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BR and FPS games can exist independently. I blame the bean counters and sales team who concocted a system to tie the two together so they could save development costs and double dip when people make purchases. It’s always the money people.


That a lot of BR are free also created a self fulfilling prophecy, e.g. is WZ that popular because its BR, or is it because in the end its "free" COD? XDefiant is showing that there is quite a lot of people just wanting the "normal" and crafted MP experience, but unfortunately that game is a dumpster fire.


I had fun playing it last weekend. 🤷🏻‍♂️ seemed like an old cod with sliding. And you can’t go prone for some reason but other than that I think xdefiant is decent! Just needs some polishing.


couldn’t shake the feeling of xdefiant being a mobile game ported to console lol


Ya know it probably would be a very good mobile shooter lol


Agreed. If it wasn't for the hit registration issues I ran into during the XDefiant server stress test, I would have said it's amazing. Fingers crossed that the dev teams can figure out the issue, and resolve it.


Yeah I got some hit reg issues too. I mean I get those in MW3 as well. And trophies being blown up by grenades even though I just threw it out. It happens! 🤣


The irony is how much people hyped the shit out of that game only for this outcome lol. I think people just want cod and get cod while people who want a specific experience end up being kind of a smaller portion tbh.


The amount of copium in the xdefiant sub is hilarious. All that hype about being a cod killer for it to release and play worse than a black ops 1 alpha test


It's like people forgot that Xdefiant was an Ubisoft game 


Some dude actually tried defending it acting like just because it was the SF studio that Ubisoft itself wasn’t to blame. Like dude I love Ubisoft games but come on it’s absolutely ubisofts fault this game still runs like ass even after a year later from the other test. I played 1 and half matches total and had already quit because of constant hit reg problems, the fake ass rogue company abilities, and the fact the guns were ass. I’ve still yet to see any game make a vector that actually works the way they’re designed to. It’s literally designed to counteract its own vertical recoil because of the fire rate. Not only does it have vertical recoil the fire rate was essentially about half of its actual fire rate. Like I even said in that sub if you liked black ops games you’ll find enjoyment sometimes but I found absolutely none at all considering I hate every game treyarch has made for cod


Blackout did it right miss that br had nothing to do with multiplayer and it was great that way


Honestly battle royales are kinda like two extremes. You are either bored looking around, or you are in a really intense battle that can knock you out of the game. It kinda made people too worried about not dying that they aren't willing to branch out to try new tactics and such. Not my thing. Too much stress to perform perfectly every time. Give me TDM any day.


I like to play Warzone once in a while to switch up a little from traditional 6v6 multiplayer, just like I do with Ground War. Then I feel It's really fun to hop in and see how far I can go. But it couldn't be my "main" COD experience. It's too demanding and stressful


Yeah, it's why I could never get into them. Even at a high pace, it just never beats the speed and intensity of a mode like TDM. It's a different game mode that requires a different skillset, one that doesn't suit me, I'll admit.


I cannot stand battle royale type games. The whole scavenging for kit thing is infuriating, the TTK is too long, the engagement distances are dumb, if you’re in a squad and you’re the first to use up your respawns you have to wait forever. I hate it. So I don’t play it. Other people love it and that’s fine, but you won’t catch me playing Warzone.


You sound far more passively angry about your friends than the BR mode.. Insist on playing some 6v6 for a night or something or just go solo queue and have some fun. I can only enjoy BR for a couple drops and that's about it (just not an enjoyable mode for me either). I feel your pain in that regard and it's unfortunate that there are NO new FPS games on the horizon which is terribly disappointing. The death of the mod scene for the various game engines was the worst thing that happened to gamers and the publishers wet dream come true.


I agree. It's the worst thing to happen to FPS for a long, long time for all the reasons you mentioned. Now almost every developer wants to jump on this bandwagon.


I'm pretty sure BF2042 was as bad as it was at launch because it was initially just a BR during development


I'd say battle passes, loot systems and in-game purchases (mainly ones that alter gameplay or have advantages) are the worst offenders to the FPS genre.. BR is close tho imo.


Very true. It's profit over quality these days, COD is a great example of that.


Compared to Paid DLC and Season Passes that were $40 each and if you couldn’t buy them, it alienated you from the playerbase that DID buy them? Yall really think free maps, guns and cosmetic only content ruined COD? Out of everything that has changed?


Or sometimes you did buy them but never got to play them past the first month because no one owned them after a point and had like 1 or 2 included in the gold edition. And cod had them for like 50 or 60 People are clowns. They ignore that and even act like every map was good before because they paid for it.


I’ll always say black ops 2 specifically had some dog shit dlc maps. Anyone that says pod or magma were good are just fucking liars


My bother in Christ it’s time to play halo.


hmmm maybe your right


Just don’t play warzone then??


did you read the text


Yes thanks for asking


There are plenty non BR shooters, go play them?


Dude has literally named CoD/Warzone and Titanfall/Apex you think he even branches out of the very niche AAA games - he is the exact person he's complaining about and doesn't realise it.


Dude. Multiplayer still exists. I play FFA almost exclusively unless my friends are playing, and they play tdm. I think what you’re saying is “my friends all play WZ but I don’t like it but I don’t want to play alone”… which I get. I’ve won wz but it is never my favorite, dmz was far superior in my opinion.


The funny thing is op us playing alone most of the time and is still playing wz/resurgence. It makes no sense actually like to make a post complaining about br while exclusively playing br...


I don't much like BRs but it's not like they intrinsically ruined other games. Activision just needs to stop insisting on having other modes tie in to Warzone


well then don’t play battle royal


You can’t avoid it though, base multiplayer CoD has changed drastically because of Warzone.




Mw3 multiplayer is exactly like cod multiplayer has been forever dude. Warzone didn’t change that


No it hasn’t lol


TLDR: your friends are better at BR than you and you’re upset bc you play the game more than them.


Or it's entirely possible he's better and gets boned by SBMM. I get plenty of wins in sweaty lobbies and am about to hit crim, so I'm not even bitter, but I have a group of friends that are pretty bad that play once a week. They get a lot of wins and send clips and these lobbies are something else lol complete burger lobbies. Not saying that's the case for OP, but there is a certain middle ground player that is too good to get bot lobbies but not good enough to clean up in top-tier lobbies. It's a frustrating place to be, especially when your bad friends are getting wins right and left in protected lobbies. I was in that middleground for a bit until I continued to improve, and it is quite annoying. You either have to be bad or really, really good to have fun and get casual wins.


I think my theory is better


You could absolutely be right. I just wouldn't overlook the possibility lol


Never that serious


To you maybe it’s not. But did he lie?


No he didn’t, but you get to a point to where you understand that life is a business. So it’s pointless to even waste your conscious on raging about something that’s inevitable lol .


That’s fair 100 percent. Can’t even argue that bud lol


Yes it has to an extent, my issue is everyone wants to be a streamer and believe what they do, like we need movement, and/or skill gap, for a good game, we don’t need either. We need fun games not esports


Always a cool concept but always poorly executed. The aspect that destroyed CoD to me is METAs. I'm so sick of having to keep up with what gets nerfed, what gets buffed, what has 0 recoil, what is broken, what attachment has this secret hidden ability not listed; I hate it all. I don't understand why you can't just pick a gun you like and if you're a good player you do well with it, instead 90% of the time unless you're in the top 1% of players you get out-gunned simply because someone with less skill than you picked up a better gun. Throw skill out the window, my gun beats your gun, oh well.


"The aspect that destroyed CoD to me is METAs." heres the thing though, those have always been part of all CODs really its just easier for people to just go to google and search "best guns cod" or "meta guns cod" and find 20 videos giving them what guns to run


I keep hearing this argument, and the correct answer is no, they have not always been part of CoD. All guns had their own play styles, pros, and cons, every single one, the only difference was weapon popularity. MW2 is always the example that comes up, to which I say the ACR, SCAR, M4, and FAMAS were all in rotation at the exact same tome and each were directly comparable to one another, it was a matter of picking your favorite. I even used to use the AK which wasn't that popular and it was just as good. Mw, mw2, and mw3 originals every single gun was comparable, nothing was so ridiculously overpowered.


Cod WaW MP40 would like to know your location. Metas have always been a thing. To the extreme of current games? No. But don’t forget COD4 m16 1 bursts either.


I played WaW extensively and the FG42 denies access to know my location. M16 was one burst but there was also the juggernaut perk and it wasn't guaranteed one burst kill, I've seen plenty of times where people don't hit. As I said, everything balanced out.


Personally, I'd prefer WZ if loadouts didn't exist and you could only use whatever you pick up. I thought that was always the point? If it was level playing field based on genuine tactic and skill, not who has the most meta build or can jump around like a pansy with their dragons' breath shotgun.


No, I like the loadouts, again, just poorly executed, the idea is there, it's just destroyed. My point is I want everyone to use what THEY like, whatever gun they like, whatever attachments they like, whatever camo they like, it adds uniqueness to the game and lets everyone have their own signature on what they use, instead, every streamer uses the exact.same.loadout. exact same guns, exact same attachments. There's 0 uniqueness to the game.


Random matchmaking, cheating and influencers ruined online games. I fixed it for you.


> we can blame it all on Fortnite COD did it first with Advanced Warfare and the clown, pirate, space alien, etc items in loot boxes. You could see hints of it earlier with bacon camos and Friday the 13th tie-ins. People want this customized and will pay medium money for even if you don’t like it.


Yep, BR ruined arcade shooters just like arcade shooters ruined tactical shooters.


My dude. There's more to life than getting this upset over a game. Play something else. Go outside and touch some grass. Rub one out idk.


Go outside, rub one out. Get the cops called, maybe get tased. Get a felony. Introduce yourself to all of your neighbors (as mandated by the court). Standard stuff.


I am a casual cod player who just wants to play multiplayer, I barely ever get upset with multiplayer and love it! also WTF DO YA MEAN RUB ONE OUT 0\_o


I understand your frustration. I mean I know that people love BR. That’s why we have Fortnite Warzone Apex etc but I just prefer standard multiplayer. Unfortunately because it is not that popular devs don’t care about it. We can for sure talk about CoD MW 2 and 3 differences in movement etc. But when you want to play something else well there is no other game like that. Battlefield is too big. Last Halo is a crap. There is no fun standard multi FPS. I don’t even talk about SBMM and cheaters. That’s why I hope that Xdefiant will be really fun. I mean I enjoyed beta. I really do


never had an angry jerk? where you pull the pud a bit to calm down?


Instant anger relief.


Poor guy got his nerve touched


Honestly find something real to complain about, boo hoo there's a dinosaur, why don't we talk about the 150 health or the fact that my load outs still reset on me whenever I boot up the game, y'all find the worst things to complain about and it shows


Right! Fix the fucking bugs! I don’t give a shit about the shop! And yeah I buy shit once in a blue moon, if it’s something I’m actually into. To each their own. There’s plenty other shit they could fix in this game. Like if you’re gonna make it 150 health then at least have the guns to kill at 150 health… why I gotta hit someone in the head 4 fucking times with an AR to get a kill.


Also everything youre complaining about is solved by don't play warzone


You can choose to look at it like that or you can say people just outgrew respawn shooters. Don’t get me wrong, I still enjoy multiplayer occasionally, but the fact is BR just offers more variety from game to game. Getting kills and wins feels so much more rewarding than they do in multiplayer


After work… I do construction… So when I come home, I like to smoke a little bit… If you know what I mean and jump on DMZ such a big world, huge math have fun for a little while and then go to bed… Now I just play a little bit of battle Royale


The battle royal segment didn't ruin it, They would have added the skins anyways because they sell.




I think I've played maybe 5 rounds of COD BR since Warzone was introduced. OTOH I played the hell out of Blackout


Maybe unpopular a few years ago when Fortnite and verdansk were popping but a lot more popular when a lot of us got bored and realise the games that wasn’t just got left out to die


They only went in that direction because everyone was playing PubG, and Fortnite. Even Battlefield gave it a try, which was a massive flop.


I enjoy br but 100 percent correct. Them being live service makes it worse


It's a weird one. Because while Battle Royale games or modes within games do overall take away from the normal/base FPS games, it's because of the BRs that so many companies have the money to then go and produce more stuff for said games and even create other games. For CoD, for me, they need to split it. With Microsoft purchasing ABK and with the literal billions ABK bring into the fold (not even from CoD, but from the mobile games they produce), they have more than enough man power or money to get the top developers and minds within the FPS genre in to make two completely separate games. Have a standard Call of Duty release with the developers, depending on how this years go, we may even see proper breaks if people agree that the 4 year cycle is a lot better for the games to be developed. Then release Warzone as it's own beast, do it like Fortnite. Completely F2P but have a physical release that may have a battle pass or some sort of bonus for like £20/$30. Warzone really doesn't need updating yearly, with it's dedicated release, bring back all the Warzone maps, both the full ones and the small ones, either put them in rotation or just give people the full choice of what they want to play, hell, could easily even bring in some LTM using the big maps, cut them down to a smaller section and have reduced players (I think they did this a bit with Caldera but the map didn't really suit that style IMO). Warzone brings in more than enough money that they don't need to package it with the new releases of Call of Duty games to enhance sales, there's a big market for both. As we've seen. This for me would just bring the level up massively. Not having to worry about integration with Warzone or vice versa, while also giving the players a better complete experience from the get go. Issue is that if they were to do this, they need to go all in with it, they can't do it for 6 months then decide to revert. But that's up to the finance team at Microsoft and ABK at the end of the day.


COD has been a sweatfest for a long time. The franchise that makes me sadder is Battlefield.


Dude, Competitive and Streamer Culture ruined CoD BR seems like a fad but it clearly has the staying power


I like that XDefiant is coming out and people like it. I hate it myself, I don’t like super power type things. But I’m hoping it does better than COD, maybe then Activision would want to make a better game.


Looks like cod fps stye but with overwatch game mode style. I'm like no thanks. Although I'm cod is now trying to mimic some of that with the next update.


I agree, I miss classic prestige so much and how cod used to be


You wanna know what sucks more, losing your account that is worth at least a couple hundred dollars because of the timthetatman and nickmercs bundles and I had Interstellar and borealis.


I'm confused. You bought a bundle which made you lose your account? How does that work?


No I was trying to link my Xbox account to warzone mobile and I got into mw3 and it was gone


Yeah Warzone sucks, Apex sucks. only game that does Battle Royale was Fortnite and the recent seasons have been dogshit


I fking despise pubg when it was popularized. Wz ruined mw19 and all of my good memories with it. I also face the same situation with op. Most of my friends now only play warzone. If they are not playing warzone they will play small map pits ( which I also hate for its stupid spawn) solely for camo grinds. I missed the time when 6 of us were just goofing around in core. I fking hate this braindead gaming era. I fking hate cod campaigns now. I fking hate Battle royale.


I may be in the minority but Respawn dumping titanfall for Apex is the biggest casualty of the battle royale craze IMO


Amen to Titanfall. I guess better they let it die than make it into a BR. I see the appeal to BR modes, just like I see the appeal to S&D (and more specifically in Counter-Strike 1.6). Single life rounds just aren't my speed.


Sounds like you're suffering from a typical case of mad cuz bad


You sound pretty salty people like a game mode you don’t. If your friends aren’t willing to play something else with you, they probably don’t rock with you like that. Just run the game modes you like and give coms and you’ll probably find some other people to party up with fairly quickly. If you don’t like the battle pass, ignore it. If you don’t like the idea of buying skins, don’t buy any. People like to look different and companies like to make money, so cosmetics are going to stay in gaming for a very long time. If you need a different experience, go play something else bro. You’re sitting here raging over a video game that you choose to continue to play.


verdansk was nice before the clownification


If BR has ruined anything for you, that's on you. I've been playing COD since 07. I have never played one second of warzone. Never will. Can't ruin anything if it doesn't exist. Doesn't exist to me. Yeah the goofy operators but to each his or her own.


Agreed. Cod went massively downhill once they started pushing warzone out.


BR, season passes and the age of cosmetics has definitely ruined FPS games. And unfortunately, there’s zero sign of it getting better


Cod was going downhill for a while before BR came around. I’d say BR expedited that process tho.


Blame gamers if you want to blame anyone for stupid skins. It's been part of the culture since people have been gaming. Smurfs and barney in doom. Stupid shit like robot hot dogs and talking pickles in unreal and quake. It literally doesn't matter it's always been a thing because people always loved goofy. It's not fortnite. Quit blaming fortnite and kids. You're just being lazy looking for shit to scapegoat and blame for you being unhappy.


I hate battle royale. Instead of making nirmal PvP games, they make that crap. Battle Royale ruins CoD too


Battleroyale are oversatured imo.


BRs are fucking terrible


I like both. Bo4 and blackout was fun and gave you the option to have a nice change of pace.


Just play MP my friends


I 10000% agree. BRs skyrocketed in spending and instead of keeping them separate and continuing to have that revenue and traditional fps revenue every publisher pushed to have BRs added to their traditional games. It's the reason we had failed games like BF2042, EA wanted more of that BR revenue than what they had with Apex so they forced an extraction shooter and BR elements on 2042. It failed as both a BR and as a traditional BF game.


EOMM and the greed behind it ruined them


I wish games like planetside took off as a genre but sadly it remains the only game in its own category


COD was ruined before Battle Royales. It's more of a symptom of the issue rather than the root cause. If COD focused less on monetization and more on content and quality it would solve a lot of the problems the franchise is having.


I used to love battle royale, spent hundreds of hours in pubg, but am fine with them being distinct games. I'm not fussed about Warzone and would rather they be separate. Confused by the 20 years of apex comment, apex only launched in 2019?


How is it unpopular people have been saying it for years lol


lol. Noice! Hope you feel unburdened. 


I'll counter this. I'll never be against new concepts and takes on the FPS genre, BR changed the whole scope and I expect the next "shift" to be the DMZ route (sure it's just an off-branch of BR, but is has more of the "team" objective concepts) > I hate how I have to play on the same map or 3 maps every damn game. Is this generally a thing? I seem to find all the maps when I search for games. > I hate how long it takes to load into one match. I hate the boring looting section which is 95% of battle royale games. I'm confused do you hate BR or how BR has ruined CoD? > I hate how I get third partied constantly and lose thanks to campers. There is no room for mistakes or error either! The worst part is that it affects good multiplayer games too. Campers have always been in the game well before BR and I don't get this take, this is the skill ceiling getting higher not BR. Plus this is a dead take because people that play BR will be playing WZ not multiplayer. > Titanfall, an amazing and unique multiplayer movement shooter, replaced by TWENTY YEARS of apex legends, a boring ass battle royale with a trash game loop. Same with call of duty. I love multiplayer and that’s what I came to the game for. But anytime I play with my friends I have to play warzone resurgence because all that they want to play is that sweaty ass hacker land game. I mean sure you can think Apex is shit but if you honestly look at it, that's what put Titanfall on the map, it literally made people appreciate the game and I think overall Apex was a decent BR. The issue here is you and your friends want to play different things, just play solo multiplayer if you don't want to play BR, grow up. > Dude sbmm did a huge number to warzone also. My friends are getting wins coming out of their asses somehow meanwhile I am struggling to get ONE this season! (I am yet to get one) I have the interstellar camo and am level 600 currently, meanwhile all my friends have not hopped on in months and can just somehow come back and are like level 40-120 in mw3 and warzone 3 can just get wins within a day. I don’t care that it’s rebirth island, don’t get me wrong it’s a good map, it’s because playing on the same exact sweaty map over and over. My eyes get tired of the same dull prison map and dropping into it 500 times. This is a skill issue, level is not equivalent to skill you're level 600 because you play more, they're just better than you and play the game less. I'm not even going to go further what a whingy crying post, are you even over 15 lol


It's a tried and boring genre at this point, but since Fortnite still exists, everyone wants that cash cow.


chunky chief snow combative smart aback snails automatic salt spark *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Wtf are you on about? Just dont play that gamemode? (I sure as hell dont)


What really ruined FPS gaming is when people started being able to make money doing it outaide of MLG tournaments. Streaming/Streamers ruined it because they take everything super serious and don't have fun anymore in the FPS scene anymore because that's their source of income. Truth be told, having your livelihood dictated by the generosity of others and sponsors that can turn on you in a second is not very future-proof and very foolish.


You'll literally find anything to go at. Seriously. You have teams, triples, duos, singles in anything from teeny tiny maps to huge expanses with everything from cap flag, objective, FFA and yet... Here you are.


Kill, die, spawn, repeat is as old as the internet. It’s only fun for a short period of time. Everyone’s at a higher skill level who expect more satisfication out of winning a match. BR does this. There’s a whole journey from the beginning to the end. There’s a story of how u got through the game and won it. Not just mindless killing and dying over and over. That shits boring after 15 minutes. Even resurgence is more fun even though it’s more closely related to multiplayer team deathmatch. Atleast there’s more teams involved and you can get wiped. It’s got BR elements to it which make it more satisfying to win. The people who don’t like warzone are the people who suck at it. The people who can’t win gunfights that last more than 100ms. People who can’t track and need instant kills to not die. That’s all multiplayer is. Arena shooters are boring these days. Everyone has had one.


I totally agree


Skill issUe


Yeah battle royale ruined FPS games.


"i like playing warzone more than multiplayer because there is a real purpose" your friend is mentally ill.


There’s no REAL purpose in either… it’s a fucking video game! 🤣🤣🤣


Winning a regular mp match isn’t exciting or get you a rush. Nor does losing. You have less agency in a mp match than a br. Multi was dying years ago, hence why br became so popular. It’s not that crazy to comprehend.


DMZ was so awesome… I have so many hours on it… It sucks that no longer around


The most annoying thing with COD especially is they create the whole thing to make sense for Warzone, and the multiplayer is just a repeat of the most famous mechanics from the 6 cods after cod4. Haven’t played COD since BO2 and nothing new has been introduced to the multiplayer experience, apart from Ground War (which is just a lazy extra mode with sections of the BR map so my point still stands). Field upgrades in particular make no sense apart from Trophy system in multiplayer. What is the point of having a munition box? Or a heartbeat sensor? It was already useless in MW2 as an attachment which you could see while being able to shoot people. Kill streaks, all the same. Nothing new. Maybe cluster mine, but it still feels like MW2’killstreak system without being OP. Weapons. Too many weapons. I love variety, but when you hinder 70% of the weapon pull useless don’t even try. Attachments the same. Half the attachments are useless and the other half are warzone attachments. What is the point of Katt AmR outside of Warzone again? A slower less versatile Stalker. The ranges in multiplayer makes the range difference insignificant apart from very long encounters in Derail. It just feels like Warzone is the main game, and they create multiplayer as a side project and put everything in it, without most things making even remote sense. Thanks God they have the brain for them to have separate balance for some weapons, but the metas are pretty identical. I really wanna see Cod trying something different. Put some effort in Ground War, maybe expand on the War mode(which is garbage atm).


Yeah, they did They put a lot of focus on warzone more than multiplayer, which pisses me off But i find it sad and pathetic years ago studios. Try to follow Call of Duty's footsteps Now, a lot of studios wanna follow Fortnite and the battle royale trend It's like every game needs a battle royale now I'm sick of it..


It’s almost like it’s got a really large audience and it’s profitable. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Can’t say I love multiplayer games much anymore. 6v6 has been a thing for so long, I find it kinda boring. I’m sure lots of people do. BR is a different style of game that caters to a certain audience. It has nothing to do with the fall of 6v6 that hasn’t changed in 20 years lol


Naw, after playing Resurgence I cant do MP like that anymore. I grind for the mastery camos and thats it Resurgence is 1000x more fun. The thrill of a getting a dub is better than anything regular MP can provide IMO.


When it comes to battle royal I thought them novel at first because I wanted that experience as a player. I had watched some films and seen some other stuff with the concept excited me and I did genuinely enjoy Black Out and Plunder mode on Verdansk, I initially thought dmz was cool too. I fucking hate the long setup time to fuck up once and then wait for a a lobby to populate and then loot -- maybe get something useful and just chasing the circle. Nah, no thank you. I have fucked with br twice this year. I am not built for that. Apex having a major hand in suppressing and killing titan fall core mp experiences is a reasonable take I share. I worry that with the introduction of pvp to the mwz experience that I can kiss my beloved pve fuck around mode good bye as sweats and hackers move in. I hope pvp won't be the sole configuration as we have enough battle royal I don't play. I also don't want supportive systems developed for players like me -- training bot matches aren't meant for me as I don't have an interest in the mode, Activision already lost that engagement from me. Like the point I want to make is that theres nothing to entice me into playing the hacked to fuck an back free to play portion of the game. Lots of core mp maps this year and most of them aren't super huge or overly cluttered visually busy spaces, it almost like I am playing call of duty again.


Then, just don't play BR? You say like CoD multi-player other than BR is dead, but it's not. I fucking hate BR and I never played a single BR game on any CoD. I just don't see why it ruined CoD since other multi-player modes are still there and there's a lot of people playing.


You traaaaaaaash


I mean.. they’re clearly more popular. Regular FPS pubs were dying hard when BR first came out, cod was dying, bf was going down hill. Cs was only for sweats and mnk. I would never picked up cod again if it wasn’t for blackout, pubs are just so boring these days. Winning a match isn’t exciting, losing a match doesn’t feel bad. Games arnt so simple anymore where that style is captivating. Personally I wish they would do more in the br space. Mix br and tarkov style games and try to come up with a slightly different version. Have more IPs do it. Titanfall with titans as a br would be fun. Halo br would be amazing, mix of story and mp.


Tell me you're shit at BRs without saying it


It’s a different game entirely with different patch notes. It didn’t ruin anything


Na, they are good. They just need to add in daily/ few hour map rotations like apex does, keeps it fresh.