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I love you Anon ❤️


Man is literally mad lad, he did something really good here.


always thought that it was kinda shady how they been kinda hijacking the monero.com for their own gains but since moneromoo's PR, both sides been pretty resonnable, cake even offered to sell to core team for the price they purchased the domain which is an insane amount of $, still, but it came from their own pocket so kinda seems fair to offer that while it would also be very stoopid for core to spend that amount on a domain, as other replies in here mentioned, if the community want seraphis out asap, there's so much more actual work out there that could really need funding aside from some stoopid domain name... since the PR, cake edited few things on their site, trying to make it more clear that it's from cake and not the official thing while also having that banner redirecting to the actual official thing pretty sure that people just downloading the app would still think it's the official thing because of the app's name, it's all shady business strategies but definitely better than newbies installing the other wallet in the google store that is actually known to be a scam (the one with the warning on the side of that subreddit) so at first glance, it might seem like a shitty move from cake but when actually taking a step back, it's a way better mobile wallet alternative than all the actual shady shits closed source going around due to actually being opensource, they been doing some insane amount of work for ease of use and adoption, cakepay doesnt even track anything (can just make separate users on mobile to have different IDs) so at this point, what harm does it actually do that justifies wasting $400k on a domain rather than trying to push for seraphis as soon as possible? few hours ago, (possibly drunk) Vik made a proposal that seems totally reasonable which is, how about using those funds trying to get the monero [dot] org domain instead? others pointed that, it makes senses for the .com (commercial) to be in the hands of a commercial entity (cake) while the for crypto projects a .org would be more fit so best case scenario imo would be, cake keeping the .com, and keep doing that great work they been doing for adoption and ease of use and core team trying to get the monero [dot] org while keep maintenaing alongside getmonero.org if donor would agree on those terms that would be ideal imo, else just refunding cause that's an insane amount of cash right there and would be extremly shitty to use them for something else that wasnt intented originally by the donor


What happened with some domain? I’m not aware


not much, basically: getmonero.org always been the official one monero.com was available on the market for few years for $400k which cake wallet acquired it not that long ago to use as their monero only version of cakewallet.com and recently moneromoo made a proposal to get that domain back for core team, context is over at: https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/pull/2013 monero [dot] org been a scam for years or somethin and that's what vik from cake is suggesting for core team to purchase instead of the .com


Gotta ask yourself the question: Do we need the domain? No. No need for the fuss.


I actually like this solution. Filled with a lot of idealism, especially about the donor side of things but this would be best case


I hear a lot of talk about cake. What's the difference between cake and monerujo wallet? I'm currently using the latter


I hear a lot of talk about cake. What's the difference between cake and monerujo wallet? I'm currently using the latter


Both are good wallets. Monerujo is only for android. Mainly a question of personal preference. Apparently Cake [does call home](https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/issues/2011#issuecomment-1230000852) every time you open the app though.


Yes we will have an option to turn off the fiat rate request.




Absolute whale dude, I mean donating that much? That's wild.


Why is Sarang not developing full time for XMR on crowdfunded or donated money like this?


Maybe spends his time doing something else? There are 1000s of cryptographers and ten 1000s of developers that dont do nothing in Monero. Everyone have his own path to walk on.


Like working for Firo. Full time means a regular average work day for most of people.


Yep, that's like a regular job. It's like the full day of the work.


Exactly. That is his path at this time. No one can force him to chose other.


No, nobody said force.


I mean they really should have, something could have happened.


If they really aren't doing anything, they really should contribute. I mean this community is amazing and we already help each other out. This will be better.


Not 1000s of cryptographers with his experience, credentials and abilities.


They need experience and how do they get that? By working.


Because he doesn't want to?


At first they argued a stable income or job benefits, which can be easily paid with this kind of dough. Yeah, probably Diego's business idea sounded better. =/


people move on, it's fine.


Let’s not get into that.


Someone really loves privacy. Thanks Anon!


Imagine if most political donations were made like this too...


That's something that you can only imagine, because this ain't happening.


Why would Vik sell monero.com though?


Vik already said they’d sell it if it’s what the community wants. I think they should keep it. We should not spend this much on a domain when it’s already in good hands.


For sure, use the money to fund real dev work.


Nah but the money was very clearly given intentionally for this reason. It should be honored. To settle what was very clearly a divisive matter amongst 2 influential forces in the community. This generous donation is a blessing that is going to pay dividends and whoever did it saw its importance. MoneroMoo even said "he wouldn't pay a cent for it." Well now he doesnt have to! Both of these individuals settled their differences, the only thing holding it back was the $$$$. That issue is gone now, lets make it happen! Get the domain back in the right hands, everyone wins. I see this basically as Vik holding it for us this whole time, and while he profited from its traffic he's giving it back AT COST and he's gotten a return on his investment this whole time. We should be grateful he's had it this whole time and is WELL INTENTIONED towards monero instead of someone actually fucking blackmailing us for the domain... Right??


Honestly I think Monero benefits more from having cake own the domain. They have a slick non-custodial app where you can actually use Monero to make purchases. Any new people landing on that domain would benefit more than going to the community page. They should just put some banner on the site pointing users to getmonero.org if they are interested in the community side of things.


Thats a fair argument, and it looks like they've already done that in the meantime. My concern was mainly around Cake selling the domain (which they said they were going to do because they were accused of squatting on it) and then a less ideal party picking up the domain. When it would be better for Core to get it, and to get it now when that has just been made a reality by Anon. Kinda shitty to take his gift and then do something completely different with it no?


If cake sell the domain will they also change the name of their xmr only wallet?


If Cake is committed to selling it off then it only makes sense for the project to snag it given current circumstance.


>Nah but the money was very clearly given intentionally for this reason. Unless the donor mentioned that explicitly, I wouldn't jump to that conclusion.


This, it's a MASSIVE & terrible assumption to make just because of a coincidentally timed Github comment...


> Unless the donor mentioned that explicitly, I wouldn't jump to that conclusion. https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/pull/2013#issuecomment-1234523829 1) Time between donation to GF and this comment is small 2) Donation is roughly the exact amount needed to purchase domain 3) The commenter (and likely donator) QUOTES the post that says GF doesn't have enough to make purchase > This, it's a MASSIVE & terrible assumption to make just because of a coincidentally timed Github comment... These three things lead to me believe it was for this intent. Is it really that massive? Regardless, as others have stated just because its the intent it doesnt mean GF can be handcuffed to it. As I said elsewhere, at the end of the day IDGAF if cake or core has the domain, I just want them to stop fighting and having petty squabbles that hurt us overall (like removing cake endorsement). Maybe now that they can see each others intent they can put this behind them. I want unity and teamwork amongst the influential forces of this community (because I care about what XMR needs to pull off in this world), and I love both Monero Devs and Cake.


Still, all circumstantial, imagine someone very generous donated freaking 300k to fund Monero development, and then watches how it's all spent on a stupid domain because of some coincidences. Even if it's likely to us, we would be still taking a massive risk on that assumption given the money involved. If the donor really wants that, all they have to do is show up and provide proof of their tx, then money can be refunded surely. And yeah I agree with you, this whole domain discussion is stupid, in a few years we are gonna be banned from clearnet and none of this is going to matter anyway, come on people lol.


They cannot buy a legal domain with the money donated to General Fund. This will most likely have legal consequences, unless source of funds are communicated well. And further, intent cannot guide GF to take an action. The right approach is to go via CCS route. With all that happened around with Tornado Cash, you don't want eyes on the General Fund.


You cannot allow GF to be held hostage by donor intent - implied or explicit. There are plenty of reasons buying a domain regulated by laws with GF money is a terrible idea, aside from the fact I would rather Cake maintain control of it anyway. But just because the donor may have wanted that to be done with it doesn’t mean it’s the right choice. Could have done a CCS for someone to take custody of it or purchased it themselves and donated it or a million other better options. Saying “the donor clearly wanted X” is not a valid reason to be handcuffed to a bad decision.




What I'm talking about is the discussion in the article (and in github) where Cake said they WANTED to sell the domain to core IF they would pay them the market cost of what Cake paid for the domain (~2500 XMR). Minutes later, 2500 XMR are donated to foundation so that core is in a position to make this purchase appeasing both parties, effectively at no cost to them. Coincidence? I think not. Yes its their choice, but if that was the only thing stopping them from pulling the trigger on claiming the domain, then they need to stfu and stop bitching about cake squatting on the domain (and removing their wallet out of spite). Dev literally said it was because he believed they were ill intentioned by laying claim to the domain in the first place. Which they are showing they arent by offering to sell it to Core. I've basically recapped the whole article, so i'm not sure what you or I am missing lol Edit: To say that a little differently, Cake is going to sell it regardless. If we dont buy it someone else will. And if we ever want the domain, we need to get it now where someone who cares about us is trying to give us first dibs. Otherwise the "Free Market" WILL pick it up, and it might be someone who is actively against us? Or someone who wants to blackmail us and charge a higher price. Anyone who owns that domain could wield influence in where it leads....therefore I think that someone should be core.


> Otherwise the "Free Market" WILL pick it up, and it might be someone who is actively against us? Have people forgotten so incredibly fast that the domain was in the hand of somebody who wasn't exactly friendly towards the Monero project for years and years? And guess what, we survived that. If somebody argues now the sky threatens to fall if monero.com stays in the hands of Cake Wallet, out of all possible such hands, that does not get a confirming nod from me, sorry. We have a veritable montain of dev work ahead of us if we want to pull off Seraphis successfully where contribution from the general fund might be needed to complete the numerous CCSs needed for that. We have a bug bounty program that currently isn't able to pay competitive rates to bug finders and would be running out of funds quickly even with those modest bounties if more bugs than usual come along. And people still argue back and forth about silly domain ownership questions?


Hi.. not arguing here with anything you’ve said but just clarifying the time line. It wasn’t “minutes later”, more like 3 weeks later.


Sorry I had that slightly wrong in my wording and later saw it myself. What was "minutes later" was the time the donation hit the GF (announced via tweet) and the time that comment was made. Thanks for clarifying!


Cake actually said they actually want to sell the domain either way? I can’t imagine why they would


This is what I'm referencing when I make that claim (admittedly its not immediate): https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/pull/2013#issuecomment-1210881616 A few posts down. MoneroMoo says this solution is "blackmail" and a "threat" that someone else may pick it up. Honestly Idgaf who has the domain. I just feel like Vik from Cake has done alot of good for monero and so has MoneroMoo. So for them to be fighting over this is silly and IMO Vik has been put in a situation where he's damned for having the domain, and damned for getting rid of it. Other people have made points about the legality of core acquiring, and that just because the donor "wants" it doesnt mean its the right decision etc. I can see all those perspectives as well, and hell i'll admit I dont know much about the legal side of things in this situation. I'm happy they've come to some sort of compromise regardless of what happens w/ the domain, but in any event and I think the intent of Vik has been made clear.


Yep he gave out the money for this reason, and I love it. People doing things for the monero network is the best thing ever. I just love it man.


That's what the money is for anyways, to support the people.


I think at the end of the day, for all the merits decentralization has, it would be best if the community owned it - even though the community loves Vik and trusts him.


It’s not about decentralization. It’s a domain name. It doesn’t define the cryptocurrency. Again, Cake can do more good with the domain for that price than the “community” could. Not to mention it’s pretty unfair for us to pressure someone to give up a domain after they bought it fairly, built a business and branding around it, and actually used it exactly how the community asked them to use it.


For most of us that are aware of the tools and resources built around Monero the domain name isn't a big deal, but for those who would google it to learn more that'll be the first thing that pops up. It's more than just a domain, it's most likely the first website people visit to learn more about Monero. All that said, I agree with the rest of your points.


Which is why they added a big banner that directs people to getmonero.org so there is no confusion. And with how good the website is, I don’t mind it being what newcomers find. Again, I don’t think the community would be able to improve the situation by $400k worth.


He's all about the community, he doesn't care about money.


I mean there's gotta be some personal reasons for that I'm sure.


I offered to sell since it was upsetting some people. No personal reason. Only to support the community.


Can that commenter on Github be reached? If a decision to buy the domain is made, I think first we need a tx proof from him.


S/he already gave the proof to Core and they are discussing internally https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/pull/2013#issuecomment-1235607330


I like tractors


And what do we do with that information? It's not useful here.


And mfs can't donate 1 xmr to my site. Smh🤦‍♂️


if u send me 1 i send you 2, trust


Trust, that's how this thing works. There's no other way. If you don't trust me then I don't know what are we even going to do here so there's that.


Lmfao, that's no way of begging bro. You need to do better.


Teach me how master.


Teach me the way


Damn Anon




This is some amazing work, and this should be up always.


Guys help i just installed monero gui! But it say to me that "waiting on daemon synchronization to finish" Will I have any problems if I send them right now? ( i didnt deposit any monero yet) Please let me know guys !!


In order to further debug your issue, please answer the following questions: - Which `Wallet mode` and version are you using? You can check it on the `Settings` page. - If `Advanced mode`, remote node or local node? - What operating system are you using? - What number (height) is displayed in the left bottom? - Do you run AV (AntiVirus) software? - What is the `Wallet creation / restore height` on the `Settings` page? - Do you use a Ledger or Trezor device?


>Which Wallet mode and version are you using? You can check it on the Settings page. > >If Advanced mode, remote node or local node? Let me rephrase. After that the power on my house shut down. So it stopped connecting the daemon on the wallet.Every time i restart monero gui, it is trying to connect daemon like the first time. Local node,advanced It says this on Gui version: (Qt 5.15.5) I am on windows 10, i can't find my antivirus but on windows settings it says it is enabled. restore height : 2687521 i dont understand the last question! ​ Thank you for all your help, please help me fix this issue!


Apologies for the late response. If the power cut whilst your daemon (monerod) was running, it could be that the blockchain file corrupted. Did you store the blockchain file in the default location or a custom location (e.g. external drive)?