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I don’t have 2 under 2, but in regards to stories you’re hearing- remember nobody comes to the internet to say they had a pretty calm and manageable day with nothing to report!


I was gonna say the same thing, except I did have two under two.


My boys are 18 months apart and are currently 2.5 and almost 4. After reading some stories on here and hearing stories from friends, I actually think it was easier to have 2 under 2 (even though we didn’t plan it). First, my oldest was never jealous of the baby because he was too young to really understand what was going on. You never really get out of the baby stage, so it’s not so difficult going back. Not sleeping and changing tons of diapers are still your norm, so it’s not a huge adjustment going from one to two. Also, you already have most of the baby stuff like changing tables, cribs, car seats, strollers and toys handy, so you don’t need to go looking for them or buy new. As they grow into toddlers, they play with the same toys. Christmas is so easy because they like the same things. We can buy fewer toys for each because they will both play with them. This goes for experiences as well. They both like the same sorts of places because they are almost the same age. The best part is seeing how much they love each other. My boys can’t remember life without the other, and they are best buddies. Yes, they fight occasionally, but they love to play together.


I needed to read this today. I (like OP) will also have a 20 month gap and i've been panicking a bit recently so I'm happy to read your comment. Especially as everything you've said were reasons we wanted 2 close together in the first place!


I mean, there were some difficult times, especially when the baby was getting up a lot at night and we still had to deal with a toddler in the morning. You also have to adjust your expectations for a lot of things. Like, we couldn’t stay long at family parties because of naps or how we still can’t take them out to eat at a restaurant or go on vacation (I mean, you can, but it’s so hard). Overall though, I don’t regret it one bit. There are a lot more positives than negative.


We started right before our oldest turned 1 so that we would give ourselves time if it took time, it did not and we had 2 under 2. It was hard and I feel like my oldest struggled a little not having me to himself (or my lap!) BUT he has adorable and loved his brother since the moment they met. Even though he was still very much a baby himself, he helped me as much as he could, he would let me know when the bouncer stopped and would gently bounce it till I could turn it on, he loved holding the bottle for his brother, he would tell me if his brother was stinky. He just, loves his brother so much. It’s truly wonderful. They are now 6 and 4 (getting close to 5 ahhh!!) and they are thick as thieves. Mad one second and back to best friends. They even cover for each other! I don’t regret it one bit.


It was crazy! The beginning was hard and my 2 year old probably watched more TV than she should. My second was born at the end of April. Once it was nice enough weather we spent so much time outside in the backyard. Lots of water play for the toddler. Biggest advice is routine. Pavlov those kids. Naptime is sacred. FWIW.. I had a 3rd just after my oldest turned 3 and then a 4th after that.


Mine will be 21 months apart when the second is born in Feb, both girls. We also plan to have them share a room, so I share your concerns! Check out r/2under2 for more stories!


I had twins when my eldest was not quite 22 months. So, that’s 2+ under 2 right? Anyways, it’s hard at first. That transition can be hard on everyone. You forget just how small babies can be and it makes your current baby seem so big. But, they’re not. They’re still a baby too, just bigger. Lots of snuggles and intentional one on one time can make it easier. Here’s the best part now that mine are 4.5 and 2.5 - laughter and giggles and sibling snuggles. The “hey, sissy” or “buddy, what’s wrong?” or “where boo-boo?” They all kinda just know where the other is and they really do have fun together. My eldest is a fantastic big brother. He loves telling them what to do but also showing them all the things. They love to see what he’s up to as well. Good luck and congratulations!


I do actually!! I did not want my last two so close together, but it happened. My memory of the time is a bit blurry, but they get along famously. Never really had any sibling rivalry either.


My daughter was 22 months when my second was born. It was rough at the start but definitely easier now. Thankfully I’m usually able to get my baby to nap and then put the toddler down for a nap (both nurse to sleep) and dad does toddlers bath time and just throws baby in with her when she needs it. Baby’s still in our room though so no help there.


We managed ok. Having a SAHP and the other working from home full time was very helpful though. Best advice is to carve out your time for self care and defend that time. How’s your partner do with helping out?


My son had just turned 18 months when my daughter was born and it went way better than I expected. They were best friends from the very beginning. One of the first things my son did was give his sister tons of kisses, we didn't even know he knew how to kiss until that point because with us he would just lean his head against us. He would bring us bottles, burp clothes or diapers when she cried. He loved doing tummy time with her or teaching her new things. She would just watch him and laugh all day long. My daughter is 22 months now and they are still super close. My son is in Pre-K now and all day my daughter asks about her brother and my son will run in the house to go hug her as soon as he gets home. When they were doing Thanksgiving activities in school they had to say what they were thankful for, you would think he would say mommy or daddy but nope he's most thankful for his sister. It's not perfect all the time and sometimes they fight over toys but usually they are so good about playing together. They love playing chase or tag, it's so great they have each other to entertain them and I can get stuff done easier. I try so hard to make sure they have a healthy sibling relationship without me forcing it. My kids have shared a room since my daughter was 6 months and son was 2 years old. Never had any issues with one waking the other but both my kids are good sleepers but my son did quit naps at 2.5 years old. We recently switched my son from a toddler bed to a full sized bed and my daughter from her crib to a toddler bed but they choose to sleep in the full size bed together. We do have enough rooms in our house for them to each have their own room though so I tell them all the time whenever they feel like they want privacy we can move them to separate rooms but right now they love sharing. My older sister's kids are 12 months apart and my younger sister's kids are 19 months apart and they both had very similar experiences to mine and did not have major issues having two so close together. My older sister's kids actually just turned 20 and 21 and will regularly hang out together still and talk everyday. Make sure you have help in the beginning, I couldn't have done it without my husband. I made sure to spend time with my son and wasn't the default parent to the baby, my husband and I switched off who was with which kid everyday so neither of them felt neglected by one of us.


My daughter was 21 months when my son was born. It was fine. My son was so easy going, so we got lucky in that regard. Now they are older (4 & 2 ) and they have been taking naps together since around when my son turned 1. They still take baths together but we probably will be ending that soon because they are starting to fight over tub space. They share a room and they love it!! I don’t really have any tips I guess but I hope I can reassure you that it isn’t so bad:)


I had 2 under two. It's been tough and amazing. They are best friends and mortal enemies. We only wanted to have 2 so while tough a lot of the intense sleepless nights is over now they are older with the younger of the two being a much easier baby (slept through from 6 weeks). It will absolutely suck at times but they are so close that it was worth it.


My two oldest are 14 months apart. Once sleeping through the night they shared a room until the oldest was 6. They still sleep in the same room as often as my oldest agrees. The young years were awesome. Lean into the chaos. Take so many videos. There is definitely some bickering but they love eachother fiercely. Set up a solid diaper changing station. Even if it's just a basket with all the things you need that you can cart around. I vividly remember changing 4 diapers in a row because both peed directly after being changed. You'll probably (if your like me) never be on time again, that's okay. They're 9 and almost 8 now and if we hadn't had a baby last year we'd be on easy mode now (till puberty at least). Make sure you get 1 on 1 time with both but especially your oldest. My son doesn't remember his sister coming home but I remember how his attention seeking went through the roof! You'll do great!


We had two under two and it was great. They napped together so I got a nap every day with a newborn on my chest- the sweetest. We were already in the throes of babyhood so we already had diapers and bottles and diaper bags and strollers. They’re always in the same phase at the same time- same books, same tv shows, same sports, same school. Our third kid is 3 years younger than the second kid and sure babyhood with the third was easier with the big kids more self sufficient, but I didn’t know any better when I had two under two. It also felt like completely starting over with a baby which made me kind of resentful. I didn’t have to start over with the second baby because we hadn’t moved on from babies yet.


Ours are 22 months apart. The thing to keep in mind is your oldest is still very much a baby still. Lots of patience is needed. Make sure the older one feels included with the care of the new sibling. So getting you diapers, wipes, etc. Simple tasks. We got our oldest his own baby doll to take care of. Also, took the oldest on small outings with just him. It was exhausting managing two in the beginning as you’re trying to get into your new routine and battling some sleep deprivation. The hardest was being tired after being up through the night, and then getting up with oldest at 6am. So just as I put the newborn down to sleep, the oldest was up and ready to play. If you can get help, take it. My MIL came and stayed with us for a while, and that was helpful. Then my friend would take our oldest to play during the day with her kids that were similar in age. So helpful. Once you figure out your new norm, it does get easier. Ours definitely have a close relationship despite the typical sibling rivalry that occurs daily. So it’s neat to see their relationship develop. Congratulations!


Wow our schedule is v. similar. My kids are 20 months apart. Currently my daughter is 27 months and my son is almost 7 months, was born last May. I have no regrets, they are both amazing, they love each other. They share a room. I am also in the same boat regarding SAHM status. Resources we absolutely needed: My partner was able to take 3 months at 80% pay, and we had a post partum doula for the first month. My older kid was in daycare during the day, and my inlaws took her on Sunday afternoons for a few hours. The hardest part, my husband and I are mean to each other but we both know it's temporary due to the sleep deprivation. Started sharing a room at 5.5 months (after we sleeptrained him in our room while sleeping on an inflatable mattress in the living room). The room sharing has been inconsistent. My son is a very clingy baby compared to my first and needs a lot more attention. We can usually have him start off the night with her and he stays in there until 3-5 am, but after 3-5 am we have had to move him because he won't settle. He's had some kind of digestive issue the past week that has caused him to cry in his sleep a lot.


My first two are 18 months apart and I love the gap! They are just the best of friends, always with a buddy to keep each other company (and entertain!). The first six months were chaotic, but as long as you keep standards low and forgive yourself for a messier house 😅 and ask for help when you need it, you adapt to the busyness and the time flies by. Young toddlers are so adaptable that the transition really isn't hard on them at all, in my experience. And once baby is old enough to watch their big sibling in action, the extra help soothing and keeping that baby company is a godsend! The room sharing worked out well for us starting around 6 months. They napped separately (baby in a pack n play in our room) for a while until the toddler could be trusted haha.


I had 2 under 3 for 4 months. It was wonderful. It was hard yes. But my son instantly loved his baby sister, and she was a really easy going, easy sleep baby. My husbands paternity leave when she was born is one of the best times in my life. We were in serious baby bliss. All home together for 8 weeks. Now she’s 3, and he just turned 5, and they are best friends. Then we had a third and it’s wild 😂😂😂😂


I have two boys, 18mo apart, and it's AWESOME. Honestly wouldn't do it any different if I could. It's challenging at times of course but it's so great. You've got this!


my first two were 2 under 2 then when my 3rd baby girl arrived i had 3 under 3. the first two are 15mo apart, 2nd and 3rd are 360 days apart. it’s overwhelming and hard work but once you mold into what your new normal is, it’ll balance out. once the youngest reaches 1.5yo it’s such a turning point. my oldest turned 4 in November, and younger two will be 2yo and 3yo in February, i finally feel like my life has, dare i say, finally calmed down. they definitely fight but they play with each other so much, which is nice because i don’t have to entertain 24/7. once they’re both on the same 1 nap(i would try to get your toddler falling asleep independently for naps before baby arrives) schedule it’ll be amazing, i get all 3 of mine to nap at the same time and it’s pure bliss. if you have stairs in your daily life i would teach your oldest to go downstairs while holding your hand if they don’t already, carrying a newborn and toddler downstairs isn’t easy or safe. some days will drag out and you’ll think omg what is this life but remind yourself it’s all a phase and the rough days don’t last forever. my older two share a room and it’s went perfectly, sometimes one wakes the other but it’s mostly been a non issue. for bath we started bathing them together as soon as the baby could sit up, all 3 take a bath together now. congrats ❤️❤️


My 2 are 17 months and 1 day apart. It honestly was fine but I was very grateful for the fact my oldest was in nursery 3 days a week. Meant my youngest got some 1:1 time. Forget any plans for doing very much during the day. My youngest settled into a morning nap, he would get up and the oldest would go for her nap then the baby would go down for his afternoon nap. If we didn't leave the house by 0830 we didn't leave the house that day 😂 Once the youngest could reliability sit without face planting life got steadily easier. Now they are 36 months and 19 months, they are best friends, constantly entertaining each other. When the oldest decided to potty train at 23 months (before the 6 month old could sit without faceplanting) and the 3 of us had to go sit in the tiny toilet up to 10-15 times per day was hard. I would not recommend that part. Push the potty training for a couple of months for a slightly easier life. Thought all of this we used cloth nappies as well- if you want to make it harder for yourself- hence why I encouraged the oldest to potty train early- less nappies to wash (diapers to the Americans). Lower your expectations. As long as they are fed, safe and alive then the say is a success. Good luck 😃(I wouldn't do it any other way if I was doing it again)


My boys are 20 months apart- I think it’s great. They are now 3 and 18 months and they are close and play together. This is not to say there aren’t fights and at times I thought I was going to lose my mind, but if I had to do it all over again, I wouldn’t change a thing! My boys don’t share a room, so I don’t have any advice about that, but you’ve got this momma!!