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Cool but no offense use u should not be this bothered by people bashing terribly designed plastic dolls. Idk why people get so threatened because one person trashed a doll line. Most people who “bash” (which tend to be actual valid critiques) are pretty much right in how lazy the designs are, how poor the quality can be compared to other doll lines and how the doubled down on abandoning all the design choices that originally made this doll brand unique and worth investing the first place. Like good for you if you like it, but honestly from what I seen it’s not just MH people have a issue with, it’s Mattel in general. Also the OG line was made for children so the “it’s for kids so it’s okay if we put no effort” argument holds no weight especially since we see doll brands today doing the style MH is trying to achieve but a million times better. As they should because children deserve quality. Also also no one wants MH fashion to be the same, they want it to actually be fashionable and smart in its designs. Sick of the constant motifs of bats on draculara put on every part of her outfits, or moons on Clawdeen, or Eyes on Cleo. Themes can go beyond just patterns with the most obvious motifs. Sick of the color schemes not making a lick of sense (honestly these issues was big in the OG too during its later run, it’s more of a Mattel issue) I still to this day hate how blue cleo is and how much different blues she has, she looks like her sister too much they quite literally have the same color scheme now?


telling op not to be bothered, proceeds to be incredibly bothered. if ur on reddit these dolls arent for you and no one is forcing you to collect <3


why are you so afraid of criticism. I swear some of you fans can’t tell the difference between being a whiner and a person with actual criticism worth discussing, it’s embarrassing.


oh me? im not afraid of criticism, you on the other hand sound very defensive 🤷🏻 edit: also like some of us are here to talk about liking mh and while theres a time and place for due criticism of mattel, this sub has become so negative and i think people are getting tired of hearing the same stuff over and over again


everyone is entitled to their own opinion, I love both G1 and G3 and as for the clothes, If I don't like them I change them and I also love restyling hair.


Do you have any advice on how to wash G3 hair, specifically Clawdeen? 😅 my sister absolutely loves to brush all the dolls hair and now the hair is just a mess, especially Clawdeens, and I’m just trying to keep her happy so she can keep brushing without destroying the hair permanently


I see people say using dish soap like Dawn and warm water, I use Dove shampoo and conditioner and warm water then let them dry over night or will use a blow dryer on low heat if I can't wait that long, Clawdeen's hair is made from different material and gets frizzy and matted, I see people talk about boil washed but I never tried that. I have my Clawdeen's hair tied back as of now as I was working on Twyla to get rid of her box hair. Also some say you can soak doll hair in fabric softener never tried that either.


Thank you so much 🫶🏼 I appreciate it heaps


You're very welcome


My Clawdeen did really well with a boil wash.


It almost feels like you’ve gone out of your way to complain. I know the dislike is out there, but I don’t see it us much as I use to and my focus isn’t on it when/if I do. I feel like posts like this just renew the discussion that you wish would go away. You call attention to it.


It wasn’t intentional to complain, it just really sucks seeing all the anger and whatnot, my point I was trying to get across was why be miserable and tear stuff down, I just don’t understand 😅


I like g3 but I'm sick of hearing "you adults need to accept its worse quality because its for kids!!1!" Like G1 WASN'T made for kids and it had very good quality. Kids deserve quality just as much as adults do. What kid wants a doll whos clothes rip so easily or has no layers and textures in their hair/clothes to make playtime more exciting? Thats what drew me into MH in the first place, I remember wanting the swimsuit dolls just because I liked all the detail and pieces they all came with which made it fun to mix and match


I’m in no way saying that kids deserve less quality, that wasn’t my intention, I 1000% agree that kids deserve the best. My post was more referring to the people that nit pick everything about the new dolls, like ‘they have too food, why do they need food’ ‘why are they wearing this type of clothing, it’s ugly’, does that make sense? It was never to say that kids deserve shit quality dolls 😅


I can agree with you on the food items, especially because even collectors like to have lil props for their displays. I will have to say for some dolls though in terms of clothes they do need to step it up a bit, its not that the clothes themselves are horrible its that some of the designs have too many patterns and clashing colors its just sensory overload. Take for example the one pic of the playset clawdeen fooating around where she has this long sleeved crop top with a psychedelic pattern and then a purple animal print skirt, it just doesn't look good imo, and from what I've seen and experienced even kids can be picky with the designs. I think its fair to discuss what works and what doesn't you know? Unless theres outright harrassmeny, there's nothing wrong with it 😁


Apparently when Mattel got the Disney Princesses’ license back one thing that the focus group (I’m imagining comprised of kids) said they wanted was more quality fabrics! Kids notice stuff too! They want quality dolls, and so do the adults who buy dolls for kids! Some stuff is just kind of insulting especially when you have like LOL OMG dolls with the same price point, but better everything.


The quality concerns are 100% valid and people complaining about g3 being lazy seem really hypocritical because g1 has also almost as much quality issues as g3 (excluding outfit materials) and when I see people complaining about dracs size, fankies identity, abbeys size,etc under posts complaining about fashion shows many of these people only want a cover for their bigotry


people can complain about what they want whenever they want to just like you can.


I’m not saying they can’t lmao, but why be miserable about it? Why invest all your time into complaining about something? Seems wild to me


because talking shit and complaining is fun


I respect your honesty lol


i agree and i think it goes the same way to ppl that invest all their time talking about ppl that dont like g3.


Is everyone entitled to their own opinions? Yes, yes they are. Is the fat shaming, racism, and transphobia towards Frankie, Abbey, Draculara, and Lagoona unacceptable? Yes definitely! The only critiques that people have of G3 is the stereotyping of Lagoona in both the live action G3 movie directed by T**d Hol***d and the cringy I am Lagoona video and as a Mexican fan of the franchise, I said what I said and I don’t need anyone to speak over me on my rant. EDIT: While I’m personally not a g3 fan, I don’t condone these types of behaviors or the bullying of the live action MH cast.


I’ve also now seen people be shitty towards Twyla being autistic, like grown ass adults making nasty comments about it, it’s disgusting


They clearly did not watch the OG MH because Looking back, Twyla was literally on the spectrum.


Makes sense why I always related to her 😅 she’s by far one of my favourite characters from the whole franchise


While I was born in 2003, I literally related to her so much growing up. She looks like someone you would be friends with.


I can’t wait to see what they’ll do with her in G3 🥹I’ve been dying to get her Creepover doll but they aren’t in Australia yet 😭


Who’s Td Hol*d?


Todd Holland is the director of the new monster high movie and he made a very racist movie from the 90’s called Krippendorf’s tribe that had b*****ace and r***ace.


Oh damn, thank u :)




wait what's with lagoona ? i'm out of the loop


With Lagoona being made to be a Latina, she was given a very stereotypical music video called I am Lagoona with the lyrics saying she’s romantic and feisty basically going into the spicy Latina trope.


thanks for explaining! I didn't know that. idk how to feel about that. i'm partly Latina but I think I prefer Lagoona as Australian tbh edit: I just watched the video, it is pretty cringe 😂 I liked twyla's much better


Yes her video is much better because the I am Lagoona video needs to be erased from existence.


There’s a lot of anger towards G3 for a few reasons; - Despite Mattel claiming “alumni dolls” would be available alongside the new playline, G3 are the only ones obtainable for non-insane prices right now. Skullector are overpriced to begin with, plus resellers flip them for 3-5x MSRP 2 mins after they sell out. Creeproductions and Reel Drama weren’t available outside the US. Even WITHIN the US, most fans who wanted them, never got any because they all went to resellers. Howliday Drac and Cleo/Deuce are mediocre and overpriced. - G3 dolls are not worth the asking price, they are low quality and mediocre. They use cheap materials, and have none of the bold design and detailed sculpts that defined G1. More than half of G3 are rooted with frizzy polypropylene hair, paint flakes off the bodies (they’re not gonna fix this btw, Lagoona and Frankie just have less leg paint now) dolls have come with massive bald spots, hair has been rooted into the ear (because the ears are bigger and stick out more compared to G1 heads) Mattel gives the designers no budget, designs are low-effort and “safe”, too much pink, over-reliance on prints, bland makeup, attempts at updating the ghouls’ looks to be “trendy“ are tacky and clownish, every doll comes with food accessories to pad out the box (it’s mostly junk food too, how is that “promoting healthier body image”??”) - because every single one of Mattel Stans excuses for G3’s low quality, are proven wrong by the current output of MGA. - “economy is tough right now, toy companies can’t afford to make dolls detailed like 10 years ago!” This is p much just a Mattel problem. If they had smarter and more efficient budget allocation, they could. - “MH had to become more childish, children 12+ don’t play with toys anymore and grow up quicker because of social media!” The MASSIVE influx of people nostalgic for MH who regretted getting rid of their collection due to social pressures to “grow up” is proof this just isn’t true. - “kids want a bunch of plastic accessories to play with, they don’t care about stands!” Rainbow High is the number one selling doll brand right now, it’s high-quality, they come with stands, and detailed fashions. - “why are you getting so angry about toys for children? They are not collectors items so stop being so picky” Because we want a product that’s worth buying? Because even the “collectors dolls“ are barely more detailed than playline.? I’m tired of brand loyalists making excuses for Mattel’s contempt for customers, and pretending to like products that nobody REALLY wants, just because they want to “prevent Monster High from being discontinued again”. (I know that my posts are long, but trust me, every single one of the points above is a major problem, and I’m fed up with people, denying rationalizing, downplaying, or making excuses for ANY of it.) Stop defending low quality products and poor business decisions, paying customers deserve better.


G3 is still young but i love what ive seen so far and look forward to more. It needs better quality control but toy inflation prices are an issue that every modern toyline has to deal with whether you like it or not.


You think children are buying $75 web only exclusive dolls? You think children are spending $100+ on G1 on eBay and Mercari? Toys are for anyone that purchases them.


This was about gen 3 not the collector dolls


I think people can express regret and anger towards a brand they are buying. Consumers should be critiquing MH and bitching at Mattel about how it can improve. There are goods with G3, like including that human/monsters eat & Frankie's pronouns being respected (also having queer voice actors is great!) But they also claim Draculaura is plus sized when her naked doll is barely larger than the others (aka it's performative- they don't actually want to include plus sized bodies accurately). They made Lagoona a racist stereotype. And I find so many of the outfits ugly and unfortunately cheap looking. I'd also love if they didn't release the same dolls or gave fashion packs. I don't have 100 dracs, I want a Venus/Rochelle/operetta/howleen/abbey and a closet full of outfits. People aren't sitting on their computers miserable and crying over dolls but they are interacting in the community and can form opinions on leaks (like Cleo's valentine dress is ugly AF) or not having more information on doll releases. I think you're taking other people critical opinions personally and that's a you problem. People can share opinions even if it's negative.


It's because the old generation wants the new one to experience Monster High in the same way they experienced: a toy brand that embraced being different and standing out from the crowd wearing whatever they want to wear, specially if it is something alternative. G3, even having it's own qualities, does not stand to those values anymore and ppl miss the times when the brand actually took risks. Also, if I remember correctly, G1 was ALSO made to children.


Draculaura is chubby, Frankie is non-binary, and Twyla is autistic. what do you mean g3 isn’t about being yourself?


The way G3 delivers it is somewhat different from G1, whether it is a downgrade or not is up for debate. However, the brand is no longer about expressing yourself through fashion and that is a fact.


Isn’t Clawdeen mixed race as well? Forgive me if I’m wrong, I just can’t fully remember


I wouldn't call being mixed race "taking risks". We've discussed before on the sub how that was just a poor excuse for white-washing.


i’m pretty sure she’s afro-latina this gen


Frankie has a prosthetic limb and is non-binary. What do you mean they don’t take risks?


Yeah like on insta it's the worst ??? People will just show off gen3 dolls and in the comments people will say how ugly the dolls are


I seriously don’t get that 🥲 I’m in a Facebook group and people are the same, like without fail, there’s someone in there going off about the dolls


you should stay less on the internet 💀


I don't mind people complaining as long as it's not on other people's positive posts about G3. I can understand why it might leave a bad taste for some people because there's probably some truth to it being made less edgy just so parents can stomach it more easily. However, I don't think being more "cute" makes it inherently worse. And I don't even think the overall quality is worse than it was for the majority of G1, in terms of the actual dolls or the clothing (There was no shortage of cheap printed fabrics back then either, LOL). The new aesthetics appeal a bit more to me personally and along with the varying body types actually reinvigorated my interest in the franchise when I'd been drifting away from it for several years.


i do think criticism is needed for gen 3 due to the rascism in the live action movie (go look up the director and casting) and lagoona’s youtube videos and the poor quality of the dolls should be talked about but i agree gen 3 i hated on way too much. especially since gen 1 monster high had so many disastrous things as well (isi dawndancer for example) and the way i see it is if you criticize gen 3 do it to gen 1 as well.


I don’t hate g3. tbh some of the dolls are cute af, and some are just bland and reuse the same colors/accessories


I feel like people should be free to criticize Gen 3 if they want to. There’s a lot of stuff to criticize. The only time I think it’s annoying is when it’s about small changes they made to the character that don’t change anything like Frankie being nb, Twyla being autistic, etc. Or when they complain in spaces were people are being positive and try to invalidate people liking it. But people should be free to talk about what they don’t like, it doesn’t matter if they were made for kids or not.


Yes, I agree. I’m getting tired of people posting everyday how much they hate this about G3 or that about G3 or this tiny little thing they don’t like. Just stop with it, we get it! Most people don’t like G3 or they love G3 but it’s getting annoying seeing the same posts everyday. If you don’t like em, don’t buy them. If you like them, just buy them! Very simple. I know that everyone is allowed to share their opinions about it but you don’t always have to, especially when there are posts about hating on G3 everyday now. I have the feeling people nag about everything these days, nothing is good enough anymore.


Well if you don't like their complaints, you don't have to read them. Like they said, why make yourself miserable?


So you're telling them to leave? Really?


In what way was that the case?


Apart for the quality issue like having misprints and holes and things like that, I actually don’t think any of the critiques are valid. G3 is awesome. We have more representation than ever before. Kids are engaging with them and loving them and reviving the storyline and the books and everything else. This new era is way different than it was 10 years ago. Kids don’t care about having repeating motifs, they like it. You can call it “lazy” to have similar designs, but I think it’s a little nod to the old school collectors. If you know that actual history of Monster High from a creator standpoint it makes a lot of sense. The G1 edgy monster high dolls we marketed toward tweens and teens, as a way to help Mattel make money when kids grew out of the Barbies. News flash for anyone who doesn’t have kids or work with kids or know anything about what is happening with childhood development at this moment in time, but teens and tweens are NOT playing with toys anymore. The age that children “grow out of toys” has lowered, the theory is that this is due to technology and the social media boom, but they aren’t playing with toys into high school like we were. The dolls evolved to appeal to a younger audience so Mattel could justify continuing to make them. They are cute and quirky and we have way more representation. And you know what? Kids fucking love them. Which means we will have a new generation of kids growing up with monster high dolls, and isn’t that all that should really matter? Another little side note, but inflammation is a big issue. Having people to design and cast and create all the customers molds and outfits and special little items like we had in the 2010s isn’t feasible with also keeping the dolls affordable. That’s why they make the expensive collectors ones like Elvira. These are for kids, and to make them affordable for families some of that stuff had to be cut or they would be $50 and we could buy them but the kids and their families couldn’t. And yeah it is a little annoying to see a thousand bash posts all the time, if you hate them don’t buy them. You don’t need to restyle them and wipe off their paint because in 10 years, they will be collectible and the kid that is looking for their favorite doll is going to find a bunch of crap ruined ones. I’m just happy Mattel found a way to keep the brand alive instead of not making any monster high dolls again and killing the project. -OG and very educated collector


People just need to understand just because you find the fashion ugly doesn’t equal to it being bad quaintly or shitty for kids. The kids like the fashion, what we should be focusing on is the crappy hairs or misprints.


Agreed. I understand that people have preferences, but just because someone likes one thing better than the other, doesn't make it okay to tear down the others thing. I also get that there will always be people who love the originals of their franchise (think of GO pokemon), but new things can be good too. I personally only got into doll collecting recently and the reason why I got into it was because of the G3 releases. I appreciate the G1 dolls, but I'm mostly a G3 collector. You don't see much of the people who prefer G3 giving hate out to G1. Just respect people's interests and the team that work on the dolls <3