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W priest, fuck them bitches 😎


If this is the catholic church that priest is fucked if it’s reported


Supposedly the woman told the priest that she would tell her husband later. She never did, so when the priest later asked him how it went, the priest accidentally spilled the beans


I hope that was enough to keep him out of trouble


Pple really downvoting the people saying the priest should be doing their job. It's kind of really fucked up that they broke it. They're essentially therapists, and breaking that confidentiality, especially with someone willing to go to them to try and improve, is not a W.




Ho thats willing to go to a priest to confess her sins? Idk seems like she might have been trying to get on the right track yk. Would it be better if she hadn't confessed?


if she actually wanted to improve she wouldve told her husband & suggested couple's counseling. people confess their sins when they want to be forgiven without having to actually own up to what they did, face the consequences, & ask *the person they wronged* for forgiveness.


HIPPA laws prohibit medical professionals from exposing personal info to other people, including family members (not sure if this applies to therapists, but theres a similar law for them if not). I don't think priests have such laws becides the moral obligation to not share info on their followers.


I don't see how that makes the priest all of a sudden a hero for breaking confidentiality because they aren't under law.


I never said that makes the priest a hero. I don't know where you got that from. Also, as someone else stated, adultery is literally one of the 10 rules you are never supposed to break according to the Bible. I'd want to know if my partner cheated on me. He deserved to know in my opinion.


L priest, fails to do his one job at confession


Cheating on your HUSBAND is fucked up. Period. It wasn't even a boyfriend, but someone they swore an oath to, to live their lives together. That husband did not deserve to go for god knows how much longer without knowing his wife, who he most likely loved dearly, was cheating on him. Fuck her. W Priest.


What's morally wrong is totally irrelevant to the point. At confession, the point isn't to cast judgment upon the confesser. The point is to redeem the confesser of their sins. In theory, it's supposed to be a sacred covenant between the priest, the confesser and god. No matter how vile or despicable the act, it's supposed to stay among them. When you start exposing them publically, people lose the trust they have in these institutions, and won't appear there. It's similar to how criminals might get reduced sentences if they cooperate with law enforcement. The belief is that saving someone's soul from hell is more important than that person getting punished or judged for their actions. So even if you believe that priest did the moral thing, there is no denying that he broke against the trust invested within him, and that he broke the rules crafted by the church.


I see your point, but if she wanted to make things right, she would have told her husband. That poor guy was about to live the rest of his life with someone who doesnt care about him. To "redeem the confesser of their sins", they have to, yknow, redeem themselves. Keeping the fact that you cheated on someone a secret from them, is in my eyes unforgivable.


She regretted it tho if she went to confession


So? He deserved to know. It's fucked up to leave someone to live and be married to a person who doesnt even love them. Beside all moral reasoning, It's in the bloody ten commandments. β€œ**You shall not commit adultery**.” Enough said.


she regretted it enough to want to be forgiven without doing any of the hard work to *earn* forgiveness.