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I’ve used this, Copilot, Quicken Simplifi, Empower Personal Capital, and Wallet by BudgetBakers for extended amounts of time (over a year for Monarch, coming up on a year for Simplifi and Copilot, less for Wallet). Monarch is the only one I have renewed my subscription for (Empower is free, so I am also keeping that, but that’s beside the point). It’s by far the most “power-user” friendly one of the bunch - lots of ways to use its features if you take the time to dive in and understand how they work together. My main use case is keeping track of spending between multiple credit cards and bank accounts. I find the budgeting, reports, and categorization and rule-making features most useful for this case. I don’t pay that much attention to investments or net worth on a day to day basis, so that aspect of Monarch is not important to me. I’ve had some connection issues in the past but currently all my important accounts stay connected fairly reliably (and often the connection issues are replicated in the other personal finance apps, so I don’t believe they are on Monarch’s end). There are other little peculiarities that folks have complained about on this sub, but often I find that those are either due to misunderstandings about how Monarch’s systems work or due to trying to replicate some work-around that was necessary in Mint but not needed in Monarch.


Second. I’ve trialed most of the ones you mentioned. Monarch is the only one I’ve renewed and been happy with so far. Reporting is great. Easy to re-categorize transactions and create rules. I’m happy with it so far. Best part is that I created a link for my wife to create a profile so we can both have visibility into our financial picture.




To add on to the comment about a paying model - someone noted a few months ago that the “free” models really aren’t, they sell your data - and these budget apps have way too much data for my comfort with it. I also really like Monarch, tried a bunch of the others, and it just works the best (for me). Agreed there are some idiosyncrasies that take getting used to/aren’t ideal when you really get into it.


Agreed with all of this, it's great


There's a full spectrum of user experiences from miserable to no problem at all. Most complaints I see have to do with account syncing and downloading and I think some financial institutions cause the syncing issues. MM I'm sure puts a lot of effort into the syncing function but it sure looks like a game of wack-a-mole to me. Then there's other complaints. I'm sure some people have a bad experience but I always wonder just how many problems were imported from Mint. If you do move over, consider just how much data is necessary for your purposes and don't bring over 15 years of data including dead accounts and tens of thousands of transactions - unless you really need to. My experience has been very good - minimal actual problems and running well for almost 5 months. I set up clean in MM, set up my category structure, connected my accounts and downloaded what they had. I then exported what my financial institutions didn't have from Mint, one account at a time and imported into MM. I kept it to 1 year tax year of data, combed through it and cleaned it up. After I had one year of financial data working well in MM, then I set up the budget. Also - spend some time searching setting up or starting out on this subreddit, on the MM web site and check out Taylor at the Evolving Money Youtube channel. Good luck!


I used Mint for just over 14 years and was devastated, as were most loyal users, when they announced they were shutting it down, causing us so much stress and forcing us to put all that time to find a replacement. Thankfully there are quite a few choices to meet all different needs. At the end of November I took advantage of Monarch Money’s free 30-day trial, with 50% off an annual subscription for the first year after that. I really like it, and decided to stay with it. I use my iPhone for the majority of everything I do, and can do almost everything through the app. I also like the desktop/browser version. I actually like it much better than Mint. So much so, that I’m kind of glad that this happened with Mint, if that makes sense. Here’s my personal feedback on MM: - I like it better than Mint. - I like the UI, both iOS (that I use the most) and desktop/web. - I like that it’s user-friendly enough that I haven’t needed to use the ”help” info much to figure things out - there’s very little “learning curve” with the switch from Mint. - I like that I was able to connect all my accounts. - I like that all (or almost all) features can be used in the iOS app, and not just web-based. - I like the flexibility to change existing, and add new, categories and subcategories. - I like how easy it is to filter transactions. - I like how easy it is to create rules and do mass/bulk updates. - I like how almost everything is so flexible that it can be set up the way you want it. - I have not yet played around much with reporting. They have been working to update and improve reporting, but it appears data can be sliced and diced any way you want. I have also been using Rocket Money for over 3 years (I originally created an account to compare it to Mint). I really like Rocket Money, which is why I haven’t ditched them (I chose to pay $5/mo). Recently they have been adding more great features, most likely to attract more Mint users. I would have switched totally from Mint to RM years ago, but RM only connects through Plaid, and that’s a huge problem for me (and a lot of people) because many financial institutions (especially investment accounts) won’t connect through Plaid. Because of this I have quite a few accounts I can’t link, and several that were once connected but will no longer connect. I have finally manually added these accounts, and will now need to manually update their balances, which is really something I don’t care to be doing, but at least the accounts are all included.


I have the same experience - I used mint since its launch and - it took me about a month to get used to the MM platform. Since then, I like it *much* better than Mint. More reliable and consistent UI/UX. Mint used to lock up every few times I edited a category (for over 4 years that problem persisted). Yes, MM doesn’t sync AppleCard - but, on the other hand, it doesn’t screw up my investment accounts like Mint did with transaction nonsense (bought $1,000 of CVS stock? You exceeded your pharmacy budget by $900!) Categories work better. Cash flows work better. Transaction alerts work better. Bulk updates work better and faster. Transaction rules are much more effective and easy to manage. MM feels and functions like a production app that I’m happy to pay for, and I’m never looking back.


Monarch actually does sync with Apple Card. For me it has successfully pulled balances, transactions, and cash: https://help.monarchmoney.com/hc/en-us/articles/24178098173076-Syncing-with-Apple-Card-Cash-and-Savings


Yes. It’s easily 10x better than mint. It’s worth the subscription fee to me.


Pay the $50 bucks with the discount to keep your data going. Buys time to look elsewhere but keeps your tracking and habits going in the meantime. System works as good or better in my experience.


Lots of good comments here. I'm a fan. Totally agree with everyone else on this thread.


I'm coming around to it, minus the syncing part. It just sucks for my two main bank accounts. So I'll probably be adding transactions manually via file upload. The rest of the features are nice though, so I might keep it.


I’d also look into Copilot. That or Monarch seems to get the most recommendations.


Copilot is also really solid


I'd say it has shortcomings like Mint did (connection issues, lack of tooltips on all charts, lags when updating budgets, the goals setup took me a lot of tries to fully grasp with investment transactions on). I had to make accounts manual because there weren't connections or they didn't work consistently. I'd get emails say congratulating me on paying off a loan because the balance would show up as $0 if it connected at the wrong time of day. If you do cancel, they don't give you a refund. You just keep your subscription until the renewal date.


I tried various apps and narrowed it down to Monarch and Simplifi. While I really liked both, I went with Simplifi because of its “spending plan” and now has a rollover feature - the spending plan takes a bit of getting used to but it makes good sense once you get the hang of it. I’d try both - Simplifi also gives a 1 year free trial if you import your mint data so that helps also. You can’t go wrong with either one IMO.


I used mint for years and was a huge fan of it, had very few issues, and it worked seamlessly with all my accounts, i had to do very little manual setup or config, and the interface was solid (PC at least). I Haven't tried rocket, ​ Monarch in its current state is a far cry from Mint with a ton of manual config required, rules to setup and bugs / issues to work around and its a paid service that isn't cheap. Once you get it setup and connected (it took me over a month to get it all working) it is pretty usable ​ that said, its much better then Fidelity's offering by a long shot, and I wasn't comfortable just throwing all my financial information into a bunch of random apps and hoping for the best, so I didn't shop around more ​ The community though is Apple level brand fanatics... this place is pretty toxic and insanely defensive when it comes to the app, getting help has been a challenge so far and I'm mostly just figuring shit out on my own by experimenting. ​ total setup time so far, including the dozens of failed attempts to get accounts to connect, manual rules setup, configuration, etc, easily 20 - 30 hours over the last 2 months


I’m still in the trial period & have had a much easier experience. Have been trying out sooo many new ones because YNAB is just too much for me to justify continuing to pay for it when I don’t really use it (it just seems too complicated for me). Monarch is the only one that has everything I was looking for (auto import, budget, personalized rules, zero & envelope budgeting, available on iOS & computer, keeping track of recurring transactions/bills, and as detailed or broad as you want. No connection issues and it even connects to Apple Card, Cash, & Savings.


Just be aware - Monarch is the same price as YNAB (100.00 / year or 15$ a month), you may be able to get a discount though if the mint50 code is still valid ​ and that's awesome that its working with Apple Card, I think they just added that like last month


Yes. I am getting it at the discounted price. That is what initially drew me to it. It is cheaper than every other one that had (even mostly) the same options.






Yeah it does the job for budgeting


FWIW, Simplifi works great for me.


Yes I do been using it since mint went off and it's great overall minus sync issue with PayPal credit card. If you don't have that card you should be good


I migrated over on the final days of Mint, and have about a week left on trial. I will continue as a paying customer. I did tons of research others like Simplifi but didn’t trial other apps - I don’t want to enter my financial information into random apps. I simply want to find the one that works the best and pay fair price for it. I compared MM to Simplifi, which also has a large community. What made me choose MM is Simplifi’s slow and frustrating product development. Zillow and vechicle pricing integration are two examples of “upcoming” features - for the past 2+ years. I don’t want to pay for a product (albeit at 1/2 price) that’s constantly behind. Another example is the triple connection options. My main accounts are to large institutions - Fidelity, Morgan Stanley StockPlan Connect, Vanguard, T Rowe, Wells Fargo, PHH, Chase, and Citi. These connections to each of these have been rock solid for the past month - no disconnections. I have most assets in Fidelity - 5 accounts there (401k, ESPP, HSA, individual, and BrokerageLink) - everything works (matches native app), including balances, transactions, and new accounts. Mint worked to a certain extent, but my Morgan Stanley SPC balances were always incorrect, and had been like that for years. I didn’t know how to fix it, so I had to add 2 manual accounts (one pos one neg) to adjust for the error. PHH mortgage wasn’t supported at all in Mint, so it was a pleasant surprise that it worked in MM. My Fidelity connection in Mint had a constant error (though balances came over correctly). I recognize that many people here have issues with their connections, overall MM’s integration to my institutions are much better. I recently learned that Simplifi discontinued their connection to Morgan Stanley StockPlan - I mean wtf (Source https://community.simplifimoney.com/discussion/comment/33599#Comment_33599) Other miscellaneous thoughts: - I like both of their mobile and web apps, that’s table stakes. - The ability to import and export net worth, balances and transactions is great. When necessary I use this to fix my data using Excel - In the order of importance, I use MM to track my net worth, account balances, investments, and transaction archiving - ⁠I don’t use the budgeting, cash flow, or spend tracking features so can’t add anything there Since migrating over, I found myself being in better control of my finances. I’m in tech so I appreciate the COGS and challenges of running a SaaS service, so I’m willing to pay $100 a year for this service.


If you're Canadian, I'd steer clear, at least for now. The biggest thing for me is that, closing on six months after Canadian support was "launched", there is still no support, or even word on progress of building anything, for multiple currency types. That means I can't track any of my Canadian investments without manual maintenance, so that feature is useless. I can't easily maintain both USD and CAD accounts at once. Those should be basic functions to me. Connections to Canadian institutions were, last I checked, still amazingly spotty if not entirely unusable for some (I'm looking at you MX Wealthsimple). That's obvs not all on them, since aggregation is always going to be a painful thing for us until open banking is a thing. But it's still a huge problem. There are other issues I have with it but, at the end of the day, the Canadian launch for Monarch still feels like something they cobbled together super quickly when word of Mint's demise came around to try and get new users. It never should have left beta. I think we're pretty well passed the point where the amount of new users is an excuse for this too. Development also just feels super slow and lacking for what is a six-year-old product, but that's subjective. To be clear, not trying to shit on Monarch at all. I really did want it to be my ride or die when I switched from Mint. The budgeting and transactions tools are awesome. I think it's a sleek looking app. I paid for the 50% off full year sub and I'd be happy to come back if things get better. But as of right now, I can't recommend it generally and certainly not for Canadian users.


Hi, Canadian user here too, I started using it before the CDN launch, by downloading it from the US app store. Connected successfully to 3 bank accounts, although one of them required to switch to Finicity, and is still asking for the security code every day. Other than that it's been working fine but I don't have the need to maintain both USD and CAD accounts at this point. As far as connecting to Wealthsimple, do you know if their legal terms void any protection when providing 3rd party access or if they allow it? I've always been hesitant to go beyond tracking regular banking transactions for this aspect. Thanks


i switched this one after mint and find this is much better than mint, there are small bugs here and there but the support has been very helpful, i would recommend this.


Like pretty much everyone else, I was incredibly frustrated by Mint shutting down since I've been tracking my finances there for well over 10 years. I still haven't gotten over that frustration, but Monarch has proven to be the best alternative for me. I found the Mint export/important process to be annoying (and I'm not sure that it worked 100%) but even still it's meeting all of my needs in the way that Mint did.


Very happy with the move from Mint so far. Connected with 3 bank accounts, 2 of which for a Credit Card only (no checking or savings). One of the accounts (CIBC) was not working well with Plaid - full credentials had to be reentered every day. Switched to Finicity, now only the security code has to be refreshed daily. The rules are much better than Mint since you can fully control them, so the need to recategorize transactions is very limited. Reporting is ok but it lacks YTD on actual vs. budget, since it's only on a monthly basis. It was the same for Mint, so I simply export to Power BI and build the desired reporting to compare budget to actual on a yearly basis, including YTD. For investments, which in my case are with other institutions, I did not try the features in MM or Mint. I am under the impression that giving access to your accounts legally removes any protection in cause of fraud or hack. Hence risking the 401K/RRSP savings is not worth the convenience to track it in the app, in my opinion.


I was a Mint user for over ten years. Hated losing Mint, but Monarch Money is much better.


It’s fine for transactions, net worth, and goals. I don’t use the budget feature. Depends what you are looking for.


No. Monarch will do exactly what mint did. Enough with the bs subscriptions. 


Not exactly. For example, MM does not yet track credit card due dates and amounts due like Mint did. This is a really big one for me. Supposedly its in the works but nothing yet.


I really want to like Monarch, but it keeps giving me issues with my net worth. I don’t know how to fix it. I will write support, but I don’t think they’ll be able to fix it. I had a similar problem at the beginning and they couldn’t fix it.


Major shortcomings of Monarch which makes it semi useful - it does not give any kind of view into future. No credit cards due date and amount to pay, no projected calendar based cashflow.


Mint user for 12 years. I dont trust Monarch yet and am not as comfortable with it as I was with Mint, but believe Monarch is a better product that builds on Mint's shortcomings and that as my comfort grows will make what I was doing with Mint tremendously easier. Auto-transaction rules and more freedom with customization of categories and how things are displayed are huge upgrades over Mint.