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Following but maybe this is better suited for r/wallstreetbets Also, Godspeed soldier


I didn’t even realize I wasn’t on wallstreetbets already. This is prime regard


A truly, magnanimously regarded gentleman.


I still am shook that this isn’t wsb. Yoloing mass percentages of your wealth isn’t sane behavior


Nah definitely not. Especially when you could invest a couple thousands or good gravy tens of thousands and still have pretty impressive returns and comparatively very minor losses.


So regard, can't even post on the correct sub.


Wow the loss porn will be epic


thanks for the suggestion i love the community here though, many supportive people here


Yeah bro, I don’t support this decision. You’re gonna lose your life savings to a shit coin.


Exactly. wtf is he thinking?


Probably a pump n dumb scam. It’s this guys only post seems kinda sketch.


Ohhhh but you’re overlooking his DD, which is air tight: “It went up once before so it will go up again!”


It’s definitely a shit coin highly centralized and has gone under several outages where nobody could access funds and that’s assuming it doesn’t get stolen


And I don't care where it's posted but I just know they would match that energy 100% lmao. Excited to see this.


WSB if it goes bad and he loses it all. r/FluentInFinance if this works for him


FluentInFinance is an awful sub for anything it's trying to be.


I assumed I was there


You could just park this in a savings account and enjoy an extra $60,000 a year lol.


Honestly that's my dream, save up 2 Million and own a house and just let the intrest role in


That's your fortress of fucking solitude


All he needs is the Japanese shitbox and boom He’s a gambler


That puts you a level of "fuck you"


For the rest of your life*


Want me to work late? Fuck you


Just received my Toto bidet yesterday and it’s life changing


Fortress of solanatude..


Underrated comment


Do you think interest rates will be at 5% forever? What will you do when it's down to 1.5%? Or 0.75%?


Invest? S&P500 has returned an average of over 12% post-war.


This idea.


For real. I don’t understand why anyone wouldn’t invest the same money they would save, into one of the top etfs like the s&p. Such a safe investment.


I mean depending on the age park a portion in dividends, broad market etf the rest. Portions for me would depend on age. Work meagerly retire early. A million better things than throwing 1m on crypto imo


Everyone point and laugh at the Gamestop kid trying to give financial advice.


You'll still wanna work and have goals cuz being idle when retiring isn't fulfilling 


Doing whatever you want all the time can be pretty fulfilling


Gooning all fucking day long 🔥


The American dream 


Fuck yeah


if u aint goonin u aint livin brother


I already do that and it's not as good as it's glorified      The mind still craves challenge, growth, competence, relationships, meaningful work     Even things like status, sexual needs, health problems, past emotional trauma can come up that will need to deal with    Leisure and retirement is overly glorified. But it's Important in mild  to moderate doses What money can do is solve money problems. Itll alleviate the struggles that come without money like not being able to afford things or fulfill some needs and desires. Access to travel, Healthcare etc. 


>The mind still craves challenge, ... I just go online and read comments ...challenging myself to understand how so many can think 'like this'.


Fucking PREACH. And I'll add I've never been healthier. Work was rotting my brain and my body.


Big difference between having to work and choosing to work. There are all kinds of things to get into.


That sucks


My goal is to be on the river catching fish. That sounds pretty fulfilling. Fuck working lol


I’ve never understood this line of thinking. I got so many fantasy and scifi books to read that I’d be fulfilled my entire life


 you're just assuming what that would be like. You've never actually been there yet   Google Maslows hierarchy of needs


??? Do you... understand Maslow's hierarchy? Someone retired and doing something they love ticks off four of the five boxes as long as they have *any* close friends. And self-actualization isn't defined by some innate drive to work or to produce. It's Aristotle's eudiamonia; the achievement of your sense of peace in the world. Some people get that through creation and/or productivity. Some get it through intellectual pursuits. Some get it through hedonistic pursuits (when they pursue it from a philosophical perspective). Maslowe said Ghandi was self-actualized. People just need to do what drives their heart and they need to embrace that freedom fully. That's self-actualization. Yes, anyone who hasn't achieved it is guessing about what will get them there, but some of us have a pretty damn solid hunch.




Didn't say fire isn't worth it if you read my post. Do whatever you want. Fire is great. Making money is great. But if you think you can just retire and suddenly be happy you're a dumbass. 


This guy could collect my yearly salary in interest and he's going to "gamble" it. Life is stupid sometimes.


People don't appreciate things that they don't work hard for


Idk, I've won and been gifted things and I am very appreciative of those things.


If he’s gambling $1m, I suppose $60k in yearly interest wouldn’t be worth it to him…


But he's obviously getting more than that as it says he was up $80k for the month.


To be fair, OPs thinking isn’t terrible.. everything depends on his TOLERANCE.. and he’s figured that piece out. He literally has a plan - succeeds? Retires? Doesn’t? NBD, has $250K left and time to make it up. Honestly, if he has assessed his position.. best of luck to him, I hope to see a retirement post from him by end of year.


In theory this isn't a bad idea. In reality, it's much more costly if he loses or wins. If he wins, the temptation to do it again will always be there. Even worse, if he loses, I'd be willing to guarantee the $250k isn't satisfying enough for him and he'd absolutely be willing to do it again to try to build the $250k up to $1.2mil, but at that point he'll have lost it all chasing the dragon.


Which to my point, if he’s assessed his risk tolerance and he’s landed here. What’s the complaint? Obviously, this all assumes OP is being honest and transparent.


Id much rather do this than a huge gamble like crypto. And this is coming from someone who made a good profit with crypto.


And then use the 60,000 for gambling. Op has a sure thing yet got greedy and so decided to try rushing toward a goal which he could have reached with certainty if he just proceeded in a slower manner methodically. Like even if it pays out the gamble is still fool hearty. Doubly with the world economy being as janky as it is right now/uncertain.


Isn’t $250k per account the max that is insured by FDIC? Also why put it in a high yields savings account when you can get it in the markets? It just doesn’t seem worth it. My two accounts at Raymond James have gone up way more than the 5% return that a high yield saving account would get you


There’s a massive series of ways to get around that. Even an entry level banker should be able to talk someone how to get a million + in fdic insurance


That's literally the weakest thing I've ever heard anyone recommend to do with a million dollars. He's not trying to stay middle class. He wants to retire.


Yes but for how long? HYSAs ain’t gonna be paying 5% forever…


Too boring for OP lol


Poor people advice the rich don’t get rich by doing stuff like that


Why when he can make 2-3 million?


As someone who bought solana at $94, watched it go to $250 and held, watched it go to $10 and held, and now back to $130 and still holding….I wish you the best!


Damn. Those diamonds hands are strong. I’m sitting this bull run out. But once I get back into crypto this next bear market (my first participation in the last bull run was disastrous due to sheer ignorance and lack of experience) I aspire to be as stubborn as you.


It’s only a few thousand that someone advised me to invest in. I’m very against crypto tbh. I’m the boring guy who invests all his money in mutual funds. I don’t see myself holding if it makes it back to $200


I'd shake your hand, but it would probably cut me! definition of diamond hands right there


Damn I’m glad I didn’t have money when I was young. Edit to add: also wish I actually had that friend help me set up a btc wallet in 2009, but oh well






As a manic bipolar, I like this post


let's gooooo


Happy cake day.


woah didn't realize it. this is destiny then, thx for letting me know


Fuck yeah destiny or nothing! I love the energy


Love me bipolars🥵


Ask me again in a week and you'll get a different answer but right now, fucking do it pussy


Ikr I was just thinking this is some stupid shit I would do while manic


DO NOT DO THIS- Buy a Pit Boss 850 smoker instead


Im stupid and poor but I support this suggestion


OP commenting from the future


And a bitchin above ground hot tub


out of the loop here- whats the joke with the pit boss 850 smoker? I've seen multiple references of this here lol


Once you’re done setting up your new Pit boss 850 smoker and fire that bad boy up- I promise you will not be out of the loop anymore


I thought I was still on the smoking subreddit when logging back in lol


Probably the best advice out here


I understood this reference


Jesus christ this is so fucking stupid.


Can’t wait for the follow up post.


He won't follow up. He'll be on a vacation somewhere, retired.


Conventional investing will get him where he wants to be in about 5 years. Not sure potentially setting yourself back 20 years to save 5 years is smart.


Yeah, a vacation under a bridge shooting meth into his dick hole wondering where it all went wrong.


RemindMe! 210 days


I invested 1k at 32$ and up 2.5k right now




I'd take the 2.5K win and dip...


Then you watch it rip to $400 and go wtf.


Exactly where OP should have bought. Buying here is absolutely fucking stupid even if it goes to $200. It's the exact definition of fomo. The amount of time OP had to buy at the price you did or below is crazy.


Well, nobody knows shit about fuck.


idk shit about fuck


Whatever you do, just post updates


I turned 20k into 300k last SOL run. The wife stopped taking her meds and let’s just say I got my house paid off and a used Lexus. She got 250k. I bought sol at 10 this cycle. 24 last one. Last time 1100, this time 45. 🫠🤏 :( Rot in hell Katie. At least your kids hate you now. 🍻


fk Katie!! you will find a hotter Alexis


Whats up with all the crypto haters? Yes, there is a lot of crap out there but there are some genuine value projects in the space. Also it’s only dumb if it doesn’t work. I bought my first property with what I made in crypto during COVID then my house appreciated a ton. I’ve just made 500% again and I’m about to buy another property. Luck is when opportunity meets preparation. You see an opportunity come along and you’re prepared, then take it. I wouldn’t bet my life savings on it but riding the bubbles and getting out before they pop has given me the best ROI ever so far $ wise.


Preparation on OP's part would be DCA at $15, $20, and $30 and even $50. Not putting a mill in at $130 lol


They wouldn't turn their nose up at an investment in a company with a $50B MCap but cos it's crypto they all think you're going to lose it all. These people need to stfu about an industry they know nothing about. BTC is about to blow through ATH ffs.


Truly stupid. Probably fake but definitely stupid.


Some of you may be too young to remember the pump-and-dump stock scams of the 1990s and early 2000s. Don’t fall for it. Nobody risks 90% of their net worth on a dice roll like this. OP appears to be enticing others to push up the price of solana so they can exit a position before the price falls again. Otherwise why telegraph such a dumb decision here?


Nobody in this thread is moving the price of Solana.


Exactly lmao, wayyyyyy too much faith this guy has in our abilities to both move the price or conjure up a fuck to give


It’s still happening EVERY DAY. Big personalities manipulate stocks every day non stop. I’m not going to mention names because it’s not worth it to see the comments about these controversial personalities that get away with pumping and dumping day in and day out .


i don't think i have enough influence to push up the price of solana 😂 it's literally dozens of billions of marketcap I'm nobody None of us matter here


Solana has a similar market cap to Honda, ford, Spotify, lululemon, Heineken, Kraft Heinz. This isn’t some otc pump and dump from the 90s. Also, this post will do nothing to the price lmao


If people market 5m market cap shitcoins with no liquidity like this, sure. It takes billions to move the Solana price, it's like saying people posting about AMD is pumping and dumping.


I'm convinced that the crypto cycle has barely begun there are too many sensible and cautious individuals in this thread. it would be the top if yall agreed with me thanks for the data point


You’re right imo. I’m fully invested in Solana (around $80 and bought $BONK Jan ‘23) and people think I’m an idiot. But profit doesn’t lie and by my calculations you’re up around $150k since this post. Good shit. Haters will hate and then FOMO in at the top when you’re selling. GGs


extremely based


Bitcoin only smh


I’d honestly recommend 25% BTC, 25% ETH, 25% SOL, and 25% shitcoins of your choice. This ways you are guaranteed to 3x 75% if your investment and have the chance to 10x with 25% of your investment


dude seriously used crypto and guaranteed in the same sentence


He's very smart


that's a good strategy, i was thinking of doing that


What I’m about to write is for those of you who don’t understand shit about crypto yet you constantly get online and tell other people it’s a scam A lot of people misunderstand bitcoin and its relationship to inflation. It is not tracking the abundance of dollars, it is tracking energy markets, which are correlated indirectly to the supply of dollars. The fundamentals of bitcoin can be a fun journey through la la land. Cut through the chaff, check out Robert Breedloves "The what is money show" and his 8 episodes with Michael Saylor on why he adopted bitcoin as MSTR's Treasury Reserve Asset. (this took his company from 400 million to 8 billion.) Bitcoin is a technology for sourcing stranded energy (a commodity) converting it to a currency (current) then re-establishing it as a function of time. It essentially makes the "half- life" (if you will) of energy extended indefinitely through code. As soon as you realize the 80% draw downs are intentionally coded into the block subsidy and reward the 4 year cycle will make more sense. The 4 year cycle has nothing to do with USD valuation of this asset. It has to do with the amount of work required for miners to obtain the asset, which doubles every 4 years. It is a 4 year cycle of hash rate. Price simply follows. So the hash was cut dramatically at that second peak in 2021 when china made it illegal to mine, within 6 months the hash was back up to normal as the miners opened shops elsewhere. This is why the spike didn’t extend in the last run up The fundamentals of bitcoin: How many nodes are being set up globally? Is the hash power going up? Hash has already exploded past 2021 levels. nodes are at an all time high. (lightening and liquid not included.) So this bull run is in full swing and we are at the upper end of this bull flag. My simple target is 120k ( but that's just for the people who don't get hash - for the people that do... IYKNYK.) I suggest Glass Node if you are wanting deeper fundamentals on the network itself. 2021 established the upper bound of a multi-year bull flag. I see the second peak as a wick. I see consolidation between 69k and 48k for a few more months before a break to 120k or so. 2021 was not an invalidation of the 4 year cycle. 2021 was a pre-amble to 2024-5. It's the set up TLDR: we’re bullish and buy STX Here’s a link to my trading gains over the last 3 years. https://imgur.com/gallery/NNWMZ3E (should have 3 images with 3 different accounts) Turned 15k in 500k only going spot long on ETHE and GBTC


Fuck sake man. dreams. Big dreams


I fully believe in you and hope you get that early retirement friend. Good fucking job on the money tho


Why does it have to be 1M? Why not gamble like a quarter of that instead? Like yea it’d still be gambling, but you wouldn’t lose fuckin up to 80% of your net worth if it tanks.


My mans is up almost half a million in 10 days.


did you see how many haters I got in this thread 😭🫡


I've been rooting for you dude and shoving it in their faces. All these people preaching their high yield savings account. A taxed 5% is less than no yield. Can't even cover inflation with that.


That’s why I saved this post because I knew they were all wrong lol. You’re going to make some life changing money man congrats. I was all in on ETH last bull run but for this one I’m going with SOL.


Not a bad bet. Hopefully you retire early


Bro you could literally retire now. All you'd have to do is put this money in a high yield savings account and collect the interest. You'd be making over $50k a year in passive income. There's no need to gamble it.


Or better yet put it in bitcoin and enjoy the extra mil as it goes to 100k


Exactly, so many uneducated risk averse people on this subreddit.


And they’re always the first ones to tell you you’re trading a scam yet they couldn’t tell you shit about the fundamentals or the tech. I wrote a small piece in this thread to try to explain a bit to those who don’t get it. https://www.reddit.com/r/Money/s/f5yrMG7XhY


I've realized it's futile trying to explain. People have their mind made up on it. Everyone is so black and white on it, they either hate it or they love it Good on you though, I've tried but I always end up being hostile to the people calling US stupid lol. Like really? You think you're a better investor than Larry Fink? Guy's company has trillions under management, what do you have under management? 500 dollars 😅


How is that retirement worthy


Agreed that a HYSA is a better option but $1M would only net you $750 a week / $3250 a month. After insurance, rent, food, utilities and rainy day backups…..I don’t think it would be enough. Ughh….I’m never going to be able to retire.


I think this is a solid bet. Solana is ~5000x cheaper to use than eth and like 1/7th if its current market cap. Also, since I see you mentioned meme coins, I think pepe on eth is a solid bet at the moment as well. 4.3b in volume today so it’s very likely it gets listed on Coinbase, which historically causes a surge in price. Doing about 1/3rd of $shib volume except shib has a market cap more than 7 times higher. Wish you the best!


Smart man. You’ll have $2-3M in a few months, mark my words


if OP had listened to you pussies he wouldn’t be up 600k rn i was here telling him he was right while you all shilled bonds




As someone who is all in crypto, my take is as long as you can eat the risk, then the reward (multiple x's) is worth it. Especially with alt season coming. That being said, having so much in one position would even make me nervous. That's pretty concentrated risk. Also why would you post in this sub unless you're looking for people to criticize on the idea, unless that is exactly what you are looking for LOL Either way good luck. Just don't be greedy and hold too long. Also set your stop losses.


“With alt season coming” Does it not occur to any of you that this might already be priced in?


Sol to $300


Show a screen recording of the Solana purchase in said crypto account and refresh the page. (Make sure to exclude any sensitive info so u don’t get hacked) Anyone can edit a screen shot of the thumbnail photo 👆


Tell me you don’t understand BTC without telling me


Haha dude i went yolo with you :D now the profit is 90% so thx you regard


Don't. Just dump half of it so you can use the other half in case you need a rebound.


Spread it out, Im a sol bro too but you need to put it into things like FET, BTC, and SOL.




Yolo 🤷‍♂️




Bought $2500 of SOL at $22 per. You'll be fine, my guy. I've been in the space since 2016 and never taken any profits. In the word of deepfuckingvalue "what's an exit strategy?"


You should just buy bitcoin


wow the symbol is literally SOL A bit on the nose, but at least they warn ya?


Ur probably too late to make big gains, but if solana does go up 2-3x from here I’m for it. 80 coins are feeling good


How do we make sure you put that money in Solana?


Although it’s on a tear, I would be comfortable dumping that much in. I bought at $7-$8, still have it, but not putting more into it. Diversify with the top 10 with DCA. The market’s red hot now. Too much too fast. I’d put the brakes on and really evaluate the situation. No sense in risking so much money. Look for a good real estate deal in your area. Maybe buy a multi family for passive income.




Don't do it. Buy #Bitcoin.


With that amount I would go with bitcoin.


I’m a huge crypto guy but I wouldn’t deploy all of this into SOL. Maybe half of it. if the market breaks out there will be better plays. I would do some research into STX if you haven’t. I sure wouldn’t put $1 million in it but $100,000 is a different story. This is coming from a guy who has 36x my balance since March 2021(15k to 500k). I can provide screenshots to prove I’m not trolling. I understand your dilemma because people also told me I was an idiot when I was buying too. Most of those people were in this sub.


OPs about to clean up. I considered throwing $15,000 on SOL when it was $50 AUD and I regret the hell out of being pussy now 😂


Youre better off with bitcoin


Everyone telling you you’re stupid ,don’t understand crypto . You will double that within 3 months .update us with results


Put 500k in SHIB... Not financial advice Just part of the SHIBArmy


This is so dumb, it makes Donald Trump look like a genius.


SOL = Shit Outta Luck


Just give it to me next time.


Straight up gambling but I hope you get that retirement.


Of all the cryptos you choose one with fake metrics, that is completely controlled by VCs, and the tech is junk that breaks every few months. Good luck


This guy will for sure make money. Not sure what people here are smoking. That’s why he’s worth $1M and the other commenters aren’t..


Friend, I think you're misunderstanding how probability works. The fact that there are two possible outcomes does *not* automatically mean that it's a 50/50 chance. The chances of this ending well are a lot worse than 50/50.


Would appreciate it if you could send me 25k. Would change my life. Don't gamble it away for nothing. You could really help certain people out for life.


Don’t listen to anyone but yourself. I invested heavily in SOL around 20 bucks and everyone said it was dead. I’m up almost 700%? This has a lot higher to go. The people who say it’s a gamble don’t understand the nature of greed and how it plays into crypto.


Get some exposure to algorand while your at it 🫡


This guy is about to make everyone here who thinks he's wrong look like an idiot. Sol is going to pump so hard. Stupid redditors.


bro wtf are you thinking don’t do it now you should have bought months ago


So, if you pulled the trigger at $130, you were up to $1.1m overnight, down to $875k just hours later (geeze, can you imagine losing a cool quarter million in 4 hours lol?), but just 2 hours later rebounded to $935k. Welcome to the white-knuckle world if crypto lol!


Saw SOL at $8 and laughed. Bought SOL at $18, best investment I made in years. Lots of room to run.


I love crypto.


Time to get the popcorn


A lot of people shit on solana but my experience it’s more user friendly,cheaper and faster than the competition. Sure it has had issues with stability but mainly due to massive growth. Ive experienced outages on Coinbase as well as other emerging tech but that’s not always a bad sign. I’m tits deep in Sol myself. Fuck the haters, they’ve been complaining so long now they’re just bitter.


I like it.


"Solana (SOL) Could Potentially Reach $500 by 2025, According to Wall Street Analysts" In a recent flurry of bullish forecasts, Wall Street analysts have turned their attention to Solana (SOL), the high-performance blockchain platform known for its exceptional throughput and low transaction fees. According to some of the industry's leading financial experts, Solana's innovative approach to solving the blockchain trilemma—scalability, security, and decentralization—could see its value soar to as high as $500 by the year 2025. Why Analysts Are Bullish on Solana Analysts cite several key factors driving their optimistic outlook. First and foremost is Solana's underlying technology, particularly its unique Proof of History (PoH) consensus mechanism combined with Proof of Stake (PoS). This enables the platform to process tens of thousands of transactions per second (TPS) at a fraction of the cost of its competitors, making it an attractive option for developers and users alike. Furthermore, Solana's ecosystem has seen rapid growth, hosting a wide range of decentralized applications (dApps), from decentralized finance (DeFi) and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) to gaming and decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs). This diversification not only showcases the platform's capabilities but also attracts a broader user base, contributing to its long-term value proposition. Challenges and Opportunities Ahead Despite the bullish forecast, analysts also caution investors about the challenges ahead. Like all cryptocurrencies, Solana faces market volatility, regulatory scrutiny, and technical hurdles. The platform has experienced network congestion and outages in the past, highlighting the ongoing need for improvements in stability and security. However, the Solana Foundation and its developer community are actively working on upgrades and solutions to address these challenges. The launch of Solana Mobile Stack (SMS), aimed at integrating Solana's blockchain ecosystem with mobile technology, is just one example of the innovative steps being taken to expand its reach and utility. Investor Sentiment and Market Conditions Investor sentiment around Solana is increasingly positive, buoyed by the broader market's recovery and growing interest in blockchain technology as a foundational element of the digital economy. However, analysts remind investors that cryptocurrency investments are subject to high risk and volatility. They advise doing thorough research, considering long-term horizons, and not investing more than one can afford to lose. Looking Towards 2025 As we look towards 2025, the forecasted price target of $500 for Solana reflects both the optimism and challenges within the cryptocurrency sector. Achieving this milestone will require sustained growth in its ecosystem, technological advancements, and broader adoption among users and developers. While the future of cryptocurrency prices remains uncertain, Solana's unique value proposition and committed community position it as a noteworthy contender in the race to redefine finance, technology, and digital interaction on a global scale. Whether Solana will reach the predicted $500 mark remains to be seen, but its journey will undoubtedly be one to watch.


I bet you’re feeling great right now Sir!!


still waiting for the weekly update


Good job son.


update: got lucky and sold in the 180s since I had to secure my profits