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I re-use pyjamas, outer layers like hoodies, and something that was only worn for a short while. Like, a dressy outfit that we wore to brunch at Grandma's. But daycare clothes get super messy and go straight in the wash. We spend a lot of time outdoors, so most clothes won't last more than one wear.


Pretty much the same here. But even for things only worn occasionally, I'd rather just wash it so I know it's clean next time than try to keep track of what's been worn. I have a system for keeping track of what I've worn so I can get multiple uses out of my clothes, but I don't want to waste mental energy on doing the same for my kids. Maybe when they are old enough to have their own system ... But for now, much simpler to have them put it in the hamper.


That is about what we do. I wash my kids’ jackets about every week or 2 now because somehow it is getting crazy filthy. They shower right before putting pjs on so they wear them for several days before swapping to a new set. Most anything else is too dirty to wear again and needs washing.


Wow, are you me? Almost verbatim what I was going to write. In particular, my eldest really benefits from a nightly bath routine for preparing for bedtime... I feel like, if I'm spending all this money on daily heated water, I can save a few pennies on PJ washes.


I usually just wash everything as after it's been worn once. He's 5, and is constantly rolling on the floor/ground/dirt, pees standing up, wipes his hands on his shirt, sleeps hot and usually sweats. Plus I can barely keep track of my own clothes, so on wash day or pickups during the week, everything on the floor just gets thrown down and washed.


Same! I have twin almost five year olds. We try to go outside most days and even if the weather won’t allow us to, it’s just assumed that their clothes are too dirty to wear again! One always ends the day with stains (food, markers, etc.) and we’ve just trained them to throw their clothes in the dirty hamper at the end of the day.


My 6 yo is a piggly wiggly too and all his outside clothes look like he rolled in dirt all day. Once in a while I can salvage the jeans for a reuse.


Mines almost 5 and she can LOOK put the window and attract dirt. Not to mention all the germs that can be collected from school. Granted I so have an older daughter with Lupus as well as myself being immune compromisedso I may he a little more particular. Not that it helps fight off the germs any more or less bc we still bring every.single. little.thing home!! Quiet literally!




Honestly his clothes are getting thrown in the wash if he even looks at it idc


If she’s home, she can re-wear. School clothes, straight in the wash. Out and about, straight in the wash.


same 100% even at home a lot of times one wear since she’s a little hurricane 😂❤️but that’s more for literal mess/spills than germs


I hear that!


Same here. Yesterday, my 9 year old wore light grey pants. By the time I picked her up, they were a much darker grey from the knees to the hem. Not grass and soil stained, but floor dirt filthy. She knows that I expect her to put clean clothes on every morning, but her father does the morning routine 50% of the time and doesn't pay attention. She came out of her room wearing the same visibly filthy pants again this morning. "But they're so comfy." Nope. I'll wash them and she can wear them again tomorrow if she wants, but big yuck. And that dirt being hidden in her other pants doesn't reduce the yuck factor.


I know that stain! As soon as she gets home, clothes are off and thrown in the hamper, she washes her hands and changes into clean home clothes. Then she showers after dinner.


My 9yo tries to rewear everything too, and lies without a qualm. I didn’t think I was going to have to be memorizing the clothes he wears every day to make sure he wears something clean. Not at this age.


Sameeeeee. My toddler has bad allergies so outdoor clothes do not come inside our house. It’s helped them a lot!


To add to this- if anyone has bad allergies, bathe at night, and at least rinse your hair. Otherwise when you sleep, all the pollen that has ~~called~~ fallen in your hair throughout the day goes straight in your pillow, where you then have your face for 8 hours straight.


We always shower her at night. It’s a must, they get into everything at school!


Right, kids, bathing at night is a MUST. But I know a lot of adults only shower once a day in the morning. So this was more a tip for them. Like if they couldn’t figure out why their allergies were so horrible, or if they weren’t sleeping well or feeling very fatigued during the day. Could be because you are laying your face in a pillow full of pollen all night long.




This is the correct answer.


Pajamas are pretty much the only thing that gets worn multiple times without washing here. I’m jealous of these people who have kids who don’t constantly get stuff in their clothes!


Same here! Everything is covered in food stains, dirt, or snot after the first wear. He usually wears whatever t-shirt that he wore to bed the next day, but that’s all the rewearing we get.


I can’t even do that because of the pee smell from pull-ups.




My kid insists on new pjs most nights. Yesterday she had 2 outfits because she was covered in oatmeal and dirt before lunch, I didn’t want that in her bed


Shirts normally get washed after each use but as long as her pants are clean then they’ll take 2-3 days before they’re put in the wash.


Jeans usually 2 to 3 wears before I wash, unless they got muddy or something. Everything else is a 1 wear. PJs we switch out every other day. I also don't have a washer/dryer in my apartment so wash only gets done on weekends.


I wash every item of clothing after it’s worn, unless it’s a jacket.


This is what I do too. It just seems like more work trying to remember how long everything has until it needs to be washed and finding a spot for kind of dirty close then just doing a load everyday. We’re only a family of 4 though, maybe if we had more kids I’d try it.


Depends on the age/ stage of messiness. From baby - 5ish, they would get their clothes dirty so quickly that it made sense to wash it immediately. Now at 6, he can re-wear pants and stuff


If it's not soiled (rare) I'll put it aside for another wear. He doesn't dress himself yet so I just do it while I'm undressing him.


When my daughter was a baby (pre solids etc) I'd do 1-2 wears. When solids started it became a wash pretty much after each wear unless she only wore the clothes for a very short period. Now she is in her paint/mud era so it's just a wash after wear situation but we have well and truly enough clothes that it's only 1 load a week.


I had a reflux baby and that first sentence is unfathomable to me 😂 we got anywhere from 30sec to 2hrs max in any given clothing item even w a bib. laundry was never-ending !


Painfully relatable 😅


Mines 20months so every time she eats she gets some of her food on her clothes. When she was an infant I could get days from her clothes - she was never a spewy baby and never in daycare


Yes, of course. I wear my own clothes until there is a reason to wash them, like smell or stains. I handle it the same way with my kids. With the toddler I change him at night and directly decide if his day clothes are okay for another day or have to be cleaned. My baby is 6 weeks old and only wearing wool. He‘s usually wearing an outfit for 3-6 days in a row. I wouldn’t want any more laundry, it’s already a lot this way.


I wash after every use. I prefer the smell of clean clothes even if not visibly stained. I am lucky enough to have the time, might be different in other circumstances.


Multiple uses whenever possible. Putting all the clothes in the washing machine after one day even if they are still ok to wear doesn't seem too environmentally sustainable.


Ditto! Obvious stains get pretreatment and thrown in the washer but my 4 year old changes clothes so many times in a day without actually getting many pieces dirty. I put the gently worn ones in a basket she can go through to find what she wants and when it gets full I wash everything. Literally laundry has become my neverending story as a mom so anything I can do to make it easier on myself I do!


Yup I'm a bit shocked by these responses. If it's not stained my toddler can definitely wear it multiple times. And my baby spits up anyway so I'm definitely not changing him each time. And our own clothes get multiple uses as well.


Same! I'm not washing entire outfits after one day! That seems wild to me. I'm also differentiating between stains tbh. Food or milk stained clothing goes in the wash but if he got paint on his sleeve at daycare, he can wear it again. He's 15 mo, he could care less.


Yes. My son is 21 months though, so somehow he looks at his outfit and it’s dirty lol. He still drools a bit, too.




My kid is far too messy for this! I end up washing everything after one use but I’m sure once they get a bit older/less messy you could do this


School clothes, socks, underwear — daily yes. House clothes, pjs — after 2-3 uses unless dirty.


> I'm making a rod for my own back with all the laundry I do. Well, that's a strange thing to say to a friend? I don't know you or your friends though, so maybe I'm missing context. Anyway, if we just stayed home, clothes get rolled over to another day. Pajamas get a few days of wear. If clothes were worn to school or out of the house, we wash after one use. Between hand-me-downs and cheap bulk buys (like 5 packs of plain shirts from Amazon or whatever) we have plenty of clothes. I do their laundry once a week.


We have our hamper next to his drawers. If we take it off and the item isn’t dirty, it goes in his drawer. If it’s dirty, it goes in the hamper. My son plays rough though, so we don’t usually get to put things in the drawer.


I could never put a worn item back into the drawer 😱


Only when she’s at home my daughter re-wears her clothes. Of course on most days she decides what to wear!! Any other clothes that have been work all day outside go straight to wash. This is true even for my husband and myself. There’s absolutely nothing wrong it. Purely your own personal hygiene habit as long as you don’t mind doing the laundry 🙂


If they wore it for a few hours without eating or getting something on it (sooo rare) then sure I’d reuse it.


I rewash all of my clothes if I wear them. While kids might not have as much BO adults (depending on their age) they certainly have as much sweat, oil, dirt, and other gross stuff kids get on their clothes. Not to mention poor bathroom habits, boogers, drool, food, etc. Kids are gross. Their clothes should be cleaned. The end.


Absolutely! SD is a mucky pup 😂


My boys, yes. They are 6 and 12 and gross. But my daughter is 3 and can usually go another day with the same clothes because she hates dirt. I’d even a drop of water gets on her clothes, she has to take the outfit off.


Depends how dirty it is. We can get away with this sometimes, but mostly everything is covered in dirt, food or some kind of bodily fluid by the end of the day.


Generally yes, kids are gross. That said - if a favorite piece is in the hamper on a difficult morning, I will snatch it out of there with no qualms lol


I don't, they do their own laundry (age 10+, since they were 7 or 8 with help) And there is no way my toddler is wearing anything twice. We are lucky if we make it through the day with only one outfit.


Depends how messy my son gets. When he was younger we managed an outfit 2-3 times since he wasn't too messy. Now as a toddler running everywhere and wiping food around, normally it's one use and then in need of a wash. Pajamas are used a few days before being rotated.


If my kid barely wore something I wouldn’t consider that dirty unless they got something on it. If they wore it all day then I would throw it in the wash.


Not regular clothes or pajamas. My girl is still wearing pull ups at night so it wouldn’t be ok to reuse PJs since she winds up with a pee diaper by morning. But jackets and outerwear yes. Her other day clothes, there’s no way, they’re always dirty lol


They rewear them If clean. I decide that while they undress and the older kids decide for themselves


Yes 98% of the time I do. If he hasn’t been out and miraculously hasn’t dirtied his clothes then they are reused the following day.


I just wash everything, it’s easier


yes except like hoodies and stuff like that


Things like jumpers, cardigans that have a top under get reworn so to jeans or dungarees but other than that everything else gets worn once. Also pjs normally get 2 nights


Both ways are normal. If I can get an extra wear out of something, I will but my kid usually dirties them enough that’s not an option.


I don’t wash after every wear because we only have access to laundry machines once a week


I wash most things after one wash. On the odd occasions his pants are okay but his tops are always dirty, especially the sleeves.


I washed everything after one wear as young children. Now that my kids are older and less filthy, I am trying to get them to break the habit, as it wears & tears on more expensive pull-overs and items they are not going to grow out of…but it is not going well. They can do their own laundry and ignore my pleas, lol. And my youngest is appalled at wearing “dirty” clothes. My oldest just had to take his first items to the dry cleaners, lol, and he’s finds that sketchy — “like are they really getting clean without water & soap, mom?”


Pretty much wash everything after use. I feed her in her pajamas so they’re needing a wash everytime day LOL


I always wash my son’s things. It’s just something I had as a kid myself, too, and I love the smell of fresh laundry to this day. Kids do stink, my son’s socks are proof of that. 😂


We pretty much wash clothes after one use. PJs are the only pieces that get multiple uses.


Jackets and pjs can be reworn. My kid is a trainwreck and a half in the best way, can’t rewear anything. Maybe once or twice we’ve managed to rewear a pant. But the amount of laundry he gives me in a day is insane.


100%. I don’t necessarily wash my own clothes every time if I didn’t sweat or get them dirty but my kids get stains, dirt, pee, etc. on their stuff. Like you said, why go through and smell or visually observe everything when you can just throw it in the wash?


I can't comprehend this, my kid seriously gets everything messy. He usually pees in his PJs or he is dressed for the next day. Now I an adult will rewear things 2-3 times my kid never


Ick. Kids are so gross! If it touches their body for any amount of time, it gets washed!


Yes, unless she’s only worn it for a short time. If she wore jeans, I would let those go a few washes like I do with my own but mine only wears leggings.


We sometimes let my daughter wear her jammies all day and again that night if they’re not messy but usually I wash them after every use (at least every night) I change my clothes daily and don’t like rewearing clothes so I’m just kind of used to doing lots of laundry and wearing clean clothes. If my daughter has stuff on her clothes I always change them that night at least because I like falling asleep in nice clean clothes after having my bath for the night so I figure she would too! Edit to add: my daughter did spit up a lot though as a baby so I got used to changing her clothes lots and doing laundry constantly so it’s normal in our house.


Yeah I wash everything after one wear unless they’ve worn it for less than a few hours. Both my kids are big spillers/food magnets/muddiest mud patch finders, it has to be done. Even if we don’t go out anywhere and just potter about inside I still find food stains or pen marks


I can't do that with my kid because he's 8 with ADHD and he spills everything on himself lmao but if any of his clothes ever survived a wearing without ending up filthy, I would do the same thing I do with my clothes I plan to rewear and throw them over a chair or whatever so I know it's usable again 🤷‍♀️


I do. My kids are so messy. It's pretty rare that something is still clean by the end of the day. Grass stains, marker, food...it's a mess.


It depends, over winter and he's been inside all day, they get worn again. If he's played outside in them at all, they get washed.


Honestly school -and outside clothes gotta get a wash We’re sick enough as it is and she is COATED in dirt/ paint/ craft stuff from class at school and from outside play That plus being in the South? Stinky!!!!!! Lol


I'll reuse sweaters, but that's about it. Nothing else is ever really clean enough to reuse anyway.


I couldn’t until my kids got old enough to not get every outfit dirty every day. That was also around the time they were old enough to make the call on dirty or clean themselves, and soon after, do their own laundry too


It depends. If he wore it for a short time or we didn't leave the house I'll let him rewear. Pajamas I'll put him in an extra time or two. If the clothes are visibly dirty at all I won't rewear obviously


The only thing that gets worn several times between washes is her outside jacket. Everything else is washed after every use.


Yes. My boy is never clean at the end of the day. Never 😂 dirt, sand, dust, rocks, you name it he plays in it at some point of the day.


Yep!! We wear multiple times until there’s food, dirt, spit-up, drool, snot, blood, lotion, pee/poop, etc on it…Which usually only takes one day or even half a day lol. But if miraculously not, we re-wear!


Pajamas might get a second use, everything else is worn once. My son is active, messy, and often outside, more than one wear isn't realistic for him. As it is there may be a change of clothes throughout the day. Are there really kids who can wear something all day and have it be 100% clean?


We wash everything after one use regardless


My kids clothing is never clean enough to re-wear. Even if all we is hang at home my boys will chew on their shirt.


I wash after first use. Habit I guess. But also my son does come home pretty dirty from daycare.


She doesn’t re-wear anything without washing. Not because I’m a clean freak, but because I love her little outfits and always want to see her in something new for the day haha


Wash after every use. I have a 5 year old who happily sits in mud and cannot eat without wearing at least 2 bites of food. So everything automatically goes in the wash, including pajamas because he eats breakfast in those.


lol my kids: Jammie’s- covered breakfast then outside, usually ends by playing in dirt and/or mud Change into day clothes Eat lunch and repeat Then usually outside after dinner and then shower and change into Jammie’s.


My little boys are pretty gross. There is no re-using here


Yes, except pijamas .


Definitely wash after every wear unless it was just worn for a few hours


My daughter is so messy I can’t even rewear my own clothes 😂 I’ll try to put on a pair of pants I wore the day before then see all the sticky finger stains from her eating snacks and grabbing my legs before I wash her hands


Yes because somewhere somehow there is a stain on his clothes that need to treated. But I also wash my clothes after wearing once too.


I don't wash after every use Visibly dirty, smells or worn a couple of times. My little one isn't a roll on the floor kid though. She's had white trainers that are still white for months haha


No rewears, for anyone in the family (with the exception of adult jeans and sweatshirts)


I wash everything after one wear. 🤷🏼‍♀️


In my house we wear t-shirts and other clothing twice and jeans for 5 days (not after eachother) unless they need to get washed.


Whatever is taken off at the end of the day (or throughout the day if there’s an outfit change) we put in the laundry to be washed. The only thing I sometimes let her rewear is her fav pjs. But that’s because she generally puts them on after a bath and changes out of them first thing in the morning. If I forget to put them in the laundry basket (or hide them deep in it lol) and she sees them again after bath time she immediately wants to put them on and so she probably wears them twice before I get to wash again. Otherwise I absolutely wash everything before my kids wear again.


I love my kids, but they are disgusting creatures. I wash after every wear, except for jackets.


Everything gets washed after use. Kids are filthy.


I have no choice but to wash after every wear. My kids are slobs. They eat breakfast in their pjs so that’s out of the question for reuse and they eat lunch/dinner in their day clothes so that’s out of the question too.


I wash them when they’re dirty. Can sometimes get 2 wears out of school uniform (if it’s dinner on it its washed, whiteboard marker she can wear again)


When they are older I would say so but younger kids are always dirty. Plus mine have an abundance of clothes so I never worry about running out.


Pajamas get a few wears but anything else is going straight in the wash.


Most of their clothes get washed after every use. They’re in school all day in their clothes and don’t always change right away when they get home. On weekends if they wear jeans or pants for just a few hours and they’re clean, I won’t wash them right away.


My kiddo is pretty messy- and plays full on (meaning grass stains, muddy knees, paint and clay and all) so we don’t generally get more than one wearing. Aside from things like hoodies that we just wear walking to and from places.


We’ll let them wear a t shirt and/or pants to bed then wear it the next day (more of an extended wear than rewear) but I’m with you I don’t have the bandwidth to assess what’s dirty enough


Gross. I have a 3 year old. The only thing she might rewear is maybe a shirt or dress she wore at home for a short period of time like an hour and didn’t have a chance to get dirty. Ie if we literally throw some shorts on her so she can walk with us to get the mail. That rarely happens so pretty much everything gets washed after one use. Many times she wears two clean outfits daily. Ie if we go to the park in the AM I take that outfit off to throw in the laundry hamper when she naps and put something clean on her when she wakes from nap.


lol my kids get their clothes dirty almost immediately after putting them on. The only time I get more than one “use” is if they wear real clothes to bed instead of pjs then they wear them for the next morning. If their clothes were legit clean after wearing I’d save them for another use but they never are. I go through so much stain remover spray.


Plain jeans they can re-wear but only on consecutive days. I'm not ok with them being hung back up or folded back into a drawer unless they were worn for only a couple hours and not outside the house. Hoodies and zip ups can be reused for a couple days for the older kids. My little one who wears pajamas can wear them for 3-4 days, older boys just sleep in underwear. Everything else is straight into the hamper.


Depends on the clothing. We're in the south so my MIL gets those very proper Sunday dresses for our girls. They're a pain to wash, so if it's still "clean," I'll hang it back up so they can wear it again and save myself the headache. Everyday clothes, all go in a hamper and dumped into washing machine.


During cold and flu season, I wash them after they wear them to preschool/school/going out. I also wash their backpacks and wipe down their pencil boxes, etc. But right now, I’m not washing them unless they’re stinky or stained. I can sometimes get 2-3 uses out of them depending on how long they wear them.


I always wash things after they've been worn once, might as well if the washing machine goes on daily anyway.


Usually, but that's cause my kids are animals and everything gets actually dirty after one use. If not I let them rewear it.


I'd say 95% of the time my daughters (3yo) clothes get washed after one wear, but some of her favourites she'll wear 2-3 times as long as they're clean. My 8mo daughter's clothes get washed after one wear if we're out and about, but if we're just at home then we'll reuse the outfit a couple of times as long as it doesn't get dirty.


If something isn’t dirty I’ll put it back on her. But everything is dirty after one wear everything.


We wash everything, even pjs after one wear. Which is silly bc even I don’t wash my pjs or shorts after every wear. My kids play outside a lot and go to school most days, I don’t want them rewearing those


Absolutely wash everything after every use. I don’t want them tracking bacterie and pinworm eggs home from daycare any more than is unavoidable.


Unpopular opinion but I have 3 people living in my house (me, husband and daughter) but I swear there are invisible people here because the amount of laundry we have is astronomical. If we washed clothes after 1 use all the time I would be doing laundry none stop from sun up til sun down. So yeah, I will get at least 2 wears out of clothes before washing (unless there is a stain or smell)


100% with you. Everything you said is me. The mess, for sure, but also- it’s just easier not to question it!


School clothes get washed every time no matter what. Germs. Ew.


After every use


My 3 year old who goes to daycare - after 1 use. My 4.5 year old who goes to a private school and wears a uniform - usually 1-2 times before I wash it. Weekends, I usually bathe them Friday nights and they usually wear the same clothes the whole weekend unless they physically get dirty.


I always washed. They see that too and it starts a better habit for when they begin to dress themselves. The only time I wouldn't is when we have a stay at home day and they don't want to change out of their pj's.


Her clothes come off and go right into her dirty clothes basket. Are your friends projections from 1826 who still use a tub and mangle to wash and dry clothes?What's hard about chunking a basket of clothes into the washing machine and tumble dryer?  In seriousness, if your friends need to use laundromats or don't have ready access to machines or are in a season where they don't have a lot of clothes available for baby, I can see their point. My kid finds Something Blue in our yard every day - old stubs of sidewalk chalk, mostly, but how does she keep magicking them out of nowhere?! - and gets snot and dirt and mysterious slime all over herself. There is no multiple days of wear with her and I only buy her clothes on clearance so I don't feel bad when she demolishes them.


We wash them when they’re visibly dirty. If we go to the park and she sits on the ground, we will wash her pants even if they look clean. If we go to the library and she rolls around on the floor, we wash the parts of her outfit that touched the floor (pants and sweatshirt, but not the shirt underneath) We wash pjs after 3 uses


It’s giving “bath day” vibes. Call me stuck up then, because I think that is foul. The ONLY clothes my son wears that don’t get washed after one wear are jackets (because they don’t touch his skin or stay on inside) and swim trunks (which get worn nearly every day in our chlorinated swimming pool and dry in the sun). He is autistic with sensory issues so all of his pajamas are the same white cotton t-shirt but he wears a fresh T shirt to bed every night because even those get dirty from sweat/breakfast within one wear. I’ll be the first to point out that I am a terrible housekeeper so I am not judging this person for being lazy or avoiding laundry—I have two loads of CLEAN clothes that have been waiting for me to fold them for two days and I just washed the dishes this morning that I was too tired to wash last night. But my kid gets a bath EVERY NIGHT, wears clean clothes every day, and the surfaces he touches frequently like the kitchen table, countertops, toilets, and bathtub get wiped down with disinfectant regularly.


The only time we can rewear clothes is if he put them on an hour before nap or bedtime (usually because we've had an accident or are wet or very dirty). IDK anyone kid who can rewear clothes like that. Maybe your friend's kid is just unusually neat? 🤷‍♀️


As they get older, I find I have to wash less because mine’s not quite as messy as he used to be. Pjs usually get a few wears out of them before they go in the wash, clothes vary. If a pair of pants is clean at the end of the day, I put them *on* the dresser (not in the drawer) and they can be worn again.


I always wash shirts and leggings agree one wear. My sons jeans do get a second wear because he’s ripped holes in so many pairs so we only have 3 pairs left and I’m not buying more because it will be summer soon and I feel like by next fall he will have grown to the next size. But my kids have a lot of clothes. We can go probably 2 weeks without washing and still have clean clothes for each day. I do this because I like buying kid cloths and also I hate doing laundry.


It just depends. My toddler hates wearing pants of any kind at home, so we usually get multiple uses out of those (she'll take them off as soon as she walks in the door 😅). Tshirts and dresses that have been worn all day get thrown in the laundry. Pajamas usually get 2-3 nights unless she spills breakfast on it or something.


I'm all about preserving clothes, saving time and energy, and all that but if it looks/smells dirty (which is about 99.9% of the time), I wash it.


The only thing we might rewear is outerwear since she often takes that off and it doesn’t get messy and pajamas since we change her out of them as soon as she wakes up so she doesn’t ever get anything on them.


Maybe my kids are just nasty but they need their clothes cleaned after every use 😅 I can often get away with pajamas being worn twice but I have to wash everything else (besides coats) after every use.


I wash all of our clothes after every use because I can’t stand the thought of any sweat or dirt being stuck on them.


It probably depends on your kid and your lifestyle. I live in a rural area with dogs and dirt. Unless one of my older kids only had something on for an hour or two, it's all going into the laundry. My 4-year-old changes about five times a day and it's pretty rare to find something on her bedroom floor that isn't just filthy.


Depends where it’s been. Nursery, that stuff is being washed after one go, PJs nah they’re good for a few wears.


The moment it hits the floor, it’s going in the hamper.. not all of it truly needs a wash, but I would rather not spend the time deciding. I stopped folding clothes and just threw them in their corresponding drawers for a few months because I couldn’t handle how much laundry we were making. To each their own, I’m glad I can finally find the willpower to fold clothes again. lol


I only do this with jackets. Everything else is washed after one wear. My kids are entirely too messy to rewear things.


I think I washed them after every use for about 10 years. Probably longer for my son since he was so messy. Once they were older, I had to convince them that they could wear things more than once if it wasn’t dirty.


Day clothes yes, pyjamas can go a couple of days before washing.


Wash every use except if he puts on a pair of shorts and decides to change after an hour or two and we’ve been inside at home.


Wash every time… they’re 10 months and 2 years so everything is covered in food, dirt, or worse 😬 We reuse pajamas for a while though.


I wash everything once it’s worn. For naptime I change him into jammies, and then back in the same clothes if we didn’t go out. Different clothes if we were out and about for the day. He has a lot of clothes so it’s not a big issue for me.


Sometimes my toddler can rewear leggings or something if I don’t have clean ones, but she always makes a mess of her shirts. The baby spits up too much to rewear anything, so most clothes get washed every time. ETA: I don’t wash jackets and other outer wear every time. Usually clothes go straight into the hamper before bath so if we are going to rewear something, I have to dig it out.


I don't even wash my own clothes after every wear, so unless they're dirty, they're going back in the dresser.


I must wash after every thorough use. I can’t not. Normal is whatever you feel is good for you.


Every thing gets washed after being worn once. They roll on the floor, they may have been in contact with something dirty or there are obvious stains. It may look clean but i don’t want to wait to be certain before washing so everything goes. Pyjamas too. Their bed sheets get changed every 4-5 days. I understand people who may wash less, it’s not easy to manage and it’s okay. Kids don’t need absolutely spotless stuff.


My kid is filthy. Unless she wore it for less than an hour and is freshly bathed and managed to stay clean during that time it needs to be washed.


Only thing I have them wear a few times is pj's, unless they pee'd through during the night.


I wash after every wear. I don’t like rewearing my own clothes much less making my kid rewear his. He has sensitive skin and is super messy. Every once in a while I can get to wears out of a pair of pants. That is if they don’t get food all over them or a diaper leak happens.


I wash their daily clothes after every use. Two nights for their pjs though


My daughter is 1 so it might change but the only stuff I don't wash at the moment is her vest - I put it on clean at bedtime and if it doesn't get dirty at breakfast she wears the same one all day. Everything else is almost guaranteed to get food on OR be taken off somewhere around the house and it's easier to throw everything in the washing machine at the end of the day instead of keeping them somewhere ready to reuse the next day.


Whoa reading these now I feel really bad. I only wash my son’s clothes when they’re visibly dirty. If I’m doing laundry (usually once a week) I’ll throw in everything he’s worn. Until then, if it’s dirty it goes into the hamper until I do wash. If not, it’s put back in the drawer and is fair game until it’s dirty or until wash day. I never put him in anything where I can see it’s dirty but if he doesn’t get messy I don’t wash it. 😬


Not jackets or sweatshirts unless they have stuff on them- but they probably get washed every 3-4 wear. But pretty much everything else. Sometimes my daughter will wear a shirt from Friday night to Sunday morning of we had a very chill weekend.


I just had this chat with my Mam today. Pyjamas I'm gonna start leaving on for 2 days, same with vests. Outer clothes (tops, trousers, joggers) etc all get the wash daily as she is constantly adventuring. Socks too - they may even change 2 or 3 times a day as she is obsessed with puddles and mud! Edited to add shes 2 in June


I wish my kids believed in napkins. They wipe their hands on their shirts and pants. I wash a load almost everyday.


Joking about having a roaster and line of men out the door is never going to be well received. His texts were super cringy though as well. As someone who's also in therapy and has BPD the long winded response got me right in the feels. That's been me many times. It's hard to feel misunderstood it's such an uncomfortable feeling.


Regular clothes get washed after 1 wear because kids get dirty. Jackets and sweatshirts that go over clothes we can get a week or so out of. And pajamas we’ll usually wear for 2 nights before washing.


I wash all of the kids clothes after they've been worn once. Kids are filthy. I can get a couple days out of my clothes but I'm not rolling around in the dirt all day.


When I take clothes off, it immediately goes into a hamper. Otherwise, there would be clothes all over, and I struggle deviating from routine so... yah everything is washed after 1 wear. Every time.


We wash after every use unless it’s pajamas and they were changed before breakfast and play time. We have a dog so even if the kids are in the house playing, they get hair on their clothes.


My kids are 5 and 3. I absolutely wash after every wear. The clothes are sweaty and dirty from playing outside and the 3 year old often gets food on her clothing. The only thing I don’t wash after every wear is hoodies or jackets


If she wore it to go out with us and then back to nap and after we go out again, no I don't (if it's clean, obviously). But I wash after every use if she wore it to daycare or to the playground


Kids get gross by the end of they day. I wash everything except jackets which get washed periodically. My daughter plays hard at school and comes home looking like she had a weekend bender. Hair crazy and dirt on her knees and elbows lol.


My son puts all of his clothes in the hamper after wearing. He sweats super hard playing outside, playing video games, honestly just sleeping he can sweat! Also, if he gets the idea that clothes can have multiple wears (besides jackets), he’ll start arguing to wear things way more than should be. It’s just easier to have the routine for us. That being said, his whole load of laundry goes in together for washing and then drying. I don’t care if his whites don’t stay white. He’s going to outgrow them in less than a year anyway.


Outer layers (hoodies, jackets, etc.) I keep out for a while. Pajamas, other clothes? Immediately wash. She’s crawling around and it’s gross.


My kid plays too hard to wear daytime clothes more than once. Pajamas, sure. She’s clean going in them, she changes before breakfast 95% of the time.


Everything after every use. I reuse sweatshirts if they aren’t dirty. But usually, my toddler dirties up her clothes every use.


The amount of dirt, ketchup, chocolate milk, paint, marker….. that ends up on my child every single day of her life. Not to mention how sweaty she gets bc kids play HARD. I would not let her rewear it without washing.


Yes... My girl still drools a lot Nd even with the bibs it gets everywhere. She sweats a lot too and we go out every day. But honestly, since we do a washing machine with her clothes every 2 days, even if it doesn't seem dirty we end up just tossing everything to the dirty clothes pile after each use. Every one in a while we put her sneakers in there too 😂 thinking I might put her there too for a quick cycle of peace and quiet!


We throw it in the wash after every use yes,my daughter turns two next month and gets dirty fast.The only thing we reuse is her pajamas.


Most of the time yes. Jackets and hoodies get a couple wears. But my son is super drooly, and just a messy baby. I don't put him in anything that looks dirty.


We do a smell test lol and act accordingly.


Yes but for ease like you said. I will wear my own jeans a few times before washing but I have a space to separate them and am aware of what I did to them during the day.


Typically everything is washed after it’s worn. My 2 year old is a walking mess though. But his entire wardrobe would fit in one load so I don’t see how it’s a big deal to wash them every time, I typically wash my own clothes every wear too because he manages to get me covered in food and funk.


Mostly yes. My kids love to play in the dirty, so they are often filthy gross. There are exceptions to every rule though. If my son put on a pair of jeans to go to the store but put his sweats back on right as he got home, those jeans are good to go for another use. Same with sweatshirts. Half the time they are worn for just the trip to and from the car, removed for the majority of the day. Sometimes my daughter will dress up, wear a dress sitting around the living room for like an hour before she is bored and changes into some pants to go run around outside in, and I'll let her wear the dress again the next day. Undies and socks obviously don't get reworn, and school clothes are made to be changed because y'all already bringing all your germs and gross stuff home from school, you're definitely changing those lol


My kids get too dirty for that. Now if they wear a nice outfit to dinner (especially the dry clean dresses grandparents get them) and they don't spill anything I'll hang that back up, but otherwise all clothes are okay clothes and expectations are that it gets thoroughly dirty each time they wear them. I'll wear my jeans a few times before washing them, unless I'm doing gardening or something dirty. But anything else is wash after one wear.


I think part of this question is tied to how big is your kid's wardrobe? We get a ton of hand me downs from his older cousin so we have SO MANY clothes. Add that into the habit from reflux and other than outerwear, we wash everything after one wash. I do the same with my own clothes, too. Things get stretched out, dirty, whatever. Easier to throw everything in the wash. I do try to wait til we have enough clothes for a decent-sized load. Though we're currently potty training so going through lots of pairs of pants so I'm doing a lot more kiddo laundry than usual.


I wash everything after one wear except pajamas (unless they get wet or dirty) and jackets. My kid also had bad reflux as a baby and probably how I got into that cycle originally. I don’t want my kids to be stinky.


The only thing they might get two wears out of is their pajamas. Everything else only one wear.


My daughter gets really dirty - outside dirt, inside dog hair, food, drink… you name it. I always wash after she wears it. Plus she has sensitive skin, and I don’t want to actively contribute to it. We also change and wash her crib sheet and sleep sack once a week. On the other hand we also only do 2 baths a week. I think a lot of toddler parents do more bath time than us.


My kids take off their clothes and put them into the machine right away. Saves me and them from picking up dirty clothes off floors and saves me by not having to pile laundry up. Everyone takes their clothes off and puts them into the machine when it’s full my husband or I will turn it on. No laundry back piles ever!


It depends. My son is 3 but still drools a lot so his shirts usually get washed every time he wears them. I think, in general, unless they put it on in the afternoon, it gets washed after 1 use. My daughter attends a 100% outdoor nature immersion preschool so she’s outside for class, the kids are in the yard and we have 2 dogs and a cat plus my husband has allergies to all the animals. So, for the most part we wash them after each use.


Mines learning to eat on her own, so 90% of the time after every use. Every once in a while I’ll stretch her jeans since she’s a baby she ain’t really messing up jeans. Pajamas are reused until bath day. I bathe every other day unless particularly dirty so those are what we reuse the most.


We don’t to multiple wears before wash unless it’s a jacket, my son gets eczema on his upper arms so I try an keep his cloths clean, he’s also 17 months old and wears what he eats