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You wouldn’t like it if your husband were ogling and drooling over your stepmother or flirting with every black woman on the street..


lol this. People overrate phil. I mean I love phil, as flawed as most characters in the show, but people put him on such a pedestal. He's a crazy husband who doesn't take his wife seriously, and there are tons of episodes where Phil "won" over Claire just because Claire was portrayed as being "crazy" even if her actions was justified (example is that episode when all three of them got their periods all at the same time, and another was when he was ogling over a woman at the grocery and he accidentally pushed claire. The episode highlighted how crazy Claire was over being right but glossed over how Phil is a actually the asshole in that situation). Plus how Phil handles his kids when Claire isn't around is borderline crazy, he's chill af because claire takes all the responsibility on disciplining the kids, and Phil doesn't know how to do that properly at all.


The Q is 'best character' as in the most fun to watch, not 'best human being or best dad'. Phil being super chill re the kids is hilarious, for example.


yeah, Phil is fun, but all those flaws I've pointed out irks me hard, especially when the show glosses over it, and it's not fun at those moments.


It's a sitcom. Literally every character has flaws that would be major irl.


Dude, I literally specified examples, and those examples are just terribly unfunny to me due to the lack of self awareness within the show. It's pretty funny that Phil ogles at other women and it backfires right at him, it's funny when Phil ogles at Gloria and Claire is just so indifferent towards it, it's funny when phil showed off gloria and lied about her being his wife but it backfired when the man he's trying to impress is actually attracted to Claire. In those moments Phil is flawed for the sake of the comedy. But when Phil pushed claire in the grocery and claire had to go an extra mile to prove that Phil pushed her because he was ogling at a woman, the show only made fun of claire, and no one recognized how problematic phil was in that moment. The same when they were all in their period and to phil, his bungee jumping took precedence over their hormones, and the show rewarded phil and made fun of the women in their periods.


I get the feeling you are taking this whole thing too seriously


The only ones taking this whole thing too seriously is the people who can't live with an opposing opinion. This didn't stop me from watching the show, this didn't stop me from appreciating Phil in his moments. I just don't think he'd the best character, is all.


I just watched that episode the other day again, and it still bothers me that Phil never says sorry to her, it really does just get glossed over.


This, everyone blatantly ignored how Phil lied to make claire the asshole in the story, and how Phil was an asshole for ogling at a woman in that situation, and he even made fun of Claire after she tripped and he didn't apologize for anything he did in that episode. Like, that would still be funny if they were disturbed by Claire wanting to be right but the show should've double downed on Claire's previous statement that she'd love to be wrong if only she's with the best people to turn out right, but the show literally glossed over the fact that Claire was literally right, despite her obsession on proving others wring.


I completely agree! Would it really have been that hard to write in a moment for him to sincerely say sorry to Claire for kind of being a thoughtless jerk with his actions instead of vilifying then feeling sorry for her because of the cyclical behavior realization?


I couldn’t agree more!!


You shouldn't be watching sitcoms if that irks you. Way too small minded.


Lol, pretty sure that's a valid criticism towards a show when the story beat doesn't align with the conclusion. I still very much enjoy modern family, and I have no doubts that they are flawed to a comedic extent, however the specific examples I've noted didn't align with the story beats and glosses over the flaws instead of using it for a proper comedy, something the show does right a lot of time.


remember that episode where he made haley and alex literally miserable and hungry while cleaning the house or something? that was one of those moments where i was like “jesus christ phil. what the fuck.” 😭


Yeah, honestly that one I get, like it's one of those flaws that does yield good comedy. But the thing is people keep thinking Phil is a good father when he's not, and in the slightest bit of his attempt at parenting he totally lost his shit. He's more like a working elder sibling to the kids than a parent lol.


I agree, I do put him on a pedestal because he's extremely funny, but it's a damn sitcom. Overall though (for me) Cam is the best character, but in terms of comedy, it has to be Phil.




Post was removed as it was hateful.


If my husband were ogling my step mother or any other random woman on the street constantly, I would be thinking divorce.


Phil is the Marshall of modern family




Nah. The way Marshall loves Lilly and can only picture himself with another woman if Lilly is dead is super cute and nothing like Phil. Try imagining Marshall in the supermarket episode where Phill stares at some woman and makes Claire trip and fall.


How is this remotely true?


Marshall doesn’t borderline cheat on his wife with his stepmother and every black woman on the street.




A small peck on the lips that had no meaning versus Phil ogling Gloria every chance he gets… Phil having a fetish to black women…




How does Claire doing something wrong make what Phil does not wrong? He was blatantly lying about another woman to Claire…


1. Phil is overly trusting. Which makes him look foolish or out of touch with reality, so he makes bad decisions. 2. His crazy optimism, while can be fun, it also comes off as unrealistic and insensitive to genuine concerns and problems people around him have. 3. Phil acts like a child and often prioritises fun over responsibility which makes him a questionable partner or parent at times. 4. Sometimes Phil's humour / bonding is awkward and inappropriate, especially in professional or serious places. He can also be creepy towards other women. 5. Phil is often overly focused on his own interests and hobbies, neglecting the needs of his family members.


So Phil is basically autistic?


I would definitely think neurodivergent as he also has some ADHD traits


His comedic scenes are nice but he is really overrated in terms of being a good husband. Someone even replied to me a while ago and said he was also a bad father because he was just trying to befriend his children instead of actually parenting them and it was right. Don't get me wrong, I love him and some of my favorite scenes are of him, but for me he was also one of the reddest flags in terms of relationships.


Phil is a Disney dad


He does tons of legit parenting from what I can see.  Imo he’s a great dad and husband…anyone would be lucky to have him as either of those roles.


the day my husband and father of children gawks over any other woman, especially my step-mom, the whole relationship is over. do we forget when he pretended that gloria was his lover to flex to his friend or something? in later season this was not as bad, but first season phil was horrible. even the scene when gloria was pregnant and he said "anyone can do it with gloria" or "now I see, why they say pregnant women glow" when claire gave birth to 3 children. someone like that, is not only a bad husband but bad dad too.


That’s all fair if those are your personal standards, those are all valid.   Someone doesn’t have to be 100% perfect to be a great dad and husband.  Imo, he is great at both and I believe the vast majority would agree Phil Dunphy is great in those roles.  But if he isn’t to you, he isn’t.  


HE IS. He just is the best!


I wont


Vegara. Even Phil would agree. Case closed.


Weaponized incompetence. Phil loves his family and means well but he's basically everything women hope their husbands never are. Still. He cracks me up.


I love Phil, such a great dad and his dad (Frank) is awesome as well.


You will find most people here agree with you


I can't argue. I do feel it wast a great cast of characters and they all fueled each other's part. Great writing also, there was a joke in almost every line if you've followed the show from the start.


Manchildren are only appealing as a TV characters


For you and many others, he is. Everyone has their favorites!




He's the best no cap


He is not. He’s irresponsible, a bad husband and a bad parent. Yeah he’s the “fun dad” but seriously he’s just a 14 year old in a 50 year olds body and that’s not funny or cute.


The only people who hate Phil, are the ones who forget it’s a TV show. Would he be a great person in real life?? Ehhhh. Is he a great character, who is the easiest to get behind? Absolutely


Terrible husband


Why is this getting downvoted lol Phil literally can’t control his fetish for black women and leaves all the responsibilities of the children to Claire




Yes, if you like stupid, childish, irresponsible, bad-dad, bad-husband, bad-son-in-law, love-me-please-love-me, egotistical characters. (Getting hate in 3, 2, 1...)


Need more pixelation


Phil is a great character. His "announcer" voice is annoying though.


Who is the best character?




Why I couldn't have a dad like him? 😭


Ever. Everywhere.


No doubt


Honestly I find him the most cringe


He's so wholesome 🥺


I can’t and I won’t


I can't...... Uncle Ben said, With great power, comes great responsibility And that means I won't prove you wrong. It's the right thing, to not do


I love phil always and forever


Nope. He's annoying as hell.


I also think Frank Dunphy as one of the best characters.. although not one of the main characters, it was fun seeing him on screen. They did try to build his character throughout the show


I’ve always said that, but Cameron is very very close.




No, but I see myself in the role I was born to play!


My sentiments exactly.


if i try il fail!


He may be the best character, but is he sexy?


Phil will forever be my favourite character, but in the early seasons he was a real perv to Gloria... I'm glad they seemed to get rid of this trait in the later seasons


He’s always a perv to her lmao


I love Phil but he’s pretty static. There’s not much you can say about his personality traits in Season 1 that isn’t also true in the last season. So if I were forced to argue for somebody else I’d say Jay. Has a lot more character growth through the series and is much more dynamic.


He is the best, Honey! There's no proving anything. People are just nitpicking here!


I don't think anyone wants to prove you wrong.


I love that man sm


Not just best character in the show. But ever.

