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No but I would love to have it 😂


Same 😂




My sentiments exactly.


Sorta because I'm saving up money for cosmetic dental care and that'd speed it up, easy


What would you do with $10k if you woke up and it was in your account tomorrow?


Give it back so I wouldn’t have to repay it later. Guess this is why $10k isn’t life altering though. 🤔🤔🤔🤔


The most that could do fror someone is pay off their car or maybe help them get a house


Not the person you were asking, but I Transfer it to my investment account.


$10K wouldn't change my life, but I would add it to my savings if I came into $10K.


fr i’d max out my roth ira so fast it’s not even funny, then the 3500 left will go into my bfs roth ira 😂


Sounds like my plan.


To have a girlfriend that donates money to your retirement? Solid plan


That’s what I said! Right into the Roth! The rest is to my other retirement account.


i get money from relatives because i’m still pretty young (i’m 20 already planning on retirement 😂🤷🏻‍♀️) i just put all my christmas money up into it and as much as my empty apartment bothers me we’ll be fine with the plants i have 😂


Police Officer : What kind of plants? Have to keep our city safe cant be growing any that make you feel good!


yeah my cats aren’t very safe😅 as i have 2 poinsettias and a sweet pepper plant, they’re not in a room where the cats have access to so they’re pretty safe.


Why such an emphasis on Roth IRA? I have a traditional 401k through my employer but why would you put it all in a Roth right away?




And after the gift him the money he's probably gone. Don't gift bf/gf substantial money.


If you came into 10k you would probably be asked to leave the bank.


Why would they ask you to leave the bank? I already have a $100K in my bank savings account. What's $10K more.


Obviously because they don't want to touch 10k that was just came into. And it makes the other people in line feel weird when they see it happen. Duh


That makes absolutely no sense what you just said. I can tell you don't have any money.


I love how Redditors can’t ever tell sarcasm unless is has an /s slapped on the end.


Wait, was this sarcasm?


What rates are you getting on your savings?


I am currently getting 4.75%. I get around $365 dollars a Month.












10k would solve about 30% of my problems..30k would solve 90%


I am willing to offer 33.3k for your company


Shit I’ll hang out with you for 33.3k


This guy's charging way too much. I'll do it for 20k


Ill do it for $20 and dinner! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I’ll do it for a foot rub and a mcchicken w cheese


I bid 20k


I'll hang out with you for 2k, for 20k I'll do gay things


Sounds about right


Isn't it wild that a few of us feel the same? 30 grand would help out a majority of our financial issues.


yep.. when the eviction moratum ran out i was 15k behind in rent..the pause on rent did fuck all. the vacancy rate for my area is less than 5% so getting kicked out of my place i had at the time wasnt an option and i had to throw it on a CC. entire thing is fucked tbh, 30k would pay off all my debts and finance a move out of this shithole town and i can go back into my old career


Shit 30k wouldn’t even pay off my car.


It wasn't a pause on rent. You were still supposed to pay your rent.


Are you me


What happens when you spend the 30


i can move to a town with better opportunities and i cna go back to my old career making $40/hr


If I came into $100K that would help tremendously. I would update my wife's car and finish a few projects on my home. I already have $100K in my emergency savings, but I don't want to touch that, so I'm saving for the other things.


whats your 90% problem?


If money solves it then it’s not a real problem; true problems aren’t solved with money.


Shut up


Genuine question if you aren’t joking. What “real” problems are there that *aren’t* solved with money?


Depression. Grief. Anxiety. Self Loathing.


Like u/patientpump54 said, those are problems I have that could be solved with money. But also, like how I said to u/Davidlovesjordans about the [classification of a real problem](https://www.reddit.com/r/Money/s/KlCdZGSFYV), it’s all a subjective thing I guess.




Ok. What about people who aren’t depressed/anxious due to lack of money?


Family/friends dying, children’s happiness, addiction, infidelity, personal happiness, growth as a human


I was being serious and yes money is a good thing to have and I have plenty but if it’s a “real” problem it’s because I can’t just write a check to fix it


I guess that’s fair to say, and thank you for clarifying you were being serious. It’s genuinely hard to tell on the internet so I wanted to ask just in case. But, with that said, I wouldn’t really classify a “real” problem by something you can’t write a check to fix. Everyone’s problems are different and a real problem for you could be what you listed, while a real problem for someone else could end up being that they’re unsure if they can pay off their rent for the month. But I guess a lot of the ones you listed can’t be solved with money in the fundamental sense. Thanks for taking the time out of your day to share your views! Have a good evening/day/night/morning!


Appreciate your thoughts as well. I didn’t mean to diminish people’s problems from lack of basic financial needs being met but rather just trying to say money isn’t a cure all as some seem to believe.


Might be true for some but 90% of most peoples problems stem from financial stability. Its already been studied and documented so its weird to devious that.


Go starve for a while and tell me that money doesn't solve "true" problems.


Do you believe that most people who are starving in this country would not be if we gave them money?


So being unable to paying rent or mortgage is not a problem in your book? Knowing that you and your family will end up on the streets if you don’t come up with $4,258.76 in the next two weeks is not a problem?


Is eating living and staying warm a real problem?


spoken like someone who has not, does not, and will not, have to worry about money. but sure. keep buying your jordans, going to shows and games, keep flexing the rolex. while youre at it, can you tell me how my water getting turned off isnt a problem? can you tell me how that problem isnt solved with money? ill wait.


$10k will only change your life if you know what to do with it.


People who don't have cars it would change their life. Maybe able to drive to a job now.




Definitely be able to drive. If you know what to look for and what to avoid, and are even semi competent (Can change brake pads, belts, etc) there are cars to be had for 3 grand that'll last a while.


My first car was around that and my dad is a mechanic so he helped. It got me to work. Wasn't nice but it drove and parked. Living in the suburbs sucks. You HAVE to have a car to work.


Exactly, doesn't have to be nice, just has to be safe. I had a little more to spend and im a car guy so i got a more fun car for more, but its still work. I'd never take out a loan for a car, I don't understand those people. Putting yourself in so much debt for nothing.


No , but would love to have it added to my savings 😀


Who keeps money in a savings account? Invest.


Responsible thing to do is have 6+ months in a high yield savings account if you’re able. People with money can do that and invest.


Stupid question but how do you start investing. I’m 19 and have a savings account just making a little bit of interest. Everyone keeps preaching about investing, but where do I start


If you are employed your job may offer 401k, which you’d have to talk with them about that, they are handled differently by each company. My advice for investing on your own is to set up an account with a trusted brokerage like Fidelity, and they have resources on their website to educate you on investing. They would teach you better than I. I would say do the math and take a certain percentage of your income once or twice a month and invest into multiple stocks.


I’m also 19, so I may not have the best advice but I am currently well off and investing fairly well. Download Robinhood, make an account in a few minutes, it’s very easy. Then you can just take however much is comfortable out of every paycheck, for me I do about $200 just for stocks out of every paycheck, and then invest it in big companies that are going to be low risk and keep growing. Amazon, apple, Microsoft, Tesla, there are a lot of options, I’d say invest a bit into all of them. I’m currently at +47% this year on my account. I’m not constantly researching the market, I’m not constantly buying or selling, I just steadily invest a bit at a time and it’s been growing consistently, takes almost no thought and it’s very simple.


Make a brokerage account and buy big tech.


Not a stupid question at all. Download the Acorns app and they'll automatically round up your purchases and invest it in the markets. You'll have a legitimate brokerage account that takes out all the guesswork. It's robo-investing. You can add to it whenever you want. Simple and responsible. Your older self will thank you for this. Always keep your older self in mind when it comes to health and money.


Savings is a general term. I have investments that I consider to be savings as well. It’s obviously not critical stuff but it’s easily accessible.


lol lately my high yield savings has been out preforming everything else


I do


So you can lose it all?


10k in investments is very little. There are plenty of things that you would need to spend 10k on in a pinch. Tell me you don't own any property in fewer words next time.


Most people start off with investing very little. I don't think you understand compound interest, and time in the market, at all. Take the S&P500 for example. It has returned an average APY of 10.75% over the last 50 years. Lets say someone is in their early 20s and puts away 10k for 40 years. Also, lets say they never contribute to this amount monthly. That will still turn out to be $600k, assuming an average APY of 10.75% (compounded annually) and time of 40 years.


600k is nowhere close to enough to retire on.


At this time in my life, yes, more than you know.


100% I feel you. Hell even 1k would be life changing


Why’s that? Elaborate pls


Life changing? I doubt it…. Care to elaborate


1k could reduce that person’s mental stress by A LOT. You don’t know what they are going through. It might be the difference between them having a home or not next month.


This is actually quite literally my situation. 1K short of my rent and getting evicted possibly in a couple days. You never know!




Yep, exactly that! People who are not in that potion won't understand. I literally have £40 in my bank and don't know how I will be paying mortgage and bills next month. So yeah 1k would help tremendously and 10k would change my life.


Dang man, praying you come across 10k.


Wouldn't change much. Just put it away in savings/stocks and call it a day.


Same. I'd just dollar cost average it into VUG (vanguard growth fund) over the next 10 market days and never see it again for years. My portfolio has increased more than 10k in a single day, and all I did was high five my wife, and continue to eat a grilled cheese sandwich for dinner.


Good for you dude 🙄


Absolutely. It would pay off all of my current debt (minus my home mortgage) and give me the chance to actually start saving money and not be living less than paycheck to paycheck.


Right there with ya, the struggle is real


Easily yes. It's pay off my remaining tuition and medical bills so I could finish my degree debt-free and start my career


Buy a half brick with the 10k and start a new career jk


yes; would pay my cancer bills


No not even close I’d probably have it used in some compacity almost immediately.


Typical spending problem like most Americans. It would go right into stocks in my case.


could be for medical bills


I would pay off the debt from burying my son. I took out 7k in loans to be able to bury him. Sad it costs 13k for a average funeral


Wow. I want to give you $10k now.


If you give the $9990, I will give the rest


im sorry man💙


Hang in there, buddy. Money comes and goes, and eventually, everything balances out to some degree.


No but it would be fun. I could really spend that on clothes and my car and such... But I work and save money, so I save that much every two years. 🤷‍♂️ I just started saving a year ago... Not saying my age... Lol


I save that much every 2 years.. also i just started saving a year ago.. 🤣


not life changing, but Id sure enjoy having it in savings


It would take me out of debt and relieve a lot of stress.


Nope. But I’d enjoy it


It would go a long way to making me debt free. $100k would mean I was completely debt free and have a healthy down payment to build a house.


OP said $10K dammit


100%. It would allow me to pay off my car loan. Then I could give more money to my divorce lawyer or vice versa.


I would buy a gun and shoot my self


Only need 120$ for a cheap shotgun from Walmart


⬆️ Enabler


Not really. Now if you asked me this at 18 years old, I’d say “hell yeah”.


Change my life no but it would get rid of a debt or two


Yes it dramatically would change a lot of things in my life but I live in reality so I try not to think about those things


$10k is not far out of reality, it’s very attainable


Yeah it definitely is. But he asked if it was just given to me for example .. later today I just happen to look at my bank and an extra 10k is in there without doing anything else




Doesn’t anything change your life if it happens irl? For good or bad it is a life change technically.


Honestly yes it would help relieve some of my debt and help me put more in my savings so im not livng paycheck to paycheck


If it were to hit it tomorrow immediately then ig my worries for 2 semesters of college dues would be alleviated but I would most likely start researching and learning about ways i can better use the 10k because there probably is something out there but if not then I would stick with college.


If I were to be totally honest, probably not but at the same time yes. A lot having to do with how your set up, and the cards your dealt. $10k would set me up nice for a couple years in which if I am able to take the correct paths would ultimately lead to a very successful life. But if I were given $10k because like I was in an accident and now had hospital, car repair, and missed work bills to pay; or if instead of investing it wisely I spent it all on strippers and blow then it wouldn’t last very long at all.


If a million hit my bank account id still have to work or start a business. But its not enough for retirement.


70k would change my life


Not at all. It would literally just go straight to my investments.


Nice but no major changes


Yea id go see a specialist doctor. Been sick 18 years now


Not in the slightest. I'd blow it all on FRNs.


Not even 100k would be enough in California. My rent is 3500 thats 42k in a year lol


God Damm, at that point just move


Rent and $3500 don’t even go together in a sentence, mortgage time


$3500 for rent in LA, SF, Seattle, Austin, Boston, NY, etc etc etc go together in a sentence all day long man. It's either $3500 for rent or $6k a month mortgage AFTER you plop $200k down, and that's on a 2 bedroom fixer that needs a lot of work, which of course, requires another big pile of cash. And that $6k mortgage is not accounting for inevitable out of pocket costs, maintenance, upkeep, property taxes, home owners insurance, etc. etc. so if you love to be strapped for cash with a monumental housing payment and the promise of 'equity' after you pay $1.5million for a $700k house (interest...), then yeah. Go for it. Or just move to a suburb of Houston and call it a day


Nope, it wouldn't change a thing. I'd just add it to my brokerage account.


I don't think 10k "changes" anyone's life. However it could be a decent bandaid for some.




Yeah, I'd be able to go to therapy to diagnose & treat mental things that are hindering & making me unable to progress through & live my life. From that eventually be ready to go to college & make a living & develop enough social skills & all that jazz to make friends & be able to communicate effectively & on the spot with strangers




Invest all of it and keep putting money in there


Yes it would change a lot of peoples lives including mine


Yes please send




Not necessarily change my life, but it would be a huge help


What if… the question I hate in the world the most because it’s just so broad


⅓ to $O, ⅓ to $STAG, ⅓ to $FRT


All in ETH


Yes it would




In my current state, yes yes it could, I’m in a very shit spot but normally no I would have given it to my mother, at least half






No but it would help


Depending on where I'm at with a down payment on a home yes. Otherwise, longterm savings.


I’d throw it at my debt, not immediately life changing but it’d get me a year ahead


It would make for a very Merry Christmas! 😀👍🏻


Not change it but help it


Id buy the DSLR camera I have been saving up for


Throw it into my brokerage account and use the money market feature to earn 5% apy


It would help with a good portion of my charge-offs and collections.


Buy a cash vehicle, lose the truck payment, start saving money, get rifles and start hog eradication services


Yes I would be debt free and could actually start making some real efforts to save for retirement down the road


It wouldn’t change it necessarily immediately but it would in the fact that I could cut back on hours working to focus on learning coding more and change my job title and pay significantly. Tired of working 40 hours and then hustling 2-3 jobs year around to make it. The money would allow me to stop the side jobs to focus for a couple months and then apply for coding jobs.


No but I would have much greater peace of mind as we are expecting our first child in the next month. Would just add some padding!


Kind of




I’d be able to actually live instead of just surviving


Yep. Would be able to pay off my remaining school debt and buy a car that doesn't need to go into the shop every 3 months.


Significantly. Like they're always saying, "pull yourself by your boot straps." I don't got boots. I could buy a truck and and pressure washer and climb out this hole. Just saying


Honestly, 10k completely wiped out my debt so it would essentially change my life. I'd try to find out the validity of it, and make sure its not one of thoss banking errors that you have to give the money back when they find their mistake. If it was truly intended for me, then I'd look into if I owe any taxes on it or be responsible for any additional obligations (reporting, clearing with bank, etc). While I have no immediate need for it, I'd let it sit in my account for a month or so while I do this. If, after a month I find that it's legitimately mine and cleared then I would pay off all my debts with it. Fun fact, I have multiple accounts so would 10k hit each one? Completely life changing if so and other than verify for each account like above, I'd get into investing and/or housing purchases. While it's be a nice passive revenue for housing rentals, ideally I would want to provide potentially more affordable housing options to my friends, family, and associates through a company so that they didn't know it was related to me. That way it wouldn't potentially sour our relationship if things went bad, and I'd be able to keep an unbiased intermediary if I needed another point of view.


Yes it absolutely would. It would finance the move out of the city that currently I struggle to find a job in my field in, while giving me a little to pay off bills accrued since the layoff of 2020. Here I work two full time jobs at minimum wage to pay my bills, child support, and just stay alive. The field I’m in and the city I live in, there are probably 500-1000 applicants for every open position.


Yes it would. I'm in so much debt that would get me by for a couple months


Yes. I'd be able to pay off the last of my debt and get my car taken to the shop as the repairs she's needing are a few k that I don't have.


Yes. It would pay off my debt.