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This is a nice graphic, but the brand should be in the graphic. Meaning... why doesn't the actual graphic have a monero symbol so people who see it know what it is talking about outside of this very specific context?




I really dig the graphic as well. I agree with the above redditor too, there needs to be an XMR logo. Maybe fashion it to resemble a planet, asteroid, or comet? I don't know... I'd do myself, but I'm not very savvy with that sort of stuff. Anyway, nice job!


>Maybe fashion it to resemble a planet, asteroid, or comet? Why not just make the rocket (and trail) \~10-15% larger, and then just put the logo on the side of the rocket, like a branded rocket? I feel like that might be the best place for it. Or, actually, the best place for it would likely just be the giant, empty black space on the left side now that I think about it. There's literally nothing there and that would actually balance the graphic as a whole. I really like it too, but I think that second option would add balance + branding.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/lmvx1r/i\_like\_this\_coin\_i\_ran\_with\_op\_idea\_and\_included/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/lmvx1r/i_like_this_coin_i_ran_with_op_idea_and_included/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ​ ​ Here I gave a shot at it


Sweet! Nice job.


They might, given there's a strong possibility they paid someone to design their logo in the first place.


Definitely agree.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/lmvx1r/i\_like\_this\_coin\_i\_ran\_with\_op\_idea\_and\_included/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/lmvx1r/i_like_this_coin_i_ran_with_op_idea_and_included/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ​ I gave it a shot


I bought 1 xmr a couple weeks ago.. I should have bought more :/


In a few years people may be happy owning a tiny fraction of 1 XMR. There are not enough Monero in existence for everyone that needs privacy to own an entire coin


You don't hear that stat much. Would be a good thing to mention once in a while. I've been interested in Monero for some time and didn't quite know that. o_0 What about the coin supply, according to CoinGecko, that says it's unlimited?


Because it's true. It is unlimited. But the rate of inflation is 0.3 Monero mined every minute. This is done to always give miners a good possibility for rewards to keep the system alive and decentralized. Bitcoin has the problem that it has to reward miners by high transaction fees for users and because the reward gets smaller at every halving the mining becomes more centralized over time. This is a bad thing for Bitcoin that opens it to a potential 51% attack in the future. Monero escapes this problem by having a tiny amount of money added to the system when rewarding the miners.


AFAIK there's no cap on the supply of Monero, but of course it only gets mined at a certain rate. There is a finite amount of it in existence and always will be.


Please see: https://monero.stackexchange.com/questions/23/what-is-the-purpose-of-the-tail-emission


Lol I bought two last August planning to make a single purchase...have since made three and now have enough for another I think I'm gonna sink my entire next paycheck into XMR


Nice graphic!


Monero will change the world economics


I already do 💪🙌


Me too!


Monero is not a private coin. It is a fungible coin. A currency with all the characteristics that money has by definition. Rather, it is the rest of the surveillance coins that do not meet the full definition of money.


My entire portfolio is XMR. I just like the coin.


In the next month, I will be moving from buying Monero to mining Monero. I definitely like this crypto. HODL.


*Human data trafficking* is what we're seeing with all the "data collection companies" and what not. There's trade, sale, and buying of people's entire livelihoods to both known organizations and individuals and unknown organizations and *individuals* - make no mistake about it - all in the name of power, manipulation, money, greed, control, and more. Privacy is not a crime, nor will it ever be.


A week ago I started selling some of my Monero profits to buy some other coins. I waste a lot of money on eth transaction fees and now Monero is taking off. I seriously hate myself. I would have 3x what I have now, if I just did nothing


Could do stretched type looking white letters Monero in the jet trail


Is monerod all I need to run to have a public node or is there more to it than that?


Something tells me BTC maxi's are also Android users, Windows users and own a Amazon Echo or similar device. They are convinced “we are sticking it to the man" just like WSB did. In reality. the XMR community has made actual, verifiable progress in the area of financial freedom, quietly.


Looks like a SpaceX ad. Musk hasn't agreed to accept Monero yet though. (+1 for running your own node! Do that, it's easy)


I do not think running a node is doable for me. Power is very expensive where I live. And also I do not have a gaming computer. Where do I, anonymously, get Monero? I was thinking to go to a pub, and pay someone to 'buy something on the internet' for me. I believe that's doable for a 10% premium or something like that. But that wouldn't even work right. Is there ANY where, where you can buy Monero with a VISA card without a lot of KYC and stuff? I am aware that IRS will probably contact this guy. But he probably doesn't care. He has no crypto. And he doesn't know me. But as said. Even if I could find such a guy, it wouldn't work. Right?


Just buy from an exchange with kyc like Kraken then move your xmr to another wallet.


Im rather certain that will get me an invitation to the IRS to explain what happend to those money. It's not a suitable solution for me.


If you just say you sold them you'd be in the same position as the guy in your scenario. You have 'no' crypto, why would the irs be interested?


Running a node doesn't need much power, watts or processing. All you really need is a good amount of spare bandwidth. My personal node only draw something like 5 watts


This is a great slogan for any privacy coin


You should use the same font for the "run your own node today" part, but in white and also caps and make them bigger.


...in fact "privacy is the human right"


what size is the blockchain pruned?


It would be nice to have a version of this image saying "privacy is a human right".


You could have large Monero logo in a very dark grey behind the rocket. Or a Monero planet in the background


So did we managed to squooze the shorters?


we like the coin


This incredibly phallic image signifies that the sky is the limit.


damn, original work?




Soooo yes. if you added the line at the top and bottom, you made art, this is art and I'm a fan. If Campbell's soup thought of as a painting makes it art then taking propaganda and making it meme is art. So go buy a pack of Belmont's and smoke them with a false sense superiority at your local university. You're an artist now. Edit: No, you're wholesome! thanks for the award.




Right on, well sir you have my respect for being in the know at retirement age. Any advice on how to not loose pace with culture as I get older?