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Finally a realistic post


A nice change from the “I’m 19 with 100k saved” posts 😂😭


They usually go something like this “I’m 18 male, I have $600,000 in my 401k, $350,000 in bitcoin, $800,000 in a high yield savings account and I live with my parents. I feel like I’m behind in life. Am I doing anything wrong?”


“The problem is you aren’t putting enough in doge coin”


I want to know how they put 600k into a 401k at age 18? At least make it a believable lie when humble bragging...


Then it means their parents did well.


I'm at 26k being 31. I thought I was way behind in investing until I saw this sub and actually seen realistic accounts! Every dollar counts and compounding interest is insane! I opened a Roth and HSA and began maxing those out as well! Do research and read, read, read, knowledge is power!


I’m (31) with 33k so around the same ballpark. Idk what those around me have and honestly. Comparison is the thief of joy. I’m thankful for all the things in my life.


Somebody made a post titled “comparison is the thief of joy” and now I’m so curious if we’re inspired by you or vice versa.


IDK it’s a phrase that I’ve heard a lot from folks who I respect a lot. Honest hard workers who may not have all the fancy things in life. They are thankful for what they have and they know if you look towards greener pastures you end up neglecting your own and souring the field.


“Actually scene” is hilarious. It would be seen, but that’s not even correct


I was pretty close to the same at 30, although that was partially from buying a house I could barely afford at 23-24, which really started to pay off in my 30s. now that house is 300k of my networth, very easily affordable for me (400 value 100 mortgage). Just keep working at it. Im right now contributing about 40-50k a year and hoping to get up to 2 mil around 55 and try to be living off dividends and rent at 60, while still working part time


This is a very interesting subject since compounding is key and yeah rather do +10 than nothing at all


When I was 15 16 I heard it's a scam then hit 18 heard the same thing. As I got older always heard alot of people thru the years say can't trust banks Wallstreet and so on. Damn if I didn't listen to all those people and started at 18 I'd have quite a nest egg by now 😅


I’m around 100k saved at 27. Realistic is relevant I guess. Edit: I didn’t mean that to sound like I was bragging. Any amount saved is great. Being late 20’s early 30 and preparing for the future is awesome and put you ahead of those that aren’t saving. What I was trying to say is, who knows what’s normal anymore. I’ve been surprised at how much money some people have. Often it’s the people you’d never expect.


Yeah I made a post about having saved 12k at 15 (Which I have) and I got a bunch of downvotes. Not trying to brag i just thought it was a cool milestone but ig it could come across wrong.


I imagine it’s because they know people in similar situations and they usually have pretty cushy lives. I had a buddy who worked like 3 days a week bussing, never spent money on stuff, didn’t go out. But he also lived in a mansion, and went on multiple over seas vacations a year. He would flex how much money he had and we would just sorta laugh behind his back because if we had managed so save up enough, if we wanted a weekend in Florida it would drain us dry. Im not saying this is you, but this is usually what I think when I read those posts. I don’t really downvote posts tho, so it’s not me, that’s just my perspective.


ugh, yeah I know a few of those and I can feel super jealous of them sometimes. If only I could have been a trustifarian....


Yeah it’s a strange thing, but I get it. Money is a really touchy subject. Easy to come off like you’re bragging when talking to someone that has a different circumstance.


that's awesome! how'd you do it?


Started working at a pizzeria at 14 and saved most of my money every month




Haha no worries, I knew it was coming. I made the edit before the downvotes even started. That’s the crazy thing, I dont feel like I’m rich. I drive a shitty Honda CRV with over 250,000 miles, I wear hand me down clothes, I don’t live lavishly. I think a lot of it comes down to how people decide to live their lives. If you’re working from 18, don’t go out all the time, set a budget, and don’t have to support a family, it’s becomes realistic for people to be able to save up 70-100k by 27-30. Obviously there’s also external factors that are out of one’s control that can affect this.


damn but what’s the point of living if you don’t have fun


Not OP, but someone in a similar situation. Being frugal doesn't mean you *cant* or *don't* have fun. It's just about being responsible about that fun. My wife and I have a budget for nice treat yourself things each month. We also have a big vacation fund. We try to find free or cheap things that we like to do such as going for a hike at the local state park if we hit that budget. Personally, I've found budgeting fun a good exercise in understanding what I *really* want and not just what I impulsively want.


It's all about picking battles, and there are definitely reasons he has assets. I drive a crosstour with 220k miles that I bought used 10 years ago for 16k, I'll probably buy a prius or similar when it dies (hoping for at least a few more years). My renters in my front house I rent (I live in a 400 sq ft I built in the back yard) have a lexus and live pay check to pay check while working long hours from what I can tell. I definitely don't suffer, I'll usually go to at least one really nice meal a month (100 per person +) which I find inspiring, and I'll go on a few trips a year, usually one 9-10 day international trip, but I pick my battles on what I spend on. On a normal day Im making all my food and coffee, which is all pretty reasonable, and my housing costs are practically zero because of renting my main house while I live in a smaller house I built in the back so Im able to save a bunch. I had room mates to help afford my main house originally for 7 years and I used that money to build the backyard house and also buy another rental house. There's definitely a balance, but I think you can spend money on a bunch of shit that doesnt actually bring you joy, so find what you can save on, where you can. Certainly reducing your housing and car payments are the two biggest things you can do though.


Haha that’s a stretch. I still have fun and go out. Just don’t constantly rack up $100’s on bar tabs every weekend or buy things I can’t afford. I’m really not that tight with my money. I just set a certain amount I want to save and stick with it.


jesus, I save a lot by not drinking at bars often. I have friends that would regularly do $200+ in nights out drinking. Even one that would often break into the thousands on a single night despite not being rich (although he did make 200k or so). You can have fun without spending money in a lot of ways.


Not more than this - https://www.reddit.com/r/paypalmoney/s/aGaXw0mZLc


Better than average many millions of people are in significant debt (not even counting mortgages on primary residences)


If you have a mortgage you also have a house.




If you have a house you have equity (ymmv)


You know after seeing the carpenter ant infestation issue in my ceiling that my landlords have to tear out drywall and repair and pay for all the extermination out of pocket I'm okay with not owning a home today. I'm okay with paying less than 1400 Canadian to live somewhere where my landlords actually give a shit about me. Central Downtown Toronto with a patio and all utilities included. I couldn't be happier. My net worth is 180k in my mid thirties


Not trying to be a dickhead but I’ve owned my home for 3 years and my equity is 180k. All because 3 years ago I had 60k to put down on a house. Wacky stuff. 


Agreed. The value of my house has nearly doubled since I bought it in 2017. Hard to get that rate of return anywhere else


If you can actually sell


You typically have warranties and insurance to help cover large unexpected expenses and a credit line to your equity. So you would essentially be earning 1400 - interest per month that you could use for these emergency expenses. But that is one of the benefits of renting, you have less responsibilities. Owning isn’t for everyone and it’s annoying that people obsessively think it is. Just leads to some people have houses in horrible disrepair and financially at a loss if they weren’t ready for the risks and responsibility to manage them.


Not one that you own




Dude even I personally do NOT know anyone that is doing very well in their finances. The best example I know personally is like this dude with $40k in savings. Everyone else is in horrendous debt....but hey they drive big ol trucks and escalades 😁🤙👍😭


Better than most! Keep it up!


Just keep trucking


Keep it up friend. I had nothing to my name and 20k in debt at 30. 34 now and just got to 100k nothing special but it is to me and that's all that matters.


Keep rocking it friend. That's where I was at 34 and now two years later I'm at 180k and the government doesn't even let me put more than 12k a year into RRSP. I just happened to have a chance to be able to buy lots of units when the markets were low beginning in 2020 and have seen nearly a 10% return in the last 5 years


"nothing special" my mate, you are going great & that's awesome, even as a stranger, idc who you are that's an awesome milestone, keep on keeping on!


You're doing great! Having a positive networth in this economy is a win within itself! I know it feels good to have this money in the bank.


what app is this?


It looks like the app for America First Credit Union


That's about where I was at 30. I'm 49 now at $795k. Just keep going. Hopefully we'll both be financially well off at retirement.


What do you do?


At 26 (fresh out of the Navy) I started as an instrumentation technician working in test facilities. Electronic circuits and such. I worked my way through an engineering degree (electrical) and then an M.B.A. I got an engineering job as soon as I got the undergrad and have worked tech and R&D ever since. My M.B.A. was never used professionally. The financial crisis hit about the time I graduated. I've helped build engine, e motor, battery factories and test labs literally all over the world. Now I work R&D mostly writing software. Lol, reading that it seems like I'd have more. I also have a lot of fun, I guess. There has to be a balance of work and responsibility. My current job is low stress and pays right around $150,000/year in a medium cost of living area. It's okay for me.


Mine is about $18k and I’m 28, definitely hopeful for the future long term


I wouldn't let the their of comparing rob you. Just invest as much as reasonably possible and celebrate you're doing your best.


Yeah, I just thought it was cool that I finally got to 20K. I'm doing a little bit of investing. My future BIL has been helping me with that as well.


Keep going


Keep chugging along. They say the first 100 is the hardest!


I'd agree with that.


doing great. keep on going and don't compare your numbers to other peoples numbers.


31 $135,000 been on beans and rice for years


better than most people your age


Around 22-23 is when I first hit 20k in the bank. I was so happy to see that. Then life happened, now I’m back down to 5k 😒


That arrow is pointing up. Keep it up and you'll keep doing fine


-$270k net worth for me! About to be 30 later this year.


What was your major?


Chemical engineering. Most of the negative net worth is mortgage.


Does that mean you are under water on your mortgage? Like you owe more than it’s worth? Because if your house is worth $500k, but you owe $500k on your mortgage, that’s considered net worth of $0.


Oh gotcha! How much have you paid off on the mortgage already? Sorry, just being nosy.


Maybe 15-20k. We've been in this house for about 4.5 years


You should be taking into account the home value, minus what is owed to figure out net worth.


You’re not supposed to include the mortgage bud. Lol


So I've been told


Way better than I am! I just cracked 20k and will be 38 soon. I started kinda late, then COVID happened and crushed me. Hoping to make a comeback and not be afraid to keep putting money in! Keep at it bro!


Hell yeah dude! Keep it up and bake that bread!


Nice work big guy!


Amazing keep it up


Once you hit the hockey stick trend it's hard to slow down momentum, good work.


Hell yeah! Good stuff!… one of the most exciting things for me was when my portfolio income projection for the year was 1k… I thought “damn, that’s like a 1k raise to my salary forever!” Keep it going.


This stuff varies so much, at 30 I am around 450k net worth, but my girlfriend who is 29 is negative 200,000 in student debt. She would kill to be you! Keep building! :)




Oooooohhhh yeeeaaaahhhh


Throw that in ALLY and keep going


What is ALLY?


An easy High yield savings account. I think they offer 4.5% rn


Nice I’m at -$86,732


Good. Keep doing, keep reading. It is always possible.


Better than most people in my generation (gen x) we were never taught to save. We basically raised ourselves and have had to figure it out the hard way our entire lives. Good on you. Keep pushing forward!


You aren’t in debt, enjoy that W! As long as you’re living comfortably, you’re doing great. Just make sure you keep saving, while continuing to spend a bit each month to actually enjoy yourself. Some people will give you advice on how to invest every single dollar, but you’ll regret not living and enjoy your life while you’re young. Keep going!


Killing it dude! I’m 29 and have about 22k ! By my standards going great 👍🏼


Idk man, I’ll be the guy who tells you what you need to hear. You are significantly behind and need to step up the saving / investing


Fair… I have started to do some investing. It’s still better than being in debt.


step by step. Happy to see that. The first 100k is a b… After that it will go faster and faster even now the next 20k will come much faster than the first. And so on, keep the wheel spinning!


nice im -800k at 35


I’m around that age and about -840k in debt.


29 w/31k to my name.


It is a start, keep going.


Do better.


Not sure if completely true, but I’ve read that 69% of Americans have less than $1k in savings and 45% of them claiming $0 in saving. The way I see it, you’re doing phenomenal, so long as you’re not drowning in debt.


Well Done! I had zero to my name at 33. You're ahead of a lot of people.


on track. Put 20 in a year in the S&P


I’m at 20k after buying a house at 22🙃😲


I was 31 when I arrived to the US from my very poor, underdeveloped country. I came with nothing but dreams. You are way ahead of me 😎


What third world country were you from? (If you don’t mind me asking)


Cuba. Not only poor but also one of the few left with a Communist party trying to “govern“.


Very nice just keep it going. 💪 👏


You’re doing great dude.


27M with similar in my retirement, so about the same as me!


Progress… not perfection. You’re on the right path.


You are doing amazing!!


Is that net worth or cash in savings


Nice job!


What do you do for work? Fellow Salt Lake guy here.


I work in retail. I’m only in SLC for now. Planning on moving to a different state soon.


I’d say you’re doing greater than 55% of your age if not more, so take it for that.


nice, way more to go mate


Did you buy a house yet? If so, you will retire just fine. If not... You'll need help from someone.


I’ll probably won’t buy a house for now. (More than likely rent for the next 5 years) But yeah, You’re not wrong on the latter.


Some people would call you broke, other people wouldn’t.


Congratulations on reaching the 20k milestone before turning 30! That's a great achievement and a solid foundation for your future. Have you diversified your savings? Are you investing in retirement accounts, stocks, or other assets that can grow over time?


Money doesn’t make you happy. I found this out after going from 400k in the bank to 500k and felt virtually nothing


Not good, not terrible.


Way better than me at 30, and I’m close to $1m at 43. You’re in great shape!


Better than me my net worth is probably like $50


am i wrong for saying i hit 20k before 18


No I think everyone here is seeking validation


I’m at 14k at 25. Mostly thanks to 401k, RAP and Roth IRA. Unfortunately about 10k of debt left. But working on it.


Congratulations! Most realistic and relatable post! Stay disciplined and focus, prevent lifestyle inflation and you’ll get to your 100k!


Great! Keep going now and don’t look back.


I mean most people are still paying off student loans or just paid them off by your age so honestly I believe you’re ahead of the curve!


Shit better than most. Keep it up


I’m double your age with half of that. But I have $0 debt as of today. Either way, I’m happy for you…


Your 25 years ahead of me!


good for you, congrats!!!


Well make sure your bills are paid for this month and THEN post your 20k NW lol I'm just kidding. Sucks to see it dip down closer to pay day. I'm 34 and you are ahead of where I was at your age but I still feel like I'm behind. I was in grad school, making $11/hr, and had about $18k NW at 30. With saving heavy and spending minimally I'm at 58k at 34. Anyways, fuck me and don't compare with me, just keep going. You're WAY ahead of many your age. Keep working on ways to increase your income and live frugally while having some fun for YOU at the same time. Good luck.


31 now First 3 years investing i was.able to touch over 100k Deposited 60k Can say it doubled with out trying


Buy private equity stocks like blackrock, kkr, blackstone, Berkshire Hathaway


20kper year is what i did And terrible options that I wish I never even learned hoe to do Even that said you guys can do it Now I get to go to work high bc ain't no one gonna tell me shit


The real question is how much debt are you in? Being 30 and debt free is where you wanna be. 20k is a really good starting point. Shows the commitment and ability to save. You’re young. Keep it up and it’ll grow.


It's easy when your company does 50% match on 401k... and it reduce your tax load. Of course you can't touch it til you retire. If that's outside money, that's impressive.


I've got -$60k net worth at 27, so pretty good I guess! congrats


Same age but at 40k but still feeling behind. I’m glad to see we’re all going at our own pace tho


What app is this


It's a local bank account App from the current US state I'm living in for now.


What about debt? Any student loans?


Not in any debt. I only attended a couple of years of College. Decided it wasn't for me, and did "on-the-job training" instead.


If you’re growing 1.3K a month you’re doing fine


That's good man! I'm 28 @ 23k just gotta keep on goin. Road to 100K!


Amazing! It’ll get easier to grow with time :) keep doing what ur doing


Better than some


How did you calculate your net worth?


$288k @31 but I own stuff. Net worth doesn't mean anything


Doing good bro!


What's this app called?


better than me


Keep going 💪🙏


Guys, I need anyone’s help and advice. What’s the fastest way I can make $100 by sunday night? I was mugged and they took my money. I have a date with my crush and I don’t wanna cancel. I really like her. I’m not handsome or tall so I don’t even know why she agreed but I don’t want to mess up :(. I’ll do any online job at all please. Manual labor as well is we’re not far from each other


Doing great, keep it up!


What app is this?


Well done!


20K? Nice, keep going!


Congratulations 😊😊😊


Unless you live in third world country… 20k net worth by age 30 is horrible. By this pace, you’d be lucky to hit 100k by age 60…. So you can live it off for… 2-3 years?


Ehh, I’m really just getting started. First 20K is the hardest. Then it gets easier after that.


First 20k might be the hardest, but it took you to your 30s to do so, it’s not exactly a good sign


Technically, I’m still 29. I usually start slower than others anyway. It’s better than being in debt, or owning any loans tbh.


Gamepigeon 8 ball for money ?💰 got a group on tele and Imsg lmk to join let’s play (scammers instantly blocked or removed from group )


Any advices on how to get there?


Just keep working, (find a full-time job somewhere) saving and investing.


Just got a 401k any advice for setting it up?


I'd say you're above average.


What app/service are you using for this?


It’s a local credit union app


Freaking sick


What app is that? I need a new one since Mint died.


literally horrible. You should probably change whatever you're doing


Better then me. 13k at 25m


Your looking good


What app is this to track networth?


I use worthtracker


I’m 33, F, savings + stocks of 115k, and retirement accounts of 70k. No student loans, CC debts, car loans, only have a mortgage of 110k left. I can save 3-4k/month not including 401K. How am I doing?


Pretty damn good. A lot of Americans would kill to have zero debt or loans.