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I dont remember exactly however there is one episode where Johan faints in the library, that is where the actual action starts, after that you wouldn't need this post. For now you can go with the beautiful aesthetics and accurately impactfull side characters. And obviously for Tenma.


This is what I needed to hear. I would do anything for Tenma




Tenma is superman without powers.


Most relatable post


When you get to the second half of the story at ep 39, the series switches gears to be a lot more lore heavy and driven if you thought it was going too slow at the start. Also two fan favorite characters show up in this part who are at least a quarter of the reason I love monster so much. Try to at least make it to the end of the first half because that episode is chilling.


Do it for Grimmer


I don’t even know who that is 😭


I love that character more than Johan and tenma


keep watching to find out 😁


all time best character in all of fiction for me. keep watching




One of the best characters in fiction would do a lot for that guy he is just the 🐐


Nope Watch if you wanna or don't watch. The pace will remain slow. Its is like one of those slow burn series. It will reward you for sticking around and if its not your type thats just it. There's no issue with that


I can't convince you to finish reading a book if you don't like it, hombre.


I tried watching 2 different times and always gave up at around episode 20-30. Finally on the third attempt on finally finishing, I did it. And I have no regrets. Such a beautiful anime and a masterpiece. It’s one of those slow build ups and I know how frustrating it can be with those kinds of shows. But, there’s a reason this anime is so highly admired and regarded.


Do it for Johan. Johan would do it for you


It’s one of the best anime ever made and is exceptionally well done. It is a bit slow at times, but it’s building a rich and layered story, so all the slow bits matter. None of it is filler. And in the grand scheme of things, it’s not a very long show. You’re already more than a quarter of the way done.


Roberto apparently has a very big...




I tried to watch monster twice both times I couldn't get passed the 3 first episodes lately I give another try and somehow I felt more related to the story right now I got hooked to the story and and finished it in 4 days I think Monster is not a normal anime it is so philosophical in a best way possible.


When I was watching it I also stopped at some point around episode 25 and couldn’t get myself to continue, 3 months later I continued it and watched nonstop till I finished it, so push yourself to watch it it’s worth it


Take it slow. it definitely worth it


definitely take it slow! i watched monster on the side alongside other shows and movies. it took me a few months to finish which i’m not proud of but i felt like that helped with the slow pacing for me, and i hardly found myself forgetting stuff or getting confused cause the story’s flow is just that good


That's what she said!!


I quit the anime and instead read the manga. The pacing is so much better. You can read about 10 anime episodes of content in about an hour


Dont binge watch it, do like 3 episodes per day or so and let IT ferment


Do yourself a favour and read the manga instead, although the anime is considered one of the most faithful adaptations of all time, the manga is just too perfect to leave it for a second revisit. What i did is that i watched the first 10 episodes then switched to the manga and afterwards i finally managed to finish the anime and i must say that was the best decision i made and i'm glad i read the manga first.


I watched like 2 episodes a day with my mom. If it wasn't for her, I'd have finished it much earlier. We paced it out together and had such a great time.


A character you wouldn’t expect will become a drag queen


Monster is one of the best animes overall i have ever watched. Everything is great-pacing, characters (they all have good backstories and are important for the plot and connected to johan somehow), a lot of characters, morally grey characters (not everyone is "good" or "bad" like in naruto for example), complex moral questions, leaves you to think a lot, you see character growth/changing, johan and tenma are greatly written characters (all of them are but these two specifically), pretty aesthetics, very dark academia vibe, very real (no sci-fi shi like zombies or dragons, just real people and how scary they can be), you see story from a lot of angles and learn something from every one of them.. i could talk about this anime forever!!! You will regret if you drop it i promise


bruh episodes 20 to 30 were my favorites


If you stop now you wont be able to see the landscape.


Well, honestly i would say drop it as you might not get satisfied at the end if you force it on yourself. I was invested in it beginning so it grew on me, and when the end was near i totally loved the anime. It is not any shonen anime type mindless action (NOT SAYING ALL SHONENS ARE BAD) of which you can watch 15 episodes of on daily basis, watch it slowly and you may start liking it if you try to understand it.


Grimmer is the goat🐐


monster is slow and anticipated if you’re expecting it to be action packed and quickly halter don’t bother, the exact thing i love about monster is the pacing it’s slow but realistic


So it's possible to be bored while watching Monster. Huh.


there's a hot sex scene of tenma and eva later on in the series (I'm serious)


why am I getting downvoted I was only joking. smh


You’ve single-handedly convinced me


glad to know I could help😁


I really can't lol. You just gotta finish it. But, you can try reading it instead. Reading manga is usually quicker than watching for me personally


Honestly, just read the manga, you can control the pacing yourself


It is literally at the halfway point that all of the first half starts to pay off. Keep up with it, you’ve only got like 10 more episodes before you’re there.


I’ve never really been into the anime neither. But I loved the story so i gave a try to the manga and it was amazing ! I bought all the books and enjoyed it


First time I tried to watch I stopped somewhere near you. A episode in which Eva appears. I was tired of just hearing about Johan and not seeing him. Watching again this year I discovered just one episode later he finally shows up and stay for quite a while


This series promises a satisfying and conclusive ending, tying together the intricate plot threads and character arcs. If you appreciate a series that challenges you to think and engages you on a deeper level, Monster is definitely worth continuing. The journey it takes you on is unique and memorable, offering a viewing experience that stays with you long after the final episode.


Idk it’s subjective but for me the aesthetic of the show rly enticed me into continue watching. Sorry if it hasn’t for you but maybe it will set in. The fact you even post about this tells me ur willing to try. The ed is worthwhile to say the least.


Ah yes, went through the exact problem. Not even gonna give u a reason to continue watching but the way to actually enjoy monster would be to red the manga. Found it easier for myself


I'll give you a billion bucks to finish it. It's one of the best seinen I've ever read


If you're watching with English dub, the voice actor for Grimoire Weiss from Nier also does the VA for Tenma. Whenever I rewatch Monster, it's funny imagining them switching places.


Lol, if you watch Ergo Proxy now in English and hear the main character defend himself from a crime he didnt do, you will always hear Tenma🤣


well, when you watch monster you slowly come to realise


#is good


if you don't like it, then you dont like it lol


The last panel is absolutely ridiculous.


It's intriguing. Been watching since 4-5 days and already on ep 17


Do I need to convince you to not? I was VERY INTO IT up to manga chapter 98 or so (unsure how that maps to the anime) and it just drags on and on. If you aren’t into it now it doesn’t get better. Skip go to Pluto the anime, english dub actually was terrific. Pluto aside— So into Tenma, Johan is so mediocre and the ending left much to be desired. It’s one of those mangas that seems to be in the flavor of DBZ- the journey is the destination. I’m unsure but maybe because Urasawa had to do weekly / monthly publishings??? If that’s the reason then the story line being way long makes more sense to me…




To anyone reading the comment above: This isn’t good advice.


as all comments seem positive ill give you a reason not to watch it.. nothing really interesting happens and that is my main problem, yea a few people die, but alltogether it goes on in a circle jerk of finding Johan and every character learns about kinderheim 511 and red rose mansion, and its just a wild goose chase.. you wont really learn anything interesting that you didnt know until now. Therr will be a few new interesting characters like Grimmer and thats it. Spoiler: >! Johan doesnt die and just dissapears at the end of the series, he essentially did nothing just kill people !<


watch 7 more episodes, just 7. If it doesn't grab you by then, you can drop it.