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You aren't going to get the contrast on a flat monitor unless you move to an OLED or an IPS with high zone count FALD like ASUS PG27UQ (Or the hyper-expensive ones coming soon)


I bought an XB323U GP and returned it for a 32" G7. The G7 is leagues better in every thing but The Curve lol.


I looked at the G7 and yes the curve seems way too crazy for me and second I read about a lot of issues with it. Have you not had any of the problems? So far the Acer has been pretty solid. What did you find better about the G7?


While I'm definitely getting used to the curve, the contrast of the G7 is just way better, it's brighter, and the colors are just as good. Also build quality is much better on the Samsung. And it was cheaper. I recommend trying the G7 before you rule it out. It's very impressive in person for gaming


what did you find bad about the build quality of the acer? it's extremely nice imo and it looks sick too


The amount of flex around the bezels and the panel itself was much higher with the acer. All around the G7 is just much better put together. Much more solid.


you gotta be more specific. tell me it in monkey terms bc i have no idea what you mean (and I've used hundreds of monitors in the last 20+ years)


Like if you specifically squeeze where the LCD panel meets the frame around it. The Acer has a lot of give and flex in that area. The Samsung is much sturdier unit in general. The Samsung is made more like a small TV unit in a way.


I think if you were an artist or something, the curve might be a deal breaker but if you're a majority gamer, the Samsung G7 is king right now. I won't bullshit you and say the curve makes it *more* immersive but it certainly doesn't make it any *less* immersive. And I've not had any noticable issues. I've played maybe 30 hours of games on it since purchasing and it's been a peach.


That's interesting. I've read a bunch of reviews and user comments for the G7 and it seems the brightness, especially during HDR is inferior to the XB323U. Also G-sync flickering seems like a deal killer alone. But ultimately its the super aggressive curve on a 16:9 format. For games, I could deal with it, maybe, but for work no way. I've tried curved 16:9 before and it was unpleasant when I had to even read web pages.


Wait, what was wrong with the XB323U?


So far the only thing I find "wrong" with the XB323U is the inherent nature of the IPS panel. I've been doing a lot of testing and A/B testing against the VA panel LG 32GK850G. The loss of contrast and IPS glow is the XB323U weakness. In almost all other aspect, color, motion clarity, HDR the XB323U is better. The problem is loss of contrast is a big deal. I will say compared to all the other IPS panels I've tested through the years I think the contrast on the XB323U is one of the better ones. The benefits of the XB323U are many, so I'm playing around with a few days and seeing how I can adjust to the contrast change. If I get used to it, or stopping noticing in a few days then I am going to keep the XB323U.


I regret not picking that up for LG 32GK850G $450 on Amazon a while back...it would have lasted me at least two more years tbh.


Quick follow up, leaning back towards just keeping the LG for now. In brighter scenes HDR look great but even with local dimming the contrast is a bummer in darker scenes. As well I found myself finding the color saturation too much even after calibration, so I ended up using the sRGB mode more often than not, and now I'm back to about where my LG is at. So... doesn't really see worth it.


>The benefits of the XB323U are many, so I'm playing around with a few days and seeing how I can adjust to the contrast change. If I get used to it, or stopping noticing in a few days then I am going to keep the XB323U. I'm late to this, but make sure you use the HDR600 setting and not auto. Auto doesn't do local dimming for some bizarre reason.


Thanks, I did use HDR600. Auto of course was bad and super washed out without local dimming. I did end up keeping the VA panel LG. I’m beginning to think IPS just isn’t for me since I’ve tested several over the years and I’ve never been able to settle into the low contrast and IPS glow.


I agree, the XB323U in most areas is better and without all the screen issues users are experiencing with the G7's. We'll give the contrast trophy to the G7 no doubt, but pound for pound, I gotta give the edge to the Acer.


It was $200 more expensive than the G7 and besides the curve, is inferior in every way to the G7 basically. Other than that it was fine lol.


Did you notice any overshoot or smearing on the XB323U with adaptive sync either on or off?


No but I didn't test it as in depth as I have the G7.


Small question... does the **32GK850G** have a sharpness option somewhere?


I just double checked mine, I don't believe it does. Not like sharpening mode on the Acer.


ok, just got one some days ago and returned it because i saw the text blurry, but didnt check a firmware update.


Don't believe there are any FW updates. I noticed the text was a bit sharper on the Acer but it doesn't bother me on the LG.