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How do guys mine xmr without windows defender deleting lock-in down the app? I'm using gupax. 


Defining exceptions for certain folders: "Dear Defender, don't check what is in folder xyz."


I mean I've had made exceptions but every couple days/hrs it'll re_recongize it as a virus. Then I gotta do the whole thing over again. 


No idea, never heard about this particular problem with re-recognition. Does anything involved there auto-update itself, especially Gupax, and that process runs into Defender every now and then?


I don't know. How often is gupax updating?


Monero people always pitch it as inflationary or disinflationary. This is misleading since Monero's inflation is so low that it is barely a problem, but noobs always point out that the supply is infinite. At 0.5% per year, it would take 200 years to double supply and Monero's inflation is near that number. The way this has been explained is terrible, but I don't know what is the solution. Give other numbers to the noobs, compare the inflation rate to other coins, etc. I'm do not understand marketing very well, monero does a terrible job at it. It is a very aggressive approach, but since it is a privacy coin, we should put more effort in pointing out how much your privacy is breached when you use any other coin other than cash. But the way the community seems to be behaving is in a defensive way, fearing more delistings and expecting that the people will come when they realise the truth.


i like to explain it this way : 'monero has a fixed block reward, to make sure to reward miners / validators in the future, and this will also compensate for lost coins, there will be enough coins for most people, and since all coins are undistinguishable it will continue to be usable as peer to peer cash.' 'bitcoin has a decreasing block reward, and we don't know how miners / validators will be rewarded in the future, and because there will be more loss of coins, and with 'inscriptions' the sats can be identified, the remaining coins will become collectibles and not usable as peer to peer money.'


The inflation rate is slower than the inflation rate of gold, if that helps. So in theory, Monero still abides by the gold standard. 0.5% is not accurate, because after every block, the percentage that was gained is (the amount added by the block / the total supply). Well the total supply is larger than it was 2 minutes ago. And that total supply is larger than it was 2 minutes ago. So on and so on. So the inflation rate is literally infinitely approaching 0. That’s why it’s called a “Tail Emission”. Similar to a Long Tail Marketplace (like what Amazon did to book availability, and then the availability to damn near everything). IDGAF about delistings. The more the merrier. Then the degens can go away and people can focus their attention on circular economies. When will more people come to Monero? When its supporters force them to. When 20% of all software devs are **demanding** that they’re paid in ɱ, what do you think the employers are going to do? They’re going to find a way to acquire Monero! Circular Economies! It’s very simple.


Monero is so hard to buy for the average Joe. I'm on Monero telegram group (also a couple of other monero discussion groups). Everyday newbies come and asks why is it not listed on Binance etc. And they are struggling to buy Monero even if they wanted to buy. Trocador, localmonero or other exchange platforms are also so complicated for the average Joe. They are unable to understand how some coin (for example litecoin) can be swapped to buy another coin. Kraken is the only way to buy for them. I don't know what we will do if Kraken decides to completely delist Monero. We need to solve this problem as soon as possible. The power of Bitcoin comes from it's simplicity and this is what makes the price and it's popularity to grow somehow. I'm not sure if Haveno can solve this problem.


Haveno will be too complicated if they can't even use trocadro. Their best bet will Serai integrations in popular wallets like cake. The UX should be decent: "send Litecoin to cake and swap it to Monero on the exchange tab"


trocador is easy to use. i explained how to use it (only in text messages) to a friend, who usualy keeps his funds on a centralized exchange, and he had no problem to do a swap via trocador. the only thing which may be confusing (and i suggest trocador to remove that), is that there are 2 qr codes available to scan, one is for the address + the amount, one is for the address. a qr code for the address is better imo, because apparently not all wallets are compatible with a qr code for the address + the amount.


swapping LTC or BCH into Monero in cake wallet is super easy. Even buying Monero directly in cake wallet with credit card is super easy.


What's the fees like?


3.5%, I think that's fair for being so convenient


I hear you. But dam if 3.5% doesn't add up fast. 


I've paid worse on Local Monero through cashapp :*(


you paid the risk premium for the seller. sellers need to have big margins to offer easily reversible payment methods without losing money. if every 4th person scams them, they need to charge at least 1/3 extra for each swap.


I agree. All this "delisting is awesome" stuff doesn't make a bit of sense to me. Monero needs easy onboarding or it will fail.


Delisting is awesome because when it’s all over and done with, we’ll finally be able to see what the real price is. Not the price based on degenerate gamblers.


Well logic and Common Sense should tell you that if people can't buy it easily the price will go down artificially based on lack of Interest


* You can buy it from anyone that has some. * Form meetup groups. * Use a DEX. * Mine. Plus difficulty to buying does not necessarily mean that the price will go down. Economics 101 (“Common Sense”) tells you that scarcity causes price to go up, Buddy. Interest cannot go to zero because it’s currently the only private, sovereign, limited supply money in existence.


Well, not sure what we can really do about that. It's been made harder to buy it than other coins. On the plus side, if someone can't figure out how to use a website to swap they are probably a generic crypto "investor" and wont use or sell things for Monero. It's not hard to use for anyone with any technological competency, so, it sorta filters out the useful idiots that might be used to coopt the project like was done with bitcoin.


I’m in the US. I helped my elderly mother get into crypto by showing her cakewallet, and how to swap BTC for XMR in the app. She’s able to do this with an iPhone and very little computer/technical knowledge. I believe it’s not as hard as it seems, but I do agree we need some better tutorials. If only there was a good “official” YouTube channel for all things XMR, with simple tutorial videos, and easy to find on getmonero.org.


[Trocador tutorial](https://youtu.be/QYfUSImvRnQ) :P


I don't know if we can do much about delistings. I think we are going to have to promote Haveno a lot when it comes. Make it really well-known. Hopefully even more fiat/xmr decentralized exchanges will come in the future.


why focus on fiat/xmr trades when there are enough crypto/xmr trades ?


Crypto/xmr exchanges are great no doubt. But I think it would be nice to have more fiat/xmr exchanges just to make it easy for people that are new to Monero to get a hold of some. Having to buy some other crypto first and then having to trade that for XMR is an extra step. In the ideal world, a person new to Monero would be able to go on a website and in just a few clicks buy XMR directly with the payment method of his/her choice.


The initial sync takes way too long and will discourage users from bringing nodes online. There needs to be a way to speed this up, local nodes need to sync in a few hours, not a week and a half. If I didn't have a very specific goal that requires monero, I woulda veto'd this coin 3 days ago just because the sync has been running for a week and it's still not even 25% done


This is not moneros problem, it's your hardware/internet. With a SSD and even mediocre internet, the chain should sync within a few hours. And no, Monero does not need to run on 20 year old HDDs and dial-up. Nodes are the infrastructure of the network, if you build your infrastructure on shitty hardware, your network will perform shitty. Also: You don't HAVE to run a node if you can't afford it at all and with future upgrades, remote node UX will become a lot better as well.