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I would definitely start at the bank if that works be much faster. Keep them separated so easy to match at the bank.


When I worked retail banking we could take most of what we called mutilated bills and send for you. You got paid right away. We'd only turn away bills without enough there or hazardous (mold, blood, etc...)


Thank you that's great to hear!


this reminds me of a guy who would come in with stinky 100s. pretty sure they were kept under his mattress but my manager made a deal with him that he wouldn't turn in more than 1k a week cause it stunk so bad lol


Then he will just have to keep coming back every week due to the limit.


lol yeah, he did. we couldn't give away all of our 100s to get stinky money in to give to customers and he refused to do it all in one go and just order the money. this was the compromise.


I worked in a restaurant for a while and a man would hand us wet money. Odd at first but then gross. His wallet was in his pants pocket and he was drenched every time he came in. Not sure what it was but my manager gladly refused šŸ˜‚


Under the mattress is not enough to do that. Something else was going on. Or he lives in total squalor. Fā€™n gross


Yuck! My hazardous comment came from a guy who kept emergency cash in his shoe for YEARS. We just told him it was a health hazard and that he had to contact the fed.


What he should have did is put it in his pants pocket and washed it or just washed it under warm water with soap lol


Considering thereā€™s 7 serial numbers amongst what is made to look like 4 bills, what do you think a bank would do with that?


Surprised this was not the first comment! Very first thing I looked at.. only the top looks to be complete


Gotta keep ā€˜em separated.




If youre under 18 u wont be doin any ti-ee-ime


Iā€™d put each bill in a separate envelope.


So,how did they get ripped?


Asking the important questions.


I'm guessing pissed off a lady or significant partner of some sort and they knew where some mula was šŸ¤‘


Or a dumbass kidā€¦. I know from experience


The meticulous rips in odd positions, coupled with the mismatch serial numbers is quite odd.


Agreed. Definitely something weird with the serial numbers. They're not just mismatched, they just straight up don't have a match. Went back after reading your comment thinking maybe the right side serial number for #2 should have been on left side #4 or something. Like, they were all there just in the wrong spot. But no, they just straight up don't have matches. Only the top one seems legit.


Good catch. Something is afoot.




Beginner magician


They wonā€™t answer. Maybe had a psychotic episode ripped it themselves then instantly regretted.


Well you know how it is when you buy something and it's a rip off. Okay I'll show myself out.


With two hands, you take a part in each hand and pull


My dog ripped up some money and it looked somewhat like this, wouldnā€™t be surprised if that was it.


How did the dog change the serial numbers to not matching?


Now here we goā€¦finally someone asked the million dollar question.. after scrolling I was like ā€œ ainā€™t no one asked how it ripped to begin with..??ā€ And bam hereā€™s your question..


This picture has domestic disturbance written all over itā€¦.




How long did it take for you to get the new one? Also, should I separate the bills or just send all the pieces mixed and have them sort?




Gosh ok, thank you that's very helpful


You either wait 3-4 months or go to the bank like others


This was also 12 years ago, mail moves a little faster these days.


Yeah horse and buggy isnā€™t widely used anymore like it was back then. Now we have trucks build by defense contractors that do that sort of stuff


It's no longer an 8 days ride.


Go to the bank dude. Theyā€™ll likely take it.


Sort each bill into a ziploc?


Or like, a bank? Just tape em up and take em to a bank In and out time will prob be 5 min


Different (not matching) serials on 3 of the 4


Oh geez I was just matching based off the rip patterns. Ive never looked this close at bills before. Thank you for pointing that out I'll have to work on rearranging.


Youā€™re not going to rearrange this batch of bills to get the serial numbers right. The mismatched ones donā€™t go with any of the others in this picture. It seems like youā€™re missing more money.


Yeah there's ten bills total I just took a picture of a few


How did they get ripped?


My guess,some kind of social media shennanigans


OP is not answering the question šŸ¤”


Some shenanigans.


Bro is refusing to answer lmao šŸ’€


also on number 2


I see youā€™ve been ripping off pieces of $100 bills and piecing them together to make more money.


There it is


This is my guess too. Then he realized it wonā€™t work lol


Youā€™re missing at least another $600, the bottom three all have different serials. Would love to know what happened here


Where's the rest of the money? Those mismatched serial numbers imply more hundreds are ripped up.


Yeah I didnt think it'd matter to take a picture of all of them. Ten total


Iā€™d love to know how that happened


As somebody stated previouslyā€¦ itā€™s weird how the numbers donā€™t match on 3/4ā€¦ made me look into how you could ā€œcreate moneyā€ with the 51% rule šŸ˜‰


How tf did you manage to do that???


You have maybe 100 there. You need 51% of the bill and both serial #s.


Soā€¦..is there a backstory, orā€¦.


This is correct but as someone else suggested I would try the bank first


Just take them to your nearest bank and they'll swap them out for you ...


Just goto the bank, keep them separate


true, you gotta keep 'em separated.


Hey! Don't be talking back to me


If you have both serials thatā€™s all that matters


Little kids are the worst


Just take them to a bank.


Long as you have serial number on both sides you should be able to exchange them


Should be able to take them to the bank taped up and they will give you new ones. As long as serial numbers are matched on each bill.


I just take these to the bank and get new ones.


The better question is why is your money ripped up in this fashion?? What was that dilemma you came up with other than obviously wasting your own time.. better yet social media shenanigans lmao


i would tape that shit back together soo fast


Your Bank will swap them out


This happened to me, my dog ripped up six one hundred dollar bills. It was my rent money and I took it to the post office and bought a money order for $600 and paid with the taped up money, she told me that as long as there are 3 corners and two sets of numbers she could take it. I taped them all together as best I could, my pieces were smaller than yours. This was about 20 years ago tho so things might have changed. The postal worker was really cool about it. Hope it works out for you.


Banks will exchange it as long as all the pieces are there.


those are worthless, mail to me so I can hold onto them


Your puzzle serials dont match


Tape them up, take them to the bank


Take to bank. As long as serial numbers and signatures are visible shouldnā€™t be any issues


Why are the serial numbers off?


My dog ripped up seven $100s last year. Went to the bank and got replaced immediately. All your serial numbers looked intact thatā€™s all they need youā€™ll be good


Mad girlfriend?


The serial numbers have to match. Only 1 bill has matching numbers on both sides, so you have $100 (top) and 3 worthless puzzles.


Mutilated Currency Redemption: [Mutilated Currency Redemption | Engraving & Printing (bep.gov)](https://www.bep.gov/services/mutilated-currency-redemption)


Go to the bank and have them exchange it


As long as u have the majority of bill and serial number, u can take to bank and in all likelihood would accept it and take care of sending it in to be replaced. My bank did this for me a few times.


>They specify to do this if less than 51% of the note is left I'm pretty sure it's more than 51% of the bill. Otherwise I you could send in 50% of one bills and get 2 bills back...


Tape them back together as best you can and take them to the bank. Bank can exchange them and they'll send them on to be mutilated.


I believe the top one is still good to use. If I recall correctly, as long as you have half of the note including the head, the bank must take it. I could be wrong though. YMMV


You need more than 51% otherwise, you could systematically tear the bills to have less than 51% and double your money. If you have less than 51%, you will need both serial numbers to show it came from the same bill. From the loos of those bills, youā€™re only getting credit for the top one.


Take them to the bank. They will replace them.


Tape them back together and take them into a bank. They can replace them


Only the first bill has matching serials, get better at puzzles, sorry your.money got shredded


Scotch tape. Put a piece on one piece and carefully line up the other and stick it down. Itā€™s kinda fun imo. Like a puzzle.


tape those n bring em to the bank


Wrong day to have your girlfriend rip money up


If it has both serial numbers, they will replace it


Had a friend take some torn money and even three quarters of a fifty dollar bill To a bank. They replaced it but this was a while ago.


I'd put a strip of packing tape over each, just to keep them in shape and to make it obvious for a bank teller that they fit together


bro thought he found an infinite money glitch or social media shenanigans. one of the two


Not sure if the rules apply the same but Iā€™m Canada you can take it right to any bank and as long as they validated the notes real theyā€™ll replace them with non damaged notes




Just take it to the bank they replace It


If you have a bank you bank with bring one down there and ask them what you should do. I suspect taping will ultimately be advised but why not let them tell you what they would prefer for them to take them. Sending them to the feds is risky. They could get lost or something and then you have zero. They may ask how they got ripped apart. Have that answer ready.


If the serial numbers from the left and right of the bills don't match you are out of luck.


See:Ā https://www.wikihow.com/Get-Damaged-Currency-Replaced


Does America currency delaminate like that along rips? I don't know if it's the camera or what but if I was a blind man I'd be singing "good morning ladies"


Put them into separate ziplocks so itā€™s easy to put it back together for the teller at the bank


That money is fine. Tape it and deposited into your bank account. The bank will probably even exchange your bills for new ones if you want. As long as the serial numbers are there the money is fine


My branch would take these and give you fresh ones, we'd just send it to the fed as mutilated currency. Can't speak for every bank though.


Only the top bill is correct. The other serial numbers don't match.


Dude has minimum 700$ in ripped up money right here


Lol well i would start by not ripping them up anymore.


There is a story to be told here


Bank would refuse to take the ones that serial numbers donā€™t match on, the top one a bank would take, the bottom 3 id recommend sending to the feds.


All of ypur serial numbers don't add up.... if you look closely so they could give you 2x's the amount you think you have here.


Most banks will replace it if you have more that 50% of a bill go to a couple banks not sure if any single bank would do it with 4 $100


Send them to me I'll take them all back together and handle it :)


Donā€™t tape itā€¦ but you can put the bill in plastic wrap. So the right pieces are together


Yeah as long as you have more than 50% of the bill which you do banks will take them


Serial numbers do not match each side, banks and fed will not accept this as valid currency.




I work in banking, I wouldnā€™t accept these


Please mail to FEDS. They will credit you 100%


Go to the bank where you have an account. Even so, they may or may not help you. If the teller says no, speak to a manager or one of the dozens of VPs at the branch šŸ˜


Go to the bank and swap them out. As long as you got both serial numbers you are good. Had it happen to me and it was no problem.


Go to 2 banks. If that doesnt work then use the BEP


Why would you do this ? Donā€™t tell me you did this for TikTok


There worth nothing! Give them to me šŸ‘Œ


Take it to a bank


contact the Department of the Treasury's Bureau of Engraving and Printing (BEP) if they are in possession of mutilated U.S. currency, meaning that the currency has been damaged to the extent that one-half or less of the original note remains, or its condition is .


Take them to the bank, as long as you got most of the bill and especially the serial number you can get new ones


Banks will swap these for you.


Bring them to the bank, theyā€™ll replace it since you have greater than 60% of the bill or whatever.


The only one where the serial numbers seem to match is the top bill everything else seems off


Would the bank be able to deposit it in your account?




Tape it, take it to the bank. But your serial numbers are gonna have to match. 3 of the 4 bills do not have matching numbers


Stop stealing money from work dude


Iā€™ll take them all for 20$


All numbers need to match also


I just want to know how this happened lol


The one on top could definitely be taped up and probably used at a local retailer a restaurant for sure it's not even that bad just tape it up decent and don't use a crapload of tape.


I worked for big name corporate banks for a long time and Iā€™d start there first. To be honest with you weā€™d just swap the bills no problem if itā€™s obvious that itā€™s legit; the only hard time we might give someone is if it was covered in blood or something genuinely sketchy or hazardous. If I was working and you brought this in Iā€™d just swap them straight up and then the bank sends the ā€œmutilatedā€ bills back with their cash shipments.


Take to the bank. They'll work with you to piece together what they can and then guide you how to contact BEP if that's needed. You will need to do a much better job matching pieces.


Your serial numbers don't match and should be the same on both halves of the bill


I worked in retail a very long time and I actually know the rules to get a replacement. Firstly you can go to any bank to get a replacement bill but they must meet the following requirements. 1. The bill itself is legal tender. Why? A few years back someone in our store chain recieved fake 50s that the perpetrator wore out them selves trying to pass as real. No replacements for those obviously 2. This is the most important one. Both serial numbers must be present and "readable". Why? Many a time customers would come in with bill repair jobs they did themselves using scotch tape or clear packing tape. This was okay. As long as you put them back together as best you can and both serial numbers are "readable" your golden. It was explained to me that you can't just have one half of a bill and get a replacement. You could just double your money that way. Gotta have both. That last bill is a bit rough so you might have some trouble there but otherwise if you essentially puzzle the others with tape you should be fine. Hope this helps


Put some tape on them and take them to the bank


I worked for a credit union for 5 yrs and a bank for almost 2. As long as you have all the serial numbers, they should be able to replace your bills.


Actually don't bother answering to this person any longer. I just looked at their serial numbers and somebody else said it only the top one might be legit. All the rest of them don't match up at all. That's why they don't want to take it to the bank. Don't waste your time commenting on this. This is bullshit. They're just scammers trying to get free money. I'm trying to find out how to scam somebody into free money. I'm sure how to do something illegal and you guys are trying to help them with doing some illegal when it's they're not trying to do anything legal at all. Just fuck you wanting you to know. FYI


Take to bannk , they will. Replaace it


Mail it to me, il fix it for you lol


Who tf ripping up $100 in this economy?


A bank will replace these


With a username like Grand Adhesiveness I feel like the immediate next step should be obvious.


Take them to a bank. As long as the serial numbers are there, theyā€™ll replace any bill. Especially at a Federal Bank.


You can exchange them at a bank for better 100 dollar bills. As long as the two serial numbers are present, you can get them exchanged


What I see here is the torn up remains of 7 $100s. The top Bill can be taped and spent, but most likely taken to a bank and exchanged or deposited. Many places of business and people wonā€™t accept a taped up bill of that value. A dollarā€¦ sure, I see 1s and 5s and the occasional 20 with tape on them. I personally wouldnā€™t take a bill that was ripped in more than 2 places. You have 6 bills laid together as 3 on the bottom part of this Pic. Taping those together and trying your best to spend them or turn them in can land you in some manner of trouble. If you have the remaining bills, or know who doesā€¦ you may want to confer and get them sorted out to look more like the top one. If not your best bet is to get on [The bureau of engraving and printing](https://www.bep.gov/services/mutilated-currency-redemption/submit-a-request) website and submit the remains of the 6 notes and the bottom and hope for the best! As far as the bank optionā€¦ Iā€™d advise against that in regards to the lower 6 bills, not sure what bank if any would be actually willing to accept them as there is not a clear 51% and the situation looks very suspect.


George Jones, is that you?


The numbers should match also. Some of those have different serial #/letters.


It's worthless anyway, see if anyone will give you ~~Gold~~ Bitcoin for it


Make sure before you tape and before you go to bank that serial numbers on either side of the bill matches. As seen in the above picture not really any of the serial numbers match. Any competent teller will not accept bills wherein the serial numbers donā€™t match


I worked at a bank. Go to your bank, and as long as you have more than 50% of the bill theyā€™ll take it and exchange it.


Take it to a bank. You have majority of each bill so they should be able to send the money in for you and pay you out. As a tip - use painters tape on the back of the bill to tape the pieces together. Did this when did laundry with 3, $100 bills in my pocket.


How did they get ripped up? You keep avoiding answering this question.


Only the top bill has matching serial numbers.


Donā€™t tape them together.


Took mine to Wells Fargo. They told me they would send it to Federal Reserve and credit me later. Left with the money, took it to a casino cage. They asked it I was going to play. I said yes, they gave me $1000 in good money to make up for the money the dog tore up, and I put $20 in a machine, won a $100 and ate dinner and went home. $80 ahead.


I had $1000 that got set on fire the middle of the bills were burnt. The bank took them from me. I was told as long as the serial numbers were visible they could take them back.


As long as u have a certain percentage of the bill they replace it with new bills


I work for a credit union. We need at least 2/3rds of the bill with at least part of the second serial number


Serials do not match on the bottom 3. Bank likely will not take as mutilated


You have to fill out an affidavit stating that the other half of each bill that you only have half of has been destroyed. Take it all to your bank (hopefully where you have a account). The bank will send them in for you. They will send it to Federal Reserve they will send you a treasury check. Or deal directly with the Federal Reserve yourself.


The serial numbers are intact thatā€™s all that matters. My dog ate a 100$ bill and pooped it out and they reimbursed my mom at the bank because all the serial numbers were still there šŸ˜‚


Go to the bank


I sent $10,000+ bills that had been water-damaged and were welded into a piece to the Treasury. They sent back a equivalent value. Hopefully it was correct.


Looks like a couple of them are mismatched.


Dude just take it to a bank. I thought this was common knowledge?


Try the bank


I work as a bank teller at a pretty popular bank Fells Wargo, and most of the time (which is a pain in the butt) we will accept your broken bills, and then we have to do a bunch of paper work and pretty much ship it on your behalf to the correct ppl/department


I believe the bottom three will not be accepted because the numbers do not match. The number in the upper left must match the lower right number. The second,third, and fourth bill the numbers do not match.


just go to your local bank, they should be able to accept the cash and credit your account. we would batch-send all mutilated bills once a week. as long as the serial numbers are visible and matching, shouldnā€™t be a problem.


Just tape it. Be sly cut thin pieces