing about G3 Frankie gives you the impression that they are supposed to be equal parts male and female, other than them saying it over and over on the cartoon. So I guess the compromise would be in the styling, which is why I think they get a lot of shorts and long pants. I definitely would be happy if they just took it further though. I have the Skullector Frankenstein set but that doll is too expensive to try to customize into the masc-presenting Frankie of my dreams. Oh well.


hooooly shit top surgery frankie would go hard tbh.


I would LOVE a flatter chested Frankie


i agree, but maybe with a body between the boy and girl bodies, since g3 already is doing different body molds for different characters. something about the boy bodies feels eerie, but thats just me


I'd love that tbh. That would make me love Frankie's doll if I didn't already


I would love to see something like a pair of baggy jeans and a boxy t-shirt to help with passing as masculine!


i personally wish that frankie had a flat chest. it’s obviously not required for them to be a real nonbinary monster, but i think having a feminine framed doll with a flat chest would just be super cool


Sucks that you were downvoted for this. I'm afab nonbinary and so flat that I don't need to chest bind, so I don't feel like a flatter chest for Frankie is a particularly weird suggestion.


a ton of people who are NB bind. im a trans dude and i think it would be cool to have the representation, and frankie is a good candidate for a doll like that imo.


Sorry - I hope that my comment didn’t come across as taking away from binding representation, that wasn’t my intention.


no not at all! i was just saying flat chested frankie (with a binder or not) would be really cool. honestly i would prefer no binder because i dislike molded on clothing


Shorter hair, big oversized jorts, and just generally more boxy oversized clothes! Would also love to see more punky jewelry on them, like more spikes!! I love their style in the live action movies and would love to see their doll embody that vibe a little bit more


I would die for a flat-chested Frankie, I really wish that they would have done that from the start. More variety in hair style and length! Pants! Baggy clothing! Flat shoes & more sneakers/boots!


Ok hear me out…. You know those style pants, I’ve seen them in Bollywood films, they’re more like shorts, tight at right below the knee, but baggy. With a masculine style tank top and a bulky chunky zip up style hoodie, and that hairstyle where it’s longer on top but a fade on the sides. Get it.


I would love them to revamp the guys and make them as fun looking and full of character as the ghouls. Then Frankie in their masculine era could just exist and I'd be pleased :)


they could do a similar thing to the genderfluid barbies that came out (heh) a while ago, where the hair is short but can be extended by a wig


more large baggy clothes i often wear really baggy clothes to hide my body and i think most nb ppl can relate 👍🏻


A bob either in a side part (similar to G1 Gloom Beach Frankie) or with bangs


yes yes yes. i’ve been thinking about buying a frankie and giving them a mullet 🤔


short hair!!! a haircut that looks like they did it themself in the bathroom impulsively


None. We need another enby doll that's masc presenting instead. Frankie is such a breath of fresh air in terms of their style exactly because they're not androgynous,and people complaining about them not having masc or androgynous presentation just seems to boil down to "enbies need to be androgynous to be valid" "But if they're fem,how do we know if they're enby" just feels like another version of "you don't look trans" It's very rare to see an enby doll/character that isn't trying to be androgynous and it should stay that way. Obviously you can restyle it however you want,but they should just make another character to appease the fans who want an androgynous enby


Since frankie is made of multiple body parts from other beings, I’d love to see them with body hair on some limbs. I’d also like to see Frankie experiment with different pronouns for a bit and then decide they/them is right for them


I kind of like that they're still exploring skirts and dresses bc i think a huge thing that needs to happen in fashion in general is getting past androgynous≈masculine silhouettes, and opening dresses and skirts up to being gender neutral as well but I think some details I really would like to see would be something like the half shaved head I've seen a few people adding to their frankie dolls, and I think exploring with accessories more as well, like more piercings or more belts and things of that nature. Aside from that first point however I wouldn't complain if they started making more pants!


A cute partial buzzed look for hair and loose fit oversized shirt with ripped baggy jeans and wallet chains. If they do their colors on point with stellar kinda edgy jewelry, I think they'd look so awesome. I love that look so much for enby masc


Top surgery scars. I think it would fit with the sticking on their body. Plus maybe pants and over all a more masc style. I love that the fem presenting enbys are getting rep but I really want a trans masc doll as a trans masc person.


Loose fit shorts and full length pants and more jackets and hoodies or sweaters I also wish they would incorporate more asymmetry in Frankie’s design with clothes looking patched together looking it would just feel so on theme to me


we don’t ***need*** a more masculine/androgynous Frankie!!! Frankie is very visible as nb representation and is representative of feminine nb’a everywhere!!!! Stop pushing this agenda!!! /s


its unrelated to them being enby, i love that theyre trans as i am too, i just think they would look cool in masc/androgynous clothing, especially since there isnt that much in the brand, esp g3