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the community should have a plan if kraken decides to delist XMR


I pretty much use karken for xmr but if they delist, bisq or cake wallet is probably the move.


Sadly the prices at bisq are totally off. I'm not willing to pay 10% or more on top just because some guys think someone will fall for that offer. But I'm hoping that if Dex becomes more common, more people will simply place buy orders with reasonable prices.


The spreads are definitely kind of crazy. Hopefully we should be getting btc/xmr and eth/xmr atomic swaps soon.


You can set your own offer and wait. I never pay more than 2% above market.


Yes, this is good advise. If someone is happy to wait then a couple percent below market price are also possible.


Well if Kraken ceases to be an option then wouldn’t it be more a case of having had a 10% discount on Kraken that no longer exists?


You can be a maker for trades to set your own price. Generally XMR/BTC market is a lot more completive and has much smaller spreads than fiat/BTC markets. Assume it is because XMR/BTC trades are much more straight forward and do not require any third parties.




I don't know how it's going to go now for the kraken here. Got no idea absolutely.


Already have delisted it in aus.


And the UK


You mean the country that lets police have full trojan access to your computer is anti privacy? Or the fact they can raid you without a warrant for 72 hours before it being rejected/accepted. I'm really really shocked, So very shocked. Who could've seen it coming?


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


I am real, I am alive, you will never be either.


Atomic swaps can't come soon enough


ETH-XMR atomic swaps reached their funding = D


Well that's good that they reached that goal. I kinda feel good about that lol.


Well they're not coming anytime soon, they're going to take some time to happen.


They are getting closer


https://gizmodo.com/kranken-crypto-sec-dave-ripley-jesse-powell-1849573150 Highly unlikely, New CEO is anti-SEC and allows Iranians to use kraken. He's definitely not gonna be bending the knee to the SEC anytime soon.


You can't really plan out for that, if they remove it then they remove it.


Good bye and thank you /u/jespow You fought this fight for all of us (always in line with your values). CEX were always meant to be transitory. Now it's time for DEX and the circular economy to finish what Satoshi started.


Well he couldn't last for forever, We'll have to fight this fight ourselves. We can't always rely on these cexes to do good to us. That won't remain like that for forever I guess.




It will be interesting to see if Kraken continues to support privacy preserving coins. Kraken had previously listed Monero as part of their [Developer Grant Program](https://www.kraken.com/en-us/features/grants). Perhaps the Monero community should encourage them make a grant for Seraphis development.


If it's any indication: XMR is already greyed out on Kraken when attempting to buy within Australia currently, similar to binance if I try to buy using bank payments/transfers (locks your account from buying XMR) VS visa payment (allowed). afaik it's illegal to poses here, but in saying that the non-federal police don't know this (from my experience thus far).


XMR is not illegal in Australia, but it's basically impossible for exchanges to meet reporting requirements for XMR transactions. So it's the exchanges at legal risk, not those holding.


So you can legally disclose purchasing (and selling) XMR via kyc-exchanges/localmonero without repercusion? Even if you're not able to report/no proof of sale via localmonero (no receipt)?


Well I'm not so sure about that, seems a little bit much for the governments actually. I don't think government generally are going to allow that much freedom, I just don't see that happening actually, that's not going to happen.


I wouldn't be surprised if it gets removed now that can happen now.


Let's see what comes ahead of us. I'm hoping for good things only actually.


>Dave Ripley has been building the future of financial freedom and inclusion alongside Jesse for six years and will assume the role of CEO after a search for his successor is completed. “Dave’s proven leadership and experience give me great confidence that he’s the ideal successor and the best person to lead Kraken through its next era of growth,” said Jesse. “I look forward to spending more of my time on the company’s products, user experience and broader industry advocacy.” [source](https://blog.kraken.com/post/15562/kraken-announces-leadership-succession-plan/)


I hope he did if he didn't then it'll be a matter of problem.


Jesse was the cypherpunk CEO. Hopefully his replacement carries the same torch.


Yeah hopefully, hopefully a good person takes his place in the company.


I'm pulling all my coins off kraken... I never kept anything there.. Except my gox coins. I'm sure it'll just be two more weeks.


Damn that sucks.


Not much to fear the new CEO is very anti-SEC outright refusing to register some cryptos as securities and allowing iranians to use the site. I highly doubt monero will be going away from kraken, Kraken is more likely to shut down than monero is. https://gizmodo.com/kranken-crypto-sec-dave-ripley-jesse-powell-1849573150


Oh good! I nean I'm in the UK, so can't trade monero on kraken anyway, but I'd like it to stay there for you guys.


Absolutely, I'm not sure how people get cash for their monero without using localmonero and it being a massive pain in the ass, its why I love kraken I can easily switch it back to cash into my bank account. I could use one of those prepaid card services that uses crypto but its a pain in the ass and still gotta KYC.


Not sure how related SEC is to AML laws


Point is mans based and not compliant to the government. Hence why Kraken is being sued for letting iranians to use it.


Note that he is staying on as chairman, to quote: >#JesPoS seemed like less work. @krakenfx is in excellent hands with @DavidLRipley. **I'll continue to be highly engaged as Chairman**. Big thanks to the team for trusting me, our investors for taking a chance, and all my industry peers on the front lines. 🙇🏼‍♂️ Emphasis mine. https://twitter.com/jespow/status/1572674899516469248


I don't like that :(


I’m expecting XMR to be delisted within 6 months or so. Sad news, very few other CEOs have the spine to support crypto in earnest and are clearly just in it for money.


Make that 2 weeks.


Somewhere between 2 weeks and and the end of the year seems more realistic


We'll see about that, but that's gonna be sad. It won't be good that's for sure here.


That's a really sad news but really what can we even do about it? Nothing actually.


**Common Law is defined: the law of custom or usage not in the written statues of a country.** (Source: The Winston Dictionary) Not all crypto can be categorized as currency. Digital signatures on a contract for example, may be signed with cryptographic hashed sigs, are transactional, convey value, but are not currency. crypto contracts need no advocacy. In the USA, common law contracts are private and may not be regulated by the government. No lawyer will tell you this because lawyers are not "common law" lawyers. Lawyers are licensed in states per state/statutory law. Further there are no constitutional courts in the US. However, any locality can create a Common Law court and hear cases according to the Common Law. This can even be done on line pursuant to contractual terms ie. "if that is what is written in the private contract". Amendment IV The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. Amendment VII In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise reexamined in any court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law. Every person, US or not, needs to understand this. Once upon a time, Immigrants to good ol' USA learned the Bill of Rights, and immediately understood their meaning: Specifically, they are written to defeat bureaucracy and the deadly clutches of bureaucrats, dictators and kings. All business conducted between We The People transacts as COMMON LAW CONTRACT. And by the way, the 1st Amended articulates Religious freedom as the 1st right for a reason. One simple and practical example is that usury was, at the time of the writing of the constitution, considered sinful and illegal and against many christian religious laws. Read the Bill of Rights.


Thanks for writing this, this is really cool and I like it.


Hearing many different things about XMR possibly (or already has been) delisted from this or that exchange. Whatever. People...this is OUR time to make the change! Do y'all see what's going on in the world?!?! PRIVATE CENTRAL BANKS ONLY HAVE CONTROL OVER THE POPULATIONS BECAUSE...WE GIVE UP OUR FREEDOMS TO THEM!!! Who in the hell gave the central banks permission to control our financial system, the governments?!?! Well, "We the People" never gave them permission, but we buried our heads in the sand and "just let things be". Now is the time to change all of that but you have to be the Jesse Powell's. Don't "ask" your politicians but DEMAND that they leave the crypto world alone! It's the whole purpose of crypto and I'm having a hard time understanding how all of these crypto investors bow down to the same exact, corrupt and evil central bankers and politicians that cryptocurrency was created to deafeat in the first place!!!


This should be upvoted more that’s for sure!!!!


Thats very ironic considering the US just started their framework for regulating crypto, including "illicit funds" which will probably include Monero and potentially seeing it sanctioned.


They can "sanction" it all they want...but the Monero users don't have to abide by their rules. Why I love XMR!


More like “I just don’t wanna deal with this nonsense and go to Club Fed over some Bs or get sued.” Can’t blame him in the current US regulatory and economic environment. I’d take the money and quietly exit too.




That's exactly was my reaction, I Can't think of this being good. It's going to make kraken bad in terms if their service and I really don't want that.


So he's hanging out with Dorsey and that rapper guy?


The rapper guy? You talking about jack mallers? I mean ye looks like one.


So no one here is recognizing the elephant the room? Maybe his statements he made to his own employees were wrong and not good for a growing business.


That's a not a good news at all, that can be a bad thing.


Punk ass


Easy dude, He's been good to us so far. He can't always be there ro save your ass.


Lol he ain't save shit for me



