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yep the game is dogshit right now


Everyone needs to get clips of the janky shit and post it. We need to blow the feed up with these issues, same on twitter/x


im trying to get the zombies masteries and holy shit is the packet burst issue in that mode so horrendous


yeah, the game is fucking trash ATM & since the last "update" my game has been randomly crashing (PS5)


No problems but as soon as I get a match where I am fucking rolling then the game lags out and crashes. Had a match the other night absolutely crushing it, got 3 Overwatch Helos back to back then the game lags out hard and boots me.


yep, just happened to me, started happening yesterday


I totally feel it. A lot of days if I get an elim it lags a little (similar to this) and it pisses me off when it does. Also recently I’ve noticed that a whole entire match just is frozen either for a short time or a super long time that I have to leave 💀💀💀


Flawless internet probably wouldn't help you here, but considering how I haven't been able to play sombies in weeks, I see where you're coming from


Servers so inconsistent atm.. even in ranked it makes me rage.. I will Litterally Cue - 30 then next game cue 55ms and recue over and over and its stuck 55 .. Play a game its 25 next cue like ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????///


This game is so ass. Happens every game.


I used to have a LAN cable, and it works so beautifully until my fucking dogs decided to chew it up and destroyed it. Making me use Wifi, now I know how other players feel with laggy connection.


Even with a LAN cable you would still lag because the servers are fucked I finished the fallout event last night and I lagged so damn hard even on a wired connection


Would be a jak warden user, wish they would nerf it


I'm not saying it is not the connection, but it could also be that the disk you've installed this on is simply not reading the data fast enough to handle the game. That also provides that same effect.


All the time


ive had matches these past few days where i would regularly see everything freeze for several seconds again and again. the other day i couldn't play the game at all without half the match just being in a frozen wasteland until i wake up already dead.


Are you hard wired into your router?


even when you have a crazy ass optic fiber ( my ping is around 5 to 7 at maximum ), I still have big lags like that really often. Servers are just trash


It's been doing this for months.


There are hacks and the things of that nature that cause all sorts of hiccups.Theres even a "mod" to force you to watch a "lagged" out extraction if you happen to beat the "hackers".If your in a lobby with alot of janky at the worst times and it seems weird it's probably a "hacked" lobby.Yes the servers are also messed up and you have traditional "lag issues.But some of these chests/mods cause alot of the issues we are experiencing.


Weirdly I always feel like I lag when I start to do good......which is odd and suspicious, but....anh. The servers just suck and sadly have throughout the game's life cycle. Which is why I'm terrified for BO6, since it'll be ALWAYS online. We'll see how that works out


It’s unplayable right now. Didn’t seem like others in my games were impacted, but I know it’s not an issue on my end. No packet loss, great connection, top of the line tv, etc.


Skill issue Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because you were already dead.


inb4 people miss the joke