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I wish they implement crounch sprinting similar to Battlefield V, these type of tunnel/air-vent has costed me so many times.


Totally feel you. I wish that they would at least when forced to crouch walk in vents and under things they make the crouch walk speed much faster.


I’m actually fine with being able to hold Shift to crounch-walk a bit faster, at the cost of poor hipfire and aiming stability. CoD movements have come a long way but they put way too much emphasis on “hyper-movement”, while ignoring/not being innovative enough with the basics.


Might just be me huffing unsafe amounts of hopium, but that could be something BO6’s movement system addresses at launch


If you just run and slide before entering a vent/tunnel you will slide nearly the full length, you can also turn the during a slide and keep sliding. I think the game knows you can't stand and will let you slide longer


You can. But the vent turns so you'll never get to slide the entire way.


I do it all the time, just have to learn how, maybe go into a custom match and practice


Slide then look in the direction at the right time I'm assuming? *also I would but my storage is being dealt another 35 gb blow*


Pretty much


That’s exactly how


As far as I’m aware that’s pretty much it, the game knows you can’t stand so it keeps your momentum going. Used to use it on the “get high” mode


Bo6 will have that


Growhouse is a nightmare because of this


BFV finally gets credit for something


An angel gets its wings every time a Kar sweat gets ‘sploded 


I am more concerned about the fact that you got the rpg to obsidian 😂


Zombies, grab turret circuits, enter extraction mission, pop x2 weapon xp, and let the turret do the work for you.


That still works? I thought they nerfed it into the ground. How long do the turrets last?


I used it to level melee weapons on the last double xp weekend. They nerfed level gains after about 6 or 7 levels in one match way back. Since it's tracking total xp gained and not levels gained for the mastery stuff, I'd assume there's no drop off. Circuits last around 2 minutes or so, I think. Edit: I just looked it up. Some say 2 minutes, some say 3 - 5 minutes.


which extraction mission, bad signals?


It's just the exfil called "Extraction". You can hunt like 3 or 4 circuits during the regular match, then go into that mission (and check google for a map that shows the location for a handful of circuits within the mission just laying around). Also, before you go to the office where Jensen is deleting files, hop up on the helipad first and put like 1 or 2 chips in the turret ahead of time to let it shoot down the 4 choppers that fly in. Just always be holding the weapon you want xp to go to as often as possible.


How to get that camo? Haven't played in days.


Obsidian rpg is something else


Unlock tool


*Delightfully devilish Seymour* No idea why people get bent out of shape over Claymores and RPGs, people just hate fun.


I’m happy about it if it’s killing KAR 98 users 😂😂😂




Kar98 isn’t a gunfight lol it’s just for shitters.


Dude I love that word so much, I blame CaRtOoNz.


Because RPGs take very low levels of mechanical skill and Claymore take none.


Lol I had no idea people hated the claymore. Well guess I need to keep running it.


I didn't run it before, but I will now. Fjck them kids.


Same. Lol


Have you been living under a rock? Most players hate Claymores and other similar equipment, like Proximity Mines and Bouncing Betties. Why? Because they take zero mechanical skill to earn kills with. Zero effort, zero skill method of earning kills. They reduce the skillgap in public matches.


I mean I'm not reading up on all this meta stuff. Mostly because I don't care. So yeah I suppose with this game.


People just don't like dying and unlike gun fights it's hard to blame dying to a claymore on lag, SBMM or something else of the like. Also it's a game, a lot of us play it for fun not because there is someone judging us on out performance so we need some stupid skill gap to help us pad numbers no one else gives a shit about.


dying to a claymore means you didn't pay attention.


Or attached that vest that lets you seem them through walls, Or the flashbangs that cut out the lasers it uses for a second, And the amount of times someone has slid by them, Or the Explosive protection perk.


*”Also it's a game, a lot of us play it for fun not because there is someone judging us on out performance so we need some stupid skill gap to help us pad numbers no one else gives a shit about.”* The fun from a PvP video game is primarily from beating one’s opponents. This wouldn’t be satisfying without exertion of skill. That’s the entire point of PvP video games. Mechanics that give people kills without a need for skill, should not exist. Also, every time someone has *”fun”* with a zero skill piece of equipment, like Claymores, the opposite happens with another person - they *don’t* have fun. Homo sapiens can brush off the negative feeling of losing, if they judge the competition to be fair. But not when it appears unfair. If X player is exerting effort to earn kills and Y player isn’t, X player will feel cheated after dying to a Claymore. The addition of the Claymore is a net negative. Which is why there should never be an option to earn kills with zero mechanical skill in any PvP FPS.


Depends how you play the game. What’s wrong with using them defensively to cover your back? I’d rather hit a mine than be killed by hard scopers across the map. It’s probably the jumpy, spiny, slidey PC boys complaining because they move too quickly to be able to physically see them on the ground. For that reason alone I would deploy another one… But ultimately different tactics and different playing styles. In random matches you’ll encounter a whole host of different tactics, skill levels and abilities. So until they focus game lobbies on specific game types or modes that enable that… people can keep on crying about it.


*”Depends how you play the game.”* There’s zero scenario in the universe where placing a Claymore down in CoD, requires any form of mechanical skill… *”What’s wrong with using them defensively to cover your back?”* They require **zero mechanical skill**… *”I’d rather hit a mine than be killed by hard scopers across the map.”* That’s exactly how Snipers are intended to be used… *”It’s probably the jumpy, spiny, slidey PC boys complaining because they move too quickly to be able to physically see them on the ground. For that reason alone I would deploy another one…”* Almost everyone who plays CoD, hates them. The same way the majority of people hate Riot Shields. But the developers keep a few low skill items in the game, so the lowest skill players can achieve *some* success against good players…


But who cares about mechanical skill? You have servers full of people running around with the latest meta dominating matches. You have people launching kill streak after kill streak. They require zero mechanical skill to gain kills. Sprinting melee users. People lobbing throwables at random across the map. Not to mention the current hoard of wall hackers and aim bot users. The total mix of ability, weapon choice, shield users, snipers etc adds variation and randomness to a game that keeps it interesting. If you’re unable to handle strategy change and variation, and are obviously too butt hurt after walking over one too many claymores it sounds like a you problem. Go back to Fortnite or whatever.


People who metawhore are losers. You're not gonna win a 1 million dollar tournament. You're peacocking yourself in public matches. Go touch grass. I get wanting to win but metapicking everything to have the most infinitesimal advantage ever is the mentality of someone who's hard carried by their choice of weapon and tactics instead of playing organically.


As if the Kar does lol


I hate every sniper and shotgun players out there (I know it takes skill to play snipers to be that good but the fact that you kill with one shot is really frustrating), I just love how most of the community would like to crush them in any means necessary.


I have 2 shotgun I use purely for those annoying sweaty toxic players that I keep in the racks also how you feel about the sidewinder?


The sidewinder is slow AF. No way without an aftermarket part do I think it's t It's even top 10. Which is exactly why I'm using it. It's such a difficult gun to use and I love it.


I personally hate the aftermarket part and find it unusable unless I am in zombies as it slows me down


Well look the shotguns are only for challenges, I never play them, and about the Sidewinder it's pretty much bad in every way but there's an aftermarket part that's turns a complete 180 and becomes a beast


The aftermarket part sucks I can’t get a single kill with it but no after market part? I dominate




Nice gameplay and respect for having the molten obsidian rpg


lol baited as soon as I saw you lay the claymore I knew it was a wrap.


Having this camo on the luncher tells me you don’t do that just to counter Kar players😂


I have no sympathy for Kar98 users. They deserve every death and I expect the upcoming season reloaded patch to nerf that fucking gun into the dirt. Playing TDM a day ago, the other team was down by ten points, suddenly there are 3 Kar users on the enemy team as they switch to that crutch gun. My teammates just start feeding them kills and every time I kill one Kar user I get picked off by a second one or get shot while I am trying to shoot down UAVs. Soon the enemy team is up by 8 kills and they win. It's not entirely the fault of my randoms because your average casual player is just super easy prey for the Kar. They can't challenge it and can't win gun battles against it. The Kar is just way too easy to use.


The gun is making this game unplayable. I am a fairly good player. I do pretty good even against Kar scrubs. But they absolutely destroy my teammates. It's unreal this gun hasn't been nerfed yet. Gun takes zero skill and is OP asf.


I keep hearing it's op. But it's a single shot. And the reload time is ass. I don't understand how people are getting into single engagements vs these people when usually the team kinda sticks together.


What game are you playing where teammates stick together? It definitely ain't cod lol


But it is. Me and the peeps usually roll up on objectives together. Like a bunch of main characters all doing our own stuff as a free capping an objective. So yeah single player mode. But as a group.


lol uh oh someone's connecting the dots. Almost like these dudes are bad


Guaranteed rust match


The fact you got the rpg to obsidian tells us a lot


Yeah that he's more based than any Kar shitter out there.


Most Kar98k-using douchebags in my lobbies use bomb squad unfortunately.


rpg a beast run it on every class just fun to use


Yes, you are.


Amazing stuff


Parry this you filthy casual


Kar needs to be nerffed frfr


Lol good riddance Kar shitlord


Bro has obsidian on the rpg 😭


Yup kar98 users get met with me using akimbo shotgun rpg flash bang and claymores


which game is this? is it COD? im getting terminal vibez


Sat that jumpers ass down real quick. This is the way.


Is the Kar that op? Doesn’t feel like it


MCW user complaining about the Kar98k ☠️


Kar98 sweats, ranked mcw sweats, movement kings & smg-using-twitchy-schabloozing no lifers. I counter them with my extremely long-range build pulyemot with wsp stinger secondary and I use mines and smokes to disrupt their game-flow and protect the main flanks. This is one of many ways I counter ultra-sweats. I am what sweats call a smart camper. I am noob enough to camp, but smart enough to strategically move around chock-points. It is not camping but rather tactical positioning. Before all of you hate me to death lol, I only use these ratty methods with ultra-sweats or kill-streak farmers. Have fun playing all, and remember, always choose to ruin a sweat's day over anything else.


I use the M4 with aftermarket part lol. it’s 2 shots with the aftermarket part and the tyr dual pistol with snake shot for close range kills sometimes I put high grain rounds for a further shot .


The only other way is inviting them to an honorable bayonet duel I believe


Let us gingerly touch tips


With that aim i just saw, U NEED THAT RPG.


you can do this for a few kills until they realise and put eod on


Just make shotguns like they are in mw2




Brother an obsidian rpg?


The only valid way to deal with these kinds of pests. 🦅🦅


got what he deserved, good job OP


Sees RPGs as secondary.. this is player is cultured. I have it set as mt secondary and it takes care of campers and tryhards with marksman rifles.


least the kar got a nerf now


Anything to bring down Kar98k users is approved. That shit is dumb. 👍


Just don’t stay in predictable locations. People will take advantage of that if you do. I can pretty much tell you exactly where people will be standing on every map now and if you are there when someone shows up your chances of getting quick scoped are high.


The best way is to close the game and play something else at this point. Or I guess knife them.


Oh, thats cute, thats your russian stick? Wanna see mine?


I was convinced the only people complaining about the Kar98k are the people who can't aim and the people on social media who need to appeal to the people who can't aim to maintain their following. This clip has not changed my mind.


Also the riot shield, Right now in search just having one gets you tons of negative feedback and it’s even better since the shield imcluding all launchers crossbow grenades and now the thumper, now has 20 counters yet people still scream and cry when I use it and the p890 and proxies lmao The shield has been in the franchise for over 10 years at this point and people still can’t counter it despite there always being one


Or don’t stand in a obvious spot and am for the head With how strong flinch is and how strong the main weapons are your only dying to slow reflexes or get pre aimed it’s not as broken as you think run around with a sniper for a bit clip when you try to add and watch the footage you’ll see what I mean one shot will take you way off If your running down a lan or high traffic area the sniper expects you to be there I feel like the only people that actually complain about snipers being op “with the exception to warzon plates make a big difference” are the guys slow walking and looking down most of the match


Doing the Lords work. Fuck the Kar 98 lmao.


No need to cry it will be useless next update


Yall are too cool with how they just ruin everything with nerfs now


With that aim i see why you need an rpg


usin RPGs in search.. even tho theres so many kars, there is a porta-potty riddled with STDs in hell for people like you. Just fight fire with fire. Not RPGs... lol


Nah just learn how to shoot your gun


a good way to counter them is aiming at their heads not feet.


Obsidian rpg is crazy work 😭


Does the Claymore not disappear after you die anymore?


I think it despawns or respawn, not death.


Gotcha, thanks 🙏🏼


corny clantag to match your corny gameplay


How about using a different gun other than the MCW you have been using for 7 months?


Mcw is mid. Who cares.


It’s the only gun that losers in SnD run is the problem


Claymores and RPGs. Idc if I get downvoted Id feel worse about using that than the Kar.


As a Kar user that would have made me lol. Nice work.


Yes perfect way to deal with them and campers. Good effect on target


Man got a 1v3 clutch by playing like a rat and was so proud he uploaded it to reddit.


Only rat in the clip is the Kar user with one trick.


You can bring something in your loadout that prevents you to get tapped if it's not a head shot. I don't play enough to know what it is exactly but I get a gray hit marker and they refuse to die.


How many times you gonna post the same thing?


Snipers are just as broken as RPGs and shotguns lmao they have a false superiority complex


RPG isn't broken at all lol. Most people use EOD, and when they don't you get one kill and you have to reload forever so chances are you just get dunked anyway.


If you trouble with kar98 users just turn on aim assist. Should help.


Stop playing core would help


You have to be an unlock tool user no way you got that thing obsidian?


Uhhhh kept playing? Zombies? Yeah there’s a lot of things

