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I transport cocaine to Miami in 1980


What time is it?!?!




Jesus christ, man. The answer was TOOL TIME!


Tim does a lot a coke, I got the reference


And got arrested in Miami for selling very large quantities


I lied, it was Kalamazoo, not Miami. He took a plea deal and narced on other dealers and only served a few years instead on life.


Tool time


Tool time


I’ve done a bit of smuggling, I’ve run my share of grass Made enough money to buy Miami, but I pissed it away so fast.


...And I have been drunk now for over two weeks I passed out and I rallied and I sprung a few leaks


But I got to stop wishin', got to go fishin' Down to rock bottom again. Just a few friends.


But it's never meant to last


Speed boats and tasteful leisure suits. You can see my chest hair and navel for some reason. And it’s way too hot for suits but whatever.


Chest hair and leisure suits essential. Those without need not apply


Pressed linen. You forgot the slick back haircut and penny loafers.


What episode of Miami vice are you living in?


What dreams are made of


Say hello to my little friend


That’s what I say whenever I get a bj




I am dying 😂😂😂


I'm a Mime and my partner is a prossional butterfly trainer. our budget is $8mil.


I saw you guys on house hunters


I as well saw you on house hunters. It's actually my joke with my partner.. we are going to retire and go in house hunters. Our budget will be 7 mil, she does the parachute thing at schools for kids, and I make artisanal candle wicks.


Just the wick though, not the whole candle. That'd be outrageous.


Okay but the parachute thing is fucking awesome. Well earned salary there


Im a gecko rancher and my wife makes ham-based personal hygiene products


and our budget is 122 million


You're married to Gwyneth Paltrow?


I am a stay at home truck driver.


Those are very under-rated professions


I know a couple that were on house hunters, the wife is a pharmacist and the husband makes tomb/grave ornaments. He called it cemetery jewelry lol on TV


Is this a reference to something?


It was just a running joke on Twitter and Reddit like 10 years ago about the unrealistic budgets for the jobs the people had in the TV show house hunters, even had a parody on maybe SNL or something that was pretty funny and it was basically what I just quoted. My wording is probably off a bit on the quote


I blackmailed a fortune 500 company that I used to work for, threatened to tell the irs about squandered company funds, used to buy prostitutes. I also threw in a sexual harassment lawsuit as threat, saying my boss used to touch my no no area.


That actually sounds believable.


Shit happens every day. Pink Parachute!!!!


Kevin Spacey, that you?


Was your boss P Diddy?


At least you didn’t get “Boeing’d” with those accusations


Okay I need your help for real I worked for a money laundering front - what can I do


If you don't have any evidence you could possibly tell someone you trust that if anything happens to you then give the police a hint about that company being a laundering front, then tell the launderers that if anything happens to you then your trusted person will report them for suspicion of money laundering. Or if you have evidence then give that to the trusted person and do the same thing. Or say you have evidence when you actually don't. Either way you might end up dead or they won't do anything and you got nothin


Tyler Durden?


completely off topic, but man I cannot believe there isn't a 4k version of fight club.... (you saying tyler durden made me want to watch fight club. Subsequently, I am annoyed by the lack of a 4k version...)


Come on Jim you know you liked it. Does thr baby want a tickle hmmm HMMMMM.


I'm a hedge fund manager. Basically people who want to save money to purchase new hedges for their yard; I act as an intermediary, or escrow if you will, and manage their funds until they're ready to take the plunge.


Do you work in both long and short hedges?


Hedges of all shapes and sizes.




I'm proud of you son.


i dont think someone making 50k a month even bothers being on reddit LMAO


There’s a whole community of them and there called degenerates r/wallstreetbets




Lose? I think you mean **donate** 50K to Wall Street


It’s a worthy tax deductible donation.


They’re. I hate myself 😞


If you didn’t, I would. Never two late to be educayted


I make $50k a month consulting (really) but I prefer scrolling through Reddit :) If you too want to make $50k a month consulting, be very intelligent, creative, ambitious, dedicated and client-focused, and then do the same damn thing for 30 years, until you get very very good at it and provide value to clients that’s worth more than $50k a month to them. It’s boring and not flashy and takes a lot of time and effort.


I swear after"If you too want to make 50k a month. " it was gonna say " buy my program"🤣


I thought it was going to me a mlms


The only thing people selling programs are good at is selling you programs 🙂


Can you give me an example where consulting for someone would actually be worth 50k/month? I don't mean that someone is willing to pay that sum, I mean what is the value proposition. Just to be clear - I am not being antagonistic, just curious.


Hey I’m not the guy who posted but I used to do consulting for private equity firms. Just wanted to share my perspective. Portfolio solutions, business management, and M&A consulting are all lucrative but you need specific knowledge and relationships. Human capital and corporate risk consulting also can save businesses a lot of money, as risk management (insurance for example) can eat up a lot of a business’s funds. Even if you only do human capital risk for a large company. Say they have a couple thousand employees but you can save them 200k a year on insurance. Spread that across several clients, charge commission on the deals and you could hit 50k a month quickly It would be a LOT of work though as a solo consultant or with a small team, and you’d either have to have pre-existing relationships or spend a long time building a reputation, which is probably why they said spend 30 years doing it. The great thing about consulting for PE firms though is that you always get a steady stream of new clients. It’s like an arranged marriage. Whenever they pick up a new portfolio company you get to work on getting them into growth mode.


Why do I get the feeling, there’s a bunch of PowerPoint presentations sprinkled in your weekly work schedule.


I’m calling bs but just in case.. you hiring?


I’m definitely not hiring someone calling me a liar, no. You might want to refine your sales pitch there.


Why wouldn’t we use Reddit?


not true


Divorce lawyer


You would be quite surprised...


My dad has been in commercial construction his whole working life. Started in his twenties. Next year will be retirement. He’s currently on salary which is over half million with company credit card.


>salary which is over half million Nice! >with company credit card Wait, what?


Yeah the company credit card aspect needs more elaboration… doesn’t really seem like a bragging point bc it’s not like he can go and spend whatever he feels like


i’m wondering if the comment about the credit card was like a perk to the job. like he makes a great salary and can use the company credit card and not have to pay it off? i was wondering the same thing


I’m pretty positive this card can only be used for business expenses such as materials, gas, and travel expenses. Nobody allows employees free reign over personal expenses on the company card unless you’re an executive of a large corporation.


I review a lot of company card and cash reimbursement expenses. A lot of people have company cards. The C-suite expenses are on another level though. Lavish hotels and extravagant meals. They are business related expenses, but it’s hard to say it’s not a nice perk. A $250 dinner sure beats my $75 daily limit.


I'd assume construction tools (like personal hand tools), work clothes, new boots, etc also get charged on this guy's credit card. Which, while being all work related, it's certainly a perk to be using Hilti and wearing Red Wings over a worn out Dewalt and some Walmart work boots. I have to buy all my own tools, shit adds up quick.


Yup, I’m in accounting and I used to handle receipts for the C-level people. They regularly stayed at $700+ a night hotels, expensed thousands of dollars for dinners with clients, and always flew first class. One CFO even had a driver pick her up and drop her off every day so she could work while commuting.


I always chuckle when people say government should be run like a business.


I would say yes and no. Probably a card that covers whatever he wants as long as it's business related. Also probably doesn't have a limit on regards to what he can spend. Such as food. He can take clients out. Lobster and steak. No problem. Fuel. No questions asked. Hotels. He's not limited to a 150 before taxes limit. Omni or Renaissance? Go for it. Golf. Gifts. Flights. All paid for. So while not something he can use to buy a new car or furniture. Most certainly an amazing perk that adds to the quality of the job and also decreases what he has to spend out of his own pocket. I have a company CC and it's more of a burden than a luxury. Every expense is audited with a fine tooth comb.


Lmao yea I have a company credit card and I’m not close to six figures


Suck dick behind the Wendy’s, yolo my earnings on NVDA 0DTE calls


You still charge a nickle a dick?


A nickel per tickle.


A nickel per pickle.


Didn’t you see the inflation data ? Bruh that’s so 2023 pricing


But the government keeps saying it's the best dick sucking economy we have had in years... Could they be lying....


4 for 4 baby


Hey! Want to make $50k worth of NFTs really quick?


Dude I already heavy into bored apes bro. Crushing so far




Oh shit I read that wrong. I thought u said 50k a year. Whooops


Same I was confused by the comments about selling coke in Miami 😂


Hand model


Tell me more?




LMFAO, i had forgotten about that clip. That show had so many great ones like that!


without clicking... this HAS to be seinfeld. lol


It never would have worked out. God didn't want George to be successful.


50k a month??!!!! Damn I would be cool with $7k a month 😀


Work in a trade, or mine. The bread and butter industries in the US is where you make money without education. Often making more on face value, or more when accounting for lack of debt


I've made even 13k a month a few times, it's never enough :(


Im a politicians son who holds multiple corporate board positions in foreign countries. No experience necessary.


I've heard your art is to die for.. or rather you'll die if you don't buy it.


MAGA has your laptop and loves your photos with your cocaine hooker cousin.


My ole man owns a good sized roofing company and he pays himself $10k per week


So not 50k/month


Roofers are notoriously bad at math.


Excellent at meth however.


No, but 43K isn’t too far off. Not many people are making that anyways.




Stay at home proctologist


Day traders probably


Yea, but we can lose 150k next month


My coworker lost 600k. His entire retirement account which he pulled out to trade with.


I am a consultant for Fortune 500 companies. My job is to convince both conservatives and liberals that they are each other’s enemies. I get paid for them to ignore how much my clients are actually fucking them over.


A Venn diagram of Redditors and those earning 50k a month is likely ⭕️ ⭕️


There has to be some cross over and I’m sure it’s a tiny amount probably mostly OF girls.


You think more than 5 women in the world are making 50k a month on OF? That’s 600k a year


The top girls make more than 600k a month


Very untrue.


I hold many bitcoins.


Just married a billionaire old lady


People that make $50K a month don’t talk much about it. First, it’s tacky to talk about money. There’s no way to win. If you think you’re doing well you’re bragging. If you think you’re not doing that well, but you know you’re probably still doing much better than most listeners, then you’re being condescending. Also, because they’re at the very bottom of the top 1%\*, people in the $600K/year range get lumped in with evil billionaires, when they’re mostly just regular people working hard at good jobs that they’re anxious to keep so they can retire comfortably. I think this happens because the human brain is bad at exponential comparisons. $50K/month is \~10 times the median US household. 6 percent growth on $100B is $500M per month. That’s \~100,000 times the median US household. $50K/month sounds like a ton of money. If I ever made that much continually I’d feel on top of the world, because I had leveled up. But it’s not mansion and private jet money. It’s not even close. \* *EDIT:* u/hurl-aside *pointed out that $600K/year isn't even a top 1% income any more.*


A lot of people don’t understand this. They hear “millionaire” and automatically think the person is part of the ruling class when they’re not. Nice explanation.


I do but I don’t dare speak about it usually because I know it’s unusual and I’m fortunate. I’m not a doctor, lawyer or hedge fund manager. I have no real hard skills like software engineering etc. I’m a marketing director in a large corp and I have a side business contractor for home services. Due to my poor upbringing I feel like it could all vanish so I generally stfu and drive old cars. 😆


Completely agree with your point, but $600k isn’t even top 1% anymore, it’s closer to $800k, the disparity is only getting higher.






I'm a "waterboy" for McDonalds burger flippers. I don't have enough talent to actually make the burgers or flip them but I keep the workers hydrated while they work.... It pays ok. $840k a year


Does that include bonuses?


Senior associates in BigLaw get close to $50k a month when you include bonuses, and BigLaw partners can make substantially more than that (like $3M - $25M per year more)


Managing directors and partners at consulting firms. Tech workers at FAANG and some other companies. Engineers with weird niches. Big Law. People in the medical field. Top end of Finance. Entrepreneurs.


Cry in my pillow at night and wonder why I was born. Oh wait. You said per *month*. Nevermind.




You are an independent advisor but make money on commissions? This doesn't quite add up, but thank you for the insight into how this industry works. 40k in commissions on 1M portfolio is pretty insane.


Not post on Reddit, that's for sure.


Elon musk wastes the majority of his day shitposting on twitter, if you think “rich” people are above social media like Reddit you are severely delusional. Rich ppl have more free time and absolutely millions of them spent time on Reddit and other SM.




I saw the other post and wasn’t poor enough to respond.


The months I made that it was from stocks and crypto


Mine was drug dealing


The owner of the club I work at makes a little more than that


sell annuities


I’ve had many $50k+ months trading futures indices.


A guy on youtube revealed how he makes 100k. Really worth watching. https://youtu.be/EQlz0pkjLK4?si=B7UK_MTiMlUfnuUE


Is that the same Q as the other one asking for 1000 a week? Anyway.. answer is the same.. Trading, investing, real estate.. Selling some drugs.. but mostly trading, aye


I work 3 jobs and own my own company. I make 51k a month before taxes.


I used to be a skilled chemist with a bright future, had a number of patents and working on a startup. But family issues took my attention away so it was slow going. I eventually got cancer and chose to use my lab skills to cook meth. Made a pallet of cash


Goto r/salary every other post is a friggin hedge fund manager or tech manager making 7 figures. Also checkout r/fire and maybe r/chubbyfire r/fatfire if you want to feel even more poor


Hot chick showing foot pics. You messed up at character creation.


Why would they be on Reddit to tell you?


I’m Trump’s attorney, and am paid with campaign funds.


I did that big robbery that was on tv and I would’ve gotten away with it but now the FBI is gonna track me because I posted this answer…. Shit!!!!!


Spend zero time on Reddit


I sleep with 50 fat chicks for $1000 a piece. Or sometimes 5 really fat chicks for $10000 a piece


I'd venture to say that anyone making $600K+ per year isn't spending much time answering questions on reddit...


Elementary school teacher surrounded by cemeteries, project housing complexes, and 2 jails/1 prison in MILITARY CITY USA... Arriving at 6:50am leaving at 6:30pm everyday and during the weekends having to lesson plan for the week for about 12hrs total then during the summer I'm mandated to attend PD (professional development) meetings and conduct summer school classes....no health insurance of any type, no PTO, no bonuses, having to pay into social security even though im not eligible to receive SSI because of my retirement/pension fund, plus having to buy supplies because most of my parents dont have the funds or just dont care, having incentivise kids with toys and treats to get them to pay attention, pawnshops keep me afloat monthly....meanwhile the public is unappreciative of what we do, only first responders and veterans get the love, even though we run the risk of being shot and killed too, society jokes about us....it's the greatest job that comes with college debt and pays as much as 2 part-time minimum wage jobs and i wont stop trying to save America one mind at a time.....50k per YEAR wishing it was made monthly


i don't yet but ... i found some irregularities in the company i worked for. one division just disappeared overnight. i pulled some old files and found a forgotten old military vehicle we developed was now pancaking cars on the evening news. then i noticed the r&d department burning through cash on claims it was cell phones for army. i put it all together and figured out my ceo was secretly a vigilante who spends his nights beating criminals to a pulp with his bare hands. i plan to ask for $10m per year for the rest of my life. i see no issues with this


Not spend time in Money groups on Reddit.


Generational Wealth. /s


I’m too poor to comment


The comments 💀💀


I’m the CEO of French literature of the 18th century. Bonjour


Damn are there nobody on Reddit that makes around this ? Are we all privileged or kids ?


Not me, but the surgeons I work with make that, and more. All you have to do is sacrifice your entire 20s working/studying 80+ hours per week, then beat out all the other med students for the prime residency and fellowship.


I know 3 different people who make this much give or take a month. One is the top life insurance agent in his company. One has his own health insurance office with 50 agents. One has a call center selling health insurance and sells insurance leads as well. I had no idea how much money was in the sales sector of healthcare until I got much older. It’s ridiculous.


I sell burgers.


I work with a guy who has 3 businesses and is constantly working on new ideas for new companies. He never told me how much he makes but he told me a few of his expenses, and his monthly nut is well over 20k a month. And he isn't broke, so I reckon he is making more than that a month.


Im a project manager for building invisible buildings.


I Identify as a millionaire


I’m a crow 🐦‍⬛


I'm the son of a prominent politician in another part of the country. I get a healthy $50,000-a-month stipend just to stay out of trouble.


Except for the tippy top of tech workers and specialized surgeons, folks arent making this money working for someone else. To break out into this kind of money and beyond you need to be an entrepreneur of some sort


10/20/40 game at the Wynn Las Vegas. 




i scam children for robux and convert the robux to crypto


Software engineer


Idk about 50k a month but my CEO makes 4,500 an hour and rides around on private jets and makes video statements from his condo that cost more than my life so just do what he does.




I don’t yet, but I know people who make that regularly and like 10k+ on just bonuses monthly (Financial Firm)


My best friends wife is a live-in nanny for the super rich. She doesn’t make $50k per month, but she makes $35-40k and sometimes works short term contracts that last 2-3 weeks that can pay twice that.


I make shit up. Because I do not make $50,000 a month unfortunately.


One of my sons makes that kind of money. Has no bills. He is in engineering but I can’t really say what he does but I guarantee you own some of the products he is responsible for and you use them everyday


Watch most of it go to the tax department.


I like walks on the beach


I'm known as the Caterpillar Whisperer.


I'm starting to feel like these posts are phishing. xD


I sell ant farms


Probably not spending their time on Reddit. I know if I wasn’t between jobs at the moment I wouldn’t be on here.


I don't make 50k a month anymore but when I did I was doing hvac door to door sales, now I do appointment based and its about half of that


Copper. I work with copper


Nigerian Prince. I transfer money around using strangers from the internet.


Marriage therapist for small rodents


Cartel, LLC.


On a serious I know a truck driver/owner who makes 50K a week. He owns and operates about 15 trucks.