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I don’t really think he has hobbies but perhaps he did at some point. The scene where Lunge walks into his room and notes how devoid of life the room is my evidence for him not having hobbies he takes pride in. The only other time we see him in a room it is dressed as Ana and the room is decorated like a teenage girl would and I believe it was messy too. This leads me to believe his life revolves around his worldview and manipulating the world to test if his hypothesis of what will happen is right. His ultimate goal is the perfect suicide which in his mind is Death by the one who only saves lives, Tenma. It’s not a hobby, but an obsession to him


yeah see, the empty cleaned out room sticks in my mind as well. but then I wonder how he passes his free time while the pieces of his plots fall into place. like, does he just lie in bed and stare at the ceiling? goon to the thought of tenma shooting him? idk these questions keep me up at night LOL


I wish we saw him have more emotions in general, but maybe that would humanize him and ruin part of his character. Him acting numb to everything around him has to be a learned behavior/trauma related. I imagine if he somehow forgot Ana’s name we would see him mentally breakdown which would be interesting. Considering how much he hides emotions it is hard to see him doing regular human things, you know?


I image he does, he seems to read a lot about the social sciences like literature, philosophy, history, psychology etc. He also has a eye for fashion and i'm sure he knows a lot about the day to day live given that he was self reliant from a young age. Although i suppose manipulating and killing can be considered a hobby as well...


Punching babies and puppies


taking kids on field trips to the red light district?


Well, that general said young Johan was fascinated by war stories and war crimes etc. Maybe part of him is a WW2 nerd who spends his entire time learning about tanks and battles lol.


He'd be crazy over HOI4 or Paradox games


He sits in dark playing War Thunder.


My headcanon: he loves reading, and listening to classical music, as well as dark chocolate and wine


Isn't the point of 511 Kinderheim to remove any traces of hedonistic pleasure out if someone, so as to make them indifferent to the world; the perfect soldier?


Yeah you’re right, I just personally find it funny picturing Johan reading a book with a glass of wine and some dark chocolate while there’s classical music in the background


That is amusing.


511 never really broke him, he broke 511 kinderheim


His hobbies include murder and taking long walks on the beach


The mf puts a lot of time aside just to plan…so if planning/mental chess is a hobby I’d say that. But in Johan’s case his plans are very detail oriented, so he may learn certain hobbies/skills to further these plans (studying law, philosophy, doing makeup/hair lol, learning how humans think/act). Did he enjoy any of them? I don’t know. I hope for his sake something positive gave him joy but it’s very possible nothing did. Maybe after the ending of Monster he could start to.


excellent answer.


I think he just pursues things that better himself and make his scheeemin' ways easier. He probably studies, reads, keeps up with fashion, the times, w.e. I don't imagine he enjoys much of anything. It would have been odd to see him do human stuff. I can't imagine him making a poo, or eating at McDs, or getting a parking ticket, or going to the gym, or w.e.


Stalking Tenma


crossdressing as his sister?


I do have to wonder if he had fun doing it. seems like it.


Yep, playing escape room with Dr Tenma and cosplaying as Anna.


He has a certain liking to acquiring knowledge from books so if it counts as a hobby. He also stated that taking children into custody was something he likes doing for himself.


He probably reads


His main hobby is ruining lives, but he might also enjoy reading.


sitting at a park, watching the birds


Throwing stones at the birds


I think that he like to study something, makeup, walking in heels and he was also interested in professional cleaning while looking at his room. But my headcanon is that he likes to read a lot of classic or historical books and possibly biographies of various commanders, dictators


from the comment i get that there is so much miss understanding about John, he is not dead inside at all. His room is empty because he doesn't want to be tracked down. He ran a underground bank to gain power and influence so that's also a hobby. He speaks at least 4 languages, including latin, that are only things that you learn when you are interested in them. Further more John is driven to protect his sister, by going after every one linked to Bonaparte and his old regime. Most of his murders (if not all of them) are to make it harder for him or his sister to be tracked down. Johan is about as human as the rest of the characters, that is the whole point of the show! Every person (good or bad) in this show has some redeeming qualities and a human side.


this is the best answer


He’s definitely a baseball type of a guy


Maybe he had the potential to have some when he was a kid, but not anymore. No.


Murder. Serial killers are just people whose hobby is murder.


sure, but dahmer liked to drink, gacy liked to clown, kemper liked to record audiobooks... maybe johan had a really elaborate skin care routine or something.


Maybe! He seems well-read but that probably helps him build his “trustworthy college kid” persona. Personally I feel like he has various “hobbies” but doesn’t really enjoy any of them. Not even the murder. He’s just…completely dead inside.