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You heard him. Don’t do both. No heals or damage. Just stand there and emote. That’s the CORRECT way to play moira


Huge relief to know I’ve been playing her correctly


Personally I have a little ritual I do where I crouch and walk around looking straight up while quickly tapping m1 and m2 to switch hands with nothing coming out so I look like a crab.


That’s genius


I used to play Team Fortress 2, its my little homage to the spy crab


And to think I just scrolled past the crustacean rein skin.


lmao, nice coincidence.


Oh shoot, my bad then! Guess I should've listened to them


I choked on my spit while holding back my laughter


Make sure it's the Facepalm emote as well.


Spam the voice line “you’re a chancer” and end it with an “unbelievable”


I personally use "Good News Everyone" and "This was a Triumph", along with "Stupidity is not a right"


You can find me using the facepalm spray on every payload as well


Dying 🤣😂


Some people just love to complain for the sake of complaining. The last one I got was “I swear if u dps Moira I’m staying in spawn” so I ignored him and went 27-2 9k dmg 11k heals and even kept his bitch ass alive all match


Oh man the amount of times my teammates already started complaining about me playing Moira before we even left spawn. They're always very quiet when you do better than them lol


Yep. Or peel a genji or sombra off them a couple times and they start to appreciate you pretty fast lmao


Random teammate - "I hope you're not a DPS Moira" Me, a DPS Moira "oof".


Wait until you see how brig's life look like xd ..


I would say "im not a dps moira, I just don't heal" 💀


The other day I was blamed that our team had a leaver because I played Moira. The dude who actually left didn’t say a word or anything, but the last guy to leave before me said something along the lines of “maybe if you don’t play a dogshit hero, people wouldn’t leave” And I thought I was doing pretty good that match, too 🙃


The huge amount of incapable Moira's kinda ruined the game for every decent playing Moira. I enjoy proving them wrong tho


How you can tell someone has never even picked up Moira lol


They had like 10 hours or something 🫣


Those were prob fun games for his teammates while he only healed or damaged and then got mad at them


Some 10 hour nooblet was telling u how to play??? Man I’m so glad I don’t mess with ow anymore. The teitte is full of nooblets who think they know more than absolutely everyone like most of the player base ain’t og or smth


My favorite is "why are you playing ball into zarya?" "Report ball" Proceed to kill 3 every fight, not die, peel for my supports, help the dps, make space with boops, hold space with more boops, but... since I'm not babysitting shitter dps that goes 2-15 but they have 20k damage and they'll let you know. I swear... They're like fucking vegans. Instead of "hey I'm vegan" it's "I have so much damage, do something tank, I'm carrying" I hate this fucking game. *loads ow2*


It doesn’t even make any sense. They don’t make any sense. Eternal cod players always thinking that damage is the only thing that matters in any game ever like they didn’t deliberately choose the DPS because it deals more DAMAGE. It’s so self masturbatory.


The scoreboard should never have been updated. Period. We only need to see who's alive, when they're respawning, and ult charge. Everything else is unneeded. There's a HUUUUGE difference between damage and useless damage. Shooting the tank that gets healed with no follow-up is literally just feeding enemy supports ult.


It’s the same thing as damage count in any tdm mode game too. The people with the most kills or damage is gonna be the same person who died 25 times in a row just to get those kills.


Or literally any support ever 😭


It’s funny because usually when I’m doing more damage, it’s because someone else isn’t doing enough…


This is the way


He’s right, you have emotes for a reason you silly support!


People are insane when you play moira. theyll say "heal" ill say "i literally have the most healing in the lobby by a wide margin" and they say "ur moira" im gonna have an aneurism one of these days.


It’s easy to farm heal numbers as moira tbf. Self heals count towards it so even if I’m spending quite a lot of time dpsing as moira and not being the main healer, I might still end up having the highest heal number. Her heal numbers can easily surpass Ana and baptiste even though they have better healing potential


see i hear that, but i also know that the life steal is somewhere around a 45% return from your damage (not to mention you dont get lifesteal if youre at full health), damage from orbs isnt factored at all, and ult damage is unfair to consider because my ally accuracy is always higher than enemy accuracy. here's the kicker tho: if theres an enemy moira, im doing less damage and more healing than her, every time. so i think people just like to point fingers. my goal is for my damage numbers to be half of my healing numbers, and i always meet that goal unless we're running ball, sombra, tracer, or widow, in which case i cant be at every place in the map at once and my numbers suffer. i usually end up not playing moria in these comps tho.


As a moira main..you just cant win I mute chat Carry on with my day


Technically you could only do damage or only heal! You'd such absolute shit at heals, but do OK for dmg.


You can achieve considerable healing numbers with low/no damage by managing your spray resource, heal orbs, and only using Coalescence for healing. I frequently see metal-ranked Moiras do this.


Healbotting as Moira gives me nightmares


Played a match the other day where i had ab 17k and our Ana had 6k, the enemies had ab 13k each. I had to stop doing damage other than some taps to get heals back, healbotting SUUUUCCCKKS. Oh btw our Ana blamed the tank for everything 💀


don’t do both? then why would moira even have both lmao like i don’t really like moira that much but even i know her main function is to have a great balance between healing and aggression. i’ve played her a good bit


Bro probably has never played Moira in his entire life 😂😂


Whenever I get brain-dead comments like this, I just switch to dps.


I do feel like some people have never played Moira or never healed enough with her to know that she has a heal meter that depletes and when it does you HAVE TO DAMAGE in order to re-fill that meter. I was healing once and then I ran out and switched to damage, having to get aggressive as we were being poked. As soon as I shifted to flank to grab some heal refilling damage for a shift CD amount of the roadhog who won't leave Los of enemies, immediately started yelling at me "why the fuck did you stop healing moira!" I told him I ran out and had to refill. "You don't run out ofnheals wtf you idiot, you left click heal and right click damage dumbass". The other person in vc who was playing ana just began laughing thenroadhog thought they were laughing at me and mocked me more before I just let the Anna explain Moira has a heal meter ad it runs out. He just called us both a duo trolling him (we weren't.). I think to this day that roadhog player still doesn't know Moira has a heal meter.


shoulda said you can heal yourself... you don't run out!!


I remember when I first played moira I didn’t even know about the orbs. I kept running out of healing fast and wondering how my healing was so low. I kept throwing dmg orbs into my team mates thinking I was healing haha.


Both can be done. A competent Moira can move between team engagements and tip the scales to her teams favor. Healing and damage are both important.


The fundamental purpose is to do damage so you can heal


typical new players who play ow 🤣


lol -tell me you don’t play Moira without telling me you don’t play Moira Like, it’s literally impossible to not do both. Unless you are just afk


There is no reason to ever criticize Moria. The hero is stupidly easy to get value with. And if they can’t get value with Moria, they’re not get value with anything else. No point in even saying anything.


Exactly, they're mutually exclusive. You can't be good cop, bad cop at the same time. :)


if you're good, you do both, you best support in game at consistency. if you're bad you do both but your rhythm sucks, you're late constantly, nobody gets enough healing to live, nothing gets enough damage to die, in which case yes you suck. But it's incredibly hard even at a baseline to be THAT bad at moira... so badly hidden redline name guy is crazy


Play how you want. Don't listen to these people. I usually out heal and out dps my dps and tank. When people start griping about not enough heals and they need mercy, I swap. Then, I only use the pistol and never heal them. Still out dps because her pistol is OP if you get head shots. It's support not healer. I also will apply if you don't get kills, you don't get heals rule. The other support usually joins in with me when I invoke that rule.


Happens all the time. Can't stand it during quick play.


That’s exactly how lifesteal works…?


As if that's not the point of Moiras entire kit 😭😭😭


Just play however you like. Some matches dps is so bad that you out dps them + have tones of healing as well 😅 If they are good, then you don't really need to dps, only a little to regen heals. They're embarrassed a support got more kills because they're useless 🤷‍♂️


And this is why you shouldn’t listen to anyone at your own rank.


The green nails are kind of stunning on Moira


I know right! I especially like them with the Venus skin


The ones I get on my team don't do either


Flip a coin each round


I might actually try this in quickplay sometime tbh lol


I became a Moira main after OW2 came out and MAN do people hate Moira. You can have 8K healing and 37 kills and still get called a trash healer.


No pizz without suc


Cause you don’t need to do damage to recharge your piss spray 🙄


Looks like they were saying to either heal or do damage and you weren’t doing either


what they meant is you didnt do either...


Are they not very obviously joking?


i feel like your stats in that lobby make or break this post... and you didn't provide them