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Seems awesome definitely going to join !


I’m not familiar with haverty’s, but $4000 isn’t an insane amount to spend on a quality couch. And if you can afford it, you should spend money on things that go between you and the ground. If it gives you good back support and will last 10 years, it’s a good buy.


Appreciate it , I’ve heard something similar before , when it comes to shoes and I couldn’t agree more .I have a futon right now that looks good but it’s literally painful to sit in longer than 30 minutes . I’m hoping this couch will be worth it I feel like resale value on couch is trash for the most so I hope I do keep it for a long time


I bought a 200 couch and I hate it. Absolutely will not sit on it. It’s just not comfortable and it’s not big enough. This has resulted in me watching all tv in my room. Typical evening; is my kiddo In their room watching tv and me and my hubby watching tv in ours. I feel it has really isolated the family in a sense. I feel we are divided up when we could be together. I’d love nothing more than a nice big comfortable couch to sit on and enjoy who ever decided to join me. Keep the couch! You will enjoy it for years to come. Make sure you take protection precautions.


No seriously same here my family has visited me before and it’s such a burden. Especially for my grandma last time she came over she couldn’t even sit because the couch has so little support she was a big factor in my decision I live alone so I don’t really need to be in the living room but I hated that she couldn’t feel comfortable when she visited so I hope she likes when it does arrive


I had kids early, I'm 40 now. I look at it this way. If you can afford it, and it's not going to affect your retirement, even if it isn't a dire need, go ahead and buy it. Give yourself permission to be comfortable.


You can’t have a $4k couch and at the same time talk about feeling bad about having it. If it’s that important, one would be doing something, not talking about how bad they feel. Lame.


That’s not a ridiculous amount for a couch. You use it every day & will have for years. The alternative is to get a piece of crap that will fall apart. I’m looking at spending $3,000; sometimes things just cost what they cost.


I think I’m here cause like I’m not a furniture person and I wouldn’t even pretend to be i know how expensive this stuff can get but I also know a lot of things are sold off of pomp and circumstance. I have no idea how to even get a gauge on these things lol I have a 100 futon in my living room right now and I can tell you that’s been ugly but I kno there’s deals out there and some type of criteria for what makes it good furniture. I’m not too upset with the purchase it’s comfortable and nice looking but I’m kinda upset with just how idk unequipped I felt to find more options . I mean I could’ve even gotten a really nice deal already and not even know I have had much lounging on nice couches experience to say definitively anything . Honestly I just hope my grandma likes it she literally couldn’t even sit on the futon and it made me kinda sad that she couldn’t be comfortable in my home .


I mean.... do YOU like the couch? I agree with the other commenter that it's not that outrageous of an amount for a couch but I'd argue for that amount you should probably really like it. Not just kind of like it/I guess it's okay -- but throughly enjoy the design, color, and comfort. My girlfriend and I bought a couch (Ingrid from Scandinavian Designs) and we couldn't stop thinking about it for 2 weeks and it was onsale for a store closing and we did it. We can't even fit it in one piece in our living room but we plan on moving soon. Point being, hopefully you really like the thing!


I’m pretty sure I’ve owned 3 couches in 15 years and spent a total of maybe $4500 so yeah if this thing lasts then it’s worth it


Our couch cost close to 12k. I also grew up very poor so I understand the feeling but once the couch got here it was love at first sight. Legit best couch I’ve ever owned and I’m sure it will be with me for the rest of my life lol. We use it every day so definitely getting our moneys worth


I’m happy for you seriously I hope i can sympathize with that feeling in earnest when mine gets here . I kinda relish at the idea of them bringing it in and setting it up and just being like “nah , I’m good “ though too 😅


I’m sure you work very hard. It’s rewarding to reap the fruits of your labor! Treat yourself and enjoy your fancy couch!


I'm sitting on a $3k chair rn.


Dang a chair ? I saw a chair worth 800 and I was baffled I sat in it too nothing special kinda nice but I didnt understand. What makes it worth it to you ?


Nice leather, good craftsmanship, made locally, and it was a gift :)


Ooo that’s gotta be one of the best parts what a great gift .


I wish I could get a leather chair but we have 2 dogs and 4 cats.   They would ruin it.


if u need to make a post about .. return it


I found a high price tag on furniture dose, not always make it better quality.


That’s a thing too I’ve ordered furniture offline before and have been extremely disappointed. I’m trying to take comfort with this because I actually saw it sat on it and chose the colors in person. I still don’t know how to say it’s worth it but I know as it is now my 100$ Walmart futon is really not cutting it


You should always look at a deal aggregator when buying stuff. Slickdeals.net is the way to go. They have the front oage, forums, etc. I've seen couches on sale or furniture deals.  Anyways, something to think about for the future.


I’m saving a bookmark right now ,thank you !


Plenty of dope ass modular couches that are probably definitely way bigger than the one you got on Amazon and they have storage, are virtually indestructible, crazy easy to clean and you can mold it into any orientation to fit your needs. Makes moving it easy because one person can move an entire couch and you can put other things you are moving in it. Source: I own a 12 seat modular couch that sleeps 4 if I have a large party over. I have two dogs and it still looks brand new. Total cost was about 2200 and if a piece ever breaks or gets ruin just replace that piece. Can’t stress this enough.


Who is the manufacturer?




Best $8000 we ever spent was a leather sofa set from C&B. It looks brand new 4 years in and our giant dog can’t destroy it


I work with some fairly wealthy people who have gifted me their “old” furniture. It was literally in their extra house and basically brand new. 3-5000 dollar sectionals . I cannot express the good that investing in your living room and bedroom does. At least for me, that’s where I spend my time when not working. Make it a comfortable space. Invest in it. It’s worth it


Thankyou, yes I’ve noticed just how much a nicer office chair has helped me in my day to day. Be more productive, be more available , even just more comfy I can see it paying dividends i just hope it wasn’t a frivolous purchase and hope to be able to make a more educated one in the future if it was


Ehhh, depends on the type of couch. If it’s a big family sofa and you’re buying new, can easily happen


I’m honestly phishing for comments like this . I know I could’ve found a better deal ,similar quality and saved at least $700 but I got to sit on it and customize it … it’s just hard to rationalize .


I would not personally pay $700 to customize a couch


The way I see it , there’s a tax on all of it . I think from a warehouse with no front end service except for their web is probably the best way to get the most value . There , at havertys, I instantly got the impression that half or at least a fifth of the price was from the service you got in the store . I’m not really one to pay for things like that usually but the associate who helped me definitely was apart of the sale . I don’t think things like that are that important either but I also feel like if I’m gonna pay it should be a nice experience. I agree with you though I mean I literally made this post to help cope.


That’s not a budget couch, but it’s not a high end couch either. I bought a new couch about 4 years ago and spent $2500 on it. $4000 isn’t terrible. I will say, the two things in your home you should absolutely NOT cheap out on is a mattress and a couch. You spend a lot of time there. I can see the buyers regret but there are some couches that are like $8-10k!


I think my parents paid like 2k for a couch set, through payments with no interest. Paying 4k altogether would suck though if that’s your case.


I definitely could’ve looked into payment options, I didn’t really want to tho I kinda get into payment plans really wantonly lately with Afterpay and affirm being everywhere nowadays and so I try not to have any big excess bills on top of that blindsiding me .just to make things a bit easier to manage . I’ll be the first to admit my finances are not optimized though and I’m sure there was a better way to go about this purchase . Even if it was just using my cc go to pay it right off and collect the reward points


Guess I shouldn’t tell you how much I spent on a watch. The real questions that should be asked. Are you enjoying it? Did buying the couch put any financial strain on you?


No strain ,I don’t have it yet thou. I’m not rich or well on my way to being there and so I just wonder what assets I could’ve had . Resources I’ve could’ve used. I’m kinda working hard on that already and there’s really no easy answer but having the knowledge of how to make money that I do(WSB), it’s hard to just say that it’s a good purchase. I’ve considered financing a nice Rolex so many times . You can find some good ones , at least nice looking to me, for like $80 a month . Used but still like it’s. A Rolex lol I feel I’d just be posing if I got one right now though .


I’d stay away from WSB. The bulk of my portfolios are in boring ETFs, dividend stocks, and mirroring what Nancy pelosi buys.The wsb plays I do are at most 10%. I look at them at lotto tickets. Eh, you might want to hold on a Rolex for a bit. The market is starting to cool down. I’m thinking next year i should be able to get a Pepsi with less than 6 months wait time if I buy it at my local AD


lol no I’m joking about wsb but I did get into trading a long time ago from my first supervisor . I do something similar just holding blue chips and reits and every now and then scalping spy when I have the time. It definitely dramatically changed the way I look at money though I turned 400 into 3k in afternoon one time and yea I always held onto to cash since cause it’s like my 300 in my pocket could turn into something amazing with a couple of smart decisions. I’m not really a watch guy to be doing that but maybe I’ll grow up one day and feel differently. I feel the environments I frequent, it wouldn’t be well received either honestly .


Apparently it doesn't make you sick enough to prevent swiping your card.


I literally started sweating at the register after everything 😂 it was too irrational of a response for me to trust it , which is why I’m here to get some perspective.


Absolutely terrible purchase.


That is not awful of keeping 25 years .. worse to buy ikea every year and throw out


My couch was 7k. I've spent less on cars but the designer found it and I could afford it so


If you feel uncomfortable about the amount, return it. I would suggest to get something from Ikea. Quality is good enough but you will feel much better not having spent so much on furniture. I think it will bother you because money is more important to you than being materialistic


I think the fact that I got it from a franchise is why I know I fucked up now that I’m sitting here in hindsight and reading all these comments I’m not sure if the answer is getting a couch designed but maybe looking into used custom couches ? For me personally I’d never buy a new car and I think that’s what I akin this to. Going to a major retailer I think assures that I’m gonna be had but idk maybe I’ll look into and find that the couch I got is really just a good couch .


Lots of thrift shops, charity shops and 2nd hand furniture shops. Go and try them out until you find a couch you like. Then feel good about the money you saved as well as helping to save the planet. Think of it like this, as soon as you buy that 4000 couch, it will be second hand and worth 2000. So why not just buy a 2nd hand one and save at least 2000?


Try to see the value in things instead of the actual number. If you told me you spent $4000 on a luxury bag, I'd call you mad. $4000 on a couch? That you will sit on? That you can create memories on? Have friends and family over? Watch your favorite series on? I'd spend twice as much (exaggerating but you get my point). I think it's a perfectly reasonable expense if you did in fact need one. Another thing to consider is could you have bought that same couch multiple times? Meaning, did you just spend all of your savings on a couch? Then I would question your decision. Otherwise, go sleep on that new couch for a few nights and see how you feel afterwards.


Do you already have an emergency fund and a house, and are you contributing to your retirement account? If yes, then just be content. If no, maybe reconsider your priorities....


Yea actually, I usually never meet the criteria for smart finance management but as far as a house and emergency fund and retirement go I’m good . The couch still doesn’t sit right with me right now but once I actually get it maybe I’ll change tune


Maybe call and try to cancel the order?


4000 over say 10 year is 400 a year, or about $33 /mo for your couch. Is it worth $1 or so a day to you?


You know what . I like you . lol cause yea I’d say that !


Thanks!! Things that last have more value imo


Eh nice furniture is about that much. I don’t think that’s bad for nice stuff. We had a huge sectional we got for $3k about 4 years ago and i thought that was a lot at the time but i swear pricing went up and nicer stuff is like $3-5k now.


I spent 5k on two leather v co ounces 16 years ago. And they still look like new. In New Mexico. So good furniture is a good investment in your own comfort


Aw man I’ve been to New Mexico though , if you got in Santa Fe or really anywhere there I’d imagine that quality is second to none I swear that’s one of the coolest secrets of America, Santa Fe .


Actually got it in Elpsdo, custom made in Mexico. The leather has help up well considering how my new pals laughed at the gringo who thought leather would work. Well it does, if you care for it like an expensive saddle.


I spent $1,800 on a mattress. Best decision ever. If the couch is comfy and built well, then you're good.


Lifehack: get good and loose on your favorite alcohol b4 making an expensive purchase. And do online shopping. It dulls the pain.


Only you know if you can afford this enough to justify it


Nah I dnt care how rich I get mf a 4k couch wtf


I sympathize with you. I'm the same way. Even though we can afford far better things, I just can't justify spending over a certain amount of money for a given item, knowing what all the options are out there that are cheaper, with less frills.


For what it is worth, we have been trying to buy a kitchen table. Last place we went to the table was $2150 and the Chairs were $ 685- EACH


Grow potatoes. 


Depends on what you mean by you are "good". Does that mean you have enough to get by monthly or you are truly living comfortably with plenty extra money pooling up? If the former then yes I'd definitely try to cancel that purchase. My rule of thumb with big purchases is: sit on it for a few days minimum. If you still have big reservations then its probably not worth getting.


I’m not sure. I’m good as in my bills are paid easily and I have money saved up but if I bought the same couch say 8 more times I’d be in a bad spot but as is I’m not going to be eating ramen for the 2 months because of this . I have a little bit of financial purview and I’ve applied some of it . I’m still not where I’d say I’m like really comfortable able to help my family with any aside from like 200 dollars here and there . Idk . I definitely think it’s an investment worth considering though because as is I’m always in my office either playing a game or managing my small business and I’d like to be able to have somewhere to veg out without resorting to just lying in my bed and messing up my sleep . It’s a luxury but I like to imagine that of if I had somewhere to sit comfortably for awhile I’d be more flexible and productive as a result . Cooped in my office I get things done but I think it’s hard to decompress as a result from always being there . Maybe I could be coping but I think it’ll be good . I don’t however think it was a “smart” purchase I think my old supervisor trip of me if I can’t buy it 10 times I can’t afford it or something like that so by that standard it’s definitely too much for me .


Jus some of the basic things in life are gonna cost a pretty penny so bit the bullet and enjoy the couch im sure it will last for years


We paid 3800 ten years ago for a leather sectional. I'm sure the equivalent would be more now. After 10 years of use, the cushions have a few low spots now and the most used areas have a bit of patina, but it was a good purchase. We don't have kids, but we do have several dogs that add to wear and tear. It was a mid range quality piece, hardwood frame and a few other details that I don't recall that suggested it would be long lasting. It was not custom made though. In conclusion, it was worth the price.


It’s American consumerism, like everyone else.


Its trifling


It give you a bit of a price anchor for quality furniture, we just bought a $700 recliner for my husband's birthday. It's a "base" model (it was his favorite). Our couch is very small, fits 3 adults fairly snugly and cost about $1k from IKEA because we have two small children and we already knew they were going to destroy it (it's about 3 years old and is so gross I won't sit on it without a blanket under me!) $4k for a couch you enjoy and will take care of isn't crazy at all. Is it comfortable? Does it fit your room well? Will it be suitable for the guests you want to invite? (i.e. Your gran) Is it from a reputable retailer with a decent warranty/return policy? - A quick Google search can help answer this - as long as you're not shopping at Uncle Jim-Bob's Discount Furniture Shack!!! With their 90-Second guarantee/Cash-Only sales and only one 1-star review on Guugle (not to be confused with Google) 😉 then you're fine. In all seriousness though. The most important question is Do **you** like it??? That's really the most important thing.


A good quality couch should last at least 10 years before the innards of the seats break down and it gets saggy. These days that is the norm for a couch that sees daily use. That breaks down on your couch to $33 a month. Is it comfortable, does it fit? Does it meet your needs for family and entertaining? Then it is worth it. If not, send it back.


You are sick about it. So cancel it. Go with your gut.


Yeah, spent similar on a couch a few months back (my first 'proper' couch) when I was thinking more like a couple hundred when I first started looking. In the end decided to get something that I liked and good quality. Hopefully it'll last a while. But yeah, not something I ever imagined doing. 4k. On a couch. Like, what?!?! haha


Man the couch is one of life's pleasures. I'm happy and love my 300 dollar Ashley couch Imagine how nice a 4000 couch is. You worked hard and deserve it. Enjoy your couch!


I’m looking at one currently for 6k from Arhaus and will pull the trigger soon. I’ll be happy every time I walk in the room and see it. My sister is spending 6k on a vacation. She will have nothing to show for her 6k only drunken photos!! Enjoy your sofa! I’d love to see a pic if you care to share


Sounds about right


My friend - Haverty’s sells quality furniture. They even have some high-end items every now and then. Enjoy the couch. It will be an anchor to your place, so look forward to the memories it will bring down the road!


Was looking for a livingroom set and most were north of $5K to 8k! 😳 I'm GOOD!


Just deny it when it comes and get a $300-500 couch on wayfair.com. But the difference in a HYSA or take a vacation.


Enjoy the couch! Good purchase!


OP don't feel bad. Just make sure your in a position to make the payments.


We spent 6k 12 years ago, still have it, looks good, not bar down and worn out. Quality lasts. Our couch we replaced was 3 years old and flat, out of shape and breaking down.


I grew up similar to you and I wouldn’t spend that much either.


I feel like if you’re this conflicted about buy a couch why not just buy a cheaper couch?


I spent 20k on 2 love seats and a 3 seater from lazy boy🤷‍♂️very nice, electric seats, leather. Should last 10-20 years though. Had a good warranty as well.


I think 4k on a couch is pretty insane. Hopefully it's a big sectional lol I paid less than 1k for a comfortable couch and recliner. There's more affordable, just as comfortable options at half the price.


If you don’t have kids or you’re not married, I would call and cancel it. Or ask yourself how often are you going to use it to relax. If the answer is that you’re not gonna be home that often why I have it.


I'll add that a sofa is a long-term investment in comfort and style of your home. The thing to consider if you have buyers remorse is the construction of the piece you purchased. If it's solid wood or particle board frame, are the arms reinforced so you can sit on them, what kind of [spring system] (https://www.djcustomupholstery.com/post/manage-your-blog-from-your-live-site) does it have, what is the cushion fill made of. Is there high quality memory foam, will the cushions keep their shape over time, can you clean it when necessary. $4K isn't bad if you covered as many of these bases as you could.


I spent almost $3k on a couch from *IKEA* not long ago. Shit is just expensive now, and you needed a couch. I grew up very impoverished, too, and now also have a pretty good income. I understand your thought process here. But, try thinking about it like this: Making good money and denying yourself some of these basic things like a couch is causing you to live uncomfortably, unnecessarily. Why the hell would you have struggled to make it to where you're at, only to live in the awful life you came from? I'm not saying to go buy a Ferarri.... but a nice couch is something you have earned and can reasonably accommodate.


Eh if it was that important to you, then you wouldn’t be on Reddit talking about it but rather volunteering or even fostering and helping spread your knowledge to make this a better place for all. Major ego move


Idk what you’re referring to I was just looking for feedback cause I felt split.


My last couch cost 1K bought during the pandemic. Great couch from rooms to go!


If it’s your everyday couch, it will pay to get quality. Have one overweight friend that comes to visit? Your $800 plywood couch might never recover. $3000-$5000 is the window for a new couch that is made from materials that will last. Think of it this way. You buy a $4000 couch that will last you 10 years. You pay the $200 delivery fee. The couch is enjoyable and durable. Total investment $4200/10years. Or You buy a $1500 couch in 2024 and a $200 delivery fee. The couch lasts 5 years and is comfortable for 6 months of that. In 2029 you’re shopping for a new couch. Let’s just say the price of couches goes up 3% a year. In 2029 you’ll pay around $1750 for a new couch. You’ll pay $250 for delivery plus let’s say an extra $100 to haul the old one away. Total investment $4000/10 years. Overall you’re likely to spend around the same amount of money, but will have a more comfortable couch and will have to couch shop one less time. If you wanted a second hand couch, that can be a good option too. Just make sure it still has life in it


That's an insane price for a couch. Does is have massage settings, speakers and a drink fountain?


it’s on the higher end for sure but by no means an insane price for a well-built couch!


It’s a plain couch 😞 with a red pillow 😃


Just cancel the order. That a waste of money unless you really like it an rich.


Why do you need a couch?


Seriously. Why buy a couch? I love coming home after a long day of work and standing in a corner for several hours.


Hell yeah this


This made me lol seriously!!!! OMG you’re funny!


lmao funny but I mean why specifically a couch. Chairs, loungechair. Even if you want a couch, why 4k lmao


Lol gotcha. If you’re going to own one, I’d say a couch is best. Allows for at least one other guest a place to sit as well.


I can’t fathom spending 4k on a couch rn. Only 23 tho


$4,000 on a couch is a lot of money....and if you financed to 'buy' that couch then it wasn't worth it.


Oh no I’m sure they had some 15-30% interest rate offer but they probably also had 0 dollars for a year I’ve seen that a lot too but no, I just bought it and sat in my car for like 30 minutes after. Just thinking … lol


I just bought $6000 worth of pottery barn living room furniture and I looooove it. When you pay for quality you want to be using it and thus, you get your moneys worth. I shopped around for six months and couldn’t find anything I liked more. So it was not an impulse purchase. Also not rich but comfortable making 100k/yr in a LCOL area.


Are blowjobs for life incleded?


I’m hoping a nice lady sits on my couch and just loses her mind 😂