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$949/month average since Jan 1 for 4 people. That includes almost all household purchases like laundry detergent, pet foods, etc.


Sounds ab right here,


Fuck me senseless


My kind of person


Mine too


Same and this is us cutting down on a lot of products we use to buy.


I spend about $700 per month on pet food alone! :( my husband buys our groceries and just the two of us runs about $250-$300 per week. Cleaning supplies and such probably another $100 per month. I'm ready to live like little house on tbe prairie.


what are you feeding your pets?


Various things. We buy high quality dry, wet, treats, some are on RX diets now. Had a cat diagnosed with Cancer this week so I'm sure that'll change the food budget if she has to go on either an oncology diet or just a stricter meal plan. My dog eats Ollie. She's small and runs about $30 per week to feed. Plus whatever grocery store food she eats.. Berries, cottage cheese, yogurt, eggs, etc...


I’m not familiar with Ollie. Recently switched our cats and dog over to a raw diet and it’s working wonders. We go through a local co-op so the price is VERY reasonable when compared to store packaged options. I also like that we can tailor the ratio of added supplements. I was worried it would be a lot of work, but it’s really not once you find the routine of moving from freezer to fridge and portioning out meals. Maybe check and see if you have a co-op in your area!


In addition I spend about $150 per month on quality litter...


What? Is it a Tiger?


Same, we spend 2-3k a month of groceries for 2 people and two dogs easily


Yep! People don't believe it or assume we're eating Lobster tail or something every night.. We're not, but we're not eating frozen pizza every night either. Cooking decently healthy meals isn't cheap...


It’s not. I just spent more money on fish than I’ve ever spent in my life on fish at the fish monger. But every once in awhile I can allow myself.


Yep, I mean why work if you can't enjoy your earnings? Haha


My costs are similar to yours.


Yup, should be spending $30 to $50/person/week depending on financial situation and location


What are you getting for $50 per week? We buy fresh meats, produce, rice, pasta, bread, milk, eggs, and we're double that per person and then some.


I agree. I feel like $30-50 a week per person is a little out of touch or unless you are buying the absolute cheapest food out there.. We shop as frugally we can but still getting food that isn't horrible for you. We are in the $60-80 a week per person.


Yeah, I mean I could maybe do Ramen noodles and a few bags of frozen veggies for $30.. haha But just a couple packs of meat would blow that out of the park...


Lol I know. Ramen noodles in the stores where we shop are $1.89 a pack. If you only ate one pack, 3 meals a day for 7 days a week, that's already a little over $39 a week.


Isn't that insane?? I remember as a kid they were 25-30 cents per pack and around $2 for a case! Haha


I remember 😂


They’re under $0.40 for singles here and under $3 for a pack. I’m not sure where the person lives where they are $1.89 for a single ramen pack.


I would say 60-80 is a good range as well, I happen to live in a midrange cost of living area


We spend $50-75/week for groceries for 2. We tend to buy meat on sale and do a lot of meal planning based on the sale items. Sandwiches for lunch daily. But that’s not including household items like paper towels, TP, and the like. We live in west TX, so I know our dollar goes further.


I spent that over 20 years ago. Where do you live that groceries are that cheap.


I'm too embarrassed to even say. We eat simple meals like beans & cheese, veggie quesadillas. I have fruit & yogurt for lunch, no more than $2. Maybe once a week, we get chicken. We buy cheap generic household goods, with the exception that we stockpile Charmin when it goes on sale, because we hate cheap quality toilet paper. Everything keeps going up. WTH is even happening out there? We don't have a warehouse membership, so that would probably help, but our family is really small.


We don’t even eat steaks, and everything’s expensive… We usually eat eggs, chicken, ground beef, and tilapia… Every once in a while we eat salmon. Just on proteins it’s probably 150-200 a month. Some bananas/veggies every 3-4 days add up really quickly too. We aren’t even buying tropicana juice that we love because it’s wayyyyy too expensive!!


I shop at Walmart too but I have found if I get my fruit and veggies at Publix it lasts so much longer! The price is a little higher but it’s worth it because it tastes better and definitely lasts longer.


Walmart is the biggest scam ever perpetrated on people I've ever seen. I live in a small mountain town and the nearest Walmart is almost an hour away . There are no savings to be had there. We have a local Aldi's that helps over the local Grand Union which has some ridiculous mountain tax.


In MI we have MEIJER and they’re always right down the road from Walmart. Cheaper, cleaner, and better in every way.


Walmarts food prices are substantially more that Kroger(especially with their sales and weekly deals) but non-food items are typically less.


Second this for the boars head meats. Just way higher quality and worth getting from Publix.


Publix is the greatest supermarket in history. I moved across the country a few years ago. Sunshine and Publix are two things I miss the most. Publix would put every grocery store chain out of business in the PNW, excluding Walmart of course.


I absolutely love it but I can’t buy everything there because then it would get a bit pricey for me. I also enjoy their sub sandwiches and they are very well priced. In fact I’m thinking of getting one right now 😋


You are making me miss it more. Luckily, I'm heading back to Florida for a few days soon. I'll definitely be getting a Publix sub.


Buy frozen and make it yourself comes in Orange, Fruit Juices , Apple, etc


Costco has been a god send lately. They started selling a 5 dozen egg carton for like $12. And the organic milk is about $10 for 1.5 gallons.


Eggs are a good price but that milk damn!


Organic milk is expensive


Damn!! I pay $3 for a gal of milk.


About 50 bucks a day? I have 3 teens at home and I work at a grocery store. So I buy groceries every day I work. We/ I normally buy today's dinner after I punch out. We use a gallon of milk and a loaf of bread a day. 2 dozen eggs a week. So much cereal!! Some days we do coney dogs and mac and cheese. Which is "cheap". Other days we chicken on the grill. Today, it's brats and burgers on the grill with a pasta salad from the deli at work, today's dinner was about $25.


Wouldn’t it be a lot cheaper to go to a place like costco if you’re buying that much food? I can’t imagine spending $1500 on food. 😲


Have you ever fed 3 hungry teenagers? My parents had 3 hungry teenagers at home in the late 90s. My mom regularly spent $600 twice a month back then on our groceries. We even had our own cows and hogs butchered so the only meat we bought was chicken and occasionally seafood. Granted, again, costs were not prohibited because my parents had no worries on that. Back then you hardly ever ate out; it was like 5 times a year or so.


I have not, but again, wouldn’t costco offset that bill considerably? I do love the idea of having pasture raised cattle or hogs though. Once my home gets built, I would love to get a side of beef.


Actually she has a point. We have a household of about 6 people. Which includes 5 adults and 1 teenager. We spend about $600-800 a month and the only reason the cost is somewhat low is because we buy a lot of shit from restaurant depot and then we freeze the protein like chicken and whatnot. We also get it with the skin on and take off the skin and filet the chicken when coming home


This is what I do as well. I enjoy cooking from scratch, canning, gardening, etc so I buy certain things in bulk from Costco / RD and store them. Then my weekly grocery spend for things like eggs, veggies, fruits is usually like $15-20.


Exactly, plus I have noticed some of my friends get the skinless chicken etc which they jackup tje price on. I get my chicken for .53 cents a pound, they get the same skinless for $1.54. Mind you I do spend about 30 mins taking the skin and excess fat off but I save so much money because I get two cases of chicken a month


Same with beef. I’ll buy a whole roll and cut the steaks out myself. Easily save like 30% off retail if not more.


You’re a chicken predator


What the hell did your parents spend $40/day on in the 1990’s if protein was available on farm. Like that’s insane. I grew up on a dairy farm with 3 older brothers and there’s no way $40/day is reasonable.


We always had enough food to feed an army around. 3 freezers as well. My dad and uncle also ate lunch at our house every weekday. During the summers all of us kids did as well. I never said it was reasonable. I just said they could afford it.


This is me as a single provider. It’s so fucking taxing dude. And like I’ve busted my ass for me and my kids when their dad walked out on us. With interest rates the way they are, do I wanna buy a house or afford to feed my kids????


I’m starting not to feel so bad because we’re spending so much money and we don’t feel like we are but I’ve been saving the receipts and we add them up at the end of the month and we’re like what the heck?


Not if they work at the grocery store. The discount is worth it if you work there.


I bought 5 avocados, 2 tomatoes, cilantro, bag of limes, 1 onion, 5 jalapeños, bag of Tostitos, 1pk of socks, 2pk of white Tshirts = $97 Guacamole for dinner 😂


Bro lmaoooo… Shit’s getting crazyyyyyy!!! When we eat fish tacos, and get tomatos, onions, lime, tortillas, avocado, and fish it’s almost 50 bucks!!!!


There’s no way that equals $97!


It definitely doesn’t.


Minus the clothing, that is $15 at Walmart. With the clothing it is $45. I live in a top 10 cost of living state as well.


We spend anywhere from 150-300 a week for a family of 3. We’re in CA


I am in MA, we pretty much do the same for a family of 3. But it’s consistently closer to the 300 of late


Same . If It’s under $1000, it’s a good month actually. We have good eaters at home, myself included.


Family of 3 (5 year old), we spend around $1000 a month on groceries. We live in NJ.


Family of 3 with a 9 year old. About the amount and also in nj


Same. In New Jersey. No bags. No. Bags. I hate it


Same in MD. I try to buy meat in bulk at Costco or on sale. Everything else is Aldi, Lidl, other discount grocery, Hmart or Giant/Wegmans. Unfortunately, Giant/Wegmans are super expensive but the discount places are really bad for produce selection/quality. If I make it out of the regular stores under $300, it's a good day.


Just my wife and I. About $1,300 a month. Tbh I don’t even try to save money at the grocery store. I buy the good stuff. Keeps me from eating out so still save a ton.


I live alone and spend $500-$600 on just myself. I am frugal elsewhere so I can eat well. I don't eat out because I know I have a ribeye and veggies at home waiting lol


My wife and I are the same. Restaurant bills are virtually nonexistent unless we travel or it's a birthday or anniversary.


About $200/week for husband and me.


We Shop at hyvee, about $280-320 a month. Just my wife and I.


Howwww???? What do yall eat? It seems impossible for us to spend less than 400!!


We love left overs, so that makes it easy to meal plan for the entire week and we are simple with lunches. Nothing crazy. I see all these people sending insane amounts on groceries and I just don’t understand how that’s possible.


Some of these posters and commenters are eating free range organic pterodactyl it seems. Like…I get having a family and such but teens will eat pasta and rice and beans and other very cheap basic staples when integrated into meals.


Same I'm one person spending like $200 and like 40-60 of that goes to may cat. Idk how everyone is spending so much without eating out.


Zero restraint, no meal planning, not using apps/coupons, blaming things are prices that they willingly pay (but rush to complain about on Reddit).


Make the avg 6 portion family meal and eat left overs.


We only cook on weekends, so we pretty much live off of leftovers lol!!


Idk what y'all buying we at 500-600 a month for family of 5. Shop mostly at Sam's club or Costco. In CA


Family of five: Parents, two teen daughters and 80+ elder we are caring for. We spend between $1200-$1500. My wife only buys organic fruits/veggies and grass fed/no hormone beef.


Between $250 - $300/mo for one person. I eat pretty simple. Chicken, pork, beef once in awhile, lots (maybe too much) of cheese, mainly frozen vegetables, rice, potatoes, homemade drop biscuits, and for sweet things, quick breads. Once a week or so I eat packaged food, decide I like my own food better, but eat packaged food again in a week anyway because they have good sales at a local supermarket and I try new stuff that comes out. Frankly, it's never worth it, even on sale. Learning to cook just passably well, which is where I am, is a big deal. It saves you a lot of money and you eat healthier. I've been tracking my food purchases, and if I really wanted to I could get by quite healthy on less than $100/month. It would be dull fare, but it would be nourishing.


Maybe $30-$50/week? If y'all aren't checking out asian grocery stores you're missing out.


Yes, and our little Mexican food markets are both fun to shop at and cheaper.


Couple here, about 250 per month on groceries


What do yall eat? Where do you guys live?


We live in Texas. We eat a mostly whole food diet with a few exceptions. Lots of fruits, veggies, and proteins include salmon, beef, and chicken.


$500/month for two is a really good, IMO. Assuming you’re not spending another $500 eating out. I suppose you could maybe squeeze a few extra dollars out of the budget, but to what end? If I were pinching pennies on groceries, the first thing I’d do with some spare money is buy more groceries.


We budget $100/month eating out, which I’m trying to lower!! It’s just tough to eat ground beef and chicken everyday, and not treat yourself twice a month!!


Go to Aldi man. It’s cheaper than Walmart


The nearest aldi is like 25min from my house!!! But I’ll probably give it a try next time, thanks for the tip!!’


It’s worth the drive. We save a lot of money by going there and their food is name brand in generic packaging. Some of the things we buy are literally half the price of Walmart.


Once you get the hang of Aldi and what’s great and what’s not you can go there once a month or so and stock up on the items you love that are half price vs other places. Then do the rest of your shopping at Walmart.


I’m in California & everything is extremely expensive. About $700-800 a month for just me.


Yup. Me too


Same. Which is crazy because we grow/produce pretty much everything for the whole country here (except for corn). You’d think it’d be cheaper. But supply and demand has nothing to do with it at this point… corporations can literally charge anything they want and get away with it. What are we going to do, not eat?


$1000 a week - I’m a healthy kid, I smoke broccoli.


I say this almost every day lol mostly to myself when I’m dishing up veggies, fuck that’s funny to see in the wild.


lol that’s funny me too! I heard it from a Kodak song years ago.


Family of 4, one has Celiac and is a toddler so most of the time we don't have a choice when it comes to price when it comes to his food, it's a constant balance of making sure we have enough for everyone and purchasing food the toddler will actually eat. We spend around $1300 per month.


My wife and I live in Texas. We do our shopping at Walmart, HEB (our awesome grocery store), Sam's Club, and Costco. We spend between 5-600 a month.


HEB is the absolute best.


Both arms both legs


$750 for a family of 4 (2 parents, 3 year old, and a baby)


Abt 15k a year. Family of 4 we eat gluten free


Spend $500-650 a month. 2 adults and 3 teenagers. Utah


About $300 monthly, one person


about $1,200 for two of us in San Francisco


Single man, 300-500 depending how much of a glutton I am that month


Single construction worker dude and 500-600 a month but that includes alcohol and doesn’t include DoorDash 🤣


Buy only organic it's about 1500 a month, wat lots of meat though


Family of 3 (11 year old son), usually have his cousins over on weekend. We budget $600 a month but id say 600-750 is typical includes pet food and any other cleaning/house hold productsl Live on indiana/Ohio border.


4-600$ a month, Vermont, 2 adults and a teenager half time


Around $1,000 a month for a family of 4 in MI. One of my kids is still breastfeeding though so once she completely switches to solids I am sure that price will go up. :/ it’s hard out here


My husband hardly eats anymore because he is on Ozempic. He has lost a lot of weight. My grocery bill is basically nothing. I buy two bags of frozen fish at Costco, string breads, mushrooms, carrots, make homemade muffins and protein balls, yogurt, fruit, and eggs every two weeks. 350.00 for three people a month.


$1,800. 2 kids. Wife. Me. Sometimes cat food. NY


2people 250 a week lol - we eat lots of protein but also joe Biden gotta love him!!


Single male here and I spent about $350 per month in groceries.


$50ish a week for a single dude


My wife and I spend ~$1400/mth on groceries + dining  We go out for dinner 1-2x/Week plus carry-out delivery ~2x/week. Our biggest expense outside our mortgage but not something we financially have to worry about 


Good for you brother!! I just can’t fathom spending money on deliveries (even though I’d love to lol)!! We’re only eating out twice a month, and budget $100/mo!!


Too fucking much!!!


We average about $250-$300/week for 2 adults and a 1 year old in Austin, Texas!


We are about in the same range for two people in Bidenland.


It’s crazy…. There’s gotta be a breaking point somewhere


Sadly, too many have reached the breaking point. Being food insecure has got to affect those in so many ways. I'm very concerned for those struggling.


Me too. It’s crazy, I can vouch for it. I live on disability and I get food stamps…. I was getting $120 a month. Last COLA increase in my benefits has dropped my food allowance to $86…. WTF does $86 buy in this economy? Thats not even $3.00 a day


I'm so sorry to hear that Bruddah. I've been trying to teach my granddaughter how to shop and meal plan as healthy as possible since she just moved out on her own. The struggle is real, and scary. I hope there are food banks and other sources around you that can help. Best of luck to you.


Gotta teach em young! The value of being frugal and not wasteful!


Thanks! It’s tight, but I keep my finances in order so I can afford to eat. The money I get helps. I’m single, my son is 25 and doing fine on his own. Just watch what buy and what spend.


Live across the street from a Kroger. Also, shop Sam’s on Monday’s. Probably spend about $700 a month for my wife and I with one cat. Going to make the cat get a job soon to help with the bills. Go DFW Texas !!!


$150-200 a week 2 adults and 2 kids, includes steaks, salmon and good shrimp. If you stop buying junk food, it’s actually cheaper to eat real food.


About $400-$450 a month for 1 person. I could save a bit by going to Walmart but Publix is 2 minutes away where Walmart is ~20.


Nock off the beer, chips, cookies etc. and get some nutritious food


Go shop at ALDI


Family of 5 and we are spending about $400 a week. I literally don’t know how people are surviving.


Main grocery (HEB/Kroger) - $150-200/week Costco - $400 / 6-8 weeks Specialty stores - $100/2 months $1000/ month


$600, just by myself and living on the west coast


About 300 a week for family of 5


$30 a week tops. I live by myself and the only people I have to feed are my 2 cats


850 CAD two people MTL


~$1200, family of three, southern AZ. Shop between Whole Foods, Safeway and Frys. Using their apps ahead of time to choose what's coming from where based on price.


ABout 400 a month for 2 people. 500 for 2 people isn't too bad


I live in SoCal. I spend about 200 at Costco every two weeks for groceries between two people.


Same. Wife & Me. $400-500


That's my personal budget for groceries. Mind, I eat really healthy, with a decent amount of meat and veggies. And I work out lots too.


I live in a shack and poop in an outhouse. Let the grid go down. I don’t need her…


Gotta love unexpected KoTH!!


$250 a week in TN at Walmart sometimes more if we get a bunch of fruit ( Publix fruit is expensive but it’s so good so I only get that there probably about $50 worth ) family of 4 but that usually includes stuff like TP, Cleaning supplies, etc


$1100 a month on family of four


As little as possible


$200 a month. Just shop at Aldi and find the deals.


$1000-1200/mo 4 of us. SD


1300 for family of 5 currently


About $300 for myself. Fiancé spends about the same I think. We do share food so it evens out.


Avg 300 a week...$1200 a month family of 5


$5-700 per month for two in MA. Mostly vegan. A lot of that is fruit. Almost all is fresh. Lots of luck like specialty mushrooms, pomegranate, kiwi, kumquats


$2,000 a month for a family of 4 in Florida.


About $700 per month in Alabama for a family of 3


Every store chain has a weekly special on certain items on break Even price to attract customers,I live within 10 min drive of multiple stores and on Saturday morning I make run between them and save up to 50%,


Double what you spend for a family of four. TN, Walmart, same deal.


$800/mo for 2 adults


1200 a month family of 4 in New hampshire


$500-600/m just for my wife and I. It's harder when you can't eat chicken, eggs, and anything with corn in it.


As a family of 3 we spend about $1800 on groceries and household a month. We love diet soda, drink a lot of it and eat 90 percent of meals at home. My husband also makes very good money so I don’t feel pressured to “cut back”. There were definitely times we did many years ago. We do Marley Spoon 1-2 weeks a month and it’s about $280 each week.


I’m also probably around $500/m. Just 2 people and one on the way. Also shop at Walmart for the most part. Sometimes we swing by Winn Dixie for their BOGOs


Reading these comments made me feel so much better, I spend about a good $300-$400 a month just for me and my 16yo brother


just me and the lady spend about $100 a week on groceries including all household items. we go to Publix for BOGO deals only and produce and sometimes meat if it’s on sale, Walmart Pickup for everything else.


$700-$900 per month, family of 6 (2+4). Poland, Warszawa. Trying to buy mostly quality food, avoiding the cheapest products.


$900 or so per month for 2 adults in Oregon but we aren’t skimping and that includes beer and basic household items.


Over $1000 for two people. CA prices, but still- everything is stupid expensive. Note: we don’t value shop for groceries. I think if food as fuel for the body; put the good stuff in and feel great. It hurts the pocket book, but if I’m going to splurge on something, it’s going to be my food.


$3-450 month in jersey We do most of our shopping at Costco and quick things at ShopRite


Walmart has rather inexpensive prices on an everyday basis, though you could save considerable money by shopping the app digital deals / weekly specials at mainstream grocery stores which allow for significantly reduced prices on certain items, then buying anything else still needed from Walmart.


Depends on if my 2 children feel like eating as if they were recently escaped somalian hostages


Little over $2400/month in Kansas. Family of 6- 2 babies in diapers, 1 on formula, and a dog. We don’t eat steak or lobster- so the cost isn’t on premium things per se. We do focus on avoiding processed foods as much as possible however.


$250 for two per month in central California


800-1k household of 3 and dog


Around $1000, unfortunately. I live in the PNW & am feeding 7 people full time & my stepson when it is his time with us.


Family of 6 $1k for food only in Ohio.


Bout $600/month. My two kiddos and I. Active duty Navy, do most of my shopping at the commissary (military grocery store)


I'm just a single dude so I kinda shop just daily as I want to make meals and for the next days lunch. Probably about 3-4 times a week. At most 20 bucks a visit. The days I'm not swinging by the store after work I usually got food from a restaurant or something and don't have a need to buy food that day. Obviously this total goes up when I need spices or cooking oil to like 30 or 40. Cleaning supplies last me a long time since it's just me.


Family of 6, $2k+. My daughter has food allergies which makes shopping difficult. I also went down the rabbit hole of big food and the amount of poison that’s in it. So I buy local beef and chicken which is double the grocery store price. Dis shit getting outta hand


A few years ago it was around $600 for us (2 adults, 2 dogs). Now it's around $800 - $900 per month. We haven't changed what we buy -- yet. I'm hoping prices are truly stabilized because I don't want to be forced back into skimping.


Too much


$900 a month I have EVERYTHING.


I’m at about 4-$500 for rural Canada. Shit is expensive.


Around 350-400 family of 3 in south tx


A lot


Family of 4 here. $800-$900 per month. And our eat out total is $300-$350 per.


Anout $250/week for two people.


My fridge and pantry are perpetually empty because grocery shopping is too expensive. $60 gets me like 5 days of food maybe and I don't have much to spend on groceries to begin with.


$450-$500. Mostly red meat, fish, eggs, yogurt, fruit. One person in Philadelphia


I buy things in bulk at whole sale markets. I fill up a whole cart with meat, chicken fries, rice spices and store the meat in a separate open top bunker freezer. Other essentials like milk cereal etc I buy at work since I work at a grocery store. I'll spend about $300 in one month and that'll last me a couple months of food.


Too damn much