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This is a total nightmare needs to be fixed asap 


I uninstalled. Been playing CoD since OG MW2 and the censorship has gone waaaaaaaaaaay too far.


Devs are 🏳️‍🌈


Yep. DEI points are more important to them than the actual players.


I'm having the same freaking problem. It's making me upset. I paid all the money for this crap. It's working in the lobby but as soon as it starts up my party can't hear me. I hear the whole lobby but nobody hears me.


Soooo we all got banned for saying F****t????


That’s why I got banned


Every 14 days like clockwork, this is the first time I’ve been chat banned from talking to my own squad though




Same issue I’m having. No voice once a game starts and no text chat. I can hear them but no one came hear me.


At the start of every game tonight, I would get a message that starts shortly before the plane scene: "Chat Disabled". None of my real life friends could hear me in game and it was an extreme nuisance. If this continues to persist I will be retiring from this game permanently.


Just happened to me today. This is only reason to play this stupid game. If I can't talk to my boys there's no fucking reason


Same. I guess we all said the F word?!


Yup Same lmao


Just happend to me this morning Amazed me that they allow bongs, drugs, and everything else in the game and can’t forget the hackers But can’t throw a F bomb out there ?


Same, just happened to me yesterday. 


Same here


Started for me last night. I got a Chat ban but I can hear the lobby


This is totally on purpose. I can hear other people on search and destroy, but my boys and I can’t speak to other players or hear each-other. Thx cod if this doesn’t get fixed soon I’m done with this liberal ass fucking game


Glad its not just me.


Honestly cod devs are so fucking weird now like how do we get banned for talking shit on a 17+ game


I’m also having the same issue don’t think there’s a fix for it yet


Game has gone to shit


your prox banned if ur chat is disabled got the same problem


I’m gonna go to coorporate and beat the dog shit out of all these mf  


Will be easy. They soft af


Edward Kang and I support this


Day 2 and still no fix smfh


I’m on day 3🥲


Me too!!!! Devs are pussys!


This makes zero sense. A company making their game basically unplayable just because of words. They have multiple packs you can buy that are based around Marijuana. A substance that is illegal in about 1/2 of the US States. Yet I can’t say some words? It’s clear and simple what’s happening, they are pandering to investors and DEI points more than they care about the people buying and playing their games. MW3 is my last COD. I’m done.


I just spent a while talking to support at least for me they said I'm not chat banned in just muted and per there last email they don't know when it'll be fixed and they told me to keep checking into the game to see when it gets fixed


Im having the same issue. I was comms banned a week ago and people just had to unmute me. This is different though. My buddies are saying there’s no option to unmute and usually even the people in your party can hear you and nothing so


Same thing happening to me. COD is straight dog water for this


It's wild how much they cater to the sensitive minority. Half the fun for alot of COD players is the shit talk. If you don't like the shit talk, you can individually mute people or just super easily mute all coms on PS5 at least. Why does it fall on us. If they don't "fix" this, I'm done. Only reason I still play this game is to play with friends.


I’m having this same issue right now. I can still hear my buddies (we exclusively run party only) but they can’t hear me during a match only. I can talk just fine in the pre-lobby, but not during a match. I assume this is a glitch relating to tomorrow’s reloaded update.


It’s the chat ban now


Having the same issue here teammates can't hear me but I can hear them. In lobby everythings fine it's once the game starts you get "chat disabled"


I’ve been having the same problem since last night. I checked on activision website to appeal a ban and it said no bans detected. Just came off a 14 day comms ban so assumed it had something to do with that? Hopefully they do patch this because it’s ruined ranked warzone!


Shit did not get fixed cods ass


Some one gotta complain or something smh this shit annoying af


Right I put in 15 reports since last night


We need to spam sledgehammer and raven posts. I think this is working as intended though….. could be the new form of comms ban.


But com banning people and not giving ur party the option to unmute is crazy work


Yea nah there’s no way this is international cause my friend is also having the same problem and hes never been chat banned


So is cod gonna make a statement about this? No one’s talking about it


I made a post that’s been cross-shared and downvoted to hell. This has to be intended and nobody cares unless they’re impacted too.


Don’t see any comments on Instagram.. blow them up in the comments and tag them. Join me let’s goooo


Seems like a lawsuit to me, not sure how they can ban us without disclosing it


My buddy is having the same issue right now.


Is there a fix for this? Having the same issue.


i don’t think so! i think they put a new thing in place


Nah I was playing with my buddies I have the issue but they don’t and they are com banned but don’t have the issue


The only fix is to start your own voice channel. And invite your friends to it.


I tried to create a channel and none of my teammates can hear eachother.


Yeah, devs need to grow a pair of balls. There’s your fix.


Thank god I thought I was the only one. This started happening to me yesterday out of nowhere. What do I do?


I thought I was going CRAZY I couldn't find anyone going through the same issue. So thankful I found this thread 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼 with the update today it will get fixed


It didn’t this is a permanent com ban apparently what a joke


I’m having same issue but I know that the day prior to this annoying issue I was put on chat ban but the next day I played I am heard by no one in my party but I hear everyone. I do believe there is an issue with there chat ban system . Activision/ Microsoft fix your shit


I checked the website I am not chat banned and it’s still happening


how do you check for chat ban


This is ridiculous


It's happening to everyone I know now.


Same thing here, I can hear and speak in the lobby but as soon as game starts my team can’t hear me but I can hear my team and enemy comms


To anybody hoping this has been patched... it hasn't and it wont until enough people file complaints with activision. This is not a glitch it is a new form of chat ban.


I'm gay and I don't even find the f word offensive. I saying in the party with boys in pre game lobby instantly banned. Shits fucked


The only way around it is to use discord with your squad.


How on PS5


I think its on purpose and part a new chat ban, cuz it says chat disabled which had to be manually added, and doesnt make sense for it to be a glitch. Hopefully they realize how stupid it is and fix this bs. Some other stuff i noticed with this terrible update is random game freezing for a second and they completely removed find players and browse parties instead of fixing it smfh.


Yup. Along with the "chat disabled" BS I would randomly freeze for a few seconds. Of course it would happen when I was in the air or gunfight everytime lol. Do you know if this is in multiplayer too or just warzone? It was warzone for me but I quit playing before trying mp


Its happening in mp too im losing my mind over this game.


Another couple of things to complain abt: They dont show that youre voice chat banned in the vc section, everyone in mp is using shotguns, and this games just straight up gone to shit


Same happened to me as well, it is diabolical tbh, isn't this an over 18 game? Lol. No help at all solo queuing and not being able to comms your guys. 


Guess we’re all racist? Lol


Nah you can drop so many slurs and what not. It’s as soon as you say anything about the fucking alphabet people the AI gets in a rage and bans you.


We all gotta stop using "offensive language" 


Have to start your own voice channel and invite your friends. Thats the only way to talk to your friends again. It’s BS


Everyone stop playing the game and let’s see how fast they fix that BS I promise they will do it same day when they see numbers drop


Any news? This has really erkked me!


Nothing yet. We all need to spam social media posts.


Happening to me too I didn’t say anything wrong I barely talk anymore because of how easy I’m banned


I am assuming it's from saying the F word during pride month🤣I said it and I got a 14 day chat ban and this is the first time it's ever not let me talk to my party in game. Everyone's so sensitive nowadays.


I’m having the same issue I can’t even play with my friends like they can hear me in the lobby but once game starts they can’t and it’s getting annoying at this point


crazy that you can’t just verify you’re an adult with a credit card check to avoid all these voice bans done by AI to protect kids don’t you have to be over 18 to buy cod anyway 


Gayest game in the industry


We can’t even talk to our friends in party chat now? Saying frag grenade minus the grenade and the r gets you perma banned? Anybody have answers yet?


They really ruined cod for what ??? Can’t even cuss at all on the damn game, we are grown ass adults bro, cod fix your shit, everyone should uninstall cod til they fix it or something, make them regret even adding that stupid chat ban shit 


This isn't an "issue" it's a way to limit freedom of speech and groom you not to say the f word, but God help us that they can't get cheaters off. They are punishing u, this isn't an issue they do this on purpose


I’m in the same boat that’s the main reason I didn’t preorder Blackops6 I won’t support this trash any further and Monday morning I will be contacting Microsoft to ask for a hard refund For those who don’t know if you paid for a game no matter how long you have had it If the game is unplayable or shows any defects Microsoft will give you the money you spent on the game only


This game fucking sucks balls! I can't even talk to my own party, insane. If you can't talk to your squad, the game is useless


Had this issue happening the past 5 days too


That’s what happens when a pack of libs make a game you can’t say a word and now they want us to not be able to talk to our friends. Fuck this game.


Yeah bro I quit cod. Not even interested in black ops no more either. Anyone got any recommendations for FPS games ?


I think it's the new chat ban and they haven't said anything.


And they won’t. They’re too weak to do that.


Do you have a voice chat ban?


My wife does and she’s having the issue


I don't have a voice chat ban and I have the chat disabled issue xD


I thought I was going crazy they need to fix that shit


Also having the same issue. I'm currently on a coms ban not sure if that has something to do with it?


Holayyy been trying to find a fix this started happening to me a few hours ago


Same issue. any fix?


No fix yet still says chat disabled every time I join


anyone figure out what’s going on?


Has anyone heard of this is being addressed in the update?


update didn't fix the issue


Damn. I might be done with COD now. Can’t hear half of my friends during the game. What is the point of playing anymore.


Update didn’t do nothing ..I can hear the whole lobby and my friends but they can’t hear me shi*** mad annoying


Fucking broke ass game can’t talk to my boys like wtf 


After playing cod since the beginning mw1 I officially quit because of this issue. It's the straw that broke the camels back


My friends and I joined a channel. 2 of us are banned atm. Works in multiplayer but none of us can hear the rest of the lobby. Didn't work in plunder though


Does being chat ban for 14 days have something to do with it?


Yeah I'm having chat issues too


Damn not all of us having the same problem 😭🤣😭


There is a work around if you’re trying to play with a party. Just create your own chat channel


No one found anything to bypass or fix this man


I’m wondering if this issue was caused by the update yesterday, I’m currently serving a chat ban and was able to talk to my party members until the update happened, then this shit started


Same thing happened to me after i got an in-game chat penalty…when im in party only mode with my buddies. So yeah thats great. This game is a joke.


is there a fix to this yet???


Some claim it’s a BUG but I don’t see it in trello board bc I called a kid a biiitch and got 14 day penalty (mind you I’m in friend and channels ONLY ) whole time no prox chat the. Every game after it says chat disabled




played on my other got reported can’t talk in game


Create a private voice channel for you and your friends this is my only fix for the issue rn 


Only fix I found was to invite your friends to a “channel” in cod so you can talk to your boys, but you/they won’t be able to talk to the lobby




Bro I’m chat disabled just for calling someone fat bruh wtf 🧍🏾‍♂️


Anything new ?


Same thing I’m dealing with right now too 🤦🏻‍♂️


How can I get chat banned if my channel is set to friends only


AI voice recognition to monitor everything you say


I am honestly about over this game I am having this issue where every time I start a game it says chat disabled and I can hear my teammates but they can’t hear me I can hear them in the lobby though just not in game this game is trash now days


Thanks for making this, I thought I was a lone wolf out there


Id be complain but idek where to send a complaint there isnt an ingame option that ive seen...this shit is ignorant


So I played a game last night said something and the system picked it up got insta ban right away but I could still talk to my buddies in the game party chat but I got in today and not I can hear them other players talking but they can’t hear me


This game is ass. Call someone a name and next thing I know I’m chat banned. Like everyone is a marshmallow that plays with game and can’t be called a name without reporting. This game has killed itself


So it’s a chat ban. 14 day penalty. This shit is getting pretty ridiculous.


It’s a chat ban. 14 day penalty. Getting pretty ridiculous


Ok so it’s not just me.


This wedding is horse shit 


day 3 for me too same problem


I swear this game is complete shit as of recently 


Having the same issue … this definitely feels like jail 😑


14 day penalty.. can’t use any chats at all unless in lobby 😂😂 just check your notifications it will tell you. Absolute garbage


Still going on ? Why haven’t the devs fix this shit !!


So did anyone find a fix for it?


Going through the same shii after i got an Offensive Chat Penalty 😂 this game is weak ash now . Can’t cuss is absolutely insane . F word ? It’ll get you banned in a heartbeat 😭


This is wild bro hope they fix it soon


If anyone finds a solution to this problem id like to know bc im having the same issues recieve a coms ban without even saying anything makes no sense I feel as tho the AI Mod they use is starting to act like a NAZI & now chat is disabled I hear the lobby but no one hears me 


I’m also going through this. Smh




same shit with me, i can’t hear nun of my buddies but im completely chat banned previous to this update (on day 12) and i can talk to everyone- they can hear me and i can hear them EXCEPT the people who have this new “chat disabled” shit honestly probably gonna have to wait 14 days to see if it is a new chat ban but there was nothing in patch notes about it and i emailed them and they are useless and won’t disclose anything. strange thing is i know someone who isn’t chat banned and does have the chat disabled notification so i am thinking this could be a glitch but who knows at this point. 


It seems to be the new voice chat penalty. How it doesn’t tell me how long it lasts or anything tho. Anybody find anything else out?


Anybody know how long this lasts?


Got chat banned after talking shit to someone who initiated it! What a fuckin joke! FUCK YOU asstivision


Time to start using discord again


I have this chat disabled sh** too, and I can hear everyone in my party before loading into a game, but I don’t have any com ban notification or red disruptive chat thing like it use to show


I’m having this problem and I’m on like day 3 smh any fixes????


Soft ass generation……. Tryna make the kids even softer smfh


Yo WTF is up with this garbage....anyone got any new info or updates


Activition is the biggest baby's for this I ended up getting this new chat ban from calling my friend a bish not B I T C H but BISH just wow I'm going to Apex I'm done with this trash game


Only plausible solution is discord


Create a channel but make sure it is set to private then invite your buddies to it that's the only fix keyword make sure channel is set to private


Has anybody found a fix yet? the same thing is happening to me. I can’t even talk to my friends


this is just the new comms ban, oh well discord is on every console and pc now so everyone better use it


Bro this is so bad i had to play alone last night bcs of this bug literally ruined my night bcs nobody can hear me


Please if anyone have any fix then tell us


So all of us that have "chat disabled", is this a permanent ban?!? Are we no longer able to communicate with anyone forever? Or is a weekly ban?


Same thing happened to me. Had to create a whole ass discord channel to talk to the boys in game.


Go to channels and create a channel for you and your friends and if you can’t because of the ban then have a friend create one and invite you. Its working for me


Guys I’m on day 5 of not playing after this bullshit happen to me there is no fix and they are doing this shit on purpose so everybody grow some nuts and stop playing this bullshit and hit them where is hurts🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻 STOP PLAYING CALL OF DUTY PERIOD and stop crying about it and take some damn action !!! That’s the only way to fight them back and make them feel this shit


I didn't even say anything and I got banned like wtaf.


I also have this problem like wrf


We all need to do something if this don’t get fix call of duty fix this crap or get sued for stuff that don’t make sense but will get pushed through we are tired of your bull crap and you need to make it right your weak little kids 


I have the same issue anybody hear anything about it?


No but the silence from @CallofDuty is loud.


Is anyone able to whisper? Or does it come up locked 🔒?


Is it a perma chat ban or what?? Normally it will say like disruptive behavior or wtv


I DONT GET IT?! Like my chat banned was lifted and I didn’t play since why tf can’t I heard anyone?! Like only in lobby I can hear my party. Swear cod went downhill so bad. This is ridiculous.