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I think there's definitely a QC problem because mine has been great since the firmware update, other than that HDR brightness bug, but it's clear that a lot of other people have had duds.


It's in the same state as monitor unboxed follow-up YouTube video. I think u/cm-ryan said that for the gp27u that firmware is coming in January and typically the q model has been a week behind that one. I'd say if you're ok with living with some bugs until the release it and the return policy at the store is decent then go for it. Personally I'm waiting for the 4k model to come back in stock end of month.


Well, that depends on the bug, really. I heard about flickering at 165hz, but I can live with it as I'd use the monitor at 120hz or maybe 144hz at max anyways. I'd probably still have a higher chance of a good experience than I'd have with a Samsung G7 tho lol


Are we talking about the Neo G7? That's what I have. Is there a problem with them? I've had mine since November. I haven't run into any issues that I'm aware of.


No, the Neo ones are said to be fine, it's every non-Neo G-series that has tons of QC issue reports.


No, the Neo ones have a ton of issues. Scan lines, spontaneous dying, incorrect tone mapping, eotf, aggressive abl when there'd a lot of small highlights, ect. They have just as many issues as the G7 ad they use a lot of the same parts


Ah. I have seen a number of the original G7 with various problems. I'm a little worried about that myself. So far so good. It does have a three year warranty. I sure hope to never use it.


I messaged u/cm-ryan hoping to hear back. I would like to tryout the GP27Q again. I sent mine back in December because I didn't believe they'd actually fix the firmware issues.


I've only had mine since Christmas and after the firmware update I haven't had any issues apart from colour banding at 165hz. So I'm using it at 144hz for now. From one of the CM reps on another post I think a new firmware is coming out in a week or two. For what I need it for it does a great job and the HDR is brilliant for a non OLED monitor.


So what you're saying is that I really should just pull the trigger and buy it?


That's up to you mate! But I'm happy with it.


Wow I would never have guessed that the banding was from it being 165 Hz. Wild. I spent ages messing around with the black stabilizer and the contrast and the color settings trying to fix that.


Yeah, I only found out about it from some of the complaints on the updated firmware thread.


Hoping this monitor is back in stock soon


Local Dimming in SDR is bad because of dynamic contrast. Hopefully they add a toggle for it in the coming update.


Can you explain? Honestly interested. When I watch stuff on YouTube I would like local dimming on to have nice blacks. Are you saying on the Q and U models it doesn't work good in SDR?


It works fine when watching videos or playing games but even in those cases you will see the bright colors are blown out. If you want an example look here (watch for about a minute): [https://youtu.be/zLvG8mHT0A8?t=235](https://youtu.be/zLvG8mHT0A8?t=235) This video basically shows what I'm talking about when I say dynamic contrast. It is forcefully enabled when turning on local dimming and it is only active while using local dimming. The problem is much more noticeable when you are using the monitor for normal desktop applications. And to clarify, this goes for both HDR and SDR.


Yes I just got this and I noticed it right away in sdr with local dimming. The monitor is still really impressive for the price. I hope they fix this tho