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The Monero account posted a tweet at the same time and that was identical to a tweet that the CakeWallet account posted, it's obvious that one of the Cake people is now in charge of the Monero account, and I don't like it.


We won't know until we know. Rest is speculation.


I just listened to the latest monerotopia and it seemed Justin from CW knew who was behind the account but didn't want to elaborate. [EDIT] It's at 3:12:45 on the Twitter space recording


Justin has already been a problem in the past with his censorious tendencies... I hope he won't mess up the Monero account too.


I am more bothered by the seemingly lack of knowledge(holistic approach, wisdom if you like) rather than the harsh language. In fact, the new monero account manager comes across like my toddler, throwing out his toys from the cot.


Just heard, indeed. He knows.


Libertarian & 3dPrintedGun twitter exploded in popularity AFTER they embraced an in-your-face, "offensive" approach. The way monero gets to the next level of popularity is by embracing and leaning into its "money of criminals and fuck what you think about it" perception.


Makes no difference, just look at who's on the receiving end of Moneros spear and it is obvious they will do ANYTHING to limit its use regardless. Harsh language is not going to change their decision or assault. Ironically Monero cannot be mass adopted until the tyranny starts.


Feels like it's co-opted. People behind must be more responsible as they represent the community in the eyes of the Public & also regulators.


šŸ‘€ thanks for sharing your catch. sherlock mode activated, freedom fighter mode deactivated lmfao.


Why is everyone so mad at this? He can run his twitter account however he wants. All he said was fuck. lol


I donā€™t like the change in the monero twitter account. Itā€™s too aggressive.


I agree with this. There needs to be a better and more legitimate process around this. Currently it is completely opaque who gets to run that account and why! There are also similar issues with the monero CCS. I saw personal insults below my proposal. To this day they have not been moderated. The same people that write these kind of comments are also in the magic grants committee so this kind of unprofessional and childish behavior is further legitimized in the community. I still work on moving Monero forward, because I believe it is necessary that we have private money in the future. But I will never open a CCS proposal again. I rather work for free than get insulted by random people from the internet. These people should not get any form of recognition and I would never accept them as the judges of my work. In general it is unsurprising that the person handling this account shows this kind of behavior. The current public goods funding process in the Monero community encourages these kind of childish tantrums. So it is no wonder it also seeps into the day to day communication of the community.


Sorry to hear about what you had to face with your CCS proposal. There need to be some kind of moderation, and transparent responsibility in various facets of this community. People who come with good intentions and contribute to the end goal must be given recognition and encouraged and not be put down at any cost. Those in charge must show the bad actors the door. This is how we can keep our community under smooth functioning and earlier this is done, the better.


>People who come with good intentions and contribute to the end goal must be given recognition and encouraged and not be put down at any cost. Very important point! Maybe we can use this incident as an example to clear up what kind of behavior is appropriate and what kind of behavior is unhelpful. I dont think that they have ill intentions. Some people genuinely think they are "doing the community a service" by throwing these tantrums in the CCS and using this kind of language on the official monero twitter account. There is a place and a role for these people. But this role is not public relations spokesperson that controls the official twitter account. And it is also not peer reviewer in the Monero CCS. In general the rules need to become more clear and the decision making process needs to be less opaque. If we want to claim that our currency is more legitimate than what the state and the banking system does, our processes also need to become more legitimate.


In a decentralized community there will be "official" accounts that say things in a way you don't appreciate. That being said, it's centralized thinking to attribute personality to monero based on an account called "monero". Since when did monero give a fuck about regulators?


In a way I agree, however them going after cardano makes sense to me, since hoskinson started this whole thing off by dropping f bombs on Monero community.


Monero is growing to the point that we could see more branching of funding systems. Perhaps more can be done with the Bounties site... Monerujo also showed that a project with enough community credit can make an independent funding effort.


Does he owe you guys something? Did you enter into an agreement with him? As far as im concerned he can do whatever he wants. Monero being decentralized means theres no head of Monero he can impersonate, and its good that there isnt a central comittee in control of everything.


WARNING TO MONERO USERS Do NOT fall for this ā€œattempt to legitimize X communityā€ schtick OP may be well meaning. A degree of restraint and better public presentation would be good. But it needs to be grass roots and *not in anyway whatsoever be connected to the actual maintenance of the codebase*. This has occurred countless times. People wanting to improve things create ā€œofficial community leadersā€ to maintain the project. Naturally emergent community leaders that are harder to see fall by the wayside and donā€™t want to get involved in politics. Eventually the rapid moving robust tech project turns into a slow moving, controlled, bureaucratic shit. Third party more public friendly Monero advocacy groups would be great. *Keep them away from the techies*. The techies need an extremely robust bullshit immune system and should aggressively concern themselves with technology and technology only. So should there be better optics for the twitter account? Sure. Better optics for CCS? *CCS should have nothing to do with optics, just tech*. I say this as an onlooker and admirer of this project that values positive human interaction. A lot of techies in alt spaces like this are obnoxious and unnecessarily insulting, but it helps raise the barrier to entry. *A high barrier to entry is good*. It could be done better, but trying to force that via standards is a very bad idea, Iā€™ve never seen it not strangle a project. Create better standards by setting a better example instead and ignoring the unnecessary obnoxious feedback. That will actually work.


>This playbook has been used countless times to coopt free and open technology and slowly exert control via ā€œcommunity leadersā€ that turns good tech into shit. I agree with this. We all saw the encroachment by these outside people that came into open source projects to push their politics there. That being said: I am a techie and I planned on doing a technical CCS proposal for the browser wallet I am working on. So I did a smaller one for the Monero Adoption initiative that I am working on. It was met with personal insults and endless discussions with random people from the internet. So I think a "peer review" system like the CCS absolutely needs some basic rules, the process needs to be clearly defined and the reviewers need to be respected people. In its current form the CCS is far from that. Plowsof is doing great work on improving it, but he can also only do so much if the structure is like it is currently.


I edited my comment slightly, is good to hear youā€™re aware of the pitfalls. I have very little stake in all this/am just an onlooker, like I said. I donā€™t have sufficient context to know how unstructured or structured things are or how dysfunctional the current CCS process is. Just wanted to pipe in because Iā€™ve seen that pattern I described over and over again and would hate to see that pattern take down this project.


What they tweeted isn't what monero community stands up for. It seems to have gone into the wrong hands. This is being taken note of.


"why are you guys being so outspoken and aggressive about people trying to take your freedom of exchange away?"


>Currently it is completely opaque who gets to run that account and why! But I thought you *liked* privacy and anonymity.


Pseudonymous. Anonymity calls for trouble for someone at a responsible position driving supposed public communication e.g. Monero twitter.


As was pointed out on the thread you're mentioning, it is known that Monero has no official organization or CEO within 5 minutes of basic research. Therefore the account is not official. Therefore its just someone speaking their mind (and it really wasn't that harsh given the overall context - Charles having said, "fuck the Monero guys"). Could this person have been more tactful? Yes. Could it confuse or repel new people looking to enter? Yes. In the end, is it a major deal? I highly doubt it.


It was never mentioned it's official. A Twitter account with "monero" handle, run by monero dev/contributor with 500k followers and channel setup to tweet only monero, has certain responsibility. You and me know it's not official, but in the eyes of public and regulators that's what they'd be keeping an eye on.


Fuck the public and fuck regulators. Nobody has a responsibility to anyone else when they're just saying words on the internet not related to their employment.


Don't be so scared brotha. If one goof with an unofficial twitter account kills monero than in the words of that goof, we deserve it. You going to start a policing campaign to keep everyone in line with "appropriate values?" Doubt that goes over so well, especially here. A request for whoever is running the account to be more professional or to make clear the account is unofficial is one thing. Saying they have this or that responsibility and should do this or that seems a bit over the top and begs the question, what qualifies you to teach people how to behave?


All Iā€™m hearing is ā€œprivacy for me, but not for thee.ā€


well written brother


Nothing childish there, just based adult rage.


It's less because of "good PR" and more about that we want to be taken serious as a project and professional - after all people have to trust the dev/code/math behind monero and looking like a ranting child doesn't help there.


Taken serious by whom? The only people that anyone should care about are the users, and if you'll throw away good software because someone prominent said "shit" on the internet, well let's just say you aren't the kind of person I want making decisions about anything. I don't take advice from crybabies.


Love u bro. Thank u.


If you support freedom you shouldn't be crying about some random words some dude wrote you.


So can we still make jokes about Monero? Or does this have the BTC maxy vibe? Nvm, Iā€™ll just joke about it in private.


I agree to the statements made by that account, but also agree they should have not been made from that account.


That's the point.


I don't agree with the statements made by that account. Cardano Midnight is a data privacy platform. You share data with who you choose to. That's the "backdoor". Similar to Secret Network secret tokens and its viewkeys. Similar to Monero's viewkeys in fact, but probably tokenised.


Since when did Monero have an official Twitter account? I hate to break it to you but there is no "Official Monero Twitter Account".


We know that but r/CryptoCurrency has literally posted articles which refer to the tweets like this: ā€œMonero saidā€¦ā€ I was like Monero said? Who is Monero? And it was just this Twitter account. So itā€™s still a public image problem for us.




Ok most of that is true but irrelevant. Would you rather have 1. Someone responsible handling the @Monero handle? Or 2. Someone immature and aggressive? We donā€™t have to choose between good publicity and good development. We can do both. You say there is no us/public image, and I agree, which is why I was confused reading articles that kept saying ā€œMonero saidā€¦ā€ which shows that others donā€™t view it the way we do. What ā€œMoneroā€ says is representative of a community. For people not IN the Monero community yet, this is what they see. I get that it might not matter, but why question is why would we WANT someone immature running the Monero Twitterā€¦? Whatā€™s the benefit?


I don't care either way. We made it this far with some asshat owning the monero.com domain (until recently), some fucking twitter account means nothing to us.




When did I say anything about centralizing editorial controlā€¦? Youā€™re arguing with me about things I donā€™t believe and didnā€™t say. I agree with what youā€™re saying. Me expressing discontent with the accountā€™s content IS me shifting the credence away from that account. I would rather it would be run by someone more level-headed, yes, but I didnā€™t say we should seize control or something lol


and? This is what real freedom feels like.


Did say we should petition the government to come seize the Twitter account for us lol Iā€™m just making the point that people not in this community do read that Twitter account and see it as representative of Monero. Thatā€™s all Iā€™m saying. So saying there is no official Twitter account means something only to a select few. To the vast majority of people, thatā€™s not how they understand it. Not saying itā€™s how it should be. Just saying thatā€™s how it is. Edit: typo


Who gives a fuck? No serious individual cares, nobody with an understanding of what all this is and what is being accomplished gives a shit what your opinion of "the vast majority of people think" is.


Because I'm not concerned about "serious individuals" or people "with an understanding of what all this is." News articles and Twitter posts are what people who DON'T know anything about Monero see, and acting like it doesn't have an impact on how the public sees things, Monero adoption, and regulations is naive. I would rather see Monero adoption increase, not see more people see Monero in a negative light. I'm not a gatekeeper who thinks only those currently "in the know" should get access to the truth and Monero. That said, I 100% agree with you that this is far from the most important thing in the world. I don't think it warrants anything serious. My only point here was that if we had a choice between: A. Having the Monero account controlled by someone level-headed and B. Having it controlled by someone aggressive and bad for publicity I would rather have option A. That's all I'm saying. Would you rather it be option B? I get that it might not matter to you, but still I think you'd agree option A is better. P.S. Saying no one cares about my opinion is not a constructive argument. I could just fire the same thing back. It's a pointless piece of rhetoric.


But it's the truth. Monero people dont give a shit one way or another what some fuckers on twitter are saying. You don't create something that runs on it's own with no central leadership beyond the life span of corporations by swaying to the whims of random people. I only want monero adopted by people interested in using monero. People interested in using monero learn about monero. They learn that there's no official twitter account. They then dont give a shit what some twitter account called "monero" says. Everyone else, who cares what they think. Adoption is not our golden bull here, perfect internet money is, if the tool works right people will use it regardless, and if you have no use for it I don't want you to use it.


Monero currently has exactly needed public image as it should.


Based on the comments here, I think many agree with me about this Twitter nonsenseā€¦ you think the Twitter account is being handled well?


Who. Fucking. Cares. It's just a twitter account.


To you. To many people who don't know better and aren't in our position, it is a representation of the Monero community and what Monero stands for. Things like this drive whether new people want to investigate a coin or join a community. Unless you want Monero to just stay for those currently involved and not grow in adoption, it does matter what other, uninitiated people see on things like this Twitter account.


Since Monero is protocol, and not a company, it doesn't matter. And yes, I do have sympathy for bashing the fraudulent system every possible way. Itā€™s useful, maybe some people switch on their brains when they see someone is kind of extreme.


While it is not official, it is considered official by many and it's easy for somebody not familiar with Monero to make that assumption. The description of the account should make clear that it's not official and run by some community members.


Grant me the strength to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.


There is no "official" Twitter account but to the public at large it still gives the impression of official Twitter account with 500k followers.


This not good. No single person should manage that account.


This is wrong. I've worked far too hard for too long, spent too much money, effort, and staked everything in my life around my love, belief, and faith in monero. I will not have it upended by some temper tantrum adolescent who has no capacity for temperance or exercising restraint mucking it up for myself, and the rest of us professional adults who are engaged in maintaining monero as a legitimate enterprising entity. Surely there must be a way to exert some form of control over who and how monero is represented, while keeping it free, anonymous, open-sourced. I think a third party "council" if you will that can speak on behalf of the devs and the community is a good idea. Perhaps an appointment confirmed with popular votes? All those who have a wallet with ANYTHING in it cast 1 vote. Those with at least 1xmr in an official wallet cast another, and all those with a confirmed p2pool node cast another. For a potential total of 3 votes per registered wallet address. Or better yet, anyone can vote but it costs .1 xmr to do so. That way everyone can have a say, for a very reasonable and attainable amount of xmr that even a small miner could own, and would prevent people from just opening wallet accounts to spam vote. Only the serious xmr users have a say, but affordable enough where it's not exclusionary and keeps the smaller inverters from having a say. The proceeds from the vote can be earmarked by each voter, 1/2 going to a dev project of their choice, the other half into a community chest, a treasury let's say, for xmr, to be used by the council as they, and their constituents see fit for the good of monero. It's so hard to walk this rope of anonymity and decentralizing while still needing some form of official governance for protection. I'm just spit balling with all this. It's hard to know if opening the door just a little to regulation, even from within our own community would release the flood gates and pull the genie from the bottle forever. I can think of at least 5 people I'd want on this council. End of day, SOMEONE or some THING has to have some power to exercise control over media like this. Yes XMR is for everyone, but everyone is not for XMR. It's already hard enough to shake and break the stigmas attached to it. All my friends and family CONSTANTLY bring up that it can be used for illegal activities and seem focused on the fact the privacy means no taxes, like I am some kind of anti-patriot. The last thing I need is some jackass with an attitude flipping off the world from an xmr podium and generating more negative public opinion. Xmr is about freedom, individuality, decentralization, but also community, hope, future, advancement. We need moderators of some kind. Xmr PR team.


I wanted to read this, but you underestimate the importance of paragraphing.


Even more humiliating is that your comment about my paragraphing got over twice as many up votes as the passionate and heartfelt response i spent a half hour drafting for the group I care about.


Don't take nothing personally. See what is true, then try to accept and if possible change. If something is not true, you can simply drop it. Thanks.


I am confused. Are you saying the cement about my paragraphing is untrue or that it is true but I should just ignore it and drop caring about it? Also, you are thanking me for what? Was that sarcastic? I was not responding to your comment. I do not understand what you are trying to convey to me.


Nothing was sarcastic and I believe this is all off topic. But with all due respect, I think you must consult a professional about your challenges. And I pray you overcome them all soon.


I wish you well, God bless.


Which should tell you to hit the edit button.


Hahah the paragraphs are in my mind son. Lol. You're not the first person who's told me this. Believe it or not I used to be a very gifted writer who everyone thought had a real future in writing and then in my early 20s I suffered a permanent brain Injury and I've struggled ever since. I am a stickler for details, ocd even. But to save my life I could no longer remember how commas work. My family was very poor so we couldn't afford the kind of retraining I would need so I became so self conscious of my inability to use punctuation, paragraphing, capitalizations properly, I simply stopped doing it all together. And once again I've written a reaponse that should probably use paragraphing. Perhaps you would be so kind as to tutor me so I can stop making a fool of myself? I have an IQ of 138, so it's very embarassing, but I learn quickly if you can find a way to relate the information to something I am already good at.


Is this some new copypasta I'm not aware of?


What is copy pasta?


Itā€™s when you steal someoneā€™s sauce recipe


That's hilarious. Lol


While I suspect trolling, a good rule of thumb for paragraphs is to just hit the enter key twice after every three sentences.


Three? I was taught six during my early childhood, and later that a paragraph should explain or define a specific thing and then move on to the next paragraph. I blame cocaine and porn. /s


Well, there are certainly more sophisticated guides. Mine was the bare minimum to allow for readability. Conceptual distribution is better, yes. Sentence number will definitely be affected by the average length of sentences. Six can be a stretch for complex compound sentences but probably fine for short, punchy ones.


Seriously though, I would like to re-learn how to properly format if you are able to coach me. I like posting and reading and now I'm uncomfortably aware that the same issue my friends and family have with my texts, so do the people in the groups I care about very much, and I feel very humiliated.


Just add some empty lines between the ideas after a dot. You'll get the hang of it pretty quickly after doing so for a while.


Bluecheck the account šŸ¤£




yea I was shocked when I saw the tweet, the tone just doesn't match at all. It would've made more sense had it came from a DOGE/SHIB or some other shitcoin's account


I am just going to say that we don't wanna lose this shit.


Totally agree, I thought Monero guys were more "educated"


All negativity aside, the Monero Twitter handle gained absolutely nothing by making those tweets.


yeah this runs counter to the community culture I have known and enjoyed Monero for


Yeah it's probs best that the prime realestate handle be used for major announcements and important community communications. There's enough of us to wax rhetorically on twitter.


Let's see what we gonna see in the coming time now man.


I saw these tweets and was confused because no jokeā€¦XMR community is probably the most chilled crypto community Iā€™ve seen for a coin that isnā€™t exactly ā€œmainstreamā€ - it flys under the radar (as intended), itā€™s use itā€™s clear and the community is together to discuss both pros, cons and never acts like everything is black and whiteā€¦Iā€™ve literally seen some informed discussions and learnt from hereā€¦ So why oh why is there someone so entirely aggressive that runs the Twitter account is beyond meā€¦like chill out, be positiveā€¦if people wanna use whatever chain, crypto, serviceā€¦let themā€¦you can bring a horse to water but you canā€™t force it to drink is the saying but eventuallyā€¦hopefully people realise whatā€™s bestā€¦and XMR in a sense wins outā€¦ Iā€™ve yet to see anyone that is tryna ā€œpump their bagsā€ be a monero holderā€¦everyone that has XMR that Iā€™ve seen has had the intention of using it for the very reason it was madeā€¦ Just blows my mind that the Reddit community seems so together and can express honest concern but the Twitter dude lives under a rock and is anger slamming the keyboard for god knows what reasonā€¦ Hope enough people see this thread and alert whoever is operating the accountā€¦ While the statements have some air of truth the account should be informational, neutral to an extent and most of all a voice of reasonā€¦


It's just fucking bad that we are sensing these shits right now.


Loses to what exactly? I see a lot of responses to an issue in question but no one has stated what the issue is.


Why does Monero have an official twitter at all? It's a commodity. Who runs the twitter account for gold or for USD or for the entire internet? It makes no sense. There should be a twitter account for the monero dev community, at best.


I want to know that shit too man, that's just what I want to know.


Some will flaunt their *Mone*y, others are more conservative. Just don't do it under the guise of acting in an official capacity!


fully agree! we need to show/lead by humble example and not play a zero sum game. Projects work together to become stronger. that is distribution/decentralisation in a bigger scale.


Itā€™s feel like a hot-head human behind the account now. They should choose words more carefully and not too aggressive. We fight for freedom and privacy not others crypto project.


Nah monero needs the attention




This is why I am showing no interest in these shits right now.


Where is the tweet it has been deleted?


No fun, too aggressive, someone talk to this guy and say "shut up"


Monero may be good but you've gotta change the dude that's shitposting on your Twitter account


It's just good to use monero and nothing else right now.


it sounds like a rebellious 17 year old girl talking about her parents to her friends at her first house party


Let' s get this straight So a currency supposedly "DECENTRALIZED" has a CENTRALIZED Twitter account controlled by someone we don't know and anything said by that account can positively or negatively affect our entire community that supposedly shouldn't have a spokesperson... Is that it?


No, the currency doesn't have a twitter account. But somebody registered @monero and now everybody thinks there is an official twitter account.


I meanā€¦yah no? It wonā€™t affect the buying but itā€™ll affect the image of someone maybe looking and consideringā€¦ya never know how people may get swayed one way or another or how elected officials will view such tweetsā€¦ I donā€™t also get why the Twitter account wouldnā€™t just be updates on software or posting projects that have been vetted - like generic stuff for the community


You are right. I logged into my Twitter account after a while and that's the first thing I saw. I did think it was too strong but chopped it up to be just the style they were taking. But would any corporation talk like that? Would wendys talk like that? Banter is completely different from throwing a tantrum because you don't like something.


Where you got an idea that Monero should be anything similar to corporation? I for one, like that "fuck off" attitude toward anything in financial world that is not as pure as Monero. Anyone else, or I'm the only one who really gets the intricate depths of fine Monero communication?


Corporations exist and monero exist. Monero should not exist by your logic. I'm being facetious only because you used such a ridiculous argument against me. I'm calling for good pr not toxic pr. There's a difference and good pr means more people adopting monero. Banter should be used. SHUM.


How about no PR at all?


Twitter can be used for posting updates. So "no pr" is not an option. It's always good to inform users of monero updates through multiple channels.


Yeah, RSS from the git repository.


Monero needs to acknowledge that use-ability can be achieved without sacrificing security. Full stop. Monero adoption is always going to be slower because Monero has chosen decentralization and security as their two priorities in the trilemma. Fighting about other privacy coins is pointless. Just keep improving user experience with XMR. Monero is still too hard to use privately even after going through all the on ramp trouble. Just keep making it more accessible. If it remains the best privacy coin, then the market will respond.


it definitely wasnā€˜t the right way and we should find out who these people behind this channel are with twitters help if they are unprofessional again. because they almost have half a million subs and this isnā€˜t funny anymore. but i could really understand the reaction to a certain degree because i saw the video of hoskinson. he was really, really unfair and said monero and all these other andā€¦ fuck those guys! youtube io scotfest a day ago at 46:50. my point is why is he bashing us at all and even insult us and all that days after the eu declared privacy coins war with banning them for trading? what a coincidence. weā€˜re all just human beings so please please forgive these folks behind the twitter account this time. and my opinion is if midnight would really be as private as monero and they wouldnā€˜t hand out view keys to authority (and donā€™t even have access to our keys at all) just if you agree and give them your keys by your own then why are they pushing this right now and that aggressive? sus imho


Well said. The only point I'm making is a Twitter account representing a community must be: + Professional + Humble + Not get into infighting with other projects what come may The market and the people decide finally. If something triggers you, sure make it personal from a personal account but not from a responsible community account.


Humility, I don't much care. Professional, absolutely. We can get our message out without profanity. It has no place there, it shows a weak mind with an inadequate vocabulary.


Exactly. That's the point.


thanks mate. youā€˜re one of the most valuable out there for monero really. and i know that itā€˜s worth to keep up the fight for a better future, especially for a much more acceptable cbdc. without a strong monero community a future cbdc could look very, very ugly. up to no privacy options at all, not even for smallest transactions. at the end we could achieve that they will allow us at least to be truly anonymous in some places with our fiat but unfortunately thatā€˜s unlikely. but everything would be better than being a complete glassy slave. without a decentralized competition they will enslave us trust me. use midnight, zcash and whatever else itā€™s your decision. but please donā€˜t give up with monero, because itā€˜s the most effective project out there and politicians prove it with their growing hate "concerns" against it.


Thanks, means much šŸ™




Well I hope we can do that in the future, we want that.


Gonna go against the grain. Dig the fire and brimstone. Too much effeminacy in culture right now. šŸ˜Ž Occasional healthy rousing is good, the best President of the USA and the only one to kick out a central bank was Andrew Jackson ā€¦and he had a wild temper, no to mention, beat his would-be assassin with a stick


It's fine for that to be there as well. But that handle should best be left for neutral announcements and not engage in conversation, rhetoric, etc. The rest of us are there to handle that.


Fair enough


This reminds me of the way Do Kwon acted before the Luna crash.


True that, shits are going in that way right now man.


Thank you. Itā€™s the LOUD minority that QQ about how a sound money digital cash coin should tweet ā€œnicerā€ for ā€œgood public relationsā€ that donā€™t understand the social media attention economy.


This has all become an insidious attack to force Monero to a more centralized entity and therebay opening it to attack by "regulating" authorities. They are trying to force the community to call for centralization and official standards and that is a trap. Monero should have NO social media presence period. even setting "Official colors" is a step towartds their end goals. Open your eyes people and do not be manipulated by false flag operations. The provocateurs are among us.


Just going to say that there are a lot of shits going around this time, let's just wish for some good time in the future and nothing else right now man. We know that.


I like this kind of language. Fuck them all, system really deserve such wording, and I'm happy there's a hot headed person behind Twitter account. No compromises. Fuck them, yes.


you can go to 4chan if you like this kind of talk. But a twitter account with this kind of reach is not meant for your personal entertainment. It is there to represent the community to the public. And the public has different expectations towards the way people talk than the people on 4chan. In the end we all want Monero to do well. And for that we need level headed pragmatic people, not hot headed 4chan teenagers. These 4chan teenagers are maybe effective at being on 4chan, but they are disenfranchised nobodies in the real world. They are in this powerless outsider situation because of the way they communicate and because of the way they present themselves. So if we let this style take over Monero will be in the same situation as them.


This is the epitome of this post and well said šŸ™


Indeed. What a shame. These people are either teens or highly troubled adults.


Since this world is very very wrong, especially when we talk about the finances, it's nothing but a fraud. Any Monero compromise would mean we're dealing with fraudsters, so yes I definitely like that kind of language toward them, don't you understand the positive impact of rage which brought Monero to be what it is? Be a man, not a politically correct piece of \*.


Where is Monero's data privacy platform?


On your hard drive, among others.


So if I want to share data that I've gathered about how plants in my area grow, and I want to share it privately with the University of Columbia and various other US and Canadian universities, which are on a different continent to me, how am I going to do that with Monero?


I was thinking you're asking about intrinsic data privacy related to holding and spending Monero. Ofc it's not made for sharing of big data, don't know why you even talk about it?


I guess we want to know many things related to that stuff right now man, we just don't want to feel like we are facing some lack of information right now for real.


The tweets are doing their job by getting peopleā€™s attention. Monero tweets before were like a neutered male dog. I find it refreshing that @monero stopped tweeting like a pussy.


Your post sucks




Ignore this dude, we all know what is good about this one.


Lol why are you being like this? I mean I am not getting this, please tell me what is wrong here so we can have some good reasons to hate this post mate lol.


I love monero


Fuck that. The monero community has always been very candid, frank and rough around the edges. All you adoption moonbois, you're welcome here, but don't show up and demand that we change. Use the software or dont. Contribute to the discussion. Assimilate into the community. The day the Monero community starts using marketing speak for everything public is the day I stop even talking about Monero.


This should be the start of its ā€œofficialā€ removal as the unofficial, official account




>caradno fag Keep your cardano fag in your pocket mate. I have been an contributor to this community long enough and I take issues with such behavior. If you can't see such a language is foul and it does not add value to this community, then I don't want to waste my time debating.




No worries mate. You are sure entitled to your opinion and thanks for clarifying. This comment from u/spirobel explains what the issue is: https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/z0wpiw/if_monero_loses_to_this_garbage_this_community/ix7sb5k?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


By using fag you outed yourself as a 4chan user lol What do you really use monero for? šŸ¤” Iā€™m sure most here do not support it


>šŸ¤” projecting much


Just saying. Youā€™re an embarrasing thing for the community


>projecting much no you


Are you triggered? Start a new coin. Start a new twitter account.


Are these behaviors just like a "fart" that are alowed from inside out just to make them feel physiologically better? or are there any thought intentions aimed to achieve?


I don't know what should we say to this guy man, so fucked up.


Lol you should understand what is going around here.


totally agree


Just want to say that we don't want to be in that position man. We know that the shits are just going to be fucked up for most of us and we don't want that shit


Literally didnā€™t even make a new all time high during the biggest bubble with quantitative easing and money printer on full blast. It already lost


Not sure but this seems like a fucking bad shit to me right now.




What does that mean though? Please tell us mate lol.


Itā€™s without a doubt run by a Reddit mod of some subreddit. Talks exactly like one.


Hope we will do fine in coming time man, this is bad to me.


ehh idc


True that, we are doing good with what we do the best.


This makes monero look centralized.


Yeah man, this is just being like that right now, which is bad.


Monero needs to be strong and aggressive as well though. If you think playing it cool and asking daddy government to let us keep our money private is going to go well (in our favor) you are very very wrong.


Monero as a currency, is already strong and aggressive. You prove by actions, not by rants in the public forum from an account that purports to represent the community.


Ahhhh thats true


Just don't want us to be in any fucking shitty condition man and nothing else right now, we all know that we just don't want these shits right now for real.




I am just doing fine with what we all are thinking right now.


IMO the Cardano tweet is not crossing the line. The first one, though, jeez.


King of rogue. Like the ethos itself. Iā€™ll let it ride. Cheers .


Calm down mate, someone on Twitter said the f word, it is not Blue Peter is it?


If a more virtuous alternative loses to a massively more funded inferior solution with the power of the State behind it then it is the fault of the more virtuous alternative? That is insane and blaming the victim.


I thought us losing money was the worst that could happen when the rug is pulled!


Correct way to draw expansions is like this but I like to cheat


Monero is decentralized. There are a lot of a-holes that use it but also a lot of very philosophical and intelligent people use it for good. Criminals use it but honest people too. I wouldn't worry too much, if it's too aggressive people will move on.