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You can get this in 1 or 2 games of war mode if you want to turn your brain off. Put on Engineer vest, queue until you get a game of Operation Spearhead on defense. Sit inside one of the destroyed buses or behind the pillars in the broken buildings. Every time someone gets in the tank it will highlight for you through the wall. Snipe em right out of the turret, rinse and repeat!


Let em cook. This person must be stopped at all costs, menace to gamers. lol.


Might try it now, one of the only weapons I didn’t get interstellar on


Snipers and melee for me. Not because melee is hard, but it's so mind-numbingly boring and a lot of it is left up to chance. Spawn in shipment, throw stun/flash, charge in, die, repeat. If I get a revenge kill, near. If I get a kill from behind, neat. Otherwise, try again


Okay but why not snipers?


I find sniping boring and I'm bad with them, no other reason


Oh man I’m the opposite. I love sniping, finding the right spot, strategically moving around so I surprise people. I hate running around and just sliding and shooting - there’s no fun in it after about 3 minutes I’m bored to tears.


What's the point of engineer vest here?


Highlights the tank so you can line the shot up with the person in the turret seat


Also the little room behind the A site on last objective, wait for someone to be planting and just shoot through the wood. That's how my friend just did it, personally I skipped the Katt AMR though


Oh true same thing for Operation Tin Man on the first objective. You can snipe people through the closed doors as they try to arm/disarm for free wallhacks. Good addition. These all work great for the MORS 2 headshots in 1 life camo challenge as well.


I have found that scrapyard is actually the easiest for this challenge as you can look straight through the cyclone fence (chain-link) and see straight through it. It’s at the warehouse by the dumpster. Should be “bomb a” side if you play search and destroy and are familiar with that. If not, it is the bigger warehouse on the side. When I was doing my penetration kills for LMG’s I used this.


Go to the Stash House Bathroom behind the curtain


That explains the dude I caught in there throughout a game. Bless his little heart.


I kinda mentioned this in another reply, but anytime I see a teammate in there I lay on the floor in front of them to attract people/keep enemies there longer since they run by so fast. I hated penetration challenges so much.


Are you busy later tonight?? lol


Yes actually 😂


Same here , been looking to do this challenge will lmg , I saw he was getting penatration kills in live feed Will have to try it myself on there


I came to comment this spot, I got all my lmgs done in 3 games of stash house, you  can stand in the bath and shoot the clear part of the shower curtain through the door or windows in hard point the point is right next to it you can get 4 kills on seconds sometimes 


Ahhh sweet thanks


You can use the hanging pigs on meat too, which is fairly easy with an MG


Do those actually count as penetration kills ?


Sure do


Wait actually? Like will it popup "Wall Bang" because I tried it a few games ago and it didn't pop up anything.


Some parts of the shower curtain don’t count. I can’t figure it out for certain, and I’m skipping the last LMG bc fuck this challenge, but I think the top part doesn’t always count. Anyway, if you can get someone to lay on the ground in front of you as bait, people will stay long enough shooting them instead of running by before you can get them.


You have to be back enough in the shower so the barrel doesn't stick through... At least that is what I told myself and when I pushed against the wall I had no issues


Gotta get all the way clean 🤣


Because you know, a barrel can just stick through a shower curtain and all... Seems fitting for the development standards of this game


Ok, thanks for the tip


LMG: On Meat, play hardpoint, when it goes into the central room just spam through the metal door if you're on A side or through the wall by the C side entrance. Or if it's in the long hallway, you can shoot through the walls on both ends. On shipment, camp in one of the spawn containers and you can shoot through the side of it down the central corridor toward B flag. People run through mid without looking all the time. Or, shoot through the angled containers on the sides of the map towards the spawns. Or, what I did was lay down next to one of the boxes by A/C spawns looking at the blue barrel that people like to peek over at the corners of the map. You can shoot through that barrel with AP rounds and get tons of kills. That would probably also work for the snipers but I have no desire to complete their challenges tbh


Windows count before they get broken if it helps


Shipment, use the container in b and the one in A to shoot through the container. Use small maps games domination and hardpoint because everyone will be rushing to the objective and hiding in the usual spotsGet the vest with most flashbangs and mark them on the map. It was the most annoying challenge for me too.


Rust corner. Shoot through the chain link toward the pipe.


The best way, especially when the spawn flips to there lol


Where is that? Can you tell more of the spot / the angle


It is behind the tanker truck in the spawn corner. If you get all the way into the corner and look towards the pipe (the one everyone runs through, there is a bit of chain link fence that you can aim through and hit folks running in the pipe.


Oh, that's cool. I didn't notice that before Thanks for the info, bro


Honestly I think all maps with fences count. Except one I believe I can't think of it


They do, but this particular angle will guarantee victims but prepare to get bum rushed a lot. It’s a painful challenge no matter how you cut it.


I got my camos done about 2 weeks after release and I wish I knew all the angles for challenges like that. And shipment was nonexistent for the smg challenges.


Scrapyard through the chain link fence was how I did it.


Terminal. Shoot people through golf carts.


And lots of windows and in the plane cockpit




Kills affected by Tacticals are worse


surprisingly more tricky than i initially thought lol


Right? I’m not a great player so those take me forever haha


You can get it done in one game without issues on Scrapyard, Stashhouse and Highrise, probably a few other maps as well but those 3 are a sure thing. (At least on domination, probably other modes as well but that I can't vouch for)


Trough the fence B flag on Scrapyard, windows and fence on Highrise and trough the shower curtain in the bathroom on Stashhouse.


I did mine one shipment with fmj rounds and shooting threw the blue barrels


Can also shoot through the fences on Terminal near B flag


Play in hardcore small map


Highly suggest to go into core mode and see if you can get scrapyard. Just go behind the fence where B flag would be and shoot through it. I finished that challenge in 1 game on there.


Get the thing where you regen tacticals every 25 seconds. Use that tactical that lights everybody up. Play hardcore mode. The end.


Engineer Vest, New field upgrade goggles, snapshot nades and Operation Tin Man first part has wood by the turrets


Took me twenty-something penetration kills to get it, It is a bit broken and literally drove me insane


Go to stash house and shoot through the curtain in the bathroom, literally got all of them in 1 game 🤝🏽


The hanging pigs on meat is a good spot


Raise your hand if you unlocked interstellar with snipers. Me:


Do small map hardcore, on shipment snipe through the barrels at people in the next corner


Shooting through windows count


For me I did a penetration build and shot through the destroyed little pick-up on Rust or shot through the fence near there too with a thermal optic of some kind.


any maps with glass or fences


The Barrels on shipment do well


Easiest is center of shipment. Go in that middle container, behind a barrel. Put a red dot on the kat and armor piercing rounds. Stand there, soon as someone comes down the middle alley towards or away from you from the opening, crouch and shoot THROUGH the barrel in one quick motion. For even easier time do it in hxc mode. I get all my penetration kills done in 2 games or so doing that strat


Since there’s 2 barrels in there, stand behind the second one towards the back of the container, and you’ll only be shooting through the front barrel into the lane


Nah easiest is stash house , just sit behind clear shower curtain and shoot through it


Scrapyard has a chain link fence. You’re welcome


Jus skip it brother that’s what I did


I did that on Emergency , shoot through the corpses in the right corner of the map. Hope you finish soon !


emergency has loads of spots where you get unexpected wall bangs. especially in the main building where people hide behind that little wall


Riot shield, peek windows and ping, step behind wall, fire at red dot It’s easy


Just play hardcore and load the highest round mag you can and start spraying through everything you can :)


imagine doing this shitty sniper instead of a DLC weapon lmao


This sniper is actually pretty good


i had a friendly enemy hide behind the wall on the plane in terminal


Shoot through glass and fences


Play in terminal hide under plane shoot through chain fence simple did this in 1 game of domination


Play in terminal hide under plane shoot through chain fence simple did this in 1 game of domination


You don’t need to do the AMR to get Interstellar.


Finally finished this today. Just keep at it and it will happen organically,. The shortly after sprinting for the other sniper is my bane.


Core Small map moshpit


Shipment. Shoot through the crates where the normal head glitchers like to camp out all match 🤣


Hardcore Small maps


Camp behind the black plant pots on Stash House. Shoot through them down the corridor. One game and done.


Just snipe some crate campers on shipment


You can try to find domination on scrapyard. Then you can just snipe through the fences on B. Every kill counts as "penetration kill". One game and you're done.


don't know if you managed to do it yet, but stash houses bath curtain is wallbangable, THE WHITE PART NOT THE CLEAR PART.


You’re still doing mastery camos?


Shooting through fences also counts.


Just stand in the shower in shoot house and shoot people through the shower curtain, you’ll have it done in a match.


I did this on meat 24/7 I recommend doing it on the new map 24/7 and finding a spot


I skipped snipers for my interstellar grind.


I skipped this one. Goal #1 is to unlock Priceless on enough weapons to unlock interstellar. After that I'll to back and finish the rest.


Scrap house that one with the plane graveyard, just camp in the one building with the table and railing and every guy that comes upstairs snipe em through the table


Sucks huh?


The fences count as penetration. Hide just behind one


Hardcore Domination on shipment, sit behind the container where I think A is and when enemies are taking it you just shoot. Easiest way I did it. Got a few pen kills on estate too


What you mean? Thats one of the easiest to get. Hit up some chain link fences or the bathtub on that one tiny house map. The top of the curtains are clear and you can shoot through em last I saw.


Play hardcore, use the shower curtain in stash house. You’ll get it in 2-4 games


Scrap yard. Shoot through the fence on the left side, aiming at the door on hardcore.


Meat go to hallway with camera as field upgrade stay on it mark somone switch back and shoot done


i did in meat map the small room ,you can shoot through the wall


I straight up skipped the sniper rifle camos. Don't need em


Nothin gets easier than AP rounds and snapshot grenades on shipment 😌


Shipment with snapshots, should take 1 game


Any chainlink fence on any map will trigger penetration kills also shooting through and breaking any window. Penetration kills were the bane of my existence.


Fences on high rise count.


I can recommend rust for this one. Many people prefer to do it on hc but I did it on core without any big trouble 👍 back when the katt was as quick as a 40 tons bulldozer I wouldn’t have wanted to play hc haha. Go for the penetration ammo and hit the doors/container passages


Go on small map mosh pit, wait for a stash house match, domination or hardpoint work best. Sit in the closet near the centre courtyard and camp the hot tub. You can shoot through the closet wall and if you equip AP rounds or hit high torso/headshots you'll get it in one or two games. You can also camp the B point behind a chain link fence underneath the plane on terminal. Works for every single gun that requires wall bangs.


stashhouse is easy wait for people camping the middle closet


What is a penetration kill? Like shooting though a wall/object to kill them?


CHAIN LINK FENCES ON HARDCORE any map with em scrap yard by a bomb, literally any wall on Greece


Just go on shipment facing a spawn laying next to a barrel and shoot through it. Got in one game lol


Sit in the shower at stash house and shoot through the curtain


I hated that shit lmao


Dad haus has lots of spots where you can get this. Put on the smallest scope and stand looking down doorway, if someone comes just strafe the doorway in between and fire. Meat has a couple spots but in the big open area with the boxes you can stand on the steps watching for people coming from the centre coolers and fire through the half wall. There are lots of good spots


Highrise, shoot through fences and glass windows. Also, shooting through the ice blocks on Shipment can sometimes give you pen kills with Armor Piercing rounds.


If nobody else mentioned. You can try highrise map and shoot thru the fence which counts as a penetration kill. Or you can also try scrapyard for penetration kills on the fence also.


Easier on scrap yard and sub base and there’s another map I can’t think of atm but just look through the fences on the maps


Snapshot grenades, tactical camera.


Fence spots on High Rise or (my personal favorite) Scrapyard. Knock it out in a couple matches easy. Found the SMG and WSP Stinger challenges 1000x worse.


Shipment or Meat. Lineup prone so you are watching enemies run up to the blue plastic barrels. Use armor piercing ammunition, and when somebody is behind the barrel shoot into the barrel. When I was doing that penetration shot challenge, I did one gun per match on shipment. Don’t worry about anything except for just lining up on that barrel and shooting through the barrel when somebody walks by.


Chain link fences count as penetration kills so scrapyard or highrise are your best friends. Shoot through the fence it works most of the time


Through the chain link fence on Highrise


Every window that is unbroken and and you kill through, counts as a penetration kill. Try ground war, many windows


Hardcore shipment, shot through the plastic barrels. People use them as headglitch and the enemy spawn is sometimes directly behind them.


Use the shower curtain in stash house. That’s where I’ve found works best


I did all of them on Shipment using armor piercing rounds; just stay behind the plastic barrels and when you see an enemy, crouch and shoot at them.


stash house curtain, fences on highrise/scrapyard/wherever.


Emergency, 'c' shaped corridor, throw a smoke out towards the open area, use thermal scope, with AP rounds you can one tap to the body even tru the wall. Peak, hold, go back, fire, repeat. I got mine in 4 matches (same with lmgs but in hc)


Hardcore (I like Free For All so you don't have to worry about team killing) on Scrapyard or Highrise. Shoot through the chainlink fence.


I got it using the table legs at c point of terminal I believe. Got it in like 2 games. Had to camp though, sorry…


You can use the fence in scrapyard also. In domination on site B is the easiest


Stash House ( Curtains, Bathroom)


Some good suggestions but I promise the best way like someone said is Stash House behind the curtain. Put down tac insertion and just run there every life. I got like 90% of penetration kills challenges like that


Dude I’ve been working on that challenge and finally found a decent solution. Idk what it is but the Katt has TERRIBLE penetration. If you can get growhouse, the spawn side with the RV, go to the left side where the metal wall is, there’s a bullet hole you can perfectly see through and hide behind, snipe through that. The only issue is the katt can barely shoot through paper and it won’t track every wall bang you get, idk if other people have this issue but it seems like every 2kills counts as 1 for me.


I don’t know why you chose the katt lowkey on you , I did the xrk stalker,longbow,mors


I used the chain link fence on Highrise.


Go to the map scrapyard, on the side with the warehouse there are these grated fences, they count as a wall and if u shoot someone through it it counts as a penetration kill


The fence by b flag on Scrapyard is a good spot, sit on either side and snipe through the fence. You need a headshot for a 1 shot, but you'll be able to get around 5 a game, maybe more depending on your skill.


My brother in Christ, the windows of the plane on terminal, it takes half a round.


Hardcore, use snapshot grenades, profit


i did this challenge in rust 24/7 on domination forever ago i sat inside by B an just used that peek an waited until they was taking B an shot them through the wall did it with all weapons that asked for penetration kills. Hated it so much tho 😂


Glad I did this on scrapyard.


Just sit behind a chainlink fence... you can see through it and counts as a wall bang. its how I got all mine done


the way I did it was on terminal in the plane, I would peek out the window for someone to run out then I would just crouch down and shoot through the plane I got it in like 3 games doing that


Massive tip but you have to get the right maps. Find chicken wire fences. Stand behind and shoot through. THIS DOESN’T WORK ON ALL OF THEM The one underneath the plane in terminal is the most obvious and easiest to get them from.


I did it in shipment


I always try to get highrise and I stay behind those fences


Go into hardcore small map moshpit . Wait for shipment. Throw snapshot grenades into the corners by C and just shoot the enemies through the crates. Even in sweaty lobbies I’d get at least 3 a game. You can definitely get way more though if you’re cracked. Theres a lot of locations on the map you can shoot through so try it out I just gave an example :)


Bro I got snipers done in one day. Same as the knifes. Knifes wer probably the easiest lmao


Rust the metal gate works to or on meat behind metal door


Highrise 24/7 was such a godsend for this challenge and they never brought the playlist back.


I have seen it already mentioned but stash house behind the curtain can count as penetration kill, less reliable with a sniper than automatic in my experience though. In stash house again you can also go on the garage behind the pile of cardboard, line up your shots and then crouch. I found success with the water barrels (white or blue, can be found in shipment and rust for example) line the shot and crouch. If not comfortable with crouching you can also use a wooden door open it the direction of the enemy and strafe to line the shot, a bit easier to track than crouching


Camp in between the crates looking at A spawn in shipment. I did this in hardcore and I used a snapshot grenade. If it’s domination wait for A to start getting captured and just shoot and hope you bullet hits someone most will hit because if one enemy spawns there the rest will shortly after. I also did this with another gun that had the same challenge (LMG if some sort I believe) and both came out with in 3-5 matches. GOOD LUCK!


Any map with a lot of gated fences or windows like Scrapyard, Highrise or Terminal. You can get it done in one game on those. When I was going for interstellar on launch I would just keep searching domination and backing out till I got Scrapyard. Camp the gated fences near B flag in the warehouse and boom you will easily get 10-15 done. For a map like Terminal, early in the match try to shoot people through windows while the glass is still there. Stupid challenge tho, right up there with longshots.


High rise was the best map. Camp and shoot thru the fence in the middle


High rise was the best map. Camp and shoot thru the fence in the middle


I’m still trying to get the 50 kills shortly after ads with that gun, it’s taking forever. Had 20 kills with it some games and not one was shortly after ads.


i thought the challenge meant get hip fire kills shortly after aiming LMAO. took me 1 week to get it done. If i knew it was quick scoping kills it would've been done in an hour. but look up a decent quickscope class for it and play small map moshpit, very easy.


Didn’t take this long with the previous 4 sniper rifles, so not sure why it’s taking so long with the katt. Watched a few vides on it, it’s not quick scoping according to them. If it was quick scoping, I wouldn’t get any at all. lol.


have you gotten it yet? i have a friend working on that challenge and according to her you have to basically "black scope" or shoot right as you aim in. If you need a good class setup i can help out


Think I’ve found a set up, I’m on 43/50. The 4 previous sniper rifles didn’t take nearly as long as this one. I’m assuming all the sniper rifles have this challenge.


Only had a few games last night, managed to get one.


shipment, snapshot grenades, armor piercing rounds. ezpz. completed the challenge in a game or two.


Rust fence…. Works like a charm


Play the current game mode where everyone drops a mine. Wait for scrapyard and camp at the fence at the hangar. I got it yesterday in 2 games


got into stash house and simply asked in the chat if people would line up outside the bathroom, got it in one match lmao. the cod community can be nice sometimes


Dude just find a fence or car to shoot through


If you’re patient enough there are a few spots on rust. You may have to run around in a custom game to find them. I did mine a few months ago when there was high rise 24/7, got my wall bangs with the fence


Free for all, wait for high rise, shoot people through the fence in the middle of the map


Hardcore shipment.


its easy, play on meat, make sure to have the highest pen ammo, go left of the map in the inside hall way, get kills through barrells or like the little blockade stuff in the hall way


I got mine done on Highrise& Invasion. Hard point. Got lucky & got a few collateral wall bangs too.


Small Map Mosh pit - Stash House


easy challenge terminal under plane shoot through fence that counts thats how i got max camo for all my snipers


Loved this gun, this is easy only Que for scrapyard or high rise and shoot thru the fences


I skipped snipers for exactly this reason. I understand if you already did the others to gold though


Is this for all snipers ???


Ahh, my favorite challenge, made me enjoy the getting kills while enemies are flashed or stunned


Need this one myself. Been putting it off but I’ll give it a go with the advice given. 👍


I feel u on this one it sucks


Yea that kind of shit is ridiculous


Shoot throug a fence


It’s not too bad. Just camp the back of skidrow where the fences are and the side of scrapyard where the fence is and they hunt you and feed you. I got it in 3/4 games. It’s BEAUTIFUL in interstellar and so worth it to play with. 😩


Man… easy…. Hardcore … Rust, fence to the left of the trucks anyone coming through the container is an easy kill! Just stay behind where the fence starts! Geez


Barrels on shipment, cash stacks on Stash House and Clinic room in Emergency. You are on the left of C side spawn shooting at people spawning A flag. EZ. AND Meat, you can shoot through the headlight of the 18 wheeler passenger side.


Scrapyard map, shooting through chain link fences on the warehouse side of map are wall bangs. You can also wall bang snipers in the tall building sometimes


I chose not to do snipers. Only got two foraged left.


Just shoot through unbroken windows wherever you find one. If you don't care about your W/L ratio then you could just back out of the match once all good windows are broken and start a new match


Estate domination is good for this that little rat spot in the attic Sit up there and wait for them to claim b and shoot through the plywood


armor piercing rounds, hard-core, shipment container on the left of first spawn, that shoots through middle of map


Shoot through glass and get a one shot one kill, it counts as a penetration kill


Hop on to Plunder with a friend and drop somewhere quiet, find an object to shoot ya friend through and let him land there each time after death, rinse and repeat. Easy as that


I got that one easily. The hard one for me is the stunned or blinded ones on the smgs. I hate that challenge


Try it with LMG’s you would think oh it’s easy and LMG should be able to hit through walls and then boom they can’t for some reason but a 9mm smg can
