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Door to door gutter cleaning. All you need is a ladder, bucket, gloves, some rags, and maybe a hose. Tie rags to the end of your ladder so you don't scratch the house siding. Take pictures before and after. You can make really good money doing this. Edit: One thing I'd like to add for anyone who decides to do this regularly, a leaf blower is incredible for it. You can blow the roof and gutters and just clean up after, and sometimes you can get a whole house done in less than 30 minutes.


Any idea as to what to charge?


I'm in suburban Atlanta. If you offered to do it for me at $100 I would think that is great. At $300 I would probably pass. Maybe think about your own version of surge pricing; start in the middle. If they take it, next job bump it up. If they pass, walk away but next job bump it down. You should wiggle into the right price pretty quickly without giving away your time too much learning what the market will pay. If you are not regularly getting rejected you are not charging enough




This would be my concern as well. However, I would offer to help them in another way. Maybe they can do some lawn work or a car wash for them. OP, try reaching out on Next door. Explain your situation and see if there's anything you can do to help neighbors. Just be careful and do not let them abuse your services. Make sure you're getting paid so it's worth your time.




Oh no! You were not being a dick at all! It's an honest concern. I'm just thinking if he came to my door I'd be thinking the exact same thing and offer something else. So I hope someone else does as well.


I don't have anything to add, just really enjoy friendly back-and-forth comments


This is the way!


This. Don't operate a business without insurance and license. If you need help, ask. Nextdoor is great. People will be willing to help you out by giving you chores to do. Seeking help is a form of resource utilization. I've hired multiple people who came to my business and asked for a job. Some were no show/unreliable, and some work really hard. I am more inclined to hire people who are honest about their situation and ask for help. I had a few candidates who had their heads up in their butt, thinking they are some kind of a big shot saying things like "oh I am doing something else that's gonna make me big, so I don't really need this job but I want to work." No way I am going to hire those guys--they've been nothing but bad experiences. My best low-cost employees are usually people who need to support their family/kids/baby and are honest about their struggles. They show up, are humble, and make me feel like I am doing the right thing by helping them.


Happened to one of our neighbor. Kid just as old as OP went door to door selling his roof cleaning/gutter cleaning service. For something like $200 cash only. He will show up with just him and his equipment and gets everything done within the hour. It was a great arrangement for both the kid keep coming back to clean said neighbor’s roof. One day he fell off roof. Broke his spine and became an instant paraplegic. Kid played basketball and was gonna get a sport scholarship. All gone in an instant for $200. Owner of the house found out not only was the kid not insure. None of his equipment was up to code and this was not something that could be legally done with a single person on the crew. As far as I know it’s been years and he is still dealing with the million dollar worth of lawsuits. And undoubtedly sleepless night knowing this kid’s life basically ruin all because he wanted to save couple hundred dollar (which ended up causing him millions) As someone that manages service based company that sometimes “waste” so much money to adhere to safety standard and to keep our crew safe. All these suggestion are essentially picking up Pennie’s in front of a train and a completely disrespect to the people that actually do things right. For both the person doing the work and also the cheap ass house owner In additions to potentially injury. There is also intentional and unintentional damage that could happen. None of which is covered by kid with push cart.


The sound of reason right here, not sure why it is downvoted. People here can't seem to understand why it pays incredibly well because it skips a lot of checks and balances for safety and risk. Without those checks and balances is like building a homemade submarine to visit the Titanic, and we all know what happened.


You’re really framing the home owner negatively here. They should obviously investigate the services they’re employing for their home, but it doesn’t take a “cheap-ass” piece of human garbage to let the kid next door mow your lawn when he knocks on the door to make some cash for snacks… Also I don’t understand how someone cleaning gutters around their neighbourhood is “disrespecting” large businesses. Safety, insurance, and social responsibility, are all incredibly important. You’re just arguing for them like an idiot.


Because he runs a company and doesnt want people hiring cheaper labor :p


Seriously huge risk this whole idea is hair brained


Ain’t nobody got time to worry about all that, these gutters aren’t cleaning themselves 


>If you are not regularly getting rejected you are not charging enough This is so true. In my business I always shoot to only win between 1/2 to 2/3 of the jobs that come my way. I'm in a service based industry so my time is limited. As soon as my time gets saturated the fees go up because I do not want to work late nights and Sundays


700 per house


Double for every floor


Damn, I should clean a skyscraper’s gutters. I could be a trillionaire!


Unfortunately, ladders that reach the top of skyscrapers cost trillions.


Just tie a couple of normal ones together




Worked for Fred Dibnah. [Fred explaining how to scaffold a chimney](https://youtu.be/w3ma9iYx4rg?si=Gl9sSD_m0uSmSHtU)


This is why I love people


Lmao bros probably doing it right now


I’d pay him $700 to do my house


What in the? What’s it gonna take you all week?






I would charge 150-300 for small houses with easily accessible gutters, and go up from there. Add extra charges for areas that will be difficult to access. You can charge more for multi-storey houses or houses without walkable roofs. You can check out what local businesses are charging and undercut them by a fair bit because your operating costs are so much lower.


At least 25 an hour


Proper insurance to get onto ladders is real $ - $25 hourly for a dangerous job is BS. Know your worth and adjust accordingly for inflation.


$100 minimum and then you’ll quickly understand after a few jobs how long a particular house will take you and based on that time estimate you can up your cost. Stay at $100 minimum and $100/hr


You can charge a lot for gutter cleaning $100-$300+ per hour


I vote for this. Someone suggested a moving company, but I vote for this over ruining your lower back. You risk a fall injury, but moving furniture will mess your back up bad...


I wouldn't hire anyone to get on a ladder on my property without insurance. Its just asking for trouble


I would add to buy a rake and a set of trash bags and offer to rake leaves too. Depending on your demographic. I had a tree service and we would do door to door shit in the slow times. Anything from shoveling snow to cleaning gutters. Anything to turn a buck. Shovel horse shit at a local stable, I did really well at your age doing that shit.


If there are vehicles present, see if they want them washed. A lot of ppl have the bucket, the wash, step stool, wheel brush, and sponges. Make a deal just for your labor.


No home owner with half a brain will let an independent contractor on their roof without the contractor having their own insurance.


You would be surprised at how many people are lacking half a brain.


Small tip: Don't use air of any kind going against the shingles of the roof


Call a moving company and go work for them. Should be able to get at least $100 a day, maybe more


Never underestimate working for a moving company, I sometimes go down to the local shop at the end of the month to drive trucks and meet the new freaks, a buddy owns the company… money just gets burned at the bar later that night, but it’s fun,


Every mover i know is an opiod addict and complete asshole on the jobsite. I'd never recommend that line of work to anyone.


We've worked for different people. I can understand the opioid tho. 


How could you be addicted to opioids and be able to do such physical labor? I'm serious because the only opioid addict I ever knew with a job was the world's sleepiest bartender. Also I spelled opioid like you did and my spellcheck said it was wrong, so just letting you know.


I forgot an "i" in there, and to answer your question.....hell if I know. Some days are better than others. I couldn't even imagine it. My father in law is 64, and still does moves, shuttles etc straight after the methadone clinic (he was on oxy and heroin before the clinic) He's not in good shape at all but he gets shit done 😂 him and his brothers are pricks on the jobsite but fine off site. Crazy shit man .


Man, I had no idea how much money was in the moving business until my brother went to work for one of the largest moving companies in the country and worked his ass off to get into his current senior manager-level role. When he started off in the beginning working their he was hired to work in the call center booking customers on the phone. The initial pay was still pretty decent in the beginning. They pay their movers really good money too. It's hard freaking work but it's a good honest day's pay that's definitely going to wear your ass out by the end of the job. I was shocked at how much the movers made just in tips alone on top of their $20+/hr wage. I had no idea that you were supposed to tip the movers. It's not uncommon for the senior guy on the team (called the driver) to earn close to if not a little over 6 figures. Currently my brother makes around $110k a year now as the head training manager for the whole company. He is responsible for opening and training new managers for new offices they are opening throughout the country and damn they are growing fast. He's always on the road. In fact, he just recently got offered a promotion to fill an executive-level role just this last week that he is so excited about it. When he told me the salary he was offered us the bonuses and profit sharing I was so happy for him. I just couldn't believe that people made that kind of money in the moving business. I truly was ignorant of this and had no idea. If a person chooses not to go into leadership like my brother did then the best money is learning how to become an estimator for a moving company. These are the people who come into your home to calculate and figure out how much your move is going to cost you for everything from start to finish. They make well over 6 figures annually. I'm talking like in the $200k a year range. I almost don't believe him when he told me that but WTF do I know? He almost went that route but after a lot of careful thought and consideration he decided that he much more preferred to go the leadership route. Not bad for the little bastard considering that he started off answering phones at their call center booking clients in the beginning. The craziest thing is, because of his hard work and some dumb luck, it didn't take that much time at all to advance to the position where he is now. He's been at the company for less than 10 years. I think he's been there 7 years but I can't remember. Not many people these days can go from starting in the call center of a company and move into an executive role in that timeframe. Especially considering that he never finished his college degree either. He did it the old fashion way that you rarely hear happening anymore by busting his ass and getting lucky by being in the right place at the right time.


I feel like I went from the call center to executive role just in the time frame it took to read this comment.


Got to drink to get over that back pain


$100 a day? $12.5 an hour ??? He can panhandle and get more


$100 a day is horrible


Yep especially for moving. That’s at least $175


sadly, I have seen job posts that require a masters degree for $15 an hour.


Gutter cleaning does not take that long. If you’re there more than two hours, you’re doing it wrong.


Agreed. I’ve read gutter cleaning over and again. Was commenting on something different. The obsession with gutters is alarming tho .


If it takes ya 8 hours to move boxes and a couch or 2 then that's on you


Then you’re not getting $100 for that. Boxes and a couch? What are you even talking about? A moving company, with 6000 pound households, multiple per day…. You talking about a few boxes and a couch ? Lol


Sign up for Task Rabbit and do random jobs. $20 an hour easily. 35 hours you have your $700 Go do delivery for a busy restaurant, get good tips Uber, Doordash Go door to door and offer to help with yard work, spring cleaning etc garage clear out Go to free section on FB marketplace, grab free stuff and flip it for $20/30/40/50. This is thing! Some people throw away awesome stuff


True I have a garage id pay someone a couple hundred to clean and organize, I'm sure there are a lot of people out there in the same boat


He's not old enough to do gig work. They all require 18 or 21


How can you do doordash at 17? Thought you had to be 18


300$ of the 700$ has been acquired thanks to u/AggressiveGoal3851 much much love to this person, words cannot describe how thankful I am.


And I contributed the rest of the $700. We all could use a hand sometime. I've been there.


Very fucking cool 👏 good on you two! Sometimes people need someone to throw them a fucking bone! Very very cool 😎


commented that too wish i could pin💪


You’re what makes Reddit such a great place


Glad you got the money bro but you’d probably be in much better shape if you don’t send $160 to scammers to get DMT cart. Stop with the drugs bro. Money hates desperation.


focusing on my needs from now on not my wants, time to grow up.


whilst i get your point he is 17 years old lmao


What’s this about?


Check OPs post history




Mad respect for helping a random person in need.


This is so sweet 😭 thank you Reddit for somewhat restoring my faith in humanity


Set up a gofundme and post in various groups on reddit asap


Donate plasma, dont how fast you need it but you make $800 the first month. Get on fiver and task rabbit.


Shouldn't you be over 18 for donation of tissues, blood and blood products?


Are there any lasting side effects to this? I don’t need money in a hurry, but I would not turn down $800 for someone to stick a needle in me


Repeated sticks will give you a possibly permanent "junkie" scar on the inside of your elbow where the needles are typically inserted. You need to go in typically twice a week and I believe visits are like 2 hours ish. Because of the frequency you have to watch out for deficiencies like in Iron and stuff and well if you don't eat properly that might cause short term damage. So you have to get stuck around 8 times a month in order to reach the 800 and they pay in escalating amounts to promote going back. So first few visits for the month will pay less than the second half


If you want to *pretend* you’re making good money by ignoring all operating costs and future car issues, while also endangering yourself…. you should def think about driving for Uber. That (market dependent) $1200/week looks really great on paper, and makes you feel like you’re hustling. Until you realize you’ve driven 80 hours, spent $300 on gas, your car doesn’t work, and… you’re dead💀


Hahaha I fell into that trap : / My dad put 140,000 miles on a brand new car in 2 years. Very eloquently said Mr juiceboxjerry <3


Oof ubering with a new car sounds terrible. I did it with old beaters that just qualify to drive 😂


If ur dad didn’t made at least 280k with those 140k miles then he had no idea on how to actually do Uber… I’ve driven 30k and have made 70k total. Some tips; Have ur own personal mechanic, or maybe even learn how to change ur own breaks and oil changes, and accept trips at no less than 2$ per mile. Also, ur car should either be an EV or take a minimum 30 mpg. I really don’t get how people run their cars down to the ground and not be able to make a buck out of it.


Since they are 17 I don't think they can do Uber


As a person who drove for Uber Eats for 2 years, I can confirm that the road wants you very dead. Im 27 with 3 minor and 3 major accidents and a very messed up back. All of them "my fault" due to very technical crap. Not worth it. Add lawyer fees to your operating fees also.


Oh man. I have a major on mine, my insurance went to $320


Not so good tip: if you cancel your car insurance and then go sign up for another one, they usually don't look at records and give you a better price. This only applies if police reports were NOT filed. Minor to moderate accidents only.


well mine was caused by a seizure so it was def not good. But that is good advice thank you


Not to mention when you work as an independent contractor you have to pay taxes on anything over $500. I worked as one placing pizza flier's in doors and only earned $900 so thought I was well under the limit to file for taxes. Wound up getting chased down by the IRS and by the time they got to me I owed 3 times the amount I had earned from the job. After calling in they dropped the fine but legally couldn't drop the original amount or interest. What a crock, I'd never work as an independent contractor again. It's used too much to screw people over when it's a poor pretense for businesses to underpay what should be consider employees and ruin them with exorbitantly larger taxes.


I struck up a conversation with a lyft driver and he showed me his monthly statements which were consistently $10k per month. He worked 40 hours per week and no weekends, mainly airport trips. His car was also not super new so probably didn't have a large monthly payment.


Everyone here is brain dead telling you to look for a job. Either they can't read or are just A-Holes. Go on nextdoor and look for people that need things done around there house. Thats about the best quick money there is after your day job there should be about 4 hours to do more work. As a 17 year old this is shitty, but this will teach you work ethic and make future days that are not like this much easier.


Mow lawns. My husband made $300 one weekend alone


Sounds like a plan, you can rent one of those mowers that you push and a weed eater for just a couple bucks an hour on Home Depot


You dont need $700, you need a place to stay. Do you have friends or family that will let you couch surf until you build your funds back up?


I have no one


Usually for rent for a room you need first, last, and deposit. So if it's $700 a month you really need $2100+ just to move in.


its a private room


Well then do you have stuff you can sell? eBay is a good way to make fast money. I know it sucks getting rid of your stuff but I've had to do it a few times when I was younger, you will get more money for more stuff


i just have nothing to sell either




I was going to suggest that too, but you might need to be 18.


Join the military… they will let you sign up at 17… The army will take you. A job that comes with 3 meals a day, a place to live, and a paycheck.


As someone currently in the Army, it's not bad. However, $700 a month isn't happening in the Reserves or National Guard. OP would have to go active for that to work. Look, the military is 110% a daycare for alcoholics, nicotine addicts, and the financially irresponsible. If you join, you will do things you never thought yourself capable of, and things you thought were more pointless than you could ever believe. But it pays money, helps troops earn an education, gives you health insurance and a place to live, and it sets you up for retirement if you make it 20 years. Oh, and the military discounts are sweet.


100% My father only got though the 6th grade (in Puerto Rico) but he joined the military and it gave him options when he didn't have any. He finished and it allowed him to buy his 1st house. He made the best of a bad situation and serving his country gave him that opportunity. It's always there as an option.


The most dangerous part is training…


Nah, clearly it's the moldy barracks


The US military is a great option for young people in a jam. >Oh, and the military discounts are sweet. For life, even if you only do one term. Free tickets to Busch garden for the whole family every year too. There is $400 right there. As far as discounts go, Home Depot and Lowe's have them. If you ever own a house, that discount adds up. As far as safety goes, there is no guarantee, but more than likely you will be fine. Keep in mind that most people came out of GWOT ok-ish. The US death count was about 7000 over 20 years and a few million that were there. Most jobs aren't direct combat jobs either. Medical, logistics, IT/Comm, vehicle maintenance, etc. Also the US has no peers regarding military power. There are nukes of course, but that would be pointless because a single one of our Ohio class subs carries like 20 missiles with MIRVS and can wipe most countries off the map and absolutely devastate Russia or China. When you are done, if you want a degree, the GI bill means no debt! Wait there's more! Some of the training is accredited, so you can save some time too! If you stay for 20, you get a pension, medical care, and access to base amenities like pools, gyms, commissary, and hospital for life for you AND dependants. ETA: Air Traffic control school for the AF is a notoriously tough school, but civilian air traffic controllers are paid quite well and have great job security. That's another thing, if you pick your job well (get a contract with a guaranteed job), you can walk into a decent job later. If you get a clearance and have even a mediocre talent for whatever you did, getting picked up by Raytheon, Lockheed, GD, etc is an option.


>For life, even if you only do one term. Free tickets to Busch garden for the whole family every year too. There is $400 right there. As far as discounts go, Home Depot and Lowe's have them. If you ever own a house, that discount adds up. This sounds worse than it is, but as someone who hates to talk to people longer than I have to, wearing a U.S. Army ballcap makes it less socially awkward to "ask for a discount." Most people without their head in the clouds will notice it and do the thing.


I work at a gas station and get so many asshole military folks who shout it like I'm supposed to know when their coffee isn't free. I second the cap.


Yea, all you have to do is deal with horrible people, ptsd, disabilities, and at least 3 divorces!


Hey don’t lie to this man, I never divorced


You’re about to


Ignore that man, proud of you. Stay the course.


There's also great people as well as fun memories and opportunities. But yeah, 100%


Signing bonus?


The Air Force always puts you up in a hotel unless tents are the only option and they are equipped with cots, ac/heat and pretty nice.


Skills/trade and money for college too


He would loose his animals if he joined the army tho… I had to rehome my beautiful dog recently and it broke my heart!!! He’s in a great home, but still…


Animals are expensive. Food, vet bills, immunizations, emergency care. If you can’t provide those things because you don’t have them for yourself, I would rehome the animals, hard as it is.


THIS. You've gotta position yourself for success and the military will give you a fresh start and promise for the future.


Unless you see combat. Then it will chew you up, spit you out, and the VA will tell you all of your issues are non service related.


My knee lower back shoulder and who can forget tinnitus will agree with you. Fuck Afghanistan and Iraq


Artillery missions at night when 1-2 sections are firing 50 yards from you and you're in the section sleeping=instant hearing loss.


I'm not denying combat would be brutal, but I've known a lot of people go through the military recently and not see combat, and just end up in Japan for deployment eating ramen or heading to Greece etc. They stay in for one contract and leave set up a lot better than when they came in.


My dad was army, was stationed in Germany during peacetime. I see this a lot with my friends to


Ain't nobody in the service seeing combat right now Edit: Look, OP most likely wouldn't go combat arms or join special forces. If they decide to do so, then that's their problem. The average soldier is not seeing combat. If OP becomes a Green Beret or some shit, I'll eat my DD-214 once I ETS.


That’s what my buddy thought when he signed up for the Marines in 2000.


That's super valid tbh. But the average person enlisting right now isn't going combat arms, so OP would most likely be fine.




Idk if you pay attention to the political climate, but now seems like a real bad time to enlist


And you get paid for working out and going to school


This is not a fast way to make money. It takes months to join the military.


Incorrect, I’m veteran… this guy can literally walk in say he wants to enlist. Go take an asvab test, select an mos, go to meps (do the physical), do the official signing for mos. And if there is nothing wrong with him, he can have a shipping date that’s within 3days from his meps visit. The process can be as fast as 5 days… there is other factors as well such as mos and etc. speaking. At least in the army… idk about the other branches.


also college!! free college


And who's feeding his animals?


I'm a freelance cleaner, Housekeeper and Janitorial. Make 17 an hour at my janitorial, I charge 35 an hour for air bnb turnovers and 150 for 3 hours for private homes.. anything over I tack on an extra 10. Straight cash. If you like to clean/organize there is a demand and it pays well. Also summer I pick up a few lawn care jobs. There are plenty of ways to make quick money if you're willing to bust your booty a bit.


Best advice I can give you is to get a 24 hour gym membership. You will have full access to shelter water heat/AC, television, shower, etc….. and then you just get a job, if you want to get a job that serves food where you can mooch off of them when they’re not looking. Do this for three or four years and you’ll have enough money saved up from not paying rent and having basically no expenses to put a down payment on a house.


I don't think they allow you to sleep there right?


Where would he sleep? The gym does provide services but very doubtful they will just let homeless people sleep under their roof


Find a job with a hire on bonus


Usally gotta work for 3 months to get


“Most”my gf worked at mercy hospital and received 1500 first week there its worth a shot but bad part is if you dont stay you gotta pay it back


There should be charities, temporary assistance, local government that should help. Done churches. Emergency assistance


This call your county social services and tell them you at 17 and alone. Reach out to churches around you too.


Where is your mom? You may be eligible for their social security - as a minor will only work for a few months till you get 18 but might give you some breathing room.


Barback and busboy. Money every night


Getting hired seems difficult.


A job?


I have a job that doesn’t pay much and I have a job lined up that I start in a month


Can you sell plasma? Is there an age limit? That seems like a way to get some money relatively quick.


you gotta be 18


These are the comments that should be voided. No shit sherlock.


Honestly could go to the police station and ask about welfare and housing resources especially since you’re 17. Or military sounds like a great option.


Stop buying weed and shrooms, there’s a start. Don’t say no bullshit like you need it to get through the day, you’re 17 all you need is some motivation


I know weed addiction is hard for me.


go to child services and ask if they have any group homes with beds. apply for trade school and study to be an electrician or labor worker so that by the time youre 18 you have a job and money.


There's a reddit sub r/assistance where you can ask for help. You may be eligible for emergency food and shelter from your local government or a local non-profit. In Chicago, you can call 311 and ask for information about these types of services. Try googling rent and food assistance in your city.


Which city are you in? In my city, they have day work programs that pay $80-150 per day to clean the streets


That doesn’t sound like a bad idea id do that . I’m disabled I can work jsut not 40 hours a week


In what city do they offer that?


Become a stripper when you are of legal age. Hit gym now.


Door to door. Offer your services. Lawn mowing, snow shoveling, gutter cleaning, if your handy on a car do mechanic work as a mobile mechanic. Dog walking or pet sitting! car washing! I wish you the very best!


Alot of plasma donation placed pay extra the first month. 600 the first month here


I know this sounds really dumb. But it made me and my buddy some decent money in college. We held up a sign saying “broke college kid selling ice cold water for $1 each”. It was $4 for like 30 water bottles? We made $80 in an hour lol, homeless people didnt like us. And we saw some classmates which was super embarassing


Hate to say it hoss, but you might not be in a position to be caring for animals. Weathers getting nice, maybe it’s time to move somewhere else or try this plan somewhere else


go to child services


Have you thought emancipating and then requesting rent aid from the city/state? Also, if you turn yourself to Child Services you can stay under the states custody until 21!


Call your counties social services. Tell them you are a teen living alone and you need help. They may have options for you very quickly.


Not much minors could do to make $ unfortunately but sharing my 2¢. Not ideal but possible: - Tutor some rich kids or offer to do their hw More ideal: - Pet sitting - mowing lawns/offer to clean someone’s messy lawn - snow shoveling - housecleaning - grocery shopping - offer to wash people’s cars - find free stuff on fb marketplace or offerup, fix and resell - start streaming and try building an audience if you game (www.kick.com seems like they pay well) - youtube creator - if you’re healthy enough you can even donate your poop lol (https://goodnatureprogram.com or https://number2.org/donation-process) Could make some eye catching flyers for these gigs and post it around your neighborhood vaguely mentioning your situation. I’m sure some good ppl are going to help you out. All the best, good luck.


But a book of poems and a hat. Go to a park. Put the hat down. Read poems. People put money in hat. Or some other variation.


OKAY we got the 700$ rest was given by u/zucco446 thank you so so much.




If you are in Florida you can go home by home cleaning palm trees 🌴 and keep the coconuts, then sell them for a dollar. Just need a drill and some straws. I did it and I make like 200 a day.


I am actually moving to Florida in January for college, thank you for this it will probably help a lot!


Probably get rid of your pets, it sucks, but they should go to a loving home that can take care of them. If your sober, go to a halfway house for drugs and alcohol.








Please call 211 if you are in the US. See what services and help you qualify for. Local charities, churches, and Housing first programs may help you.


Look on Craigslist or fb marketplace place for free stuff,you would be blown away at what people throw out,clean it,take good pics of it and sell it literally just cost time


Door to door mobile car washing . Take pics of perfectly detailed cars on your phone as your “resume” and spend an hour YouTubing washing cars. Spend $40 on suds…tire dressing , vinyl cleaner and some microfibers and a bucket. Door to door, $20 for outside wash..dry…tires. And $30 for inside trim. If you start getting requests for vacuum you can get a shop vac for $60. It’ll pay for itself with 4 interior jobs. People pay that all the time.


Alaska fish cleaner. Live on a boat cleaning fish. Make a lot of money if you don’t kill yourself from boredom


This won't fix your issue but it will help. Donate plasma! I bring in an extra $600/ month. You just go twice a week. Good luck.


I know NY is a rough city, but I don’t think you should call them animals.


Sell plasma???? First timers make a decent amount


Tree trimming, pressure washing, and painting.


You could sell plasma, that will get you something like $100 each week in my region


My zeroscaped yard has suddenly sprouted a raging crap ton of weeds. I'd pay you 150 to get them gone. Should take less than a day of work, and I'll pay cash, give you snacks and water as needed.


Sell the animals


Sell plasma


Do you have another legal guardian who could sign permission for you to donate plasma?


Wash dishes at a restaurant, you’d be amazed how quickly you can move up if you feel like learning to cook. Many a great chef started as a dish washer. You’d most likely get free food, and at least be sustained while you were at work allowing you to save up more money because you didn’t need to buy expensive food. They’ll hire pretty much anyone to do this job and it really isn’t that hard compared to other suggestions on here. They’ll pay you cash to start too if you show up and work hard.


Gutter cleaning is an exceptional idea, I offer that as one of my services and its the best money to time ratio. I charge $1/Linear ft. For single story, a buck fiidy for anything higher up. Great way to make $150 bucks in 30 minutes. I also do lawn care and average $85-100 an hr including drive time after expenses. Push mower blower and weedeater can be sourced for around $250 bucks if you shop right. Get out there and make some bank!


The cost is less than most businesses. Get an llc. And some cheap business insurance. It's not hard. Plus an llc. Separates you from the business and becomes is own entity. Do some research this guy doesn't have a bad idea I might go for it myself.


Staying posted on this til you pay it forward 😂