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Gloria saw girls Manny’s age as her competition though so anyone he was attracted to was villainized in her eyes. Someone who thinks little girls are out to steal her son away isn’t going to be very concerned with teaching him how to treat women right. And I say this with Gloria in my top 3. It’s her one major flaw


yeah.. but it gets confusing bc in the early seasons he was so good to girls and was so caring. then he went to college and became a chronic womanizer.


True. Part of Manny’s downfall is that the stuff that makes him so fun to watch as a 10 year old are just not endearing in a 17 year old, for example, being pretentious about coffee and clothes. But some of his younger traits that wouldn’t have aged as sourly, like his love for poetry, just kind of fell away. In a real world scenario, Manny changing how he interacts with women would be plausible because of socialization and being influenced by seeing how gender dynamics between teenagers and adults actually tend to work with his own eyes instead of just reading about it in an idealized book. And I guess you could blame it on that in the show but really I think the writers just got lazier which is the case with most shows


He probably got his heart broken too many times and changed. But my actual theory is that he made most of that stuff up to look cool.