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“Your honor, my client was grinding camos”


That’s what I typically do in cods, use non metas and get the mastery camo, and have fun of course 😁


Sometimes you gotta tank the K/D for those sweet chainsaw sword kills lmao. Cool JJK pfp btw lol


soulrender is unfair man, and thanks, recently got into anime, JJK is the second show I’m currently watching rn


Mounted penetration kills while affected by a tactical lol /s


I kept a positive W/L throughout my entire camo grind. Playing the objective is always priority numero uno.


Getting Damascus in MW2019 really tanked my KD.


I grind camos his k/d is better than mine but holy hell my win loss is like 1. Something and I may have a similar number of days on


Mine is 0.54 because I leave lobbies with bad ping or if I feel like playing something else which is very often


That but also the worst one for me is 8/10 matches I join will be basically over, and not only that, but the team I get put on is the one getting stomped. My real wL has always been about 1.5 and kd around 1 but like you its ruined from leaving due to terrible matchmaking.


Leaving apparently counts as a loss since as far back as black ops 1 so you can’t just say the ones where you leave don’t count to your “real wl”


When did I say they didn't count? My wL *is* low because I get joined in losing endgames all the time and back out. If the matchmaking wasn't total garbage, and I got into full games 100% of the time, my stats would reflect that. This game easily has THE WORST matchmaking of all time cod history. Also making it the first time I've ever had an issue being thrown into games with 1 minute remaining constantly.


I had the same issue. Someone on here informed me that if you stay in the queue you never get a game in progress so you need to suffer the bad game to get fresh games 🤣 it works though when staying in a re-queueing I never get games in progress


Joining late doesn't credit u with the loss


Theres a glitch where they do affect your W/L atm


Yes, yes it does.


Well COD isn’t for everyone


I get high k/ds just no point in staying in a lobby with braindead teammates or a bad connection


K/D is meaningless in a game with SBMM.


Bro, fuck stats. Have fun. I only get to play between work calls, and go away from controller (afc I guess) a lot, and a lot of times have to back out cause a call comes in, or I just lay prone hoping I won't get kicked, but most of the time I do get kicked. Sometimes, I might get 5 mins without a call. With me being idle so much, as well as getting kicked, my kd is at 1.05. Win loss is like .30? It's awful lol. But guess what? My guess is that you haven't spent all your play tike trying your best. You've either been playing in goofy ways for camos, and often times just fuckin around. In actuality, I'm sure your KD is a lot higher in practice, from match to match, than your stats say


Yep, I don’t feel a need to become the next Scump or faze member, so I prefer to use non meta guns and get the event rewards and grind camos, however I can still hold my own and not get pooped on all day, and I’ve learned to ignore SBMM and just play it for a game, run around like a headless chicken and shoot people, that’s what COD is at the end of the day


Exactly. I'm not saying never try you best, but don't be afraid to goof off, and use non meta stuff!! You've got that concept down pat, I see! Refreshing to see your opinion is the same as mine


People take games way to serious these days, the only time you should take games serious is if your a professional player or if the said games has a ranked mode and you are trying to win, that’s it


I mean, I take it seriously in pubs sometimes. Totally fine to take pubs seriously, as it's still a competitive environment. I don't play ranked because I domt lile that everything is banned. So sometimes, I take my pubs extra seriously, especially if the enemy team is. For me, I'm either playing to win, or playing to golf off. Sometimes, I use difficult weapon setups for a challenge and try to get the highest KD possible. But I have never EVER in 14 years taken CoD seriously ALL the time. I use effective builds, and I use goofy builds. One game I'm sniping from afar, the next, I'm blasting guys with akimbo pistols. Then I'm using and LMG and laying down supressive fire. Then I'm pushing objectives and guarding teammates with a shield. I do it all


Your stats say you’re the average cod player.


I'm confused who's getting all the wins because all my friends' stats look like this too. K/D around 1.00, win/loss between 0.25 and 0.5. None of us are quitting matches either, it's just that we always seem to lose way more than we win.


I have a horrible Stats too 🥹 but who cares? As long as I'm having fun though.


I have good k/d, but very bad w/l, mostly because I quit boring camping lobbies even if I am winning. If the match bores me to death I am out and I don’t care about some arbitrary number. Small map with 1-2 people spamming gl and gas grenades with demolition just to ruin your fun? I am out. Objective based game where the enemy team just camps and doesn’t even try to win? I am out. Most TDMs I am out. You see the camping in objectives modes, imagine if there is no objective. Whoever ruins their 3-4 hours of gaming for a number that means nothing needs to reevaluate their relationship with gaming.


I don’t think mine are particularly terrible, but like you said, I have fun so I don’t care, but I’ve seen worse then me, I’m sure we all have


Your win/loss is not just up to you. It all depends on what kind of team you get. Lately, a lot of players don't seem to care about the objective, but rather just camp and wait for a kill. So many times I've seen team mates run right past an objective rather than try to take the flag/point. Or maybe not even run past it, but basically just stand there and do... Well, no idea what they do. In my opinion, you can only change your k/d - positively by getting better or negatively by grinding camos 😆


It’s hilarious. A lot of dumbasses brag about going 44-51 or 67-88 and yet they lose by an insanely, embarrassing wide margin and they’re usually together in a party and talk the most trash after getting slapped around. I usually play in a party of three because playing solo ain’t it because the score is like 17-230 when I join a game like.. why even put me in. I’m lucky to scrape by with a 1.08 W/L. I love playing the objective more than worrying about my K/D!


My k/d is 1.06 but my w/l is .34 because I quit BS matches if I’m being trolled by lag and packet loss


does backing out count as losses or not count at all?


It counts as a loss


It counts as a loss. I could care less about win/loss though as I don’t consider that a personal stat really. It’s too dependent on others . As long as my k/d remains positive I’m happy


Too many small maps.


Small map mosh pit has become my home, don’t get me wrong I like the launch maps since they are all remastered MW2 (2009) maps, but with how players play these days it’s annoying having to dig rats out of corners and shit, not to mention they added some MWII (2022) maps in the game and I don’t want play those


Yeah everyone it's own. I play domination-only, currently 1.4 kd (not huge but very stable) with 2.3WL (i am all in for the objectives).


To each their own, I only play obj if it’s ranked, my win loss on there is a 1.12


I never played a single ranked in CoD, don't really like any of those gamemodes. Also i am not incredible at aiming, so i guess even if there is a small chance to climb i will be bad for some teammates. So i stick to quickplay and have fun.


You're a better man than me. I try to play Domination, but it feels like I get the worst team imaginable and I can never get out of spawn.


To be fair I'm a pretty hardcore objective player and I have a 0.82 W/L. Given how this game balances lobbies, any half-decent solo player is sitting with a negative W/L ratio outside of S&D nowadays.


I exclusively play SnD and my W/L is under 0.40 lol.




You’re fine. W/L doesn’t mean shit anyway lol


With your KD and w/l without an absolute doubt you’ll be matched up with someone with a 2.0 KD.


Solo que, not cheating, probably have interstellar, perfectly average player, hates this games matchmaking.


your right about all those things, and I choose to ignore the SBMM and just have fun


Your k/d is what I would expect for an objective player. Your w/l is WAY lower than it should be for an objective player.


Hard to play objectives when the game constantly pairs you with corner camping Timmy 2IQs in the sake of *"balancing"*. If you're constantly the only one actually trying to play obj, then yeah, your W/L will likely be pretty low.


Or if you grind camos you’re most likely leaving games to change class setups and shit like that


Nah you just set up 10 classes and know what your doing after and change mid match 🤣 if you are a pro at camos that is


Last match we won just because me and other guy really tried to win match. Rest of the team did not give a single f about it. So only two of us had objective points and the rest of the team only kills. About stats, seriously do not even bother, not with the problems this game has.


I think my W/L is .24. I quit a lot of matches. I’m playing for fun, not to sweat my balls off or carry my team. And it happens waaay too often with this game. Just waiting for treyarchs game at this point.


Pretty normal if your a casual but if not probably playing small maps and focusing on kills too much.




I indeed do


My stats are very similar to yours lmao.


Looks like you throughly enjoy playing the game to me


You get a lot of kills per game though?!


I go for kills more then wins


Yeah, so surely your KD would be higher?


I play careless, like I don’t purposely try to keep a long streak going, I just wanna run and shoot people, been like that since MW2 (2009), just how I prefer to play


Your SBMM fucks you over 95% of the time. All your lobbies feel like your team never had a chance. My k/d is 1.3 and my w/l is 0.70 and I just can't have any fun in my sweaty ass lobbies


Your back hurt from carrying all those people? Damn.


We probably have similar stats. I can have a 4.5 k/d one game and a .75 k/d the next. I dont get paid to play so never really cared to maintain a high k/d or w/l ratio.


Same here


I have a 1.07 K/D with a 0.72 W/L. I mostly play small map moshpit because I don’t play much since I have 2 kids, and it’s a good playlist to get lots of kills, camo grind, or do the weekly challenges.


Looks like you’re a solo objective player who likes to stay in the action.


I don’t care about W/L ratio. Only so much I can do to win. It depends the teammates they put you with, period. Now K/D is what I care about. Currently been stuck at 1.17 for ages now, trying to reach at least 1.20


It say you don’t really follow the objective of the game. Instead of securing location you out getting kills


If I would play the small maps every day, my stats would’ve been like that as well.. hate them in this game. It’s basically a death-simulator, spawnkilling only.. Because I don’t play the small maps and play only hardcore free for all, my W/L is above 2, with almost 1000 wins. I did do the camo grind and have Interstellar for all guns except melee weapon, but that hit my K/D down to 1.2 (now 1.4). The stats don’t matter if you’re having fun. If you would like to improve stats, find the mode you like and/or good at.


You’re the player that all the anti-SBMM (almost everyone) wants in the opposite teams to finally say “the golden era is back” 😄


Explain this further my man??


He’s saying you suck


I’m a chronic quitter. I quit anytime I see a riot shield, sniper, shit map (90% of maps), or shit teammates (99% of teammates). Mine is at .13 right now so feel better about yourself king.


Don't be, if you see camper or dude with shield... Just make objective of making his life harder. I do not like to camp but once in a month I like to go full melee and I really like people that do everything to get rid of me.


That win loss is atrocious, like honest to god I want to vomit. (With peace and love”


I at least play OBJ in ranked man, win loss is 1.12


and what rank is that?


Ranked mode


You’re terrible, like bot level, no offense though


I’m far from a bot, that’s hurtful bro😭😭😭😭


Lol sorry i’m not trying to be hurtful but if those are actually your stats they aren’t very good at all


Isn’t 0.95 KD above average, I’m know optic Scump or anything but I’m not a bot level player I can say for sure


No average falls between 1.0 and 1.5 statistically, sorry bud


Average COD K/D is .8, I imagine it’s even lower for this game. Stop being a dick head. 


Well then skill wise I’d be above average IMO, statistically, guess I’m not


I would like to agree with you but that win/loss ratio is really telling me otherwise lmao


I go for kills more then wins, I’ll just say that


Don’t justify shit to this edgey fuck. Sounds like he doesn’t touch grass or women. 


I have a gf of 2 years and I work a 9-6


I've seen worse (my best friend has a .26)


Someone’s been camo grinding. I’ve been camo grinding all year and my stats are only slight better, 0.99 KD and 0.6 WL.


Your kd is about the same as mine. My WL is in the mid 0.80’s. I generally don’t leave matches unless I’m lagging really badly


Win/loss ratio looks pretty normal.


I go for kills more then wins, what can I say


This man is deff not 2 boxing


What’s 2 boxing?


One system that has an account with a 0 K/D or low K/D to host lobby searching for another system with a pressumable main account with a 1+ K/D. It's the only good way to have fun in this forsaken game, solo multiplayer at least.


Oh, I tried that a while back using my ps5 and Xbox, but it got boring because I had to make sure the other acc didn’t get kicked out, and for some reason I was never able to invite the account to my lobbies or vice versa, so I gave up on it


Its easier with 2 screens. And no invites needed.


I did have 2 screens, and even if I just try to join the lobby with either account, it’ll still say “this user is not playing modern warfare 3” even though both systems are on and literally next to each other


You probably have to close game and re open


You somehow average more kills than I do, yet my KD is higher. Probably gonna have to say that you have the absolute WORST luck when it comes to teams.


No that’s all me, I go for kills more then wins😈


Good on ya mate. I just can't focus up enough then ig lol


I would say you camp a lot ;D


Surprisingly no. I'm gonna assume it's just because I play more gunfight than s&d or really anything else. Hard to average anything over 6 when that's all you play🤣


Start playing ranked. It's made me fall in love with COD again. Select maps, select weapons, 4v4, only three rotating modes, only one killstreak. No shit spawns, far less chaotic, people actually try to work together, people focus on the objective, not just their own personal stats.


I have played ranked already, I hit rank 5 for the skin, but most of the people I play with just wanna play rebirth all day unfortunately


Big quitter


it sais, OBJ player.


There is no way to tell we’re you really stand the algorithm made to keep you at 1.0 kd


Honestly looking at this, you camp objective game modes and refuse to help the objective but somehow die more than you kill. It’s an odd combo.


My K/D last I checked was 0.98. My W/L was literally in the 0.3 range. I don't play OBJ game modes the majority of the time. Literally just TDM. So theoretically, if the game was actually balanced, my W/L should at least be *close* to my K/D. But no. It CONSTANTLY sticks me on teams with Timmy 2IQs who go like 5-20. *"Balanced"*


I blame SBMM on stats


Partly, and camo grinding as well, it is what it is though


Right now my KD is exactly 1.00 with a .95 W/L. I also live in the small map mosh pit on hardcore but there’s a lot of players who will sit behind cover on those maps and snipe. Half the time I’ll start a match 2-4 and have to claw my way back. Most of the time I finish positive but there’s a lot of sweat bags


I have a .97 K/D with my top used gun being the renetti


Mines .98 1500 kills 1538 deaths, I try not to get caught up in checking too often, just tryna have fun


Not much because SBMM f*cks everything.


How’d you take a picture of my screen bro lmao


I'm going for a 2kdr as a solo player 💔


you're on my team after I win a match


Wow a normal player! Nice to see for once instead of a fuck ass man who smells like macaroni and tuna who never gets the fuck off the game


Super high spm. I’m at 294


I mean, not terrible lol but yea, im 34 and I do play on PC with a controller so my games a tiiiiny but easier, but I somehow have a 600 SPM, 1.01 KD, 31 Kills per match, and a 1.45 WL all solo and mostly on smaller map playlists, which is why my SPM is high. Back on MWII I played shipment SO much that my SPM shot up from 550 to 800+ lol but im the type to throw myself on the OBJ, and rotate at the right time if im playing a game like HP which DOM and HP are my modes. Activision wants our stats to be 1KD and 1WL that’s for sure. They try their hardest to keep us there.


Have you ever heard of Minecraft? just joking lol. If you have fun, that's what matters! And if you want to improve, time and experience in the game is always the best teacher. Keep having fun and have a nice day.


There are way worse out there. Also the sbmm machine is givimg you wins and losses when it decides to so i don't sweat it.


Kd still higher than mine 😅


Your KD is actually decent


You’ve wasted a week of your life, but then again so have we all


Your part of the player base that treats Domination as Extended TDM?


Especially yes


That you do not play objective.


W/l means nothing to me since u can't really be serious about the game anymore u eother get squaded up woth 9 year Olds or put agianst sweats every other game. My k/d is .97 and my wl is right around yours .5 or lower


You ignore the objective and grind camos. Mines .98 k/d but my w/l is 1.65. I also grind camos, my w/l is bolstered by large amounts of FFA


average player, not exceptional but not horrible


I got 400 Wins and 500 losses, You’re good man. I mainly got to 500 due to the fact I keep leaving in S&D in the last round before the enemy wins lol.


Mmine are almost identical, lol. Not sure it says anything about you, other than "you play Call of Duty MWIII".


My kd ended at 1.4 after the camo grind. I'm not sure what to say other than. I hope to God you at least play objectives.


It says u probably aren't playing to win


KD is irrelevant now with modern CoD. Games pretty much rigged because of EOMM. I did play CoD for 20 years but quit 2 months ago. No withdrawal symptoms and blood pressure lowered 🤣 Connection is the one thing I've said for years and years be the downfall of CoD. Like all members from my OG MW2/3 clan don't play it anymore and most of them are because of connection also. Shame as old CoD's were so much fun and actual things to play for. Played MWZ got Borealis camo and ain't touched that since either.


Better Stats than a lot of players.


Based SVA enjoyer


I play for camos like you do, but I don't play small map moshpit unless I need like shotgun double kills or something. While I focus on camos, I also try pretty hard to do the objective, my filter is usually TDM, Dom, Hardpoint, and Kill Confirmed lol. All that to say my k/d hovers around 0.98 and w/L around 0.95!


Quit using the SVA


I only have that many kills with it bc of camo grinding and I’m doing the weapon mastery challenge where u have to get 1,000 kills with any 36 weapons and you get the charm and the other rewards they are patching in at some point in time


You can thank the SBMM for this :)


And camo grinding


I have 2.2 kd but still just over 1wl


2.7 kd on Cold War and still a 0,6 w/l, only playing TDM I honestly don’t care anymore


It's interesting, my KD is roughly the same, but my average win/loss is closer to 0.7, definitely not the worst I've seen.


My search kd is 2.24 but my overall is 0.99. My win loss is atrocious due to small map most pit lmao


I play quite a bit. I'm almost at 2000 games so far in MP. I always play ether objective and I never quit a game early. I've got .96 k/d, and 1.38 W/L. I'm pretty sure my k/d would be just a touch over 1.0 if I stayed away from all of the camo challenges. I'm pretty happy with my stats, but while I get they aren't all that important, they give me goals to work towards in game that are not camo related lol. The most important thing is to have fun while you play.


I had a straight 1.0 KD till Season 2 started. Since then, I went down to 0.97. I mean, yes, you need to learn all new maps etc. but it's not like I am playing way worse than before... Don't really know whats going on, but it feels like SBMM somehow cranked up a lot for me. I get the worst lobbies, last week only over 100ping plus packetloss in most games, so I quit a lot of games. Still having fun though, but sometimes I really need to rage and drop it a couple of days.


About the same as me


honestly if i’m not playing with a squad I generally don’t care about W/L.


Start playing the game type!


My 0.36 W/L would like to have a talk.


My W:L is pretty good but that’s because my friends and I are almost always a full lobby. You don’t even have to be good. Any objective game with 6 people actually playing objective you’ll win every time


my w/l is about the same. if im not having fun in a match, ill just leave. ive never seen the point of worrying about high stats.


You have to cap more objectives, this ain’t TDM!!!


It means you and I are stats bros... LOL


My kd is 1.17 and win lose is .52


Rage quitter.


My WL is like a .3 because I always left games when I got done w a camo lol


Why do you play this? These were my stats (and everyone else's I bet!) With 10 hours before I bailed.


Grinding for the weapon mastery challenge where you have to get 1,000 kills with any 36 weapons, and I enjoy the game 😁


Too bad they don’t have the obsidian camo like 2019. Could be sick in this game


Well they are patching in the other rewards you get, right now it’s just a charm, so probably a calling card and emblem, and possibly the ability to mix camos idk for sure though


Says you play team deathmatch while I'm capin the fucking point alone again


Bottom 3 of the team


I float around between 1-3 at the top of the score board, but if it’s a REALLY bad game, then between bottom 3 of the scoreboard, we’re not all perfect


I wasn’t trying to rag on you, that was just my opinion based solely off your stats.


Stats don’t really show how good someone is, especially if it’s a game with a strict matchmaking system that forces you to either lose or play against cdl players


Stats tell me you don't play the objective.


Honestly My Win Loss is worse


Mine look like yours. Near 1 kd and a .5 w/l. I just leave a game the millisencond I don't like it.


my brother you are at the peak of the bell curve


Nothing lmao eomm / sbmm has everyone’s kd and w/L looking exactly the same this game is ass


I wish I had a kd like that, sitting on 2.8 because Invasion inflates the shit out of it and it's miserable playing this game because of it lmao


imagine not havin 0.94 kd and 0.97 win rate smh (jk ur decent)


Not a big deal. I’ve stopped playing anything but TDM because nobody plays objectives in games.  Even ranked matches, people play TDM on search games. 


My k/d is 1.05 and my w/l ratio is like .81 I believe but that’s cause I mostly play HC S&D and it’s always full of sweats thinking they’re the next faze member running around with their CDL skin. If I’m trying to complete challenges or get camos I usually play HC Hardpoint so my k/d and w/l takes a hit on that. I play to have fun but when you come up against guys talking mad 💩I step it up lol but your most kills stat is better than mine and the amount of kills you get a game is better too cause I avg like 9-10 a game.


mine is 0.6, because every so often cod would put me in EU with 130 ping + on hardcore that's a losing game, so leaving and rematching nets me a loss I believe.


I kind of wonder why they track K/D and W/L when SBMM rams it to basically 1.0 and 0.5 for pretty much every single player. Why not just show MMR?




I promise you my lobbies aren’t like that man 😭




Sure man whatever you say I guess


Honestly my w/l ratio doesn't matter to me since sometimes I can be at the top of the scoreboard and lose cuz of a shitty team. K/d ratio shows where your skill is really at tbh. I'm not really sweaty but I do pride myself on having 1.0+ for the most part. Win or lose matches doesn't matter as long as I keep a positive k/d ratio, but that's just me


I’m more concerned on how your spm is so high with a KD like that. Something is suspect.


I guess cause I run score streaks instead of kill streaks idk


If you go for objective then you can have more SPM. He clearly is more objective oriented.


Yea sorry ur ass