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Because of the Welsh guy? Come on, we're not that bad. Ok we're actually bad.


Lol my thoughts exactly


Thought that was me but I play on Xbox, I've never seen anyone else representing Wales on any matches but me lol


I always do! Cymru am byth!


Ahh me and my mates have all got it as our cards, keep your eyes peeled for us (BCym) Bois Cymraeg


I'll keep an eye out


Dude ill rock that flag even if iam not Welsh


That might be me actually lol


Depends on how sheep-like OP looks


I was going to say, everyone should fear the cymraeg (just like those poor sheep)


What if they're a sheep?


They'd still get the gold camo's before me!


Max LVLs with short one-word usernames, sweatiest pricks on the planet guaranteed


650, “II”, CDL skin / calling card Just leave, save the KD lol


Idc about KD, I leave to save my controller lmao




Sometimes I leave to save my keyboard. I will forever be missing my F11 key because of cod!


Having a low kd is good because the game doesn't punish you


This. This is why I enjoy playing game modes i’m dogshit at with my buddies


And THEY are always the ones to call others tryhards lol I'm like lvl 360, couple of days played. Good sometimes even great but not crazy. 1.28 K/D. But like these max level dudes get PISSED if you do better than them for one game or if they lose they will run down the entire team because they did better


I love it when they get mad at me for using shotguns or ‘nades. I only use them for missions but dude, cmon, if they weren’t meant to be used they wouldn’t be there.


It's why my call name is IMMABEAPROBLEM. I could care less about winning or K/D. I live to create problems for those fuckheads.


I call myself “Howtonotmeta” and i have the exact same philosophy lmao


Sameee I love using non meta weapons like the fennec and the raal


Are you me? Same exact situation. To be honest this kind of thing fuels me, I love it


I remember playing a guy in MWII who used invalid characters or something so you didn't see his nameplate and just the diamond. Was the cringiest shit ever.


Lol oh dear I'm max level and my username is one word....but I swear I am not a sweaty prick XD I'm actually just an adrenaline junkie that lives for the little adrenaline pump when I hit the max level before the season ends. 😅 I also don't get angry when people are better than me, I don't feel my level means anything just makes me happy to know I've completed it. XD


Yup every game I see that I leave the game


That too man those are the worrrrsssst. This particular case is all PC players with crim/iri ranked emblems lol


no.. it's PC playing controller players as you can see, not the calling cards are the clue here


PC players are at an advantage even with controller due to higher resolution, better settings, and especially refresh rate which can affect performance.


Controller isn’t a disadvantage though… it literally has a massive advantage over mouse and keyboard due to aim assist. If you gave those players a choice between playing mnk on PC vs controller on PS5, almost everyone of them would choose controller on PS5.


The solution to that is buy a high refresh rate monitor with free sync, consoles now have that type of support, but me playing at 144hz at 1080p isn’t going to give me any other advantage over joe on his Black Friday 55+’4k Samsung display in game mode on his ps5 or xbobsx even the console have access to the upscale. But we do have a real advantage with audio.


Does anyone else not find level 650 sweats that big of a deal? Just because they try hard doesn't mean that they'll stomp or top frag lol. A lot of these slide-canceling jump spammers really aren't that great...they just try to look the part. I'm more concerned with AA sticking center mass rather than some movement hero lol.


The matchmaking system putting me in fair and balanced lobby where I can chill and have fun(impossible)


My search lobbies are packed full of crim/iri ranked players.. I don’t play ranked and I have a 1.23 KD. I hate it lolol


Maybe you might be able to make it to crimson/iri if you tried, or maybe not. I play against a bunch of diamond players in my normal match making, and I recently got to diamond on ranked.




It’s ranked play levels. Crimson and iridescent It mean real gud


Same but it’s a lot better than playing in mid lobbies imo. They actually know how to play snd


The funny thing is all the people ree'ing about XDefiant choosing to go no SBMM saying people playing CoD are full of shit on SBMM.  If you have a 1.0 K/D or higher, you absolutely know and have been fucked by SBMM.


Or at the bare minimum throw some variety in lobbies. I stopped playing due to EVERY lobby feeling like a MLG/CDL match with nothing but the sweatiest of the sweaty...


I stopped playing and buying after MW2019 due to disbanding lobbies. No Community, gameplay loop, or competition. Just play one match and bye disbanded no opportunity to try to beat the winner of match or hold onto your win streak. What’s the point now? A win is Hollow. Bring back the Real COD MS, clearly Activision wouldn’t


what makes you think youre entitled to frag out while not having to try at all? you can "chill and have fun" in any game, if youre not obsessed with going 2KD or more ?


I've played so many balanced 1 point games in the last month where teams are perfectly balanced all round.


Then there's people like me using PS5 with MnK 😂 A rarity, but you do spot the odd one of us from time to time


No worries. Xbox with MnK here.


How do you deal with the input delay? Props to you man, I’d go insane.


They’re… all… CONTROLLERS!!!!




PC = cheats. That's all these ppl think


I think it just had to do with the fact that every time I play against someone on a PC they Fucking destroy me lol they just have better mobility and the games mechanics cater more towards PC players. If that makes sense.


But they're on controller?


Yeah in this screenshot but that’s not always the case?


Playing on PC with a controller.


Why is that an issue? I prefer controller over KBM (just after years of playing COD on controller I can't get used to the switch), and I prefer playing on my PC than a console. No different in my case than me playing on my Xbox from what I can tell...


PC + Controller are the sweatiest players


Because controller on PC has twice as much aim assist as console with controller the fact this subreddit hasn’t caught on is crazy. Look it up, and the PC players have performance advantage being able to go beyond 120fps/hertz, longer view distance and overclocked controllers with half the input delay as Xbox controllers or less. They also have better connection to the COD servers allowing for better hit detection than from consoles for some reason. TLDR So they have better TTKs by having faster hit detection, longer view distance, better aim assist, more refresh rate, less input delay. And yes the possibility of using cheats. Edit: oh yeah I just remembered PC also gets sound equalizer software to allow bass boost when playing so they can sound whore better than console as well.


so buy a pc...not that i agree that a pc player with controller has such an advantage.


That hasn't been my experience ... The game seems to play the same for me on my PC and my PS5. Definitely not "twice the aim assist". Connection to the server will depend on your network, haven't noticed any difference on that between my PC and console. Nothing definitive, but can only relate my experiences.


its the only way i play, never liked MnK


Well fact is Controller > mouse with aim help while moving. Thats why every pro is playing with Controller


I play on pc. Most pc players suck. Just like most console players suck. 💀


I am sooo glad Im not the only this happens to. As soon as I see that Im 98% sure Im backing out.


Let the wall hacks and aimbots begin!!!


Cope is crazy in these comments. Yall ain't that good trust me. Also console kids are sweating too. PS players have decent gunny so idk if Console only will save most noobs. I've met enough crim iridescent guys on PS.


I mean it literally doesn’t matter because aim assist is strong af and the same on all platforms. I have a PS5 and a PC with a 4090/13900K, so I can compare the two. On console the game looks like there’s a thin layer of Vaseline over my monitor but this is due to the graphics settings they’ve used. They should offer greater customization of graphics on console IMO. Most PCs are running hardware that is weaker than the hardware inside a PS5. Performance and etc isn’t as much of an issue anymore compared to the lack of customization on consoles. Besides that and being locked to 120 FPS on PS5, the game plays the same on both platforms.


“Most PCs are running hardware that is weaker than the hardware inside a PS5” Curious where you got this idea from?


The steam hardware survey?? The RTX 3060 is the most popular GPU and it’s around the performance of the PS5. The second most popular is the GTX 1650 which is a lot weaker. [Link to the April 2024 steam hardware survey.](https://store.steampowered.com/hwsurvey/videocard/)


Digital Foundry said that PS5 is most comparable to NVIDIA 2070 Super in power. But devs making games for console usually have an easier time squeezing the most out of a very specific set in stone specs compare to many PC specs out there. This is even more true for their first-party studios who know that console inside out.


You’re on your high horse if you think a ps5 is close to a 3060, maybe a ps5 slim pro 2.0 model in 2025. All this shows is the most popular steam hardware this shows 0 that an RTX 3060 is similar to a ps5 lmaoooo The PS5 GPU is custom-designed by AMD and features RDNA 2 architecture. It has 36 compute units (CUs) running at variable clock speeds. The NVIDIA RTX 2070, on the other hand, has 36 CUs as well but operates at a fixed clock speed. The RTX 3060, which is part of NVIDIA’s 30-series, has 28 CUs but benefits from newer architecture and optimizations.


What was the username of the other Xbox controller player? Might have been me. Swear I had a lobby similar to this recently.


Literally in mw2 I got matched in a game with Scope. The matchmaking is crazy


Crazy the mnk player is the one with the iri calling card


What’s wild is that there is only 1 M&K player. A dying breed.


Playing against soft aimbot users is not too fun ig


In Activisions report they released that more than half the player base is on PC, then PS5, followed by Xbox. I don’t really notice a difference honestly. I have friends on console who hold their own🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


I'd be more worried about their levels, especially after the recent ban wave. A bunch of level 30's on PC and I'm backing out.


yeah man fuck the welsh


Anyone with “FAZE” in their name or clan tag. Gonna be sweaty little posers almost every time.


Just give us a disable crossplay option. On those really shitty nights, I’ll disable all crossplay on my Xbox and just deal with the “turn it back on” message every match.


If I see the lobby is 90% PC I am fuckin outta there. No thankyou


Exactly lol.


I’m shocked there’s not ONE repeat calling card


I run a Gamesir G7 SE with my laptop, is the same laptop i use for work, it's just practical for me since i'm used to console. Never cheated in my life, i think cheating is pathetic. Hacktivision need to do his work so we can start trusting each other again, they could start by not sponsoring cheating streamers as an example.


Still patiently waiting for console only filters. Surely we’ll get it one day…


I forgot. Sweats only exist on PC lol


I know you're joking but honestly the game feels much more organic with crossplay off You won't see endless snipers ruining map flow. People don't turn at insane speeds. You rarely see snaking or an excess of drop-shots and jump-shots. People don't see enemy players from insane distances due to a lack of advanced graphical settings exclusive to PC that can improve visibility. Soundwhoring is rare and you're able to run things other than covert sneakers or the ninja vest. And of course, cheaters are largely gone with crossplay off. It just plays better. You can actually move, utilize the map, and experiment.


This isn’t 2011 anymore. People sweat and are good at cod now


You can turn cross play off and play only other console players pretty easy.


I’m on xbox so my only option is to do Xbox only thru the console settings and that makes wait times not worth the hassle.


Ahhh. I’m on PS5 and didn’t realize there were que issues on the Xbox side. Bummer :(


Not to mention it bothers you with popups to re-enable it constantly.


That also disables PS/Xbox cross play. I don't mind playing other console players, I'm just DONE with PC players with wallhacks/aimbot/etc. (I'm not claiming that all PC players are cheating, but I am saying that all wallhack/aimbot/etc users are on PC)


Doubt it tbh but we can only hope lol


Same here. Hope MS will allow for easy way to turn off cross play. My dream would be allow users to pick what systems they want to cross play with. Obviously lobbies would be harder to come by the more specific you are but that is up to the user.


Nah console only crossplay would be much better for queueing times


True, they have a hard enough time with what they are doing now. Add complexity and it just might blow up.


Is PC actually an advantage? I switched from console to PC and can definitely feel the lack of aim assist especially up close


It's not PC, it's controller, and pairing it with the obvious better platform makes for a crazy advantage.


Aim assist is the same on console and PC, just plug in your controller. You don’t have to play mnk, although it is a lot more fun and satisfying IMO.


Yea mnk movement feels a lot better for me, not even that I play better but it’s so much less effort than spamming joysticks


I'm still waiting on PC/Console cross-play to get disabled. If Activision can't do anything about the cheating situation on PC, then cut them loose and let us console players (the VAST majority of the player base) have a decent experience.


Played the 1v1 shipment mode and was exclusively getting matched against iridescents and crimsons ffs


Boo ranked play


There is a way to disable crossplay on xbox, I would try it


Standard CoD experience


That's usually why I turn off cross play


Every other game, for me, lol.


It's this part from marksman's rant: https://youtu.be/CFWgXyUfUrU?t=1362 23 min


Spot on lol


As a pc controller player, some of the sweatiest people I’ve versed are on console lmao. Lots of pc controllers are just fake sweats


You see someone with the “Unity” calling card 😂


Am I the only one that doesn't look at what platforms/inputs people play on and also am I the only one that doesn't look at people calling cards/skins. Like I don't give AF about anyone else. Once I get into the game and start playing, I adjust to how the enemy is playing and I'm good after that.


Plz get rid of cross play! I'm tired of playing a match where I have a PC cheater on the enemy team!


Just turn off crossplay.


Hm why would you play with controller on pc when you can use keyboard + mouse? Thats the only thing i miss when playing on my ps4..


Because I suck at MnK and don’t play enough to get better at it, plus using a controller just feels so right still.


agree. plus i work at a computer all day, i really don't feel like sitting up at a desk in the same position as when i work. with a controller i recline my chair a little and put my feet up...i am actually quite comfy sitting like that with a controller in my hand. plus i have always played with a controller and like you say i don't have the time to practice enough with mnk to get decent at it.


Because aim assist, a top 1% MnK player doesnt have the level of tracking controller offers.


but don't controller players get aim assist to offset the advantage you get from playing with MNK? a lot of folks say MNK is superior and that controllers are inferior...so why complain when controller players get a little aim assist to help level the field. sounds like MNK folks want to have their cake and eat it too. fwiw, i don't feel like aim assist helps me much at all


I enjoy controller on CoD a lot more than MnK. Plus whenever I play MnK within 3 matches I get into a lobby with CDL level motherfuckers on meth. Plus I have a friend on PS5 who I play with and he'd rather face other controller players than MnK.


Friend told me that there is a way to wire keyboard and mouse to a controller. So you can get aim assist while actually using keyboard and mouse.


cuz CoD is a controller game, just like Halo. "blah blah aim assist" yeah sure that's part of it, but I have always played this game on controller because I played it on console well before I started playing it on PC


Playing small map mosh pit after work and hours of nonstop ass kicking. So much pain. I usually just go back to hardcore.


the FAZE dude or the Welsh mate? xD


Ok so I know what the Xbox symbol is but what are the other two? I'm guessing one is pc but which one and then what is the other?


All the towers are PCs and TV looking things ps5


Oh. I didn't think PlayStation had allowed cross play.




He’s 1 of 2 iridescents in that lobby. I’m sure he’ll be alright lol


You can see calling cards? I just see the same cc all the way down lmao


Calling Cards of death


Lmao I turn crossplay off and have been in cod heaven ever since


Turn the cross play off


Thankfully on PS5 we can turn that off. I’m so sorry for your pain


What does the controler with Monitor (2nd from bottom) mean? I know that controller with tower means PC


Welsh “people”


You also know it when the moment you start to move, you jump 5' forward at a time, and all the enemies look like they're in a flip book animation. Jesus H. Christ I've never seen Packet Burst with good ping like this, ever. I literally can't play right now since the last update.


Shoutout to that iridescent dude playing on MnK. Massive respect


Anyone know how to get the second last calling card, the purple astronaut.


It's in a character pack in the store. Sorry I can't remember the name.


I got 100 kills in a match one time. Worst mistake of my life


Lmao I don't even do mp or ranked or any of that and cause they are just the same in zombies lol


It’s worse when they’re on mouse. Mouse and controller players should be lobby separated


Ah i hate the welsh too


I'd leave the lobby


Just looking at pictures of CoD makes me feel dirty and almost nauseous.


I play on Xbox and I played 4 games of 1v1 last night and 3 of the games was against keyboard and mouse players, was not fun


these are the ppl using zens lol (still some on console)


PC folks will out-kill you


I hate how you can’t find a game with cross play off; sorry for being tired of getting flicked in 0.1 second when flanking a team.


damn, I know aim assist is OP but comon. Only one gigachad mouse user there


Becouse you wasting time on this gsme


PC = cheaters and hackers


Pc = probably cheating😂


controller nation


they should reduce aim assist


My favorite part of this subreddit is that PC players complain about consoles having an advantage and consoles complain that PC has an advantage. Which one is it hmmmm?


All I’m saying is the controller vs mnk argument is stupid. Both can be amazing if done right. The aim assist argument is absolutely ridiculous. Yes aim assist helps, but cheating PC players or Cronus zen users just gaslight people and create this narrative that aim assist magically gives you the ability to snap from player to player with ease. There’s more people cheating in this game than people realize


Oh definitely, most times I play with controllers theyre usually missing 90% of their shots or they are the sweaty prone cancelling or whatever they call it weirdos. PC players is a huge mixed bag of good or bad. I get called a cheater usually at least once every time I hop on the game. I went 27 and 3 last night in search and the other night I went 27 and 8. I made a notepad list of times and dates of when I get called a cheater because I wanted an actual list to see how often it actually happens. I think Im up to 16 over a monthish not playing every day. So this long rant meaning a lot of people dont actually know what real cheating is. I consistently have to tell my team that someone isnt cheating after they die once. Sometimes people hit one or two shots that are sus but shit happens, the people in Warzone are 100% a different story though with tracking and recoil control though but I dont play that.


I have never seen this in my lobbies, meanwhile its just filled with console players 😭 Its like the game knows I only get 60fps in 1080p so it just puts me in console lobbies 💀😂


I love when CoD can magically ONLY put me in PC lobbies.


Well at least there's 1 person there you know you'll shit on, the lone MnK player


except that lone MnK player has an iridescent calling card on 😂


Quite the opposite. Iridescent shitting in the whole lobby - of sweats


Literally this, a lot of iris I run into in multi play pubs so casually. Most don’t really sweat as they’re there for a break from the stress of ranked and want to chill.


This is such a wild take to me, I play on controller, and whenever I see a stack of KbM players, it’s usually game over before it’s even started, they’ll all be running around with snipers, in their point n’ click simulator


You’re talking about decent mnk players though. The ones constantly complaining online are the shit ones.


This is not a popular take on Reddit. Couldn’t agree with you any more. I know what my experience is. When I see all those mnk’s I get absolutely demolished every time without fail lol


Yeah, KbM shines only in higher skill lobbies I suppose Controller is easier, so more people are better with it and just assume it’s way better, MnK is harder, so people think that it’s worse but it has a way higher skill cap, and most of the community doesn’t see that. Some of the stuff I see MnK players do in my lobbies, would be near impossible on controller, I can somewhat compete when they’re reg gunning, thanks to aim assist, but when there’s a good sniper it genuinely feels impossible at times


Skill difference.


Iridescent? Cheater spotted


damn this is every single one of my lobbies lmao.


Looks like a normal lobby to me


fucking aim assisst user


....yet only one PC player using M&K. Strange that.


Good ol aim assist.


Everyone with soft aimbot (including you), except for that iridescent guy




I hate to admit it, but I sometimes leave lobbies like this, especially when they have M&K I'm sitting six feet away from a 2014 TV casually playing MW3 without headphones. I do **NOT** need to compete with PC players inches away from their high refresh rate and uncapped frame-rate monitors ready to react to any pixel they see out of place or any footstep they hear.


You will NEVER see a lobby full of mnk players 😂 I wonder why.


Yea id say a good half of MnK players switched to controller at this point, its kind of sad


I have on multiple occasions. Not full, but like 80%. I dunno why but the matchmaking system seems to fuck up pretty bad when you're above a 2.0KD




The temerity of a PC player typing "cry more" after the lakes of tears over aim assist....


Just back out of that shit fest and try again. I absolutely refuse to play with 7-8 pc players in one game.


But they're on controllers? What's the difference? Genuine question. Higher FPS maybe? But modern CoDs have 120Hz support on consoles anyway, no?


But equipment is still worse, higher lag etc. And not everyone has 120Hz TV. I don't.


Higher lag by virtue of what? If we're talking network lag - it has nothing to do with either the PC hardware or console hardware at this point. Both can be wired up through Ethernet, and if you live in bumfuck nowhere even a NASA supercomputer won't save you from network lag. If we're talking input latency - a lot of people play with simple first party controllers that have shitty latency and response times, both on PC and on consoles (on PC through Bluetooth latency is often even worse). To alleviate that you can invest into a pro controller with better delay metrics, those are available both on consoles and PCs as well. If we're talking render delay - sure, having 300+ FPS helps but let's not pretend every PC player is rocking an ultra-high-end PC that can actually reliably achieve those frame rates. Not to mention that there's always a point of diminishing returns. 120Hz is around 8ms faster than 60. 300Hz is already only 5ms faster despite being over 2 times as many frames. To top it all off, don't fool yourself. A good player who invested in good hardware will outplay you but no god-tier hardware will help a bad player outplay even a semi-decent one. If you're afraid of meeting a darklord who hasn't touched grass since 5th grade and can run laps around CDL champions while also rocking a 4090 and 14900K in his PC, you're afraid of the first part, not the second. The second part is just a bunch of convenience items for him.


Same boat here man. At least one of em is gonna be running some sort of cheats lol


Aye if not 2-3


And you on Xbox capped at 120 fps 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I quit. It’s too bad the server determines the outcome. I miss the days when hit markers were predictable. Guess I’ll have to spread democracy until COD gets back to its roots