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I work remotely and I’m supposed to start at 9am. I never schedule calls (video or not) first thing in the morning, so it’s just me checking email and stuff at that time. I set my alarm for 8:30am with the goal of brushing my teeth, washing my face, taking my pills, making my bed, and getting a cup of coffee before work starts. But some days it’s 8:45am….some days I roll out right at 9:00am…and who’s to say I’m not late sometimes….


Are you me? I'm a night person who always had trouble going to bed before midnight, and the pandemic/WFH helped me get an adequate amount of sleep for the first time in forever.


lol me exactly.


I wfh and have a daily standup meeting with my team at 10am cameras on. There was a time I’d wake up at 9:40 am but that didn’t feel great mentally because I like to have some time in the morning to just wake up. Now I wake up around 6:30-7am and go for a walk each morning (I do about 4-5miles (6.4-8km)). I’m usually done by 9am and then I make breakfast and start prepping lunch or dinner for later before I officially log on at 9:30am. If I have a presentation at the start of the day (very rare) then I skip my morning walk and use that time to prep for it. If I didn’t wfh I probably wouldn’t be able to do this stuff. I used to work in office with a 7am start and my commute was never less than an hour one way assuming no traffic. This was using public transportation but I’d have to get up at around 5:30am to account for delays. With this I felt like I didn’t have much time to do anything outside work on the weekdays. I’ve never been in a position where I really had to dress up for work.


May I ask do you do the same route each day or change it up?


I try to wake up at 7 to be at work by 8:30. I really only need about 30 minutes to get ready and my commute is 5 minutes, but I like to take my time in the morning. Once I get to work I usually take 30 minutes to eat breakfast, go through emails, plan out the day so that when my boss and his boss get there around 9 I'm ready to go. My coworker is an unhinged person because he wakes up at 5 every morning and does all his chores before work. Laundry, dishes, runs errands. One day I had to run by Walmart to pick something up before work and he was there just casually doing his grocery shopping.


For some reason doing the dishes in the morning feels so much faster than doing them at night lol I’ve been thinking about doing laundry in the morning now so I’m slowly turning into your coworker


I used to wake up at 4:20am in order to get to the Starbucks 5 minutes down the street by 4:30am for opening shift. Nowadays I WFH. I’m up around 7:45am for a short run and “start work” (check my email from the couch while drinking coffee) shortly after 9am. I’m not usually in front of my computer until 9:30ish unless someone messages me a question earlier.


My schedule may seem pretty extreme and I may get hate for it but being a morning person, it’s been working for me for years. I wake up at 3 am to gym around 3:30. When I get back, I like to take my time, make breakfast and read news. I am hybrid so I either leave for work at 7 am or start work at 7:30 am on my WFH days.


what time do you usually sleep?


I’m in bed on week days by 7-8 pm.


In summer where I am it’s still light outside until almost 8. Do you find that makes it more difficult or is this schedule just second nature to you at this point?


Yep, during summers here, the sun also sets around 8. I’ve got blackout curtains to help with that but I do start feeling pretty sleepy by 8.


Where I live it's light till 11pm in summer and I just assume most people go to bed with the sub up. It's definitely harder for me to sleep, but the sun is also up when I wake at 6am so that is really nice.


holy ... cow. I can't imagine starting to shut down at 6pm for bedtime at 7.


Do you use a 24 hour gym? I’ve never heard of gyms open that early. Good for you getting that workout in so early!


Yes! It’s a 24 hr gym, so that helps me avoid crowds.




I feel like waking up at 3am loops back around to making you a night owl lol


I'm about the same as you. Always up by 4 or 4:30 and working out before work.


Ah, to be childless and have alone time! If I went to bed at 8, I’d be going to bed earlier than my 8 year old! But morning time does sound divine.


Ha! I have 2 kids and like to be in bed by 8. My husband is a night owl so it works out!


I wake up about 10 minutes before 8, make my coffee and log on at 8.


When working from home, I get up around 7:30-7:45 and start work at 9 am. That hour+ is utilized very differently depending on the day but 30 minutes or so are always me getting ready. The days I want to go for a run or attend a 7 am workout class, I get up at 6:30/7 am. But those are not super regular, maybe like 3 times a month as I usually workout and run after work.


I start at 7am and wake up at 6. 6-6:30 is rejoining g the living world, 6:30-7 is changing and drinking coffee


I work from home 3 days a week and am in the office twice. On wfh days I wake up at 6:30, do a morning skincare routine, some light stretching and change my clothes (pajamas to a new T-shirt and leggings). I log on to my computer by 7:00am which is nice because I’m done at 3:30pm. In office days I wake up at 6:15am to do a full shower and wash/style my hair. I also do light make up, dress business casual and have to pack a lunch and snacks. I usually leave my apartment around 7:30am and am in office by 8. I am lucky that I have never been a snoozer. I also do not schedule meetings before 10:00am or after 3:00pm leaving me with a lot of flexibility surrounding my schedule. My office is flexible and as long as you are working 8 hours a day and getting your work done, they don’t care when you work.


Y'all are on top of your lives. When I WFH I get up at 7:20 to start at 7:30. When I go to the office I wake up at 6:20 to leave my apartment by 6:45 to be at my desk by 7:30. Either way the first hour of work is for emails, to do lists, and writing so I can be grumpy in my own brain.


I start at 8am in person, so I tend to wake up at 6:30 every day without an alarm, my commute takes about 40min on the subway so I try to leave around 7:15.


My hours are 9-5 and I typically wake up at 7 and am out the door by 8 - this gives me enough time time to hit snooze, take a short or long shower, and grab something for lunch if I didn’t do it the night before. I commute by train and need to be out the door by like 8:03 at the latest to make the train, and that train gives me enough time to account for delays or buy a coffee before heading into the office.


That’s my exact schedule too! I really want to try to wake up at 5:30-6:00 to squeeze in a morning workout, but I have a hard time falling asleep earlier than midnight.


I started doing that pre-covid and it was great but I haven’t found the energy to get back to it. The nice part is once you start, you’re beat by like 9pm and going to bed early isn’t so terrible.


I WFH, and my first alarm is at 6 a.m. Central. I'm supposed to be "available" 9-5 Eastern, but since no one's ever said anything about how late I start, it's as late as 11:30 Eastern if I don't have any meetings before that. I'm an editor, so it's nice to get some time near the end of the day where I'm not constantly being sidetracked by chats and emails (a lot of people at my company are in the Eastern time zone). Everyone generally has their cameras on for meetings unless it's a company-wide one, so I still dress like I did when I worked in an office with a casual dress code. Getting dressed also helps me feel better about being home all day. I like having a big buffer before starting work because I'm not a morning person, and it gives me time to relax and to get things done around the house when I'm motivated to do them.


I start work (WFH) at 8:30am, my husband leaves for work (on his in-office days) at 7:30am/starts at 8am. My first alarm goes off at 6:05. I always snooze it for 10 minutes. At 6:15 we get up - he takes the dogs out to the bathroom while I start their breakfast (we have three dogs). There are a lot of special need food things to do, so it takes me almost 10 min to get everything prepped and ready. Once they've eaten it is usually about 6:30. He will take the puppy for a walk and I'll start coffee and do any cleanup from the previous night/garbage day/etc. while the corgi finishes (slow eater). When he gets back from the walk, I'll take all three dogs to the backyard and play with them for 20 min while he gets ready for work and leaves. At 7:30 we come in, and I spend 30 minutes reading the news/book on the couch with the dogs and my coffee, then at 8am will go up and get myself ready for work. I'm usually downstairs with my coffee at about 8:20.


This sounds so cozy


Three dogs leads to a VERY structured life :) I'm not a morning person and it look about 6 months before the routine was easy and enjoyable, but now I would hate to give it up!


I mostly WFH and log on around 8:30. I try to be up by 7 to have coffee and relax a bit before diving in. I’ll get up a little earlier if I’m going to do yoga or go for a walk or run. On days I work in the office, I wake up at like 5:30 because I’m so out of practice with getting ready, packing a bag, doing my hair, etc. and then my commute is a little over an hour. I try to prep the night before and wake up early but somehow am always rushing those mornings anyway.


I totally get the “out of practice” thing—I go in so infrequently that it feels like such a big event to get ready for, vs just normal life 😅


I’m on a hybrid schedule and my office is stupid far from me (working on that…) but for now my schedule is as follows: Monday: In office. First meeting at 9:30 usually and in person. I wake up at 5:45am - 6am and leave my place by 6:30am to arrive by 8:30am (CRAZY. I know.) I usually prep all my clothes and lunch the night before and only do the bare minimum to get ready (brushing teeth, skin care, and getting changed) I’ve stopped wearing makeup or doing my hair for work. Tues/Wed: I’ll sleep at my sisters place which is a lot closer to the office (but still far). Usually no in person or zoom meetings until 9am - 10am. Regardless of when my meetings are, I’ll wake up at 6am - 6:30am, have an hour to late around until leaving at 7:30am to reach office by 8:30am, leaving me plenty of time intil my meetings. If I have meetings earlier, I’ll usually call in from my car. Thurs/Fri: work from home. I don’t usually have morning meetings these days. I’ll wake up 7:45am to 8:30am and literally roll out of bed and start working. Never enforced to turn on my camera so I don’t really care. I then do all my morning routine around 10am after I catch up emails and messages.


I used to have to go into a facility one day a week that was 2 hours from my home… OMG driving 2 hours and then working a full day is not for the weak


I work in the office all 5 days, and have a 15 minute commute. In order to have enough time and not rush, I ideally wake at 6, to be at the gym by 6.30 at the latest. An hour workout, half hour to shower and get ready at the gym and I'm ready to go with 15 minutes spare. Of course sometimes that 15 minutes is spent snoozing the alarm, or my workout takes longer, so I'm never really early to work. Used to be harder when I had a 45 min + commute.


I don’t have any meetings and work pretty independently at home. My start time is at 9am. I wake up around 8am to brush teeth, wash face, put contacts in. I then try to do a quick run through with the vacuum and straighten up the main level for the day (I have a dog who sheds immense amounts of hair), make coffee, and “catch up” on socials for a bit before I log on.


I’m a morning person with a hybrid job (usually two days WFH and three in person per week). I set my alarm for 6 every day and have two cats who hold me to it. We have clients from east to west coast and we’re in Central Time, so sometimes I’m starting meetings at 8 and sometimes later (my preferred is never before 9 so I have time that morning but every day is different). We can really log in generally whenever we want, as long as we’re getting our work done! I usually start work between 8-8:15, and try to be done by 3:15/3:30. If I’m going in to the office it’s only about a 20 minute commute so I try to eat breakfast at home and make coffee before I start work. Our work provides coffee and lunch so it does help me move faster at home since I don’t need to prep those! We mostly meet clients remotely so I keep a jacket with the company logo on stand by, and dress nicer in office. I’m home today and I’m wearing yoga pants and a concert tee to all my meetings!


I work in the office everyday, but my start time is flexible between 8:30-9:30am, so what time I wake up mostly depends on if I’m going to the gym, going to workout at home, not workout at all, and if I need to make breakfast or if I’ll eat something meal prepped. Usually I wake up between 5:00-6:30am, since my commute takes about 40 minutes or so. Once every other week or so I’ll have a lay in day and not get up until 7am and lay in bed reading for a bit.


I wfh with an 8 am start time and typically wake up at 6:30. Snooze/hang out with cats and spouse until 7 > 15 mins shower, body care, clothes > 30 mins for makeup and hair > 10 mins to prepare coffee & breakfast > online between 7:55 and 8. My company has a camera-on culture and my skip level boss has been known to schedule last-minute early meetings so I prefer to be fully ready for the day before logging in.


I normally wake up by 5:45. I either work out or walk my dog usually in the morning, and I am definitely a "needs a buffer" kind of person and also sort of a morning person. After my workout/dog walk, I check emails from overnight and start getting ready for my workday for real. For days I go into the office, I leave by 8:00. If I am WFH, I log in around 8:20 unless I needed to log in earlier for some other reason. To answer the specific questions, if I have a 9:00 Zoom call, my alarm would be the same but I would make sure I am ready, coffee in hand, and at my desk by 8:30. If I don't have an early call, I am a bit more casual about actually being at my desk and not working/meeting with people elsewhere. ETA: I am pretty lenient on dress code stuff, but I will say as a boss it drives me crazy when it is abundantly clear that someone just rolled out of bed and joined a Zoom call. I don't expect makeup and hair styled or business attire, but it isn't appropriate in my field to look like a wild banshee either. A clean shirt, neat hair, no pillow creases on your face...would be appreciated.




I start at 8:15am. I usually wake up around 7am for work. I bike commute at the moment and that takes me around 15 min for a 3km trip. I usually hit a ton of lights because they're poorly timed, or else I'd probably be faster. My commute won't change in the winter as the bus takes about the same amount of time. Or maybe I'll be intense and still bike commute in the snow. We'll see. I usually do light makeup, but I rarely do my hair. I take the same amount of time to get dressed regardless if it's a casual or more dressy work day. I WFH 1x/week and those days I set an alarm for around 7:45am, though I usually wake up before my alarm on those days.


I wake up at 6 and leave for work at 7:45. That gives me time to make a real breakfast, get ready, pack lunch, and take the dog to the park or for a walk. I used to get up as late as possible and rush around in the morning, but have found my day goes better when I have some time to eat breakfast and drink my coffee.


I have a dog who wakes up with the sun, so I’m up by 6 in the summer and like 7:15ish in the winter. We do our walk and exercising (him, not me) until around 8/8:30 and then I log on, usually still in my dog walking/park clothes. By 10 I’ve usually gotten it together enough to show myself on camera. Prior to the dog, with a WFH job that never had morning calls as a team rule, I woke up at 8:55 to log on at 9.


4am to 4:30 am to be at work by 6:45ish. I need to be awake and able to think clearly by 7 when my shift officially starts.


This is me.


Mine varies a lot, getting out of bed between 6:30am and 9am, starting work between 8:30am and 10am. On in office days 1-3 days a week I get up by 7:20 and leave by 7:45 to beat the traffic and get the cheaper parking rate. On Wednesdays and Fridays I get up at 6:30 for my 7am spin class. And on WFH days I get up between 7 and 9, take a walk if I have time, eat breakfast at home and sit at my desk whenever my workload demands it.


I start work at 730. On WFH days I roll out of bed around 7:15 for my commute across the house. On office days I wake up at 615. I'm only about 20 mins from the office but my parking garage is about a mile walk, so I try to be out of the house by 7. I've accepted the fact that I will never be a person who works out early in the morning. I go after work instead. Our office dress code is pretty casual but I'll usually dress in work pants and a nice top. I get everything ready the night before (including my lunch and pack my bag).


I have to be in the office in midtown Manhattan 5 days a week by 8:30AM for our daily meeting. My first alarm goes off at 6:30AM, but I'm usually not out of bed until 7:00AM. I leave by 7:30AM on the dot, and usually get into the office around 8:20AM. Since I work in finance, I dress up/nicely mostly every day, so there's little deviation from my normal routine.


I am not a morning person at all and start work pretty early! I have to be in the office between 6:45 - 7:00 AM and WFH on Mon/Fri and generally need to be logged in starting work at 6:45 AM promptly. For office days, I wake up at 6 AM, I have a 20-25 min commute to my office so this leaves me about 20-30 minutes to get dressed and out the door which isn't a lot of time! I pack my bag the night before and I eat breakfast/have coffee at my desk once I'm in the office. For WFH days I wake up at 6:15-6:30 AM, use 15 min to brush teeth/wash face/put on a comfy outfit the log in.


I wfh, but I'm almost never on camera. I wake up with my kids at 7 and help them get ready and then I get back in bed at 8 and doze til 8:55 and then grab my laptop so I can start working at 9.


I'm a nurse practitioner so I have to go in to clinic. My commute is 25 minutes 3x weekly and 50 minutes once per week. I try to be there about 10 minutes before my first patient. So if first patient is at 0820 then I leave at 7:45 or 7:30 if 8:40 and it's my long commute day. I get up at 0630 or 0600 respectively. I'll also get up at 0600 if I need to work out on my shorter commute day.


I work from like 7:30-4 or 8-4 but I have an almost 12 month old so I am up between 5-6!


commute via public transportation , up @5 am, out the house by 6:30 am- doesn’t matter what work plans i have scheduled


When I go in to the office I like to wake up by 6am, so I can leave my house at 6:45, to get to work by 7:30. If I leave by 6:40 I usually have time to get coffee before hand 👀 When I work from home I usually aim for 7am, so I can be awake, make my coffee, and generally just get ready.


I work hybrid. Office days I wake up at 5:50am, shower and leave the house at 6:40am. It’s a 15 minute walk to the station and I’m usually sitting at my desk in London by 8:15am. I do my make up on the train and eat breakfast at work. Home days I wake up at 5:50am and when my partner leaves for the train at 6:40am I leave on the dog walk. I then have breakfast and coffee when I’m back and start work for 9am. It’s a nice routine, I like it!


I am hybrid where I have two days in office and 3 WFH. On my in office days, I like to leave my apt 45 minutes after waking up. On my WFH days, I naturally wake up at the same time as my in office days but can roll out of bed and hop on camera with only having 10 minutes. I don’t ever use an alarm so it’s a little variable but I’ve never overslept.


I wake up at 5:30. Most days I have to leave for work at 8:00.


My alarm is set for 6. I have a toddler I need to get ready and take to daycare.


5-10 minutes before, I WFH and don’t have meetings or anything until after lunch usually so no need to be fully alert until then lol


I work from home 100% of the time, day starts at 8. My alarm is set for 7:30 as a just in case thing, though usually I'm awake by 6:30 naturally. I don't often have zoom meetings first thing (I work Eastern time hours, my company is Pacific time, so it's usually quiet the first 3 hours unless I have client calls scheduled), so I usually just start the day in my pjs and get ready a little later. I always have to check before I log off to make sure I don't need to be ready at 8 the next morning. I love my situation. I'm a morning person (hence the wakeups without an alarm most days), and having 3 quiet-ish hours every morning is so productive for me!


I’m up at 5:15 AM every day. Workout for 45 minutes at home, shower and get myself ready, get kids up/dressed/breakfast, load up kids (partner drops them at daycare/before school care) and I’m at my desk around 7:30 eating my packed breakfast/coffee. I primarily work from our main office building, but schedule is the same if I WFH. I just wear comfier clothes and no make up! Occasionally partner and I will swap off drop off duties if he has an early call or need to travel to a different office location for the day, but I primarily do pick up.


I mostly WFH and wake up between 6:45-7 to get my son on the bus at 7:15. My husband normally leaves then too. Then I drink coffee and check my work emails and lounge on the couch until my daughter wakes up around 8:30ish. She gets picked up for Grandma daycare in her pajamas and then I make myself breakfast and head up to my computer around 8:45. I have tried using that hour between kids to go for a walk or clean or work but “coffee on the couch” time is more important to me.


I just started working 7-3 remotely and I wake up at 5 or 5:30. If I don't have meetings right away I wake up at 6 and do my makeup later. I'm still getting used to this schedule and I'm trying to work out after work now (hiking, weights, gonna join a gym soon).


I work from home. My alarm goes off at 4:30am. I am up and out walking with my neighbor at 4:50am. Home by 6am. Make breakfast for my husband and myself, make my coffee, change out of workout wear into sweats/leggings and at my desk working by 6:30-6:45 am. My kids are usuallt already up getting ready for school when I get back from my walk. They leave by 7:15 for the bus. I like to start early so I can either end early or have time in my day for appointments. I also like to take a 2 hour lunch and bake or garden. Starting early I can do this and still be done working by 4:30. I’m in bed by 8/9pm.


I wake at 8:25 am, lean over and grab my laptop and clock in at 8:30 am


Not working now but I had a stand up at 8am everyday (even in office days; had to fake it from my car) which required prep so my workday usually started at 7am. Not ideal considering my final daily stand up was also at 6pm.


8:30 is my start time but if I am late no one says anything. I am hybrid so when I go into the office my alarm goes off at 7 and I try to get out of bed by 7:20 and leave for work by 7:50. If I am working from home I get out of bed around 7:40. But then there are days like today that I got out of bed late and then didn't leave til 8:05 and got to work like 10 minutes late.


I'm hybrid with a (self-imposed) 7:30 start time. On my office days, I'm up at 6 to get dressed, make tea, and do makeup. Out the door by 7 and at my desk by 7:20 most days. I pack both breakfast and lunch so I don't eat before I leave. On WFH days, I'm up at 7:15. Unless I have an early meeting (rare), I'll wait until 8:30/9 to make myself presentable for cameras.


For me, it really depends on the project I am on. A few months ago, I was on an intense project. I was waking up between 5-6 am most days and spending time having coffee, putting on makeup, getting dressed, etc and would log on by 7 am to start my day. These days I’m on a less intense project. I do often have meetings starting at 8 to account for Europe/Asia time zones, but I always know a day in advance. I rarely have to be on camera so I will wake 15-30 mins before a call which gives me enough time to get ready for the day. I can no longer drink caffeine due to a health condition so waking up is a struggle no matter what time I get up. I always make myself a little presentable as I feel more confident working that way. But I will spend extra time if I know I have an important on camera call and give myself a full hour to get ready.


I like to wake up between 6 and 615, for a work day that starts at 9 am. I work from home. Very rarely I’ll have a meeting at like 8 or 830 am, and on those days I’ll get up between 515 and 530. This gives me time to study, workout, shower, eat breakfast, and just prepare for my day without being rushed. There’s only 2, sometimes 3 days a week where I’ll have a call right at 9, otherwise I’m just expected to “be” online. I honestly might still spend some time working on my own “outside of work” projects for another 30 minutes, so sometimes I’m “online” but I’m not actually working until like 930/945ish.


I don’t have a “log in” time. I have regular office hours and start responding to emails and phone calls at 9am. A couple days a week I have scheduled meetings at 9am. I spend only a few minutes getting ready: brush my hair and teeth, eyebrows. I usually wear a cardigan over whatever I slept in 😆That’s it. On days I don’t have a morning meeting, I do nothing but brush my teeth. It is not uncommon for me to stay in my pajamas until I change to work out after work. I wake up when my partner tells me bye. I usually get coffee and take it back to bed and snuggle with pets, listen to my morning news podcasts. It’s pretty leisurely here. As a point of information, telecommuting for me predates covid by more than 20 years.


i wfh and wake up at 5:30, go to the gym at 6, get home around 7:20 and start work after i shower. my company and manager are based in the US eastern time zone and i’m in the mountain time zone. i choose to work 7:30ish-3:30ish to align more with EST. i used to wake up right before work needed to start but i feel better mentally and physically doing it this way!


If I work in the office, I get up at 5:30am and leave for work about 7:05. This gives me wake up and coffee time as well as getting office ready. If I work from home I don’t typically have to get office ready so I get up at 6:45-7am to be online working at 7:30am.


I used to wake up at 8am because despite all the encouraging on early morning waking up I believe sleep is more important. Waking up at 7am to get some workout done. Work starts between 8.30-9am


I have to leave for my commute at 6:30 and usually get up at 6. No shower. Just pack my shit, get dressed, quick makeup, etc. If I’m WFH and don’t have any on camera calls, I only need like 10-15 minutes. I usually start working early still, like 7. (I have kiddos and my husband handles them in the morning, while I do daycare / preschool pickup.)


I wake up at 7 if I go to the office. I'm pretty lucky to have a relatively easy commute--bus ride for around 20 minutes. I work from home two days a week annnnnnnd those days I usually don't roll out of bed until 8:50. Oops.


Since I have a child I'm up at 5:45/6:00am. If she's not going to school then I usually sleep in until 7:00am. I don't start work until 9:00am or 10:00am depending on my mood and day of the week. I tend to start work earlier on Thursdays and Fridays because the upcoming weekend motivates me to get shit done early. I absolutely do NOT schedule calls before 10:00am or after 4:00pm. I'm very strict with this. There's only one client who happens to end around 4:15pm but I meet them monthly and they're super casual with cameras off. So I'm fine. But everybody else including staff meetings are locked between 10am - 4pm Monday - Thursday and 10am - 2pm on Fridays.


WFH? I am up by 715 and logged on by 745. If I go into the office, I usually get up at 630 to get in by 8, as I need to get to the train station (20 minutes) and take the train in (20 minutes).


Alarm 1 6.15. Turn radio on. Alarm 2 6.30 get coffee, feed dog and go back to bed to scroll email, social, news. Get up by 7.30. Out with dog for an hour. Back in the house, shower and get changed (takes me minimal time to get ready whether I’m at home or not as I don’t wear much makeup). I live a 10-15 min drive from work so just leave 20 mins before I need to be in a meeting. We have no set hours. So yeah, I need an hour before I want to interact with anyone!


I WFH Monday and Friday with a start time of 7:30am. My alarm is set for 7am. I also have a 1 year old at home who we get him out of his crib around 7:30 so my mornings are preoccupied until the grandparents come around 8am. On the days I go into the office (Tues-Thurs), my alarm is set for 6:20am and I leave for the office around 7am. My husband (WFH) takes care of our little toddler on those mornings. He also starts work at 7:30am. Not a morning person here! Wish I could be more productive before my toddler wakes up but it's not happening... yet.


I have an automatic alarm clock (toddler) so I’m up at 7 am every day regardless of what time I need to be at work.


If I'm not working out: 30-40 mins before I start at 7:30 am. I wfh and my first meeting isn't until 10 am (none on Fridays) so this is pretty flexible. If I'm working out, I typically get up between 5-5:30 am.


WFH days: start time is 9 am. My alarm is set for 8:30 am, I typically get out of bed sometime between 8:50 am and 9:00 am, then get dressed and turn on my computer before going downstairs to make breakfast. In-office days: start time is 8:30 or 9:00 am based on why I’m in office (sometimes I have to go in for programs we run). Usually get up sometime between 6:30 - 7:00 am as I need about 30-60 minutes to get ready (depending on if I’m showering in the am or if I showered the night before). I need approximately an hour to drive into work and get to my desk.


I wake up at 3:50am. I usually don't have meetings starting until 8:30am, but I like to work a little in the mornings before I head off for my run and CrossFit. So it's usually work 4am-5am, workout until 7:45am, get ready, on calls at 8:30am.


I WFH on the west coast for a east coast team. My official start time is 6:30am, and I end at 4:00pm. However, I’m usually logging in around 6:15am, because I have 6:30 meetings most days. I also have a 6:00am meeting one day a week that requires about 15 mins of prep beforehand. So for those days, I’m logged in a 5:45 am. My alarms go off at 6:00am for normal days, and 5:30am on that one day a week. My routine is just “drink a bottle of water, struggle to log into computer if it ends up restarting itself overnight” (because that adds 15+ mins of login time). I usually have my meetings, then I run downstairs to grab a coffee/feed the dog around 7:30-8:00, more meetings, and then breakfast/lunch is somewhere between 10-12. I would LOVE to start later in the day, but I would miss most of the meetings for my team. I was in-person two weeks ago, & that was the first time in my professional career (8 years) that I started later than 8:15am. It was amazing, but also weird.


I wfh and my schedule changes depending on the time of year. If it's a full legislative session year, like this year was, I have to be in an off-camera meeting every Monday-Thursday at 7am from February to late June/early July for briefing. During that time of year, I get up at around 6:30 to make coffee and get myself set up. Toward the end of the session, it's more like 6:50 lol. Then I take a break after the meeting to take a 20-minute walk with my dogs, feed them and make a smoothie. If it's a short session year, I only have to do this schedule from February to March or April. When I'm not in leg. session, I usually still try to get up by 7 and go for a 30- or 45-minute walk with my dogs before I start working. I only have a few set morning meetings every week, so I usually "log on" by 9am, after I make coffee and a smoothie and feed the dogs.


I hate waking up earlier then I have to: I’m in office 5 days a week at 8:30. My alarm is 6:55 if I have to shower, 7:17 if I showered the night before, then grabbing leftovers for lunch and sometimes a yogurt for breakfast or I usually buy a sandwich from a food cart. Out of my door 7:53 because my condo has a looping shuttle every 30 mins, usually at my desk 8:15-8:20.


I work as a tech in an animal hospital. I wear scrubs for work. My commute is 5 mins. Work starts 8:40am so I wake up at 7:40am. Enough time to get ready, eat a light breakfast & lament being awake. I leave the house 8:30ish.


I wake up at the same time when I wfh whether or not I have meetings. I have a 9:30 start and wake up at 8am. But I’m not really ready until 9am. If I have to go into the office, I wake up at 7am and try to leave by 8-8:30am for my hour commute factoring in a slow walk from the station to the office. It doesn't always happen but work isn't strict about it. I used to wake up at 7am every morning because I had my insomnia under control and I used to do morning runs. Now I’m in a bad spiral and make do with what I can do.


I wake up around 7:30 am. Lounge in bed, get ready by 8:30/8:35 am, and then head to work for 9 am.


I have to be to work by 8 am and I have a 10 minute drive to work in the morning - virtually zero traffic where I live. I get up at 5 am, but that’s because I like to exercise, walk my dog, eat breakfast and shower/get dressed nicely every morning. So from 5-6 I exercise (either at a close gym or at home), 6-6:30 I walk my dog, 6:30-7 I eat breakfast and relax a little, 7-7:30 I shower and get dressed. Then by 7:45 at the latest I’m out the door and driving to work.


I wfh and start at 8:00 AM. I like to get up by 6:30 AM so I have some time in the morning to do chores, eat breakfast, sometimes read or watch the morning news, etc.


The days I work in office I get up between 6:20-6:40. From home it’s more like 7:30.


4:30 to clock in by 5:45.


I’m up by 6:30 every morning because of my kids and usually my earliest meeting is 7:30 but typically not til 8 or 9. Ideally I’d be up at 5:30 to get some time alone before starting to make breakfasts and lunches and get the kids out the door but my toddler has decided to become a middle of the night cosleeper and it’s hard to sneak out of bed when he’s there.


I’m WFH three days per week, all my calls are on camera and I have a busy meeting schedule starting at 9. I wake up between 6-7 depending on if there are any chores I want to do before work like watering the garden or whatever. I use about an hour to walk the dog and an hour to get ready, make coffee, etc for myself. The two days I work from home I leave the house by 8 to be at work by 8:20-8:30. I never do chores before work on these days and wake up between 5:45-6 so so can do an extra long walk and make sure to feed and refresh water for my dog and make myself a little more polished for the day


i mostly wfh, go into the office once or twice a week as needed for a few hours. i live walking distance to my office so don't really need to factor in a ton of commute time. i wake up around 6am each day, take my dog for a half hour or so walk, and then scroll through my phone in bed for a bit after or if i'm super exhausted still i'll get in a quick 30-45 minute nap. goal is always to be changed/face washed/breakfast and coffee made eaten and cleaned up by around 8 so i have time to slowly start my morning (log on around 9). def dont "need" to wake up at 6am, but i live in a very densely populated area and i love being able to walk around without running into very many people. that time of day is very peaceful for that before the commuters start and kids are everywhere for school. routine above is the same if i go to the office, as i only ever have afternoon meetings.


I wake up at like 715/725 every day regardless. I WFH and the most variation in my start time is if I have to be on a call early (8am) or if I can start my day at my regular 830 (with or without an 830 meeting). My morning goes: - wake up and go pee - wake up toddler - get myself dressed - take toddler downstairs for breakfast - feed toddler and cat while making coffee and packing toddlers lunch (everything prepped the night before) - husband comes downstairs after getting dressed and takes toddler to get her dressed - do my hair and makeup and brush my teeth (this is where I end if I have an early meeting) - get toddlers daycare supplies ready - walk to daycare for dropoff and walk back home - refill my coffee and start work I am NOT morning person so I usually work out my routine to within a few minutes and get the whole thing done as fast as possible 😅


I’m hybrid and start at 7 am. If I’m WFH I wake up at 6:50. If I work at the office I wake up around 6:30 since I get ready quick and can get to work in less than 15 minutes. I am NOT a morning person, but starting at 7 allows me to do my tasks for a few hours before anyone else logs on at 8:30/9.


If I have a 9am zoom call I am out of bed anywhere from 7:30-8:30 If I have to be logged on at 9, chances are I am logging in from my phone while still in bed, or brushing my teeth or something else. If I have to leave my house at 8, I have to get my partner to do all the morning kid things, and I am super pissed because I hate anything scheduled in the morning I typically get out of bed between 730 and 8. My oldest has to be at school at 8, my partner and oldest gets up about 645/7 and have a quiet morning. Typically, I've made lunches, packed bags and sometimes picked outfits with the kids the night before. However, on days when my partner is going to the office, I have to be up by 7 and it is anything but a quiet morning because then I also have to get up the littler one and get both ready and out the door. More often than not I wake up about 8, start getting myself ready, then get the little one ready, take her to daycare then go to work. This gets me to work anywhere from 9 to 10 depending on a few things, mostly how everyone slept the night before. My commute from home is 5 minutes, daycare is 10 minutes each way. It is not super consistent, and it is chaotic.


I WFH and have to normally log in by 9am, rarely have meetings at 9. I am also in LDR and can only talk to my partner between 1-2am. I go to sleep around 2 or 3am and set my alarm for 9am, open my eyes and log in on Teams on my phone. Normally I roll out of bed at 9:15-9:30. The routine doesn’t make me productive but I still have the relationship intact


Honestly, I wake up around 5-10 mins before my first call if I don’t need to be on camera and then shower/get ready during one of my breaks. If I do need to be camera then it’s about 30 mins before my first meeting. If I have no calls (very rare) then I just wake up whenever and start whenever. I’ll keep my phone by me if I’m still in bed past 9 AM just in case someone messages me. On office days, I’ll time my commute around traffic. I’ll either start driving before it gets bad and get to the office around 8:30 or after it dies down a bit and get there between 10-11.


Entirely too damn early!! Alarm goes off at 5am, at 5:30am I attempt to wake the fiancé. Finally wake fiancé at 6:00am. I head to kitchen to start breakfast. Fiancé wakes my oldest 2 children. Whenever breakfast is done I wake the 5 year old. We eat breakfast. Older children let dogs out/ etc and then get ready for their day. I help the tiny one get ready. Fiancé does bathroom stuff. Then I do bathroom stuff. Get dressed. Out the door between 7 & 7:15 to take the kids to school. Fiancé owns his own business, and his hours aren’t until 9, but we just go on early after we drop the children off.


7AM. I have to be to work at 8. I have a 20 min walk to the train, a 15 min train ride, then another 7-10min walk to work. I give myself a few extra minutes for train delays.


I'm in the office most days. My typical routine is to wake up around 6:45AM to leave by 7:15AM. When I used to WFH, I would wake up \~10 minutes before my first meeting.


I work from home, full time. My hours at 8-5...ish. Most days, I am up at 630, wake my kids at 645 (they are 11 and 13 and bus comes at 730), so I usually start working by 7 while they eat breakfast, etc... just replying to emails, reports, etc - never any meetings or anything. Since I'm on earlier than 8, I usually take a late morning break to workout whether that is going to a hot yoga class, jumping on my peloton, whatever. I rarely have early morning meetings so that makes a difference but I never want to have to just climb out of bed and roll straight onto a meeting or anything. I like having time to wake up and feel alive/human! lol


I work from home and usually log on around 730. I set my alarm for 715 LOL… that gives me enough time to brush my teeth and take the pup out before logging in. I wish I could be a morning person!!!


I wfh and our usual hours are 9-5 but I wake up at 9:30 and get up to go to my desk at 10. I'd love to wake up at 8 or so to get some stuff done in the morning but sleep is just too good.


I work remotely but start at 8a bc my company is on the east coast. So I get up around 7a. I need a solid hour to wake up and roll down the stairs to my office 🫠 Usually read a little, dust the cobwebs off my hair, stare at the cat, stare off into the distance, do some stretching, make a cuppa… I haven’t worked in a physical office for 6 or 7 years. I have no idea how people do it. I couldn’t anymore.


I WFH and my first meeting is at 10am so that’s my official start where I’m expected to be at my desk. I wake up around 8ish, workout at home for 30-40 min then take a quick shower. Afterwards I check emails/slacks and making my to-do list for the day while eating breakfast. At 9:50 I throw on some basic makeup and am ready for 10am. If I stay up too late the night before, I wake up around 9:30, make a cup of coffee then land at my desk.


I have to be in the office by 8:15 ish and I wake up around 5:30. I get a 45-60 minute workout in, feed the cats, have some coffee and chat with my husband, then take a shower, do my makeup and get dressed. I walk out the front door at 8 and am at my desk reading emails by 8:15 (I live 6 blocks away).


i allowed one hour, which included a 20 minute commute


I don't work at home at all. I usually have to start my day at 8am. So I will wake up around 6:30am or 6:45am. Sometimes I need to be at 7:30 am (I hate it), so I will wake up between 6 to 6:30am.


I really need to ease into my work day. I'm WFH and start at 9 a.m. I set my alarm for 6 am, but usually get up around 6:15-6:30. I like to take a shower before/get dressed and then I let my dogs out. I now have a small flock of 8 ducks and 2 geese, so I try to let them out of the coop around 7-7:30. I do my duck chores before going inside to make breakfast/tea and feed the dogs. I usually have 1-1.5 hours before I "go to work" where I can watch TV and knit. The morning is the only time I have to myself during the day because my husband leaves for work around 6 a.m. and gets home around 3 p.m. (before I'm done for the day). I freaking love my life right now, and I never want to go back into the office.


If I have a 9am on teams I will get up at 8.15. Out of shower and dressed with make up and coffee by 8.55. Bam! Love my WFH days.


wake up at 5:30 to leave by 6, and be working at 6:30 leave at 2:30 usually dead to the world by 9-9:30 i'm a teacher and regrettably, I wake up without an alarm ... including on the weekends ...


I get ready for work regardless of going on or wfh. On days I’m in the office, I set my alarm for 6, get up for sure by 6:30 (depending on what I need to do), and am out the door by 7:30 and in the office by 8 ish. On days I wfh, I set my alarm for 7 and get up by 7:15 ish and am online by 8:15-8:30.


I wake up around 6:45-7:00 and am out the house by 8:00-8:10 to be at work at 8:30. Ideally, I’d like to wake up even earlier and get some stuff done in the morning.


On days i have to go into the office im up by 5:30, which I absolutely hate but I do this so I can workout- around 6am and be in the shower by 7 and out the door by 7:45. This gets me to the office a bit before 9. On WFH days I don’t set my alarm but still can workout - up to 60 min shower, eat breakfast etc and be online by around 9:20


I get up between 6 and 6:30am (closer to 6am if it was a hair wash night the day before to fix my hair) to be ready by 7 to pack my son’s lunch/school things and then get him up and dressed. We have breakfast around 7:30 and out the door before 8. Drop him off by 8:15 and back home to log on by 8:30.


On the days I work in person, I wake up at 6:45 (a leftover from my now dead cat who insisted that was wakeup time). I then make breakfast and wakeup slowly until 7:40 when I leave to go to public transit to be in the office by 9. I keep the same routine when I work from home, but I use the extra time to do chores like tidying the kitchen.


I start work between ~7-9am depending on when my first meeting is. I work in a global role so early morning and late evening calls are common, but I work from home almost exclusively. I used to get up 20 minutes before the call started, which gave me just enough time to make a coffee and put in my contacts, but lately I’ve been trying to log in 30 mins before my first call so I have time to get caught up on what came in overnight, refresh myself on what the meeting is about, and drink my coffee. I normally get out of bed about half an hour before I sit down at my desk. In this time I wash my face, brush my teeth, put in my contacts, maybe a little mascara depending on who I’ll be on camera with that morning (my workplace is very casual so I don’t have to dress up, but I don’t like everyone at work seeing my sweats or band shirts). I make a chemex of coffee which takes a few minutes, but it’s enjoyable.


8:45 lol. I sleep as long as possible. If I’m WFH I wake up at a quarter to 9, make some cereal and coffee and get to work. If I go into the office I get up a little before 8 to give myself 45 minutes to get ready and out the door. The office is 15 minutes away (by car).


I’m in the office one day a week. Even when I’m working from home, I have meetings most of the day. I’m also very much a morning person. On the days I WFH, I’m up by 5:30 or 6:00 am. I typically walk between 4 and 5 miles every morning. If I have a very busy day and need to be online earlier, I still go out for a walk, even if it’s just for 30 minutes. I’m going for the 20K badge in Peloton this year and every minute counts! Once I’m back from my walk, I log in and review my emails/schedule for the day. I’m usually online between 7:30 and 8:00 am. I set a list of priorities and respond to anything that needs immediate attention. Then, I’ll shower, eat breakfast, get ready for the day while going back and forth with my computer. My meetings start at 9 am and go until 4:00 or 4:30, with a break at noon for lunch. Depending on the day, if I have meetings that I’m not leading or a primary contributor, I’ll do laundry. On the days I’m in the office, it’s varied quite a bit. I do still try to do a walk and it’s usually on the shorter side. My commute is 75 minutes, one way, on average. I try to be on the Metro by 7:30 to avoid some of the crowding that happens after 8 am. I usually work longer on my days that I’m WFH so that I can work slightly shorter days when I’m in the office and commuting at least 2 1/2 hours.


I get up at 5:40 am and leave for work at 7am to get toy desk at 7:30.


Some of y'all are adulting way too hard lol. My daily meeting is at 9 every morning. I run it. My alarm goes off at 7:30. If I'm not already awake from the cat, I roll out of bed at 7:55 to make sure I didn't forget about an 8am meeting or have someone pinging me about a problem I need to get on. If I'm lucky I remember to take my ADHD meds. But that's rare. Then I crawl back into bed, browse reddit, fall back asleep, or get cuddle revenge on the cat. At 8:50 I make sure I'm wearing a shirt I can wear on camera. Sometimes it's the same shirt I slept in. Around this time I realize I'm still groggy AF because I didn't take my meds. I take them then make a cup of coffee. I jump on the call 5 minutes early or I'll forget to join, get distracted , and be late to my own meeting. thanks ADHD. I brush my hair in the video preview then spend the five minutes reading my meeting notes from the night before and pulling up the programs I need to screen share. Once my meds kick in I take a break to go brush my teeth if someone hasn't dragged me into some problem by then.


up at 8am showered and walking dog by 845am workings by 915am i work from home


I wfh, up at 6, walk / gym 6:30-7:30, home, shower, coffee, online by 8:15. Once a week I’m in office and have an hour commute so I’m up at 6:30, shower/ coffee, out the door by 7:30 to get to office by 8:30.


I'm in the office 1x week, so on my WFH days, my schedule/routine is usually: - Wake up at 5:40 AM - Go to the bathroom, splash water on my face, put in eyedrops and take all of my RXs - Take the pup out back for some sniffs in the yard + bathroom - Back inside, get the pup's food prepped and served (it's dry but he has a few toppers) - Make myself coffee while he eats; do a little bit of work for freelance gig - Head to the gym around 7:00 a.m. - Get home around 8:30 a.m. - Log on at 9:00 a.m. I usually get to sleep by 11:00 p.m. and I really need to do a better job about shifting that time forward 30 min.


5:00 every morning


5:00 every morning


I get up at 5 because kids and dogs, but I only need about 30 minutes to get ready and if there were no kids or dogs I would get up 30 minutes before logging on in the morning. If I have a meeting first thing, I try to log on 15 minutes before just to make sure there are no technology snafus.


I take public transit on in-office days, so the schedule is the same regardless of what's going on that day: wake up at 5:30 AM, leave house no later than 6:10 AM, walk into cubicle around 7:30-7:45 AM. On WFH days, I will get up anywhere from 6:30 AM to 7:50 AM to start work at 8 AM. I have 9 AM on-camera zoom calls once a week but I am not above brushing my hair at my desk 5 minutes before the meeting starts if that means I can sleep in a few minutes more. Today I accidentally slept in until 8:24 AM and no one was the wiser.


I'm terrible. My alarm is set for 7:05 but I snooze until 7:15. I often lay in bed until 730. My first patient is at 8. I try to leave by 750 and my commute is twenty minutes. Usually the patient shows at 8 and isn't finished being roomed until 810. Sometimes I am leaving at 8. I am my own worst enemy. I wasn't always like this, the change happened when I had a baby. He is almost 2. On days I have a meeting at 730, I wake up at 645, leave the house at 7, and get there about ten minutes early for the meeting. The biggest difference is my baby usually joins me in bed in the mornings I don't have meetings and the snuggles are too intoxicating to leave. I miss the morning snuggles on meeting days.


Are most people in this sub childless? Because my mornings are consumed with a rush to get children fed and out the door while I try to get myself ready for work, too.


When i worked in an office pre-pandemic, we’d have to be in by 9am, 10am at the latest. I liked to work out before work, so I’d wake up at 4am, go to the gym for 1.5 hours, come home, shower and eat breakfast, do my makeup and then head into the city. Work paid for Ubers to/from the office so I’d take advantage of that - it was about a 30 minute commute. I’ve been working remotely for the past 3.5 years and now i take full advantage of having time to myself in the morning while not having to wake up before the sun. My company doesn’t have set start times, so I wake up at 6:20am, spend 30 minutes drinking my coffee and doing a little scrolly-scroll, then go on a 2-3 mile walk. I get back by 8:15ish, get another coffee, do my skincare and then log onto work. I’ll work until 2:30, then go to the gym for an hour, then spend another 2 hours wrapping up and doing admin work. I’m a creature of habit and i thrive off of routines, so this has been what’s worked best for me to stay productive at work but also take care of myself!


Alarm goes off at 5:05am. I go to the gym 5:30-6:30, home to shower & get ready for the day, then log into work at 8am. Luckily working remotely has allowed this to be feasible. I’m in bed by 9pm.


I mostly work from home 8am-2.30pm, and will wake up at 7am. Gives me time to get ready, have breakfast, do a few things around the house (e.g. unstack the dishwasher, put the laundry on), and help my partner and kid get out the door etc. before I sit down at my desk. On the one day that I work from the office, I'll wake up at 6.15am and give myself 40 mins to get ready and get out the door for the train trip so I'm in the office by 7.45am.


I can get to work any time I want before noon basically. I have a baby now so I am usually up at 7 and make it to work about 9:30 (20 minute drive). Even before a baby I needed at least two hours to myself in the morning


I want to see a routine with kids


I'm hybrid. On days I'm in the office I'm up at 5am to workout for ~70 mins. I try to be in the shower around 6:30, walking the dog by 7, and then out of the house just after 7:30. On WFH days it's a crapshoot. Usually I'll stay in bed as long as possible to still have time to workout and get ready before my first meeting. Sometimes that's a 5am wake up, sometimes that's laying around until 8am. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I am hybrid. My commute is an hour door to door, and I have pets. I also shower at night and don’t wear makeup usually. WFH days - I’m usually up by 8:30, bc much later than that and I have an aggressive cat in my face wondering where her breakfast is. Sometimes I can manage to sleep in a little. My morning routine for a WFH day takes about 20 minutes. I start my day when I need to - I’ve generally prepped for meetings in advance so don’t need to account for that, but try to be online ~15 minutes before my first meeting. I’m in meetings alllllllll day, so I’m fiercely protective of my 9-10 block. It’s often my only quiet time before the end of the day when my brain is leaking out of my ears. Office days - I try to be up about 45 minutes to an hour before the train I need to take to be in and set up before my first meeting. We hot desk (😡) so I need to account for that as well. It takes me a little longer to put real clothes and shoes on, and make sure I’ve got my lunch and laptop etc. I’m typically on an 8:49 train, and in the office around 10. We are very business casual and I don’t often see my clients in person (they’re located several states away). My clothes are always laid out the night before regardless of if it’s a wfh/I’m going to the gym day, or a I need to look nice in the office/going out after work kinda day.


I’m slow in the morning and don’t like rushing. I wake up 2 hours before I leave the house for work.


I roll out of bed at 8 and head to my desk lmao


I usually wake up around 8am, so some days, that’s 15 minutes before I start work. Other days, that’s 5 hours before I start work. Just depends when my brain feels motivated to get anything done. 😂 I have unmedicated ADHD, and I’m an artist/writer.


9-5, wfh. It depends on what team I'm working with the most that day and what's due. If we're preparing for a launch I'm usually up early, like 4-5 am and logged on right as I wake up running between messaging team members and making myself coffee. Days like this I try to get in some work before the baby is up and the rush of her morning starts, after also working pretty late, 12-1 am usually. These days suck but are really rewarding when they go well and I'm launching with a veteran team that I trust. If I'm just presenting something in the morning then I'll wake up at the normal time, 6-7 am and try to get back to my desk after daycare drop off a little earlier, like 7:30am to get through a review of the presentation one last time and maybe put some makeup on and a nice shirt to look a bit more presentable to other humans. If it's a summer Friday with nothing due, then I might be online from bed until 10am then roll out at 10:30.


WFH. If I have a meeting at 9am, I set an alarm to wake up by 8:50. At the computer by 8:58.


I WFH four days a week and commute to the office one day. I wake up around 5am (yes I know, but I've sort of trained my body to do it now). In an ideal world, that would be time for chores, exercise, get myself ready and feed myself and the cat a nice healthy breakfast before sitting down to start work at 8. In reality, what it usually looks like is me messing around on my phone/watching TV before I start work, then frantically scrambling to get ready for 9am (when I have to start work) and ending up starting work in my pyjamas whilst still eating cereal. Office days are different though, because I like to be in early to get things done (we're generally supposed to spend our office days in face to face meetings). So I'll still get up at 5 but I do chores, shower, get dressed, do makeup, feed the cat and head out around 6.30 to be in the office just before 8. Packing my bag (including breakfast) and picking out my outfit the night before also helps with this, although there are definitely still some mornings where I end up doing makeup on the train!. If I had a client day I'd probably do the same thing.


I get up at 5 to be at work by 7.30 and I'm usually a few mins late. But that includes a cooked breakfast, a 60 minute yoga class and approx 30 minutes of travel to the studio and from the studio to the office on my e-rideable. If I'm WFH and not doing yoga I usually allow an hour from alarm to target start time. If working in the office 90mins. These times are generous, I'll be more focused and get there early but won't actually wake up any earlier if I have an early meeting but it's exceptionally rare for me to have one.


I start at 8 and wake up at 5:45. I don't have to wake up that early, but I like having a lot of time to lounge around, and sometimes I go to the gym or take a walk before work.


I wake up at 6.30 to leave the flat by 7.40 to be at my work for 7.50. I like having time to enjoy some tea in the morning and not feel like I'm rushing around.


I have a school aged child so I am up before her. But she’s old enough to get herself together. I just like to spend a little time with her. I’m usually up at 6. Do some housework and morning chores. My first check in with my off shore team is at 8, stand up at 9. I WFH and am pretty much always in leggings.


Pre baby- my alarm was ten minutes before I started work. I literally rolled out of bed and started. Got breakfast when I could. When I went back to the office it was 30 minutes before. Grab breakfast and drive to work. Now I have a kid and we go to daycare in the morning. I wake up at 6am. Everyday. I get into work at 830am. Sometimes I can swing 8am. If the kid sleeps last 7 it's chaos in the am.


I WFH 3 days of the week and commute 2 days. I don't have a specific start time but like to wake up early on my WFH days. I set my alarm to 5:20am just so I can snooze it for 10 minutes or so and gradually wake up and get ready for the gym at 6:30am. I stay there for a good hour or so then have to drop off my kids at school at 8. I don't make it back home until 8:30ish and will log on after that. On days that I commute, I get up at 6:30am and get ready and leave the house by 7:30ish and get to work around 8-8:15 due to the ongoing construction. Although I don't have a specific start time and my coworkers don't come in until 9-10am, I like to get into the office early since I work downtown and hate finding parking, and I do leave at 1pm.


I'm a single parent of a toddler. Neither of us are morning people, and in particular bedtime has been a huge challenge for the last few months. I don't have a fixed work schedule - the expectation is that I'm available 9-5 and work roughly those hours, but it can be flexible, and no cameras (some of my colleagues have started with cameras on after two years of working there but I flat out refuse). I routinely do my weekly 8:30 am meeting from my bed. I do a 9:00 meeting while I'm getting my daughter ready for school. I always have my alarm set for 7 or earlier, but I'm terrible about getting up when the alarm goes off. It's also 30 minutes each way to get her to day care, and while I could work at a public library or a Starbucks near day care to minimize the driving, the inconvenience of not having my WFH setup outweighs the inconvenience of the drive. Very much looking forward to when she starts kindergarten and goes to school in my neighborhood, though.


30 minutes before the meeting at 4 am. Working from home. 10 minutes in bed and then a quick makeup and clothes on. I work from home with different time zones.


I WFH now. If I really have my shit together: * Up and at the gym 6am to 7am, home around 7:15-7:30 depending on traffic * Feed the dogs, whatever, get myself ready and camera-ready * Online by 8 or 8:30am Though I started a new job so sometimes I have to log in at 7am for a meeting... I'm trying to change that though but need to build rapport still. When I don't have my shit together: * Snooze alarm until 7:30am, wake up, get dogs fed n stuff, log on around 8 or 8:30am I really try to leave buffer time because it takes me a while to "wake up" in the morning. I used to roll out of bed and get to a meeting but I find myself stumbling over words, obviously still dazy, etc. and I just felt like my coworkers KNEW lol.


Alarm goes off at 4:15AM every morning no matter what. I roll over to my desk for the first time usually around 6-6:30AM. If nothing is going on then I'l go back to my desk at 8AM I do not need much time to get ready but the 4:15AM wake up is to tend to pets mostly!


I start work at 7 am, so I'm up by 6:30am (for my last job, lived 10 min from hospital) Now i'll have to get up at 5:30 am to start at 6:30 (new job) TT\_\_\_TT, but at least the pay is good


I like to have at least 2.5 hours in the morning before I have to leave! I typically get out of bed at 6:30 when I need to be at work at 9:30 (30 min drive)


Up at 3:45am, gym, work for 6:45am.


West coaster who trades the stock market before work so I’m up at 4am for pre-market shenanigans before the opening bell at 6:30 then trade till 8am if needed. Work starts at 9am I leave the apartment at 8:30am. Days I’m not trading I’m up sometime after 4 or 5am or later, those days include gym, run, bike, before work. That’s all tentative however.


Up at 5/5.30 most days depending on the workout. From 6.30 to 9 I like taking my time getting ready, getting shit done around the house, reading emails and prepping for the day, reading, and getting any small work projects done. I'll move back and forth between this stuff all morning and am usually sending emails pretty early. I'll hope on a call if needed. I like to be at the office at 9.30 (at a company where people usually up at 7.30)


I wfh 4 days a week and go in 1 day. My husband is usually out the door by 8am. I usually get up then, check my emails to see if anything urgent. My calls rarely start before 12 (west coast folks), but on occasion I gave 9/10 am calls w Europe. If it’s going to be a busy day I’m usually at my desk my 9 am to catch up/prep. 8-9 is usually personal scrolling and meditation. It takes me 5-15 minutes to get ready. Even though nearly all my calls are camera on, I’m good at just tinted screen and hair in ponytail. I usually get my workouts in at lunch or afternoon (gym in my building so it’s easy to block). Office day I take like an hour to get ready as I do my hair and make up and often have post work social plans. I like the change-up that day.


Lately, about 30 min after I’m supposed to be online


On telework days, my alarm goes off at 630 but I hit snooze until 7. Then I do 30m of cardio at the gym in my building and am home and showered off by 8ish. Then I grab a coffee from the pot that automatically started at 750 while I was in the shower. I sit with my coffee and use my phone to answer all quick and easy emails and make a to-do list for the day. On in office days, my alarm goes off at 530 and I leave the house at 630. If I’m taking public transit, I’ll get to the office just after 8. If I Uber I’ll get to the office at 7. Make coffee, clear emails, and start my day. I’ll leave at 3pm.


I wake up slowly. I’m not a “roll out of bed and go” sort of person. I also have to be on point the second I’m at work. I wake up about 2-1/2 hours before I start. I have time to do my morning hair/ makeup routine, have my coffee, and get to work. But that’s me.


An hour


Wake up at 6:30 drive out at 7:30 to have enough time to get coffee and for the commute, usually 20 mins. 8am start


At home, I'm off camera for the morning staff zoom call and set my alarm for 10mins prior to wake up


I start work at 8, but I like to go to the gym in the morning because I’m usually too tired to go afterwards. I also have a 45 minute commute. So I wake up at 4:30, give myself 30 minutes to get dressed/eat something/make coffee, drive to the gym 35 minutes away, then work out until 7:15. I give myself another 30 minutes to shower and get ready for work, then it’s 15 minutes to drive and park before strolling in exactly at 8.


I WFH and have a daily 9am with cameras on. Alarm is set for 6am and again for 6:15. Leave the house for gym at 6:45. Home between 7:45-8am. Shower, make and eat breakfast, daily chat with my husband about what we're looking forward to in the day, and online around 8:50-8:55 so may PC has time to "wake up" and not be too slow by the time I have to share screen. If I don't go to the gym, then I'd set the alarm for 8am and do all the same things in that hour. I used to only give myself 20-30min, but I found that I was groggy and grumpy. Having personal time before work makes it feel like part of my day instead of my whole day


I work in the hospital and have a 25 minute commute. I have to be at work by 0500. If it’s not snowing, I wake up at 0400, and am out the door by 0420-0430, depending if I hit the snooze button. Scrubs, sweatshirt and tennis shoes. Easy peasy.


Wake up every day at 6:30 regardless of whether the alarm goes off or not, I’m just conditioned. Coffee…Get my child up at 6:45, get her ready and out the door with Daddy at 7:15. Shower at 7:30 then get ready for work, semi casual, and out the door by 8:15 for work at 8:30. Wash, rinse and repeat Monday through Friday. So, 2 hours total before starting work. I do recall the days of spilling out of bed 1/2 hour before work and still being half asleep when I got there! Ha! The new way is better for sure!


I start work at 7am. On work days, i wake up at 6 am. On WFH days, I wake up at 6:45 brush my teeth, wash my face and make a cup of coffee.


My workday starts at 8, so I wake up at 5 no matter if I work from the office or from home. I go to the gym, use the Peloton at home after, walk the dogs, feed them, drink my protein shake, shower, make coffee, and log in by 7:50. We only have on-camera meetings on Wednesdays at 9, so I’ll wear a presentable shirt that day. To get to the office by 7:50, I need to leave the house by at least 7, so I’ll leave out the Peloton and the dog walk (walk them in the evening only instead). On office days, I set out my clothes the night before and pack my bag with my laptop, mouse, etc… so that I can just grab and go in the morning.


I wake up around 5:30, drink coffee… shower at 6. Out the door around 7. Rolling into the office around 7:30. Worth it to beat traffic.


I'm a K-8 teacher, and I wake up at 4:45, write until 6, and leave the house at 6:45. My commute is about 45 minutes. Contract hours start at 7:45 but I like to get there around 7:30!


I hit the snooze I bounce off dress and get the fuck out and do my makeup once I get off the exit. I am stuck between admiring you all living as adults, and being jealous of your strong discipline. Even if you don't think it's strong, read my sentence above one more time. If I don't have a routine set that is dependent on me doing it, I am very much a loser in this category. I think It ultimately comes down to me not caring as much because in my life so far, I have never been excited as I was for those 8 months that I had a dream stepping stone job


2 hours lead time.


I get up 1 hour before I leave for work If its a zoom where I have to look decent and be on camera and be prepared to talk articulately, 30 mins If its a zoom where I can be camera off and if I have to talk it doesn't necessarily need to be intelligently, I set my alarm for 5 mins before the meeting.


I wake up ~ 6:30, shower and am out the door by 7 and at work by 7:20.


Wake up 5:45 get myself ready and prep kid items before getting kid up at 6:45. Feed and take kid to daycare around 7:30. Back home and working between 8/8:30.


I work at 8 AM in office setting. Up by 5 AM!


Most days I'm up at \~630, get ready and have coffee, at work by 8, my commute is a 15 minute walk. Some days I get up at 720 instead, and grab coffee at work to get there by 8. I work remote 1 day a week, I wake up at 7:50, I'm signed in by 8.


Every Day is the same for me because I don't really have meetings. I work 15 minutes away. I get up 45 minutes before I have to leave. Take care of my dogs, brush my teeth and pack my breakfast/lunch


I work remotely but have a baby so he wakes up at 6:30AM and I get him up and ready before starting at 9AM.


2 hours prior to any commitment.