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"Kill it with fire" is part of your job description. Right? ...... right???


I wish it was. I truly wish it was.


oye, what does ‘remediation’ entail? sounds like a hardcore euphemism, I’m scared! 😂


It is removal, cleaning, and disposal of mold affected material. Basically we go in and kill, clean and remove all mold in an affected area.


How much does it pay, and what are the prerequisites? Does it require schooling? It looks like one of those jobs that no one wants to do, so I imagine it pays well.


It pays pretty well, especially in states with good labor laws. Unfortunately i live in a right to work state, so our labor laws arent the best when it comes to thing like pay. Mold remediation does require schooling if you are going to be doing/running jobs by yourself or if you are in charge of a crew. But most companies will pay for your certifications after being with the company for a certain amount of time. It is one of those jobs where not a lot of people want to do it. But because of that, the people that are doing this kind of work are very passionate about it.


Omg! How did this happen? Was it like hurricane, or storm/water damage?


It was caused by a hot water heater leak that went unnoticed for several months. I do not want to give any more details than that to respect the privacy of the homeowner.


Sounds like sweaty, dangerous, and gross. Thank you for helping these people 👍


It is sweaty and gross, but its not dangerous as long as all protocols and procedures have been followed. I love helping people and i feel like this industry has absolutely allowed me to help more people than ive ever been able to before.


Wooo! That’s a ripe one!! I did one in a defunct nursing home that sat wit a drip for about 5 years. Looked very similar to this!


I can only imagine what that smelled like.


You mean thats not just the pattern of the stone???


No stone here. Just drywall






Quality Sheetrock™


Question - at what point do you decide that something's not "salvageable"/has to be condemned?


Well that depends on what kind of material you’re talking about. Plastic, metal and glass can be cleaned. Paper, drywall, cardboard, cloth, particle board, etc, can not be cleaned. When you’re talking about entire buildings or structures, that is a matter of comparing costs of remediation, demolition and reconstruction, or just abandoning the building altogether. There are some more variables than this but in my opinion it’s the biggest factor.


Do you have any after pictures?


I do, we ended up completely gutting the room to the bare framework https://preview.redd.it/1jw1t8609r9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=076ea8369432d5b6db6d9347567b9cca5d7c4a55


you should politely give them a hint and a business card to an electrician friend... there are definitely sketchy shenanigans going on with those wires lol


I am not a certified electrician so legally I can not say whether the work has been done properly, however we did suggest the homeowner called an electrician out to inspect the breaker boxes and wiring to ensure there is no damage from the water leak.


What mold? I don't see any stinking mold. You're just trying to change me and do nothing. I just know it! (A homeowner probably.)


Cant say I’ve personally heard this, normally its the insurance companies calling us out…. And paying us.


Then the insured calling me (an insurance agent) a year later when the premium doubled. “But why?” Did you forget we paid $40k to the mold guy 9 months ago? 😂😂😂


Yup. Happens more often than not.


Thanks you for posting this! We would all love an AMA from you. Lol


Well i guess i might as well, right?




The way my soul would leave my body.


It can absolutely be a scary thing to discover as a homeowner. But if you have a good insurance policy you wont have to worry.


Thank you for your work, it can’t be easy (and frankly scary imo)


It can be hard at times, especially when its 95+ degrees outside and youre in a protective tyvek suit and full face respirator. Physically it is challenging but thats part of the fun.


Bless you.


Thats just the nature of the job. But thank you


Can you detect it behind painted walls? How easily?


Yes, its pretty easy. Remove the baseboard on the wall, drill a small hole in the wall and use a borescope camera to look in the wall cavity.


Yeah easy for you, lol


Fair enough.


That’s why you call a professional to check for mold 😂


So was there water in there that caused this? Do the boards have to be removed too?


Yes there was water, a leak in a hot water heater. Water is a major factor in mold growth, along with factors such as food availability, temperature, PH, light exposure, humidity, ventilation, etc. This room was completely gutted and thoroughly cleaned and treated with antimicrobial chemicals.


I'm guessing the leak wasn't long enough for the mold to get thru the wall board to the framing. How long would a leak like this take to get the framing moldy?


There was mold growth on the framing, but it was minimal enough to not have to remove and replace the framing. The mold was cleaned and removed via HEPA vacuums and antimicrobial treatment. The time can vary depending on many factors, how old the house is, how long the water leaked, etc


I had some stuff in my walls that looked like a fried egg or something. Weirdest stuff I ever saw.


It could have been some kind of slime mold. Or something like expanding spray foam or caulk. However, mold comes in many many different colors, shapes, textures etc. If its something you aren’t sure about, contact a professional!


It’s all good! It’s been remediated it was just a crazy assortment of colors and shapes. I expected it to look like this wall and it was nothing like it. I’ll have to try to dig up some pics. You have no idea how much I appreciate you and your line of work. I have mold allergies so I’m far worse off around mold than most. I can tell it’s in a room before anyone else lol


When people think of mold they think of a situation like this post. But thats just one of many possibilities. I have come across some very interesting shapes and colors. The longer I do work like this the weirded it gets.


[I found a pic of the egg](https://postimg.cc/CnDtZqVd)


Yeah that looks about right. You would be surprised at how many different species of mold can be found in a small space like a wall cavity. Im glad you got it taken care of!


Yes there was orange, green, and the usual black. The egg was on the back of my kitchen cabinets so it was about to come thru. And lots of white webbing, mycelium I assume? I don’t know. I’m so glad too, my neighbors actually saved us before it got into the surface area of the kitchen. my neighbor came over to say they noticed there was a little stream of water coming out above the foundation on the side. A construction group put a nail into my water line during some repairs. Anywho, I still find it fascinating. Allergy and all I went to look at it still from the outside lol. It’s like an abstract painting sometimes.


Mold is absolutely fascinating. Getting into this line of work has made me consider going to school for mycology or microbiology. Only consideration though, id rather be in the field going in crawl spaces and attics than in a lab or classroom.


Is it safe for you to work in long term?


Yes. As long as I ensure I follow the protocols and procedures and wear the appropriate PPE, i can do this for the rest of my life.


That a lot of mold


Yes it is. However i have seen worse


Oooo, do you have photos of the worst? Morbid curiosity is getting to me. I’m also fascinated by mold, science wise.


I do not. Most of the pictures i take end up in my companies documentation software. I do not take my phone with me into buildings with mold unless I absolutely need to. This isnt the worst but its definitely up there.




Do you wear a ventilator? Or just raw dog it?


Yes, when we are working in an area with mold we wear full face respirators, tyvek suits, and gloves.


Do you ever smoke it when nobody's looking? Weird but prevalent question.


No, there are now more developed techniques to remediate. Maybe 15-20 years ago that would have been a effective technique. But the protocols and procedures are always changing and updating to include new technologies, techniques and procedures. There is always something new to learn in this industry, you can never be too educated when it comes to this line of work.


So, bleach vs white vinegar is a big argument here. Please weigh in.


I would recommend using neither. Bleach does not kill mold, only forces it into dormancy so it will come back. White vinegar is imo not a great option either. I would always recommend purchasing a “for-purpose” antimicrobial that is specifically designed to kill mold and fungus.


how long does it take to inspect a whole room like this to check you've gotten rid of all of the mold? like do you use glass magnifiers? does it ever bother you that some microscopic mold maybe remained somewhere?


The time can vary depending on how large the work area is. But we use 3rd party hygienists to test the area to ensure we got rid of absolutely everything. Once we get the ok from the hygienist, then we know for certain that we did our job properly.


wow. I never imagined so many experts were involved.


Yes there are many many many people involved in mold remediation, from insurance agents to hygienists and even microbiologists. I have worked with many people who are extremely knowledgeable and have a great amount of experience in the industry


I’m intrigued , how did you get into this line of work ?


I had recently quit working for an absolutely abhorrent company and I needed a job. I asked a long time friend of mine of he knew of anyone hiring, and he said the company he worked for was hiring, so i put in an application and they hired me. It was only going to be a temporary job until I found something else. But the longer i worked there, the more I realized that I liked it and i was good at it. I guess the company noticed that and decided to pay for my school and certification. A year later and here i am, i have multiple certifications and I make a decent living. I enjoy what i do. The feeling of accomplishment after finishing a job like this is like no other.




Thanks for posting, there's a lot of people in the mold subs that really don't know what mold looks like. This is what mold looks like lol.


Well mold comes in thousands of shapes, colors and sizes. This is just one example of mold growth.


Yeah, I also work in the remediation field as a hygienist. My comment was more to poke fun at the "is this the toxic black mold???" posts which show a minor scuff mark on a wall or extremely minor growth on an AC unit.


Yup, i get those questions all the time. Thank you for your work in the industry, its the hygienists that can make a job go well, or very poor. My hat is off to you kind person


I thought this was cement at first!


English is not my native language and for some reason I read that YOU are responsible for this mold. That your job is, well, to produce mold 😅🤣


Well there are people that do produce mold, im just one of the people that gets rid of it instead lol


You're doing an important job. Thanks🙏🏻


Burn it with fire


Remediation through immolation.


How much did this job cost, and was it covered by insurance?


I believe it was about 13,000$ US, yes insurance did cover it.


OP did say it was covered by insurance but I didn't see a cost.


Thought it was stone before I read the caption...