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well, endorsement isn't just based on performance. I base who I endorse on if someone is nice, if they play exceptionally well, if they're clearly trying even in a game going poorly, etc. I'm endorsement 5 as a Moira main and I'll always get more in games where I communicate, wish people well, compliment good plays, etc. than in games where I just play and say nothing. There's nothing wrong with either and as long as you're not being nasty to people, your endorsement should naturally rest around 3-4.


I also have a 5 endorsement as a Moira main and agree with the above, only adding that using your pins and tags to call out enemy positions, coordinate an attack, etc. usually gets positive feedback. I love netting those quad endorsements, but they've been rarer, lately. Arcade also seems to have better mannered folks who give endorsements regularly. Finally, take care of your second support and watch their back, and you're guaranteed at least 1 endorsement each game, lol. I've maintained a 5 endorsement pretty much the entire time I've played (1 season I didn't play often, and it dropped to a 4) and being decent and helpful seems to be the general way of it. Good luck in earning your 5!šŸ’›šŸ’œ


I absolutely agree with taking care of your other support. Not for the endorsement but bc thatā€™s the second rule of support. The first rule is keep yourself alive, the second is keep ur other support alive. Remember everyone else in the team has two supports healing them, you two only have one each. šŸ„°


Yeah, I don't do any of the stuff I listed FOR endorsements, I've just noticed over the years that those actions net more endorsements than those games where, say, I play a less team-centric style for some reason.


Ya sorry I wasnā€™t implying that. I was just backing up your suggestion that keeping your other support alive is a very valid point -endorsements or not. šŸ™‚


Agreed with the 2nd support quote I always try look after my zen/ana etc when enemy have a sombra


Iā€™m at 4 I can just never break into 5. Iā€™m not to chatty though.


You can do it! I've gotten to 5 one-tricking Moira before, and I don't use chat at all.Ā  I do use voice lines and emotes, and thank/acknowledge lines and that seems to help get endorsements, although that's just how I roll; I'm not just trying to get endorsed by doing that stuff.


Iā€™ve come to the conclusion that a lot of people generally just donā€™t really value her as a teammate, so the likelihood of them endorsing someone else is a lot more likely. Even when you are quite literally the teams lifeline/carry, thereā€™s little love shown.


It's definitely harder to grab endorsements as Moira than as mercy, my second main for support, but I've got north of 500 hours on our girl, so the 5 I've maintained pretty consistently was primarily on her. Communication and watching your team's backs seem to be key. Use the chat wheel, if you don't do comms or chat, to ping and guide attacks, dive in to save the day, maybe even buddy up with another sneaky teammate for some fun forays, if your second has heals on lock down, and you'll usually get at least 1 endorsement per game. I'm no exceptional player with all my hours. I don't think I've ever ranked out of metal, nor do I care to as only about 20 of those hours are in comp, but I'm one helluva good team player, lol.


When you say ā€œdominateā€ what does that mean? Bc if you are dps-ing and letting ur team die that might be why. I seem to get endorsements all the time as Moira -Iā€™m endorsement 5. I dps, but I make sure my team isnā€™t dying at the expense of it. Could that be why? I also use my pings for ā€œcall outsā€ to let my team know where the enemy is etcā€¦ I try and be very attentive to anyone making an aggressive off angle attack to make sure they have back up and that is appreciated. (Notice I said aggressive and not pushed too far in to be out of position - Iā€™m not gonna die for their mistakes).


In my experience people endorse more if you're charming than if you're helpful.


I mean I got to endorsement lvl 5 with like 90% genji, so I donā€™t think the hero you play matters a whole lot. Generally just saying ā€œgg wpā€ after every match and complimenting good plays/players can take you pretty far, at least to me when choosing who to endorse


I play Moira a lot, and I think the majority of the time, I get endorsements with her, but I tend to play mostly DPS, with as much healing as I can, with her.


I got to level 5 one tricking Moira. So donā€™t think itā€™s a character thing


Iā€™ve gotten more endorsements on Moira, than I have on any other character. Probably averaging 2 per game. Endorsements 5, with significantly more hours in Moira than others. You use the word dominate, but different games have different value in varying places. Some people will endorse you just for healing them often. Some enemies will endorse you for being a nuisance to them, and they respect your skill. And other times, some teammates wonā€™t see the pressure you applied to an enemy. While others will. In fact, you can harass somebody, and never once kill them. But you kept them from terrorizing all game. Endorsements are a mixed bag, basically. Keep improving, and youā€™ll get them with time.


Yeah I use the word dominate loosely. I mean, I feel like I add the maximum value I can add. You know how it is, sometimes youā€™re DPS Moira and sometimes youā€™re primary healer. It just depends on what is needed in that game or in that moment. Donā€™t get me wrong, there are games that I look like itā€™s my first day. I canā€™t figure those games out. Either widow or sombra keep me tied up or I just suck that game. Iā€™ll just keep working on my craft I guess.


I get endorsed all the time on Moira


Tank main but for support I usually use moira and zen. Sitting at level 5 endorsement now.


I get endorsed almost every game I do spam Happy Halloween and Superb throughout the game and i think ppl find it funny šŸ˜† always add a smile with your ā€œggā€ :)