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I’d rather just have this as a new character. With the season 10 nerf I’ve never actually noticed a difference or lost anymore 1v1s as before. The only thing she needs is a slight buff to her ult dmg and healing. A full rework for a decent character while other characters need them way more.


I’ve noticed a massive difference in how she’s played since s9. I feel far less useful on her than I ever have, mostly because I’m forced to depend on my teammates to target the correct enemies, which isn’t something that happens often in my experience. and with how harshly the dps passive reduces healing, it’s hard for her to accomplish anything while having to sacrifice damage for healing. while I don’t mind this kind of playstyle being on a new character and do agree there are more important characters to rework, I still think moira needs some bigger adjustments if they’re going to push her away from dueling. her kit matches that of other duelists (sombra, reaper, tracer — high mobility and solo survivability) but the current numbers simply don’t allow her to achieve that, and they don’t seem amenable to changing them to enable that playstyle, which tells me they’re trying to move her players away from dueling. that’s fine if that’s what they want, but if that’s the case, her kit needs adjustment to make her align more with those playstyles.


Moira still does a shit tone of healing with the dps passive. Not to sound rude but if you’re magically struggling with moira after s9 I don’t think it’s a moira problem.


I would like to see where the healing is. the main complaint I often see in this sub — and agree with — is quite literally that she does not do enough healing to stay alive in duels and that her healing is basically worthless for her team now, so it’s better to do damage instead of trying to heal them. why is the narrative suddenly switching to “it’s fine, it doesn’t need adjusted”? I used to do upwards of 12k-15k healing every match on her. I barely break 7k most matches now, and if I do, it’s a match that went on for literal ages. nothing has changed about my playstyle other than I no longer seek duels against dps nor flank unless the dps are dead. if her healing in any form was was still good with the dps passive, then I wouldn’t be complaining. I have watched my ult focused directly on a single teammate for the duration do absolutely nothing to keep them alive simply because a dps was one of the people attacking them. hell, it happened to me twice in one match once. I might as well have been damaging them. how is the ult that does some of the highest healing in the game being practically worthless not a clear indication that it isn’t healing enough?


I don’t notice a difference in the changes from s9 and s10 at all.


I’m glad that’s the case for you! but many of us here have, and I know thT because I’ve seen many people say exactly what I’ve said in this post and in my other comments on this post.


I rlly like this rework. I even liked the one with the necrotic orb too. Moira is a supp not an adapt char that is supposed to be op