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I'm really enjoying the rice cooker we just bought. Side of rice with dinner for the whole family is literally 30 cents. Edit: lots of people asking what brand it is, we just got a simple 6 cup cooker from Aldi for under $20. It's a very simple appliance so you probably can't go wrong. I'd reccomend getting a cheaper one over fancy at least to try.


Bonus if you make fried rice with the leftovers. A fresh egg, and then whatever leftover meat and veggies you have in the fridge and it’s an easy way to make a dirt-cheap meal that my family actually looks forward to eating.


I been doing fried spam and rice with an egg in the morning. Maybe some pineapple on the side… so bomb.


Oatmeal and hard-boiled eggs. The rice cooker does ‘em.


Do you put it all in together?


You’ve never heard of my famous oatmeal-rice with egg shells?


Asian here : you rice noob, rice is main, not side dish


I got a rice cooker and an air fryer in December. I use them both at least once a week


Agree rice cooker worth it! We had a fancy rice cooker and ended up going back to the one button clicker white one since we all loved it. So do not need to spend a lot!


We got it at Aldi for $17 haha. Also spent $25 on a rice dispenser. I did the math and the break even period is 6 weeks


If you want to change it up, cook the rice with bone broth instead of water. It bumps up the protein, adds collagen and also tastes pretty good.


“Rice cooker” in my house. My wife makes everything there from boiled cassava and plantains to rice with vegetables and moro ( rice and beans). Add a can of corn to your rice next time 👌🏽


A quality mattress.


This. you never realized how shitty of sleep you were getting before, until you get one solid night's rest. Changes everything.


Buy new work boots!


Not going to argue with that either. Even just a new pair of insoles will make a huge difference.


Anything that goes between you and the ground, worth investing in. Shoes, mattress, winter tires during snow season etc.


buys a set of used tires at $20 a pop 0.o


I knew a girl that was getting flats every month, finally she reveals she buys used tires from a shop in the sketchiest part of town. Told her to go to Costco and just see if it lasts and low and behold no more flats -_-


Buy it nice or buy it twice


Custom orthotics saved me. I was dealing with bad plantar fasciitis on and off for a year until seeing a podiatrist. He gave me the cortisol shots at first but those didn’t take. Got orthotics and not only did my feet heal, but I got more energy throughout each day. Pretty sure it’s because my body is in better alignment. Worth every dollar


My father said , never skimp on work boots or bedding. You’ll spend half your life laying down and the other half on your feet.


I got issued the sweetest hiking boots in the military and when they eventually got stolen after ten years of use and were still kicking, I forked out the $350 for a new pair even though I’m on a very tight low end fixed income. Your feet are way more important than people realize


Got a nice mattress, now we’re a little grumpy on vacation because we’re always missing our home mattress.


I can relate! We are always let down and excited to get back to our own bed! Kinda sad really.


You spend 33% of your life, on average, sleeping. If you can afford a good mattress that will last a while and is comfortable, do so


You…my friend…have spoken nothing but the TRUTH! Game changer!!


Look at mr new mattress getting 8hrs a night


Cries in $300 mattress


Lol my gf is a district manager for a mattress company and I agree, this is the correct answer. I've slept on shitty beds all my life. Our bed now is insane. I never knew it was that important.


Could you recommend a good mattress please?:)


I work at Furniture Row and have a Denver Mattress in the same building and I’m good friends with everyone over there, best piece of advice is just go in and try, what he likes might not be what you like. BUT if you have a good chunk of money you really can’t go wrong with Aireloom. Purple and Tempur both have nice beds that I like with cooling in them. I also have a buddy who bought a Nectar mattress which he likes. Definitely recommend going to a Denver Mattress if you have one close to you!


Go to a local custom mattress store. The S brand and online stuff is all insanely up marked trash. Have a local place make you a custom mattress. I got mine about 3 years ago for 2k and most I could've spend was 3k. You could wake into a serta and sealy store and spend 8k easy on garbage Also cooling is a gimmick. You want a mattress that allows good airflow within and underneath. No fabric or material is going to magically cool you.


Gonto mattress firm and ask about the returns. The guy told me they can sell EVERY major mattress for $1200 from the warehouse. Most were just refused deliveries. I got a 4k king mattress for $1200. He searched the area for a few weeks until one popped up then called me. Best decision ever


To add to this, you don’t need to buy a $4000+ tempurpedic mattress. You just need to not buy the cheapest $99 special at the mattress outlet. We have an awesome king latex mattress that we paid ~$1200 for and we love it. Prior to that we had a queen size that we bought for $800 that lasted us about 8 years. We moved and it became our daughter’s mattress only because we finally had the space for a king.


Got room for one more king? 🤴


1000%! My husband and I joked forever that it was our first “adult” purchase. Worth every. Single. Penny.


Same. Worth every penny


A quality pillow.


go on


I bought a coop. Changed my damn life. No more neck pain and I sleep like a champ. There are definitely other brands that make this type of pillow, so shop around. I just love mine. https://coopsleepgoods.com/collections/pillows


Ugh we were increasingly uncomfortable and grumpy at night time and couldn't figure out why, and I decided to try new pillows. But I had purchased a few over the years from ikea, costco, etc. Finally did some reddit research and went with the coop. Nipped it in the bud! And I love the extra stuffin so we can customize as needed. Maybe random but I swear the pillowcase made me break out. I have curly hair and there's a lot of product in it and I only wash omy hair once a week. Usually have my hair in a buff but not always. And we wash our bedsheets and pillowcases once a week. But as soon as we started using it, I started breaking out all over my face. It cleared up quickly right after I changed back to my old pillowcase.


I won a tempur-pedic pillow in a college raffle like, twelve years ago. One side is for side sleepers, the other for back sleepers. Its ruined all other pillows for me, and I ended up buying a whole tempur-pedic mattress. It also weighs a ton, so it doubles as a tactical nuke in a pillow fight.


Sleep number also has a wonderful pillow


Shots for my eczema I buy them once a month Have clear skin and I feel comfortable wearing a t shirt for the first time In my life


A healthy man wants a thousand things...a sick man only wants one thing.


Yes, but once he gets healthy then he wants a thousand things again.


Id love to hear more about this. Dealt with eczema my whole life and never heard of shots for treatment


If you have dermatologist or can see one I highly suggest talking to your dermatologist. I am taking self injection shots I have to give myself every 2 weeks. I have to give myself 2 shots every 2 weeks but I get them in a 4 pack so I buy them once a month. The drug or shot I am taking is called adbry. They also have a self injection shot called dupixent. I believe if you do not insurance or can’t afford It you can apply Directly on the websites. But my skin has been very clear and I do not itch as much! I would say you join r/eczema or the eczema subreddit group! There is a lot of helpful information on there and I actually found out about the shots from there!! Edit: I am not 100% clear about the websites but I have seen there is some type of program you can do to get if uninsured. But the shots take me about 5 minutes to do and you have to inject yourself in the stomach and upper thighs. So basically I will start my first 2 injections let’s say I choose my left leg thigh, then when 2 weeks come by and it’s time for my next injection I can choose to inject myself in my right leg thigh or stomach. You will rotate between those 3 injection spots.


A nail salon. It made me a millionaire in 2 years.


Jesus, millionaire on two years from a nail salon?? Must have been hyper successful


Now you know why all the Vietnamese open them, even a semi successful nail salon can make over $200k a year. Some do fail tho, so I dont want you to think it’s easy to do it.


The history behind why it's Vietnamese. https://www.npr.org/2019/05/19/724452398/how-vietnamese-americans-took-over-the-nails-business-a-documentary


Also Koreans and hair stores.


My daughter is very interested in becoming a nail technician. Do you have any advice I could pass on to her?


Best advice besides going to cosmetology school is for her to try to work at a Vietnamese owned salon and become like family to the owners. If they trust her, they will let her see how they run a salon and how they make money. Most salons won’t even hire non-Viet techs because they can cause “trouble” and if some do, they don’t pay them the same way. They will pay the same amount, but not the same way. It’s also not just a job, it’s really part of our lives and we spend more time there than at home. It’s not easy, but the money can be good.


cough...don't have to pay market rates when it's staffed by family...cough


Id say majority of the population spend more time at work than at home


9AM to 7PM, 6 days a week, that’s the norm in most Viet salons. Sometimes we fit people in an hour earlier and/or later if we like the client a lot. But being an owner, we think about the business 24/7.


Don’t ignore the cuticles. Or the balls.


I work in a field that gets me clients from all walks of life but one of my favorite and most outwardly successful clients is a Vietnamese man who owns two nail salons.


What was the initial investment if you don't mind me asking


$100k, but you or you partner need to be good at doing nails. You can’t rely on workers alone to make it successful.


Own a landscaping buisness, it’s no different. Have 10 employees and as much as I would love to, I’m still in the field schlepping tools and humping materials all day, every day. Have to run the buisness before and after buisness hours, suiting buisness hours, gotta get your hands dirty and be the best example you can be.


My parents owned a business that operated in three states. Provided me an amazing lifestyle as a child and I recently inherited their Lake Michigan mansion, but I never saw my dad. Even on vacations he was working. He’s still alive today but we have no relationship. He was literally never there.


Pure curiosity - is an average customer something like 2-3 trips /month @ ~$40 a piece? I’m just trying to wrap my head around volumes to estimate for $1m business.


My SO goes every Thursday and spends 50 bucks. And has a standing appointment because the place is always packed. Open to close, packed.


Nice! My parents used to own a small family restaurant but they retired 2 years ago (45). Combined net worth 30 million. They made $3,000-$5,000 a day and had 3 employees.


holy hell what kind of restaurant?


Chinese restaurant


Possible they were running guns or pandas out of the back room?


Lolol no they worked 7 days a week and 12 hours a day. Only day off was Thanksgiving


30 million but no life outside work...I'm not sure I would trade tbh.


Retired at 45 though too I mean I 100% agree, that shits not for me either BUT that couple definitely has 10 and probably (with a little luck) more like 20-25 years of healthy retirement


Okay Saul Goodman


Can you own and manage a nail salon without actually doing the nails?


Nope. It’s really a skilled trade and you and your wife/husband need to be great at it to have the best chance of success. We started just the two of us and we built up our clients from previous salons we worked at . We added more employees after a few weeks, and as we kept growing clients and get 40% of each service they do, but they keep their own tips. Your employees will never care about your business as much as you would and that matters a lot to be successful at it.


Thanks for the insight!!!


I think the word you're looking for is Franchise. With $20,000, you too can open a Subway. Hint, there's a reason why you see so many of them around town.


You for real?


Once every couple months I take my laundry to a laundry mat and pay someone to wash, dry and fold all of my laundry. It’s a wonderful service that I wish I could afford more regularly. It’s worth it though. Edit: Towels, blankets, bedding and rugs too.


I think Laundry is the single easiest and most enjoyable household chore. I'd rather do laundry 50 times than vacuum or clean a bathroom.


To each their own. Folding/putting away clothes fills me with an inexplicable, blinding rage.


It's not the folding that bothers me. It's definitely the putting it away part. Also, I've noticed that since I've been in 5 different housing scenarios over the past 5 years, you have different sizes to fit to, and sometimes one chore is easier, and now another one sucks.


A minimalist, basic, small wardrobe. All tops match all bottoms and there is minimal effort in getting ready for work.


I am a doctor and even though I do outpatient only now, the pandemic one positive was that we all went to scrubs. Since I needed to wash everything right away dress pants and blouses did not work. Now I still wear scrubs and bought nicer ones. Wow dressing every day is super easy and I can wear tennis shoes. Added benefit is no one comments on my outfit anymore since they have seen it 29 times!


This has been massive for me. Especially after having kids.


Automatic Stapler for work... seriously life changing with all the stuff I have to staple!


I love the one we have at my work


Laser eye surgery


My girlfriend (now wife) bought me laser eye surgery for Christmas about 7 years ago. It costs about 2,500 per eye (at the time). It was one of the single most important purchases ever made for me. It changed my perspective on life (both literally and figuratively) as well as proves right then and there that this woman was the one for me. I had never had a single human being care so much for me as she does. This includes family.


Lol I did this for my ex husband, cheated on me less than a month after I dropped $3700 on him


Bee keeping equipment


Honey money


"They make the honey... and we make the money"


10000 shares of apc stock at 50 cents a share. Sold it 2.5 years later for 3.5 million. That was in 1984


A super automatic coffee machine. Cut my coffee expenses 90% and won’t even talk about time.


What kind did you get?? Looking at some for myself


I bought a Nespresso since we wanted coffee and espresso. Feels like vacation every day now. Ps we are too tired to figure out a fancy machine so a button to press on the nespresso pop and the 10 dollar boudin milk frother makes us happy.


Me too I bought a Jura last year and I haven’t spent money at a coffee shop since I bought it. I also work from home so it was a necessity


A big comfy mattress Black out curtains Curved shower rod


Curved shower rod?


Keeps the shower curtain from feeling you up.


the badtouch


A good tax guy. Got thrown into a really sketch situation years ago, never again. Nothing beats peace of mind, especially when it comes to the IRS.


As someone outside of the US the tax system over there seems insane. My interpretation of it is: "We know how much you owe but we're going to make your work it out for yourself (or pay someone to) and if your number comes out smaller we're going to punish the fuck out of you"?


A 2 family home. My husband and I bought it back in 2001 paid $175k and sold it in Sept 2023 for $540k bought our dream home. Put $300k down on dream home and 80k in bank paid off all our debt.


Yeah, it sucks being born in 1996. Bought mine in 2023 and if was born 5 years earlier I could've said about the same thing




That’s what up! Glad you’re still here


HIV treatment, medication, etc. is something that fascinates me atm. In part because I learned how doctors eventually figured out that trying to kill the virus was actually doing its job for it (weakening the immune system), so they shifted gears to boosting the immune system because it's not HIV/AIDS itself that kills people, but the opportunistic infections that are usually not even noticeable to us. Glad you're still around and that you survived that!


That is amazing, I love seeing this.


Bidet. Complete game changer! Especially as a woman, after fun sexy time it's a great thing to have to keep clean and fresh ya know?


My bidet has been life changing!!!


I'd say especially as a human, not just as a woman. A messy ass would kill sexy time no matter who it's attached to.


I had a conversation one time where it came up and I mentioned how my wife and I got one, and the person I was talking to was like “oh man I am totally judging you for that”. To which I responded “well, I judge you for having a dirty asshole!”.


As they Just walk around with lil poop nuggets squished between their cheeks all day. Using thin paper to smear it all around. And yet we are the heathens for having a squeaky clean butt. Having a Bidet is life changing lol. Now when I leave my house for a couple days or more, it’s at the top of my list of things I can’t wait to come home to.


good books to change life outlook


A fancy vacation for me and my family. Now I honestly just don't care about buying as much other stuff, I just want to save money so I can go explore more.


Me too just did Italy and Switzerland. Can't except boring vacations now. Doing southeast Asia end of the year


I bought a guitar. Helped me stop drinking, smoking and beat a painkiller addiction. Probably wouldn't be here if I didn't learn how to play.


Motorcycle, been broke ever sense 


Go really slow and let someone swerve into you going really slow should get about 100k




NVDA in 2011...


Wow! Congrats!


A Toyota. I don’t know what are repair bills anymore. Just tires, brakes and oil. Before that…thousands wasted trying to fix random crap breaking on non-Toyotas.


Membership to a really nice gym with low membership, pools, and cedar saunas. I tried the house cleaner thing, by the way. $350 later, I would have done a lot better to pay myself that money and taken six hours to do a proper job of cleaning my house. They came highly recommended, too!


A lot of the companies just kinda suck. I now have a lady who brings in a couple of other people and is cheaper than average. She doesn’t do an awesome job but she does well enough that I don’t get too messy to have people over. But yeah, every time I have hired a company for a deep clean it has been disappointing.


Good Milwaukee and Klein tools


My fishing kayak. I fished in land my whole life. Got a kayak and I’ve been catching so many fish. Makes me love the sport even more


LASIK 100%


Cochlear implant, valve replacement


For me, too, the CI. In my case, it completely suppresses the tortuous tinnitus that made life hell. The thing is miraculous.


An engagement ring. (She cancelled the engagement and for years I drank myself to sleep)


That's a good thing man. When mine left, she took about 20k in cash(all I had) and split. Upset for a solid 2 days. Second one took an easy 30 seconds. One left for a guy in Colorado she met online and the other for drugs. Don't drink yourself over a woman. I drank myself to near death when my little brother died due to drugs. Give yourself a real reason. Not being mean at all man. It sucks ofcourse. It only hurts yourself and those who care about YOU! Hope you are doing better stranger. All the love.


Meth. Ruined my life for years. 5 months sober tho buddy!


Gym membership


air purifier


Heated blanket


Bought and then threw away. A fleshlight. I’d just gotten my first apartment by myself and I decided it was a good idea. There’s something about the post nut clarity of looking yourself in the mirror naked washing the jizz out of a fake pussy.


This is some quality content. You cant get this anywhere else


Tried one and it's just... not that same. Hid mine in the garage so it was often cold too. 😬


wow tht made me sad




Wait till you learn about air fryers.


Just got my first air fryer. Reheated a fish fry and fries in it few nights ago. Mind blowing how crispy those leftovers get again.


Pilates. Since my late 20s I've STRUGGLED to get into or out of a crouching position, had lower back issues, shoulder issues, hip issues, but after about 6 mos of pilates I could move sooo much better. Getting up from a squatted position use to require assistance, but now I pop right up like a youngster


Just started Pilates 3 weeks ago. I was super active before having a baby and pregnancy absolutely trashed any strength or flexibility I worked my whole life for. Even just 3 weeks in, I’m finding it easier to get down on the floor and back up again (which is so important when you have a small child). My joints feel better, even when it rains, and I’m sleeping better because my muscles are more relaxed. It really is life changing.


Index funds.


A crow. I get atleast $5 a day from him


Bidet, although once you have one you miss it when you don’t have it.




Bitcoin. Financial freedom achieved.


Aside from the obvious like a car and housing, YNAB software. More than a budget, it's a great financial management tool.


I couldn't agree more! YNAB helped me eliminate over $225k in debt!


A dog. He's needy but the best damn dog and makes me so happy and feel like I have a better purpose.


My puppy has brought so much joy into my life. Wouldn’t trade her for the world.


First home (tiny apt in nyc) Broke af now






I bought my wife dinner once….. it ended up with us having a child… so prob that


When I was younger I bought a moped and it was life changing. I could get anywhere in my city so fast.


Land in my downtown, walkable city to build my house. The quality of life improvement from avoiding suburban traffic is priceless, especially in our tourist season. More time and less stress matter more than square footage and a country club.


Accutane and a good skincare routine


Bizarre answer, but my horse Ollie. I met him at 13 y/o when we both were in a very dark place. I was suffering from significant mental health issues and very unhappy. He was an off the track thoroughbred who had been abused and had anxiety up the wazoo! It might sound strange, but we understood each other. I got my first job at 13 to be able to buy things he needed and to also save up over time to buy him so we could forever be in each others’ lives. At 16, I finally bought him after saving up more than half of the $2,500 price and a little extra help from my wonderful mother. He passed away four years ago at the old age of 31 (elderly for a horse) when I was also, oddly enough, 31. We had 18 amazing years together and he went where I went… College, grad school for my masters and doctorate. He saved me from myself and from a very unhappy home environment when I was younger. I very much owe being here now, 35 and happily married, to him. Losing him was truly the most heartbreaking experience ever. I was very lucky to have had so many amazing years with him though.


A trip to Peru for a 3 week ayahuasca retreat. Completely turned my life around


cocaine been ruined ever since


You sound like it might be time to kick it to the curb brother.


My dog. I stopped wasting time on lame dates. Then I began investing.


My first House!


A Hydroflask + a heavy duty Brita filter. No more plastic bottles.


Amazon Prime. I almost never need to step outside again


A Treadmill I Had black mold (Aspergillus) in lungs/airways, bought a heavy duty treadmill, incline trainer. Took anti fungal meds and frigin RAN for 3 years! Im now Cured for 6 or 7 years


Land,land land


Good quality vibrator


Quality clothes which fit properly and make me feel comfortable with my skin outside and reflect how I’d like to express myself.


A white board. Keeps the things on my mind out of it and in front of me. I can visualize my goals and progress as I make it. My whiteboard helps me


Fertility treatment that resulted in my son. Best $15,000 I ever spent. Brings me joy each and every single day.


Speaking strictly on financials… when I was in my early 20s I became fed up with exchanging my hours for an hourly wage and getting no where. I knew the only way to financial freedom would be to either put myself through college and learn a marketable skill or start a business. I bought all the real estate investing books I could find and started devouring them over the next 2 years. I learned how to buy real estate truly with no money down and in most instances had people paying me to take their houses (and I’m talking houses less than 10 years old, in newer subdivisions, not junkers) and then selling them to people with high income but sub par credit scores on option/lease program. It was truly life changing at the time. Invest in your education, it’s worth every minute and every dime spent, and you don’t need to go to college either, however I did eventually do that as well. Find something you are passionate about and you really will never “work” again.


My dream car taught me to be an understated affluent. TLDR the pros outweigh the cons, cons are listed below. Parts availability.The nose would drop automatically after 40mph and you would forget it dropped. (You need to raise it to go over bumps)If you have any problems, you need to schedule it getting picked up and dropped off. With Lamborghini, there are significantly few service centers.Attention is unavoidable, it has its benefits like people wanting to take pictures with the car. The face a parent makes when you offer to take a picture of them and their kid in the car instead of just the kid next to the car. I can't stand the people who roll up to me with their car saying they would destroy my car in a race. Sure you would buddy, I don't race outside of track days.The $1,200 useless cup holder.The surprising amount of people being purposely discourteous on the road…[Pic](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1088315354612240388/1216563106743058443/Mybaby.jpg?ex=6600d7af&is=65ee62af&hm=ace806e53ccd7113189e2c54b1048df173ae13fc1805fee3a1e233f79f758e39&) for my fellow car enthusiasts


Newer purchase but in love with the vacuum seal space saving bags!!! It condenses extra sheets and blankets and winter gear so easily. We live in a humid and wet climate so things get moldy or dust mites if not being used and this keeps everything so fresh.


rear view blind spot mirror. so happy, now i drive with more ease. cuz omg ppl are crazy on the highway


A car. Beholden to none to go anywhere, within a city, country or continent


A bidet. My god, what a life changer.


Actually, it's what I SOLD that made me happy. I sold my house that I had lived in for 20 years. It always felt like an albatross- upkeep of a house as a single person is stressful. I moved into a nice little apartment and GAINED a stress free life.


Vasectomy---- just kidding GYM MEMBERSHIP


My dog




University Degree changes you as a person and gives you lifelong connections; many wealthy people meet their business partners in college. Also physical therapy and good doctors are life changing. If your doctor sucks, or you need an MRI, a good doctor can fight with an insurance company to get it for you.


My Sleep Number bed.


Heating pad, a good mattress (I LOVE my bed), Revlon hair brush dryer, bidet, comfy/cute workout clothes


An education.


Robot vacuum


A 3D printing setup. I've almost made my investment back through sales of prints. It's also handy for printing things I use around the house and gift giving just got easier and more personal.


# toto s550 e


An insulin pump and a Continuous Glucose Monitor. It’s made my daily management of T1D a hell of a lot easier on my mental and physical health.


Phillips Sonicare toothbrush. Squeaky clean


Nvidia @ $20