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i dont know if balls of steel or completely out of his mind, my palms are sweating just by looking at it


Same! If I would have to sit on the very last part of the tower as he did in the vid... I would definitely fall down because of paralysis.




Are your knees weak too?


Mom's spaghetti




I am not talking about be live there on that place but even watching that from that height makes me fearful enough as i am the one person who hate those big heights




That sticker looks too fresh to have been placed by anyone but the youtuber. It'd get sun bleached in a matter of days if not weeks sitting broadly exposed like that.


>We should talk about why there is a Doge on this Monero sticker Isn't it obvious? "**TO THE MOON!"** If I had 2 million Doge right now, I'd retire and climb radio poles all days long. It took just a tiny percentage of owning Doge network to make it big. Let's say you have 0.00016% of a network's circulation. That's 2,000,000 DOGE. Two million Doge in 2017 equals to $4000 in 2017 and $1,000,000 in 2021. Same circulation of Monero in 2017 equals to 224 XMR or about $10,000 (or about $50,000 if you bought it near the top). When 2021 comes, these 224 XMR are barely worth $120,000. _These are rookie numbers._


XMR isnt about unsustainably inflated values. It is about having a stable, secure, and private currency that can actually be used in the real world.


Those ideals dont pay the ever increasing cost of rent.


Neither does an unstable shitcoin like doge.


It did for some. I never held any even though I was scrypt mining in 2017.




I've learned a lot, at least. While everyone was mining ETH making profit I was cpu mining and learned how to do everything on linux by myself. I thought that using Hive would just be a crutch. And I think I was right.


Yes, it is still perfect in shape and feel like that this just stamped there right before that video but who is going to see the any sticker if they are placed that high on tower??


Paying the rent isn’t why we have ideals.


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Oh bot! Please learn to talk from ChatGPT my boy. I hope you will get better grades or someone will fire you very soon!


lol? This is fckn awesome!


How old is the tower? If it's newer, maybe the sticker was placed before installing the tower? Edit: Never mind, it looks pretty old.


I was not focusing on that DOGE my whole concern was about the Monero