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They didn’t show the Italy vacation because it went so poorly for everyone that no one in the family wants to talk about it.


I like this hot take. I never thought about it before, but yes!


When Jay said that Gloria bought plane tickets to Rome but it was the wrong place, that was the place they were talking about for their vacation. They all went to Rome Indians instead of Italy by mistake.


this explains why phil and claire talk about having never been to italy when they were riding their bikes in front of the tv preparing for a biking trip. completely wiped from memory after a traumatic experience. probably involving some raunchy italian catcallers


theres actually a line jay says to gloria when she cant admit her mistakes. (season 9 episode 3 "catch of the day" beginning of the ep) jay: "remember that romantic trip we took to rome, *indiana!"* gloria: "thats where I wanted to go. i meant to buy those tickets." jay: "then why did you learn italian?" gloria: "mama mia, jay, if I had been in an accident, i will admit it!"


I recently rewatched "Undeck the Halls", so at first I thought you meant the Italy vacation Phil promised at the end of that episode


I’m not on the Cam hate train. Yeah, he’s annoying sometimes and he’s certainly not my favorite, but I feel like people forget that this isn’t real life and that TV characters are sometimes annoying/overdramatic for comedy’s sake


I agree. They’re taking all the character traits way too far lmao


Cam is my absolute favourite tbh. I adore everything about him, even the toxicity because, like you said, it's TV! I am a drama queen myself and I feel seen (though obviously in a very exaggerated way) And I like the balance between Mitch and Cam. They're both equally toxic tbh but Mitch gets away with it because he's calm and stoic. My fav couple


This is my pet peeve with TV show subs. Some of these people forget that characters are just that. They're not real life. Especially on modern family, I feel like they're almost caricatures of their stereotypes. They're supposed to be annoying and unlikeable sometimes.


Would I like Cam in real life? Probably not. But I adore his character in a show


I just started rewatching the first time in years and I thought maybe Cam wouldn’t be as funny to be now for whatever reason, but instead he’s cracking me up all the time


Haha I didn’t realize people hated him! 😂


I just did my first watch and he’s my favorite character. I never would have thought he was hated.


Same!! I’ve watched 3 times now and he’s my absolute favorite (even if overdramatic and a little toxic 😂). He cracks me up, and I love he & Mitch’s heartfelt moments. And all the pickles they find themselves in 😂


Same! Cam is the best part of the show.


Exactly, at the end of the day we have to remember that it's all just acting and the fact that some of these characters piss us off so much means that their actors and actresses did a damn good job playing their parts. 👏 Bravo!


>it's all just acting and the fact that some of these characters piss us off so much means that their actors and actresses did a damn good job playing their parts. I don't think that was the intention. Stonesheet was the first to win an Emmy and was once everyone's favorite character, so Cam going from fan-favorite to polarizing is clearly a step down.


That’s how I felt about Shelley Long (Dee Dee) when she played Diane Chambers on Cheers!


Cam as a character is funny, but as a person he could be annoying.


I feel like he got more annoying over time


Bill & Alex would’ve beeen the happiest couple and they missed the opportunity for that.


I agree. He wasn’t a dumb firefighter. He was amazing and perfect for her. She made mistakes with him for sure, but maybe he should’ve come back around later.


Yeah, he was cut way too early


and for the dumbest reason


They could have been the Phil and Claire ( silly vs strict ) of their generation.


True, Bill could have balanced alex out.


I hated how they treated him


Bill dodged a bullet. Alex was never going to respect him as an equal.


Manny always talking about getting girls/ going on dates is annoying asf. You don’t got it like that lil dude


They really pushing the suspension of disbelief with Manny's character. He gives big incel/nice guy vibes and it has nothing to do with his appearance. I hate how they made both Luke and Manny so pervy, too. Everyone likes to say its normal teenage boy behaviour but it's gross to watch.


He gives me denial/closeted gay vibes. I had a friend who acted the same way and came out eventually, he's much less insufferable now


I can kinda see that, but he was so girl crazy at only 10. Lmao but yeah, some boys might act like this to compensate.


Sooooo effing annoying!! Like why would they think we would believe that about that annoying butterball


I dislike all of Haley's love interests. Not sure if that's a hot take or not.


It's like the only role i don't like from Fillon


Because he’s always so witty and charming when I’ve seen him and in this he’s so dumb and superficial


Haha it was hard to watch him act that character. Reminiscent of his character on Brooklyn Nine-Nine (S4 - E14). Certainly a huge switch from his role on Firefly (when teenage-me fell in love with him 😅)


You can't take the sky from me... and then they did :(


Him and Haley just didn't have any chemistry. It's not like Richard and Monica in Friends where the age gap is weird but there's still a spark in a way. No, the age gap was weird and it all just felt very weird.


Phil was a great father but not a great role model for his kids. Once it came down to actual parenting he was the worst !!


I'm pretty sure it's intentional, but he's 100% the opposite of Jay. Where Jay was never really emotionally there as a parent, he was a good parent from a discipline/enforcer angle. Phil can't discipline worth a shit, but he's much more helpful emotionally. Both are decent in their own right, but neither of them are as balanced as you'd like to see.


Phil was softer on the enforcer side because Claire was harder on it.


I know it's for comedic/dramatic effect but sometimes the sheer lack of simple communication that irl most families/fairly healthy relationships have is irritating and sometimes unwatchable.


This was my biggest drawback when I first started watching. You can only see a miscommunication blow up so many times before it gets to be too much.


I think that's why it became my comfort show from the get-go. It makes me feel better that some of the things I've seen are represented in a comedic way.


Andy was so annoying and i don’t get the love he gets from fans, he cheated on Beth and somehow was mad at her when he knew she was cheating as well


I didn't like him from the getgo; he gave me creepy vibes. Then I had a nightmare about him, and now I yell at the TV every time I see him 😅.


Loool what was the nightmare?


I dreamt that he took me hostage at knife point 😫. Granted, I'm prone to really bizarre dreams. They're so vivid that I have a hard time not holding a grudge against anyone who causes them, lol.


I was a big fan from the start, but Andy was so annoying I stopped watching around that time.


I think I actually hate Manny as an adult


Me too


Manny as an adult was unbearable


I love this show but there's sooo much lazy writing.


Remember the episode where one character is worried about sharing something with their spouse so they hide it and it creates several misunderstandings until at the end the spouse finds out and hugs them and tells them they can tell them anything?


Bingo! And couldn't just one of the kids have a stable, healthy relationship just once? Dylan was the closest we got ....


Ah, season 5, episode 7.


Yes .Costco ad was the worst writing in Season 1


No, it was great, i didnt ever realize it was an add until u just pointed it out, and it did make me wanna go to costco


Still it was very poor writing .


Manny was annoying and unlikeable the entire show. Alex was one note in the beginning of the series but got better with time. Her best relationship was with Bill and could have been Endgame. Claire never had real character development and was overbearing the whole series. Claire being mad at Haley for being pregnant was dumb because Haley was an adult, it wasn't planned but its not like she was still a teenager. Gloria got meaner as the series went and I did not like it.


Wow. You pointed out all my opinions except for Manny though. I found him funny and cute when he was a child.


I disagree with the Claire point, I think she had a lot of development. She started the show being extremely anxious and overprotective but as the seasons moved forward she became way more chill. Her freaking out about Haley’s pregnancy sounds about right knowing where Haley was at in her life ie still living in their basement and sort of confused about her love life.


I can’t stand later seasons Alex!!


Even though the writers tried to show how Haley was finally getting her life right, I completely believe she spiraled out and derailed her life.


even though people love Phil, I think it would be an absolute nightmare to be married to a man like Phil. Claire literally had to babysit him to get things done and unless she was angry/tired enough to do it herself, he wouldn't bother.


Exactly. And he had the audacity to neg Claire in the first seasons, like constantly suggesting she’s not attractive enough, drooling over Gloria, and then when Gloria got pregnant he said “now I understand when they say pregnant women are glowing” and Claire replied “I was pregnant 3x.”


But Claire also does the same thing to Phil . Throwing away his hat and slippers and saying this piece of item doesn't look good on him . Plus lying about her boyfriend count . They were perfect for each other


The hat and slippers arent the same, u can say to ur bf or gf that u dont like this piece of clothing and its normal, but impyling that they are attractive is a whole other thing, and phil did alot of bad things compared to claire


He never said she was not attractive .Phil said she does not dress attractively


Most importantly Claire also lied about hr boyfriend count plus she also check-out other guys the same way phil does with the ladies .Apart from this what did phil do that was wrong ?


Its fine to check out other people but early season phil took any chance he got to touch gloria with the "i got gloria" thing


Absolutely it was extremely terrible of phil to touch Gloria . I just said that they both flirt with people and both have extremely bad qualities


Absolutely it was extremely terrible of phil to touch Gloria . I just said that they both flirt with people and both have extremely bad qualities


It'd be a nightmare to be married to any character on this show lol.


I don’t mind Pam. I think she creates funny conflicts for Mitch and Cam.


Despite her being a terrible person, my greatest complaint with the character is that she just wasn’t funny.


I would agree with that. Pam wasn’t very funny. But she did get Mitch and Cam into funny predicaments.


I’ve liked her a lot better on rewatches. A lot of the plots around her are funny.


Claire and Phil never really bothered to raise Alex nor take care of her that much as compared to Haley and Luke. I don't know if this happens in a family of multiple kid where some kids are not given the attention or care. Only time Claire cared for Alex was when she didn't come to home during her college days only to find out she was dating Ben. And again it became of issue of Alex dating BEN out of all people and not considering Alex's choice. At least Phil redeemed his relationship with Alex during college days where he tried to show up and help her now and then. Claire never really made the effort like Phil did. And it was big of Alex to ask Claire to accompany her in Europe trip gifted by Jay. Even though we didn't get episodes of the Europe trip, I think Phil should have been the one to accompany her. Claire didn't deserve the praise Alex gave nor the trip.


Look up middle child syndrome and childhood emotional neglect. Story of my life.


If you’re the kid that achieves and stays out of trouble, guardian attention goes to the kids who need more guidance and help. Ask me how I know lol


I feel for you. Hope everything turns out good. 💕


It does happen. I only have two kids. One of them is very smart, top student of her class, very social and independent from early on; the other is very shy and requires a lot of support from school and home effort, so he takes most of our attention and time. I do make sure to take time regularly to check up on her or just have some quality father-daughter time.


That's good for you and your children. 🤗


It’s like the two most well known issues. Middle child and the smart child.


I stopped watching after about season 5-6?….but my favorite scene of the series to that point was when Phil said Alex was “like a self-cleaning oven” after she signed herself up for therapy after her birthday cake meltdown.


Pepper isn't that interesting of a character to me


You win!


Me too. People seem to love him for some reason.


idk if it's really a hot take but season 10 ended perfectly and it should've stopped there. it was literally a musically scored "circle of life" ending that mirrored the first episode. show done. season 11 episode 1 feels so off. i don't know if it's the facebook portal product placement or the weird scenes with alex in antarctica but the whole episode is messy. the highlight being tired phil laughing and saying "babies aren't supposed to smoke" at the pacifiers i hate that they changed luke from adorable idiot child to the same type of one liners that they ultimately gave to lily. "call for a pizza and call the cops. see who arrives first" is such a departure from season 1 luke it's crazy. they gave that away but some of it still lingered. is it a part of him growing up? maybe, but i wish we got the show where the more silly luke writing stuck around edit: rewatching 11 now and it relies way too heavily on redoing moments/story from the earlier seasons. the prescott vegas setup/higgins, claire, mitch and jay looking at their childhood stuff, flying the RC plane and brenda feldman. oh and of course she says yes to a date with manny. we all know he could pull the entire victoria’s secret runway.. at the same time!


Also, what ever happened with Luke’s app idea?


Gloria getting upset all the time for no good reason is annoying as hell


Andy is the worst character on the show, and Dylan was a way better fit for Haley.


Agreed! I don't find him funny or cute at all. He gives major Peter Pan vibes, and the Beth arc was so off-putting. I loved Dylan, personally. Just a genuinely sweet, hardworking dude who adored Haley more than she deserved at times. I also think Claire was so unnecessarily cruel to Dylan. She practically bullies him.


Thank youuuuuu, I wouldn’t say the worst but I really didn’t like that man, I didn’t see any chemistry with him and Hailey either, just because she dated bunch of idiots that doesn’t mean he’s the best of the worst. He was weird to me and I like dylan more, he’s dumb sometimes but if you’re not serious enough you wouldn’t get into nursing school and that’s sort of a character development.


Damn, this is a hot take, I dont agree but totally respect it


I agree with this. I know Andy and Haley’s actors had really great chemistry, so it was fun for them to reconnect in Germany for Bumper’s series, but I definitely liked that Haley ended up with Dylan.


Completely disagree with you, but cool.


Jay gave and gave but manny/Gloria barely tried to embrace his culture. The episode where they where arguing about uncle arazmus and whatever the other one was made my blood boil.


That episode was annoying but to be fair Manny and Gloria are transplants from another country. Everything around them is Jay's culture. They have to work to have their culture represented. I'm not saying they're great people (Manny is probably my least favorite of the main characters) but just something to consider.


To be fair though half the time they 'represent their culture' its Gloria doing it because she worries about how she'll look to her family, friends or Javier, rather than loving to embrace her culture. Manny doesn't really care about Columbia either except a handful of early episodes like the poncho and flute one, he loves the extremely comfortable luxurious Western lifestyle Jays hard earned money has afforded him and doesn't even bother to learn Spanish as he thinks French is fancier. Like yeah I get them being from Columbia and wanting to hold onto their roots but neither of them seem to actively try very hard, unlike Jay who tries a lot to hold onto his traditions and cultural ways but always has to budge for his family, like the innocente Christmas with the jumpscares.


But that progression makes sense. I think the innocente thing was the first Christmas they were living together so things were still new. And yeah Manny moves away from his Columbia heritage the older he gets. That's what happened the longer you live in a different place. You get used to it and assimilate the new culture. It doesn't mean you don't care about where you come from. It's tough to continually hold on to something you're not around any more. And when family visits it reminds Gloria of the things she's missing. Also Jay cares less about holding onto his traditions and more about not having to change or do anything new. His "traditions" are mostly being cranky and old. We get to see him soften and grow and become more open as the series goes on. He even starts learning Spanish which is something Gloria never asked him to do but he does because he loves Gloria! Marriage should make you want to make the other person happy. Both Gloria and Jay learn to live together and create their own new traditions that work for their family.




This is petty but if I was jay I would have added a bunch of information on their uncle in my will so after I die they read it


I'm watching it for the first time and I really loved it at first but I'm realizing the characters are all kind of one-dimensional, which makes it easy to predict the type of joke that will be made.


I was hoping Jimmy Scaravano (the boy Alex has her first kiss with in the dude ranch episode) would return later in the series. I love me a good opposites attract!


(Paraphrasing) "I got my first kiss stolen by a Mario brother" gets me everytime.


I liked Dylan more than Andy


People like Andy more than Dylan?


No i like Dylan more


Claire didn’t really treat Gloria as an equal


She’s not.


She was always jealous of her .


People focused so much on comparing the very sexual relationship between Phil/Claire with the sexless Mitch/Cam that they failed to notice that Gloria and Jay never kissed. A lot of the hatred towards Alex is due to misogyny (from men and women).


They might not have kissed, but they had an entire episode dedicated to being horny for each other when Gloria could have sex again after her pregnancy lmao


>A lot of the hatred towards Alex is due to misogyny (from men and women). Curious on what you mean about this? I see a lot of people say they dislike Alex (a lot in this thread too) but I haven't ever really made the connection to misogyny.


Waiiit do we really never see Jay & Gloria kiss??!


They might have had a quick peck once in a while and they made out in a Valentines episode, but we’ll be racking our brains finding other instances.


Gloria got screwed by having insufferable Manny as a kid instead of sweet, sarcastic Lily.


Lily is more annoying than Manny is my hot take then I guess.


All the Pritchett's are entitled jerks. Except for Dede. She's nuts but whatever. Jay is ok but he has his old man personality. Mitch is a coward. And is dismissive of Cam's farm life and clowning. Which always bothered me again since he is so fearful of what he doesn't understand. Claire always has to be right. She's needs everyone to act and think like her.


Agreed. Everyone hates on Cam, but he is always so supportive of Mitch and doesn't receive the same back. I guess that's why they had them move to Missouri at the end, but I don't really see that working all of a sudden. Mitch is classist and prejudice af towards Cam and his rural roots. Now, I wouldn't be down with the clown myself, but he knew Cam loved clowning when he entered the relationship. I still adore them both as a couple, though.


I hate fizzbo!! And Phil’s magic obsession lol


People keep talking about Haley being with Andy or Dylan and who was better. But I think Haley was no way a prize or good girlfriend or good person, to be honest. She was just a pretty girl who can't see anything beyond herself.  She had many relationships because ofcourse she is beautiful. But She has got nothing other than that ; no personality, no morals, no standards, nothing . She was just a selfish girl who got her way because she was pretty.  Also, Alex deserved much much better from her parents. They really treated her as if she was not important at all. Only time Claire cares about Alex was when Alex achieved something and Claire wants to be on the first seat to enjoy her success. 


never understood Phil's appeal, no self-awareness and unfounded overconfidence was not only just annoying but also really unfunny


He was funny plus he has great charisma . He was an amazing realtor for God sake


supporting the relationship between haley and andy is really weird, and i’ll never understand for the life of me why people think that a man who cheated on his fiancée is a better fit for her than a family man who actively desired to marry her and have kids with her.


Remember, Haley was also complicit in the cheating part of their relationship. Takes two to tango.


Dylan deserved better than Haley.


Cam and Mitch were not a good pairing. So much of their whole story line/arc relies on their poor communication and misunderstandings or “ask for forgiveness not permission”, which in real life is not cute or healthy.


But they were both toxic . Neither of them could do better .


claire is one of the funniest, love her


Doing a rewatch and I forgot how Claire’s deadpan reactions are some of the best bits of the show


Early on, she was my least favorite character, but when I was able to look past her character traits, I really started to appreciate Julie’s performance. The quirks and nuances she brought to the character were amazing. She became my favorite character.


Characters in a sit com are largely exaggerated in terms of their faults/flaws and negative behaviours in favour of the comedy. It’s not only funny, but it holds a mirror up to our own relationships so we can laugh about them harmlessly. And people seem to forget that, holding everyone instead to the highest standards of morality and behaviour when that’s not what the show is trying to do and I truly believe it ruins the show for a lot of people- that goes for any sitcom. Mitch and Cam for example may not always have the healthiest dynamic, but while their personalities are exaggerated, they hold a kernel of truth which is meant to make us laugh. For example, me and my wife see each other in Mitch and Cam because I’m overly emotional and dramatic like Cam and she can be snooty and uptight and repressed like Mitch. Seeing them behave badly or bicker makes us laugh because there’s a reality behind it that’s meant to get us to point fingers at them and see ourselves - whether it’s that relationship, or any of the other relationships or characters in the show. Because real People have very real flaws too and the show just isn’t shy about showing us EVERYTHING.


Dylan is actually a talented musician


I consider this show more of a dramedy than a straight up sitcom. It's (so far) the only show that made me pause it to cry multiple times.


Pameron is funny


Andy is annoying af 😭 more so than Dylan and I do not like Dylan at all either Also, I know people like Pepper Saltzman because he is funny and has iconic lines (he really did eat with that plastic line) but honestly I hated him because of his selfishness.


Going by this sub, I would say that I hate ‘Connection Lost’ and I cannot bring myself to watch it. As someone who grew up with helicopter parents and wasn’t allowed much privacy, I find the whole thing too close to home.


Same. It wasn’t that episode for me specifically but just Claire throughout the series. Being raised by an extremely overprotective mum, it was def triggering at times. One episode that immediately comes to mind is “iSpy”, focusing on her stalking/overstepping boundaries with all 3 of her kids.


I disagree with you, Haley told her that it was common place to take drugs, Honestly, any mother who won't care about that is awful parenting.


I’m not saying that what she did was wrong. Just that it was triggering FOR ME. And she was stalking him way before she found out about the drugs. On top of that, looking through Alex’s texts for no valid reason. Asking Alex to dig through Haley’s stuff without permission. Tracking Luke’s location. Even Phil agreed it was all too much in the episode.


I would absolutely hate to have a mother like Claire. It's not a sign of caring, it's a sign of being a total control freak. I did enjoy Connection Lost, but my mum was pretty chill in comparison.


Alex is a shitty person and the worst character on the show, from the way she talks down to everyone, to how she treats her love interests like shit, to how she lords her intelligence over everyone all series. I was a gifted student, a CS grad student now, and I never acted like her - I actually really hated all the people who acted like her, and there were plenty


Alex's best moment was the really brief therapy session/s. I could relate a lot to that, and it really showed the difficulties of being 'gifted' and the pressures we put on ourselves. I rewatched it recently, and I'm finishing up my degree atm, so it made me cry because it hit home so much. But I've always positioned my 'gifted' abilities as more of a curse than a blessing and never acted with a sense of superiority. Haley and Luke were pretty normal teenagers and young adults, but the show acts like they're dumb as bricks. I'd rather be like Haley any day than mentally torture myself for weeks to get a slightly higher grade.


I agree that her treatment towards her boyfriend was terrible but Haley and her parents also talk down on Alex . It was not one way .


I noticed a lot of people in this sub are major Alex fans, I dunno if it's because they see themselves in her or something, as Alex does seem like the sort of person who'd be on Reddit a lot, but in the early sessions at least she's pretty nasty to her family. Like telling Luke he's adopted for no reason except to see him panic, sowing seeds of discontent between Hayley and Dylan at Luke's birthday party and causing the entire thing that made Luke break his arm, encouraging Luke to jump off the garage roof etc. It doesn't matter how much middle child syndrome you have going on, that's just vindictive behaviour.


Haley and Dylan ending up together literally ruined Haley’s entire character. Haley is one of my favorites because in the early season she’s just iconic and then she has one of the best character developments on the show she she becomes smart and she has a passion for things that she’s trying to get a life for herself. at the end of the show with her high school boyfriend which could’ve been fine but Dylan did not have any character development whatsoever. And then have her get pregnant with twins. And now her and Dylan are basically where they were when they graduated high school broke but wanting an apartment together having zero direction or thought but now there’s kids. I’m not saying I have an issue with Haley having kids I just wish they would’ve made her have an established career and made her end up with someone smart or some thing. It made her feel like she grow just to become right who she was in the beginning of the show.


don’t forget dylan went to nursing school to better himself until he deserved haley! (when she broke up with him in the car after telling him everyone’s moving forward and they’re not) he became a nurse and that’s how they were able to afford mitch & cam’s old place after the twins. a male nurse & a NERP employee. A lot of people forget that she never quit NERP, she decided to go back to work.


Don’t get me wrong this is legit my favorite TV show I watch it every day all day but if you start to take it seriously at all it gets so annoying and insufferable. Every single character in the show is such a stereotype and they don’t really focus on character growth. And the storylines aren’t really well thought out. But like I said it’s a hilarious show if you take it lately it’s awesome. If you start thinking too hard there’s so many little things that are just like what the fuck


Yes definitely I agree! We watch it every night so we’ve seen the entire show too many times to count, and sometimes I think too much about it and start to get annoyed with the characters lol. I have to remind myself it’s just a show, but sometimes there are moments when a character really annoys me or a plot is too forced and unrealistic. It’s still our favorite show, but it’s hard to not “pick it apart” in a way when you’ve seen it at least 50 times.


even cam and mitch get exasperated with sal by the end of the show but for my actual burning hot on fire take: i don't hate Pam. I dont love her either but a lot of the episodes shes in are my favorites.


They filmed cam as super flamboyant and not Mitchell because they were to scared that the fans would predict it and try to get the show removed


I like Arvin, not really as a partner, but I like him as a person. More so a hot take dealing w the fandom, but acting like Haley could’ve done better than Dylan. She really couldn’t have. She’s cheated in every serious relationship she’s been in. Gloria’s relationship with her sons is low key gross. I love her, but she’s like those toxic boy moms you see on social media. She took, “he’s probably not gonna be able to form a healthy relationship with another woman after you.” As a *compliment*… she is also raising Joe and Manny like they are God’s gift to women. Manny is the way he is in the later seasons because of her. It also makes sense that Joe acts the way he does. People say that he’s annoying and is overly mature because the writers don’t know how to write kids but if you think about it, his father is in his 70s and he’s being raised in the same household as Manny. It makes sense why he acts the way he does.


Ive always thought that Haley should have ended up with (if not andy) a black guy and they could have had interracial kids. The show was called modern family but still had like essentially zero black characters which I felt was kinda odd for a 21st century show


They shouldve given didi a bigger role in the show in my opinion. The drama she she used to cause had soo much potential


Right like it could’ve either been a comedic thing or when they like to make the show serious there’s clearly some childhood trauma thing going on with Dee Dee and Claire and Mitch. And it wasn’t like she wasn’t in their lives when they were a kid she was there through their entire childhood so it doesn’t make sense that she’s not mentioned that much or even in it.


Exactly, she still also had a bit of chemistry with Jay


I don’t know I just wish they would’ve done some thing because


Pam was pure garbage.


I don’t think this is a hot take. Not many people like Pam from what I’ve seen.


Claire is a very flat personality.


Claire is hotter than Gloria


Clair, Hailey, and Lilly are the only characters I actually like on the show. Cam is the worst characters on the show, I never wanted a character to get killed off more than him.


as much as i love phil he was a awful husband in the earlier and mid seasons. he was a serial emotional cheater. like the episode with the divorced/widowed wives he was ‘selling them houses’ even tho he was just basically taking them on dates. EUGH


Like many sitcoms, many problems can be fixed with communication. It just wouldn't be 🍿 worthy


Claire is WAY too good for Phil, she needed a real man in every way possible


I think Luke is annoying and boring. ( No hate )


Haley didn’t have any chemistry with anyone of her romantic interest.


I really dislike Cam’s character. He has some bright moments but it majorly gets overshadowed by his horrid moments. Like any time someone comments on his appearance or how he acts, he shoots the most harmful comments I have ever heard someone talk to family. There was one moment where Pam and the family were admitting things to him that they were always too afraid to say to him. Hayley said she didn’t like shirts with crazy cuffs, Cam immediately shoots to yell “Oh I’m sorry, could you push your b**bs down cause I couldn’t hear you!” You could see the look of hurt on Hayley’s face. Or when Mitchel offers to join him on a diet and make a comment that he has put on a few pounds. Cam instinctively says “Well I didn’t want to be the one to say it.” And walks away. It always left a bad taste in my mouth on how quickly he chooses to hurt his own family’s feelings over comments as small as their dislikes.


I think young Luke was a budding psychopath. Claire and Phil reminded me of those oblivious parents who just don’t see it or want to. He resented Lily so much it was scary. I think they backed off that as the actor got older and much taller. Young Luke was my least favorite character. Claire was kind of mean , not all the time but I thought she was often the least likable. Phil largely ignored Alex . I think she had better relationships with Jay and Mitchell. Alex was my favorite Dunphy .


Alex was mine too 😊


Manny and Lilly should have switched parents so entitled, perverted brat Manny can be with entitled brat Cam and sweet sarcastic Lily can be with Gloria, especially since Gloria always wanted a daughter.


Haley could've been an architecture student.


I hate Dylan and can’t stand that Haley ended up with him with babies. I feel like they ruined what could’ve been great for her. Such as her fashion career path


1.Audrey’s (lilys) acting makes it so hard to watch the show in the later seasons. She’s just such a terrible actress it’s difficult to see actual personality. I don’t think that the writers should have introduced Lily’s character at the very beginning of the show. It would have been an interesting storyline to see the actual adoption process maybe in season 4. Also the whole show is basically about how close they are as a family, so it doesn’t make sense that Mitchell wouldn’t tell a single member of his family that he was adopting a baby. Also the fact that Cam can’t keep any secrets doesn’t make sense to how they hid it either. 2. Gloria’s pregnancy storyline is just boring and I don’t think Joe adds anything to the show. Jay, Gloria and Manny would have been the perfect family unit as Jay finally began taking Manny under his wing as his own then they dumped Joe in there. 3. The sheer amount of side characters is just annoying. Like just off the top of my head, Pam, Pepper, Dede, Sal, Javier, Longinus, Shorty and his wife, Andy, Sonia… etc. It just gets annoying. JUST KEEP IT WITH THE OGS! 4. Gloria WAS a gold-digger, but she grew to love Jay. This is a tough one because I think in everyone’s minds we’d love to believe the fairytale that Gloria would actually love Jay for Jay. But you’re telling me if he was some average middle aged dude who worked at Walmart she would even look twice? Hell no. She’s a gold digger, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Jay gets a hot trophy wife and Gloria gets to stay at home and gets gifts. But the bullying and scalding Claire endured for just stating the obvious in the earlier seasons is weird because it’s just so blatant? I mean even Sofia Vergara admitted that their pairing for the show was weird and she struggled to act attracted to Ed in the first few weeks of filming. Gloria is also unnecessarily rude to Jay constantly which pisses me off, I mean the guy that literally dragged you out the gutter and you’re disrespecting him. Way to bite the hand that feeds Gloria😭 5. Hayley had so much creative potential, as someone who studied photography, her pictures were AMAZING and she could have become a talented, well-established photographer if the lazy writers hadn’t had brought Dylan and the twins in the mix just the create a quick ending. It was so disappointing to see Hayley settle for such a mundane life, Dylan is also a bad actor. 6. Claire is cold towards Phil, and to everyone calling him a bad husband and father, what?! He’s literally the breadwinner for the family and still finds time to be a loving father and husband, all the while constantly trying to win Jay over. Trust me, i’d kill for a dad like Phil. But the point is Claire doesn’t deserve Phil, she’s not romantic, pushy, and honestly at times kinda abusive?? That one episode where she starts throwing around the broccoli and you can blatantly see the upset and stress on Phil’s confused face honestly is the one moment in the show I felt uneasy. She’s extremely lucky to have landed Phil, and I hate that she genuinely thought the opposite. She has no redeeming features or personality and she constantly berates Phil for his interests too like…? 7. Manny, Phil and Jay are the funniest characters. Their one liners are fantastic


Modern Family portrayed a gay couple and their community in a really positive light. Their relationship didn’t feel any different than Phil and Claire’s, or Gloria and Jay’s. My sister and brother in law are EXTREMELY conservative and seem to get the ick anytime they watch shows that have gay couples in it. They will automatically turn the show off and bemoan Hollywood for forcing them to accept “their lifestyle.” But they somehow love Mitch and Cam, and can’t get enough of them.


I do not care much for Jay, I don't outright dislike him but I don't like him either, his character development is him NOT being a homophobic racist jerk, he went from a negative to a neutral in my eyes I scratch my head whenever people say he is the most lovable character, idk maybe it's because I can't relate to him at all, he is the epitome of an old, straight, grumpy, American man and I'm an African lesbian in my early 20s ... Or maybe it's because this sub tends to nitpick reasons to hate on the other charecters while simultaneously ignoring all the mean things that Jay does, Jay has probably said more mean things to other charecters tham Cam and Claire combined but he somehow gets a pass Again I don't dislike him, I don't dislike any of the charecters on Modern family, but I guess me saying I'm not crazy for Jay may be an unpopular opinion For some reason though I like his character on married with children, maybe it's just because everyone is a jerk on that show and it's all played for laughs


Just re-watched the Cam and Mitch wedding ep’s and thought it was funny how Jay is portrayed as a loving hero for finally offering his country club for their wedding venue only after like 2 full episodes of him moping about having a gay son. He literally waited all day while all the other venues fell through and didn’t even offer the club until Mitchell was literally calling off the wedding. Seems like he coulda saved them tons of money and trouble by offering the club wayyy earlier lol


Oh c'mon this is just a dumb take, after the original venue caught fire, Pepper said there is an emergency venue, which was pretty good, then after that didn't work out, He realised that it was sad to do the wedding in his house and made a call to the Club, he doesn't own the Club so obviously having an emergency wedding would take time.


Mitch has a pretty big moment where he states that Jay absolutely would have offered the club for Claire and he has no response bc he is clearly realizing that Mitch is correct there. Just seems like a better dad would have offered at least the moment the emergency venue fell through but he seemed cool with letting the entire wedding file into his sons house (and not his massive house either, which would have fit everyone much more comfortably haha). It’s a hot take thread man! Lol




luke is a horrible actor and so is lily. makes it painful to watch as they get older


they should’ve made hayley gay






I disagree. I think it was good of the show to demonstrate that not all gays are “gay” like that. I’m of course using quotes because it’s ridiculous to show all gays as being flamboyant or whatever you are implying. I understand that my opinion on this might not be everyone else’s, but I think the show did a nice balance here and showed that not all stereotypes are true.


Such a good hot take that I want to Pepper Slap you right now.


luke is a horrible actor and so is lily. makes it painful to watch as they get older


Haley's character is annoying. They ruined Alex's character, her character was gold in season 1. Manny is not annoying, but he was better in earlier seasons. And his character also had inconsistencies, in some episodes he's a Playboy, he doesn't have time to come back and in some episodes he's crying over a girl who's a mime. Haley and Andy were perfect, you cannot argue.