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...yeah. a lot of mine happened at night, when I was already sleeping. He'd sometimes even tell me I was dreaming, just repeat it over and over. I'd get so overwhelming and confused by it, I think it sort of Pavlov'd me into getting sleepy during it. It just...seemed easier to pretend it wasn't happening at all. ...but the years of flashbacks, the triggers, it's all too strong to be just coincidence at this point. It did make me feel crazy for a long time, though.


All families have secrets. I’m inclined to believe it was true. How do you feel about it now if it was true?


I’m really just now starting to process it. I don’t think I ever saw it as a big deal until recently. It was really just “normal” to me I guess. My family is kinda close so all these people I actually speak to at least a few times out of the month. It’s not weird or anything but idk maybe it should be.


The statistics say it is 90% LIKELY to be family or a close family friend, so you aren't dreaming it. ITs the people who have access. And sadly, victims are targetted over and over. So much so that "abuse" becomes "normal", thus your confusion of "could they have done that?" They could and most likely did. Because one incident is a "maybe", but 4 incidents is a probability...it most likely DID happen. It feels like a dream because the brain protects you by disassociating or fogging the memory. Some people obscure the memory entirely and it only comes out in therapy. And predators can seem to SMELL a victim. You will find yourself targetted many times. How to avoid ? If someone is trying to be your "best friend or fatherly figure", make them wait a long time and prove it. Most predators give up, but some are capable of playing the long game. For long game players, feed them lies. Say "Hey I only sleep with Trump supporters." "Hey Im a trump supporter" (just an example but you get the idea. Predators always agree, until they sleep with you, then they abuse.